Proclaim ONLY the Word of God.
Sing, Speak, Confess, Declare, Stand on or Prophecy the Word of God
in advance of any manifestation


God's Promises/Word/Scripture is mainly SPEECH ACTIVATED. 
We need to rehearse it out loud, in same manner one would rehearse a song/music. 
It is also angels' manna and legal permission (POA) empowering them to act on our behalf.
In addition to political &/or government minders, there are also angelic minders:
Evil spirits do the bidding/accomodating of our negative speech, whereas holy angels/host do the bidding of our holy/positive speech.  In fact, even things around us, even weather, plants, water or our DNA often responds to our negative or positive speech.
M. Lynn Reddick relates in The 2 Minute Miracle (Portal Publishing Company) a story about a son named Bobby who slunk away to the Arizona desert.  His dad earnestly searched for him. 
Finally he yelled, "Bobby, come home."  4 times, each time facing north, south, east & west
God took those words & floated to him from Arkansas to Arizona onto the front porch of an old shack where he was stoned out of his mind. 
He rushed home to his dad.  Proverbs 18:21 Life & death are in the power of the tongue
Also cited by James Rutz in Mega Shift
Notice that the dad whispered/whimpered neither "Please," nor "Pretty please"... 
www.christlove.org along with others remind us to come boldly/aggressively before the throne. 
Satan, like a pit-bull, will not leave without a fight or a test, so that he will be convinced that we are serious & are his superior.  Even if we feel fear, we are to disregard it when in spiritual battles...
5/30/2004 Boston Sunday Globe's Parade
www.parade.com (edited)
title  We Are Our Words aptly captures what God intended by sending His word:
st in form of Jesus Christ, 2nd in the form of the Holy Spirit, 3rd in the form of Holy Scripture. 
However, God's words are not dead like Jesus who died, but alive like Jesus who rose from the dead. 
is words are more magic than the Harry Potter books. 
His words are more than flowers to the eyes, perfume to the nose, or music to the ears.
His words, for those WHO BELIEVE, raise people from the dead, & empty out insane asylums.
Lots of people say they do not believe.  Of course.  What they speak is what they get = nothing.
God believed.  God spoke. 
God created the universe & its contents with the thought in His head & the voice of His mouth. 
Do we ever act with such confidence & authority?  When we speak God's words, we are like a dragon spitting fire, but our fire is that of Holy Spirit.  That is because the words of God are ALIVE.
Holy Scripture's New Testament book John chapter 1 verse 1 starts off by saying, "In the beginning was the Word.  The Word was with God.  The Word was God." 
Verse 14 says, "The Word was made flesh & dwelt among us. 
We beheld His glory, the glory of the only begotten (son Jesus Christ) of the father, full of grace & truth." 
Doubters seldom have ever read the entire book of the Bible.  They seldom have witnessed a miracle. 
How can one personally know God, His son Jesus Christ, or the Holy Spirit at arm's length...
Father God spoke the earth and all its contents into being, not by his hands, nor by a magic wand, but by speaking them into existence.  Speech looses angels to work or binds angels from working. 
What we say is, in fact, what we get, blessings or cursings, our choice. 
Constantly repeating/retelling injuries/injustices of the past only strengthen the harm.  Critical/victimization evil spirits & their relatives need that divisive venom for food; they get fat & powerful on our unauthorized speech. 
Remember, the Holy Spirit says & does what He sees/hears Jesus saying/doing.
Jesus says & does what He sees/hears his Dad/Father God saying/doing. 
A child of God, needs to filter, like water, everything entering his mind & leaving his mouth.
Otherwise, we are polluting not only the atmosphere, but also our lives with bad breath. 
Spirits ride on our breath/speech...Let us be in praise/worship. 
Let us repeat what God says in scripture, so that whatever is happening in the 3rd heaven can be happening on the earth.  If we are repeating what the enemy or bad circumstances are presenting to us, then they can reproduce, thanks to our unchecked words. 
Do NOT repeat the same issue umpteen times to a counselor. 
"I'm depressed."  Week in and week out.  Instead, copy Jesus' example. 
See what scripture has to say that contradicts your problem. 
Then shout it aloud, "In the name of Jesus, _____________________________." 
Do this continually, hourly, weekly, monthly, yearly, until the enemy gets the message. 
He needs to be convinced...
James E Collins, pastor of Eagle Heights Services, Revere, Massachusetts, USA shares a story of 4 grand children, 2 who became insane & 2 who did not. 
When the 2 sane granddaughters shared why they were well & their 2 sisters were not, it was because of their testimonies.   The 2 ill sisters, out of fear, said that they would become like their grandmother. 
However, the 2 well sisters claimed the promises of God & proclaimed that they would stay well. 
God honored His spoken Word.  BEWARE of what you say.  (3/6/2005 radio broadcast AM 590)...
We apply God's word the way we would apply butter or jelly to a slice of bread or frosting to cake. 
 Paint in the can is of no use until it is applied to the house, canvas, etc...
For instance, we might have fear; so with a concordance we can look up & memorize all the scripture that refutes/ contradicts/exterminates fear...
Next we quote this scripture out loud to Satin when he comes to molest & temp us. Once is not enough. 
We may need, month 1, to quote scripture all day long; month 2, at every meal time & at bedtime.
Month 3, when fear rears it's head, from time to time...
Knowing, understanding, or thinking scripture will seldom defeat the enemy. 
We need to speak the Word of God out loud to God to remind Him & out loud to Satan to remind him. 
Satan is a legalist, point for point.  (Read Norvel Hayes' booklet The Number One Way to Fight the Devil.  Magnificent warfare manual.  Buy a case & pass them out.) 
Thinking might & whispering may, but lecturing/defending oneself boldly as in a courtroom will definitely do the job of intimidating & exterminating the enemy...
We can also say out loud, simply & boldly, "Fear, in the name of Jesus Christ, go." 
Resist the devil & he will flee is audio CD that might be encouraging. 
www.joycemeyer.org #A245
Joyce Meyer in 8/2004 Charisma magazine
www.charismamag.com in Confession Sessions shares that God spoke to her heart complimenting her for stopping negative talk, but urging her to begin positive talk. 
Joyce compiled a wish list that agreed with God's Word in scripture. 
She began confessing twice a day, claiming those things which did not yet exist & confessing God's word. 
That began a habit that continues to produce wonderful changes in her life. 
Joyce encourages us to overpower negative thoughts, which do not agree with scripture, with confessing OUT LOUD relevant contradictory scripture...
12/19/2007 Joyce Meyer's TV broadcast/rebroadcast shares what she understands as God's spoken Word to her, "It's not who you are talking to, that's the problem; it's the words
I have to listen to the words
!"  Before that, she felt convicted/ condemned/guilty when she complained/grumbled about others, so she had reverted to sharing with/confiding to her mate.  God did not appreciate that. 
Our invisible words affect the invisible spirit world. Satan was prince of the air waves. 
He rides/kidnaps/empowers our negative words.  Negativity is food/fodder for him.
2nd, we disarm God's angels sent to help/rescue us.  We remove their ability to help us. 
Angels are empowered by the Words of God (not those spoken words that contradict Him or His nature). 
Psalm 103:20 KJV
says, "Bless the Lord, you His angels, that excel in strength, that do His commandments, harkening to the voice of His Word." 
We need to IMMEDIATELY repent & stop/refrain from negativity in thought & in speech. 
Then we are to immediately praise others/self/God and make a habit of speaking aloud His Word.
wrote  Be Healed In Jesus Name + Battlefield of the Mind: Winning the Battle in Your Mind .  
She touches on the subject of spirits, which is NOT necessarily the usual cause of mental illness, but may contribute to the harassment of the mind of a person who loves the Lord....
Joyce, on page 56, encourages us "to pray in Jesus' name. 
By the power of His blood, come against 'mind-binding spirits.' 
Pray this way not just one time but any time you experience difficulty"...
On page 96, Joyce shows the importance of persistent Scripture quoting:

"There was a man who was sick & confessing the Word over his body, quoting healing Scriptures & believing for his healing to manifest. 
While doing so, he was intermittently attacked with thoughts of doubt.   After he had gone through a hard time & was beginning to get discouraged, God opened his eyes to the spirit world. 
This is what he saw: a demon speaking lies to him, telling him that he was not going to get healed & that confessing the Word was not going to work.  But he also saw that each time he confessed the Word, light would come out of his mouth like a sword, & the demon would cower & fall backward. 
As God showed him this vision, the man then understood why it was so important to keep speaking the Word.  He saw that he did have faith, which is why the demon was attacking him with doubt. 
Doubt is not something God puts in us. 
The Bible says that God gives every man a...measure of faith (Romans 12:3KJV). 
God has placed faith in our heart, but the devil tries to negate our faith by attacking us with doubt.
Doubt comes in the form of thoughts that are in opposition to the Word of God. 
This is why it is so important for us to know the Word of God. 
If we know the Word, then we can recognize when the devil is lying to us. 
Be assured that he lies to us in order to steal what Jesus purchased for us through His death & resurrection." 
(All publication credits go to Joyce Meyer Ministries) - www.joycemeyer.org

We can quote, out loud, scripture to God, reminding Him of His promises. - A most awesome healing scripture CD is Healing: God's Medicine read by Dr Ed Montgomery www.heaveninyourheart.com
AB life product #2105-2 @ 1-713-972-3821... We can speak not only TO infirmities, diseases, evil & demons, but also TO situations, in the name, power & authority of Jesus Christ. 
For example, I speak TO you, "Cancer, depart & never return, in the name of Jesus."

Dr Dobson aired on 1/10-11/05 Focus on the Family radio broadcast Amazing Faith: A Tsunami Story an awesome testimony of Pastor Dayalan Sanders speaking to the storm during the Tsunami waves in Sri Lanka due to the ocean earthquake.
www.family.org - Mark 4:39 KJV -
He (Jesus) arose & rebuked the wind, & said to the sea, "Peace, be still." 
The wind ceased, & there was a  great calm...
On 5/5/2007 TV broadcast
www.pastoranne.org Anne Gimenez contends that what we speak is what we must believe, especially what we speak in the name of Jesus.  We are not compelled to believe what another such as Benny Hinn speaks/says, but we are compelled to trust/cling to what we believe. 
(God wants to honor in each generation what we speak, in His name. 
Satin wants to honor what we speak in his behalf. 
Remember, according to quantum physics, that the smallest thing is the sound wave.
God spoke everything into existence.  There is a wrong saying, "Seeing is believing." 
In actuality, the reverse is true, "Really believing will result in really seeing")...

Myles Munroe of Bahamas Faith Ministry Fellowship International, Bahamas told Benny Hinn
www.bennyhinn.org that God has placed His word above His name.  Man is a spirit in a dirt body. 
The legal man is spirit plus dirt. God's words spoken aloud is His law. 
Satin can use against us our wrong  words. 
Our prayers are an earthly license for heavenly Godly interference. 
God heals by our permission.  We need to speak His word & not wrong words.  Imperative...
We can counter what the enemy whispers to our mind with what God thinks in scripture. 
Lies that we continually contradict with scripture will eventually get from our mouth & head into our heart.  When Satan says to our mind, "I do not feel saved," we need to refute with, "God is NOT a liar."  When Satan says, "I do not feel loved," we need to refute with, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son." 
We need to continually align ourselves with God's truth, minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day. 
Truth is NOT how I perceive myself, but how God perceives me, which is always in love & mercy. 
Counseling can be dangerous if counselors contradict the word of God or fail to feed us on God's word. 
If we rely on emotions over God's word, we are cooperating with a lie...

Derek Prince admonishes us to memorize all scripture that contradicts the garbage/deceit/lies Satan attempts us to accept as truth/compromise.  Especially memorize scripture about the blood of Jesus...
We can apply the word of God during communion
The communion bread represents the body of Christ that took upon itself all our infirmities...

53:4-5 "He took up our infirmities & carried our sorrows...By His wounds we are healed." 
We can appropriate our healing when we take the bread. 
The communion wine represents the blood of Christ that was shed for the remission of sins...

Matthew 26: 27-28
 "Then He took the cup, gave thanks & offered it to them, saying, 'Drink from it, all of you.  This is My blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.'"

J H Hampsch in Healing Your Family Tree , at the end of his healing services & the beginning of Eucharist, encourages each person "to pray that the blood of Jesus which was shed on Calvary will now be applied to that person's own bloodline-the lineage of the living & the dead...also that anything that is preventing one from a healthy or holy life, or an emotionally stable life, would be removed
As the bondage is cut from the past & future generations, each 1 is encouraged to pray that the control of these things be now transferred to Jesus, the Lord of the universe, the King of creation, the One who is really in control"... The word of God can be applied during the Lord's Prayer that Jesus taught His disciples. 
Each time we pray, "DELIVER US FROM EVIL" or "DELIVER US FROM THE EVIL ONE" we are praying a prayer for deliverance
Now we can begin to appropriate those once dead meaningless words as they become life to us. 
They are said at at daily & weekly mass, so if you are Catholic they can become a routine tool of protection for you, if you so choose to attend.  Otherwise, anyone, anywhere can say the Lord's Prayer...
We can quote scripture replacing our name with relevant pronouns & words. 
For instance, "For God so loved the world (ME/TOM/Jill/Andy) that He gave His begotten Son,
that whosoever should believe in Him should not perish but have everlasting life
A most important question to ask yourself, after you have done everything in all the books & all the sermons, is did I receive my healing when I prayed over myself.  Did I receive my healing when I was 1st prayed over? 
There is only 1 instance in scripture where Christ prayed over anyone twice. 
For the majority of Christians, the problem is that we do not receive what is given to us at the time of impartation.  WE are NOT TAKING the INVISIBLE healing. 
Remember, Jesus cursed the fig tree, but it was not until the next day that the disciples saw that tree withered.  There is usually a space of time between the Holy Spirit leaving the one praying over us for healing, the time the Holy Spirit enters us, & the time of the evidence of the healing. 
This is the time of ACCEPTANCE, BELIEF & THANKSGIVING in a heart that TRUSTS the Lord Jesus. 
That is 1 secret why many are healed & many are NOT healed.  Our failure to trust.  However, it is not too late... 
If we have been prayed over & we finally believe, take Jesus at His word. 
Then there is little reason for God not to begin to heal us, even if it is in baby steps. 
He may need us to mature socially, emotionally, intellectually, whatever.
Satan had too much, too fast & it ruined him; so be patient with both God & with yourself. 
Remember, it takes an invisible baby 9 months to become apparent at birth. 
Each month we get more hints that it is on its way to landing in our arms.  With our human eyes we see nothing.  Nonetheless it is real.  A seed is a tree, but the tree only becomes visible over time. 
God only requires our trust to be the size of a mustard seed.  Let us begin to trust.

The armour of God is:
1    receiving Jesus Christ as my personal savior:
     Jesus, I acknowledge that You are the Son of God.
     I apologize for my sins & the sins of my parents & their families.
     I ask you to forgive us.
     I receive that forgiveness as promised in holy scripture.
     I accept this forgiveness based on faith in Your word & not on my feelings.
     I thank You for nailing our sins & diseases to the cross 2000 years ago.
     Thank You for your blood & broken body sacrificed on the cross on behalf of me.
     I am grateful that now my past & diseases are erased in heavenly places
     Now please help me to claim, like Moses & Joshua, Your promises in earthly places.
The armour of God is:
2    receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit
    Jesus, I ask You to baptize me with Your Holy Spirit
    that You might have the power to accomplish Your will
    in my life, my body, my family, my city, my nation, my generation
    that I might love You intimately
    that I might do signs & wonders
    for Your glory & Your recognition, not mine,
    that my sorrows might flee
    that I might dance in Your embrace with exceeding joy.

Some people call this baptism the empowerment or equipping for the sanctification of our soul for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.  In reality, it is just like a remodeling job, whereby the contractor rehabilitates
(or a house or apartment for the new tenant (or owner)... The new tenant is our Lord Jesus Christ or His Holy Spirit as the security deposit on our condo, office or whatever is being readied. 
The only difference is that our remodeling takes a lifetime, rather than a few months or few years...

1st Thessalonians 5:23-24
 - May God Himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through & through. 
May your whole spirit, soul & body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 
The One Who calls you is faithful & will do it...
Jesus did not die so that we would be perfect in heaven after we die. 
He died so we would become more perfect day by day here on earth. 
We are Christ's siblings.  We have an earthly father, but also a Father who is God. 
God is requiring that we become groomed to be like Jesus our brother.  To do on earth what Jesus did. 
To raise the dead.  We are royalty.  Do not continue to look at the past.  Do not continue to look at today. 
Look at the future here on earth & realize the potential you have with the Holy Spirit operating through you...
When we become adopted into God's royal family, we need to be schooled in His spiritual etiquette. 
On our own we are useless, but with the Holy Spirit as our tutor, we will get our diploma.  We are legally a member of God's family, but we need to be taught how to operate & especially how to think as a member of royalty. 
We have to throw away alot of our old ingrained bad thought patterns, as He reveals to us what (or Whose) they are.  We need to learn that a lot of our bothersome thoughts & emotions are from the pit of hell. 
We need to learn to learn that a lot of our problems & diseases are from unconfessed sin, ours & our parents. 
We need to learn that a lot of incurable diseases are inherited, not only from our biological families but also from generational spirits.  Have we confessed the sins' of our ancestors...
Are we the family gossip, the office gossip, the town gossip, the church gossip?  Is it our personal job to share everyone's personal shortcomings, so others will either pray for them or understand them? 
Do we continue to repeat year in & out the woes of our past to whomever needs to be educated, to another doctor, to another counselor, to another pastor, to another mate?  Let us wake up. 
Satin would have us continuously SPEAK our curses & not our blessings. 
We are speaking our curses into existence. 
Satan has a legal toehold in our life, until we learn to shut up and instead SPEAK up God's word in scripture. 
For every curse in our life we need to speak only the opposite, which is the word of God in the Bible. 
Otherwise, we are empowering the enemy AND unplugging God's power in our lives.  
It is no wonder that born again & spirit filled Christians, sons of God, are impotent. 
It is no wonder that scripture says that at the end of time Christ will turn away those who say they did miracles in Jesus name.  The "need" to pray for others in a group, sometimes is gossip.  Are we "sharing" other's secrets? 
Are we "mentoring" our staff & children or are we "transferring a spirit of gossip"?  Lord, give us discernment... 
Matthew 8:19-27NIV   "Every tree that brings not forth good fruit is hewn down & cast into the fire. 
By their fruits you shall know them.  Not every one that says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter into the kingdom of heaven, but he that does the will of My Father which is in heaven. 
Many will say to Me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name? 
(we not) in Your name cast out devils?  Have (we not) in Your name done many wonderful works?' 
Then I will profess to them, 'I never knew you.  Depart from Me
(If a doctor asks us a question, perhaps we could give a yes or no, but not a 20 page speech.) 
If we are still stuck in the mud with our old problems weighing us down, then look to see if our anchor is mired in the past.  We lily white saints are often dirty with unforgiveness, bitterness, grudges, aches & pains that have festered for years instead of being immediately turned over to God, without being an Indian giver & taking them back again each day for the rest of our lives.  We do this by the power of the Holy Spirit in us. 
We must never allow our feelings to control what we do, think, or say lest we give Satan a legal foothold into our lives.  If we have a physical or mental disability, then we must enlist the church as well as our family to support us, especially in prayer.  Even 1 person is a group to God who says, "Where 2-3 are gathered in My name, there I am also"...
LUKE 15:31
- Son, you are ever with me & all that I have is yours
If we change the me in this scripture to Me, we begin to realize that our spiritual inheritance is yesterday, today & tomorrow, because Jesus provided all our assets 2000 years ago. 
Let us not be jealous of those who get their hands dirty & get the goods. 
Rather let them be an example to us to go for the gold. 
Let us not be impotent & miss the blessings that are already ours, but we have never availed ourselves of...
Jesus' body died, was resurrected & went to heaven.  He left us a spiritual inheritance. 
The executor is the Holy Spirit.  We are the beneficiary. 
We need to speak to the Holy Spirit and ask Him to release the inheritance.  What do we want? 
Salvation, healing, health, finances, _____________  ? 
Whatever Christ accomplished on the cross, is available to us now. 
We do not need to ask or beg God for it.  We already have it.  God does not have it.  Jesus does not have it. 
We have it.  As a beneficiary of Jesus & child of God, that power/gift of the Holy Spirit/blessing is already ours. 
Ask & you shall receive.  We have all in Christ Jesus.  We have His blood.  We have His name. 
We have His Spirit.  We have His power.  All we need to do is speak/apply what we have. 
Did you not know?  Did no one tell you?  Did you not read your Bible? 
Did you not talk with your God in heaven.  Did you not talk with Jesus in prayer? 
God spoke EVERYTHING into existence through speech (not thought).  Speak your cancer into oblivion. 
Speak your marriage into bliss.  Speak your insanity into nothingness.  Speak your children into safety. 
Most of all, speak only the words of God.  Speak only the words of Jesus Christ. 
Speak only the words of the Holy Spirit.  Nothing is finer.  Nothing is sharper. 
There is no better weapon than the sword of speaking the words of scripture found in the Bible...
CONFESSION of God's good ideas brings blessings, whereas
CONFESSION of negative/evil/Satan's ideas/feelings brings POSSESSION/depression/oppression/demonization/hospitalization/curses.
Therefore, choose this day what to allow to come out of your mouth.
If you have continually (year after year) gone to a counselor/doctor/psychologist/psychiatrist
STOP CONFESSING, giving voice to, all the wrong things in your life. 
Instead, CONFESS all the right things in your life +
GO to confession at your church/synagogue.

Old Testament

GENESIS 1:3 - God SAID (out loud), "Let there be light.
GENESIS 1:6 - God SAID (aloud), "Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters."
GENESIS 1:9 - God SAID, "Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together to one place
                        & let the dry land
(earth) appear.
GENESIS 1:11 - God SAID, "Let the earth bring forth grass...& the fruit tree."
GENESIS 1:14 - God SAID, "Let there be lights in the firmament of heaven."
GENESIS 1:20 - God SAID, "Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that has life & fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.
GENESIS 1:24  God SAID, "Let the earth bring forth the living creature after its kind."
GENESIS 1:26 KJV - God SAID, "Let US (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) make man in Our image, after Our likeness. 
Let them
(men/humans) have dominion."  [God did not think things into existence. 
His mouth/tongue/words created rather than His thoughts/hands/fingers. 
Since Jesus/Yeshua is the body/flesh of God, it is His mouth & tongue that spoke things out loud into existence (into any listening ears) via the wind/breath of the Holy Spirit.]
GENESIS 10:8-10 TLB in Kwikscan -
8One of the descendants of Cush was Nimrod, who became the 1st of the kings. 
9He was a mighty hunter, blessed of God. 
10The heart of his empire included Babel, Erech, Accad, & Calneh in the land of Shinar.
GENESIS 11:1-9 TLB in Kwikscan -
1At that time all mankind spoke a single language. 
2As the population grew & spread eastward, a plain was discovered in the land of Babylon. 
3The people who lived there began to talk about building a great city, with a temple-tower reaching to the skies, a proud eternal monument to themselves. 
4"This will weld us together," they said, "& keep us from scattering all over the world." 
So they made great piles of hard burned brick & collected bitumen to use as mortar. 
5But when God came down to see the city and the tower mankind was making,
6He said, "Look! If they are able to accomplish all this when they have just begun to exploit their linguistic & political unity, just think of what they will do later.  Nothing will be unattainable for them. 
7Come, let Us go down & give them different languages, so that they won't understand each other's words.
8So, in that way, God scattered them all over the earth; that ended the building of the city. 
9That is why the city was called Babel (meaning 'confusion'), because it was there that Jehovah confused them by giving them many languages, thus widely scattering them across the face of the earth.
[Spiritual insight: The citizens were using (knowingly or unknowingly) a spiritual principle to accomplish great things (for the kingdom of darkness).  The spiritual principle is that what you believe & say (speak out loud) you get.  Notice also that they spoke their own punishment/consequence into existence, since their motives were not in alignment with God's will.]

EXODUS 14:14-16 NIV - "The Lord will fight for you.  You need only to be still." 
Then then Lord said to Moses, "Why are you crying out to Me
(You,) Tell the Israelites to move on
(You,) Raise your staff
(You,) Stretch out your hand over the sea to divide the water, so the Israelites can go through the sea on dry ground."
[Let us evict/loose the dependency/welfare mentality & partner with indwelling Holy Spirit to raise the dead, terrorize the terrorizer, evict the demon, replace curses with blessings for self & for others, in Jesus' name.]

NUMBERS 20:6-9,11-13 - Alexander Harkavy Jewish translation 
Moses & Aaron went from the presence of the assembly unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation.
They fell upon their faces & the glory of the Lord appeared unto them. 
The Lord spoke unto Moses, saying,
8"Take the rod, gather the assembly together, you & Aaron thy brother & SPEAK ye unto the rock before their eyes; it shall give forth its water & thou shalt bring forth to them water out of the rock; so thou shalt give the congreation & their beasts drink."  
9Moses took the rod from before the Lord, as He commanded him... 
11Moses lifted up his hand & (in disobedience) with his rod he (instead of speaking
TO the rock) SMOTE (hit/struck) the rock twice; the water came out abundantly &
the congregation drank & their beasts also. 
12The Lord spoke to Moses & Aaron, "Because ye believed (& obeyed) Me not, to sanctify (honor/glorify/magnify) Me in the eyes of the children of Israel; thefore (as a consequence/punishment) ye shall not bring this congregation into the land which I have (already) given (promised/ deeded to) them. 
13This is the water of Meribah; because the children of Israel strove with the Lord & he was sanctified (shown/revealed/exposed/known/reputed to be holy/amazing/powerful/almighty) in (among) them."
NUMBERS 22:35 KJVer - "Only the Word that I (God) speak to you, that shall you speak."
NUMBERS 23:16-20 NIV -
16The Lord met with Balaam & put a message in his mouth & said, "Go back to Balak & give him this message...
18...Arise Balak, & listen; hear Me, son of Zippor
19God is NOT a man (or Satan), that He should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind. 
Does He
(God) speak & then not act?  Does He (God) promise & not fulfill
20I have received (from the Lord) a command to bless.
He has blessed & I (myself, Satan or any human) cannot change it." 
21No misfortune is seen...no misery observed...The Lord their God is with them...
23There is no sorcery...no divination...It will now be said..., See what God has done.' 
24The people rouse like a lioness. 
They rouse themselves like a lion that does not rest till he devours his prey & drinks the blood of his victims
NUMBERS 23:19b KJVer - Has He said & shall He not do it; or has He spoken & shall He not make it good? [Prayer:  Lord, we lay claim to & echo Your Word in Numbers 23:19
We cling to the horns/corners of Your alter. 
We EXPECT You to honor Your Word, for You are the truth.  It is Satan who is the liar. 
We plead Your Son's shed blood. Thank You for honoring Your Word out of Your mouth right now.  
In Jesus our Messiah's name. Amen.  LISTEN to:
Brooks, Steven - http://www.sidroth.org/site/News2?abbr=rad_&page=NewsArticle&id=7289&news_iv_ctrl=1121
4/28-5/2/2008 -
http://www.sidroth.org/site/PageServer?pagename=rad_archives -
5/2/2008 radio broadcast tells us
(1) that the HOPE diamond necklace is divine expectancy (2) that what He promises us will come to pass at any moment & (3) that the key to final victory is PRAISE. God's angel told Steven, "That's why you were allowed to find them (your keys). Praise is the lost key to victory."]
NUMBERS 24:12-13 - 12Balaam answered Balak...13"I could not do anything of my own accord, good or bad, to go beyond the command of the Lord.  I must say only what the Lord says."

JOSHUA 1:1,8 KJVer - The Lord spoke to Joshua, son of Nun, Moses' minister, saying,
"This book of the law shall not depart out of (be removed from) your mouth.
(You shall continually speak it aloud.) You shall meditate therein (upon holy scripture)
day & night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written therein. 
Then you shall make your way prosperous and then you shall gave good success
JOSHUA 6:2- NIV - The Lord said to Joshua, "See, I have delivered Jericho into you hands, along with its king & its fighting men.  March around the city once with all the armed men.  Do this for 6 days.  Have 7 priests carry trumpets of rams' horns in front of the ark (of the covenant)On the 7th day, march around the city 7 times, with the priests blowing the trumpets.  When you hear them sound a long blast on the trumpets, have all the people give a loud shout.  Then the wall of the city will collapse."

1st SAMUEL 17:45 NIV - David said to the Philistine (Giant), "You come against me with the sword, spear & javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty."

2nd SAMUEL 7:25 KJVer - Now, O Lord God, the Word that You have spoken concerning Your Servant & concerning His house, establish it forever & do as You have said.

2nd KINGS 6:18 - Elisha prayed to the Lord and said, "Strike this people with blindness, I pray." 
So He struck them with blindness according to the word of Elisha.

JOB 5:19 KJV - He shall deliver you in 6 troubles, yes in 7 no evil shall touch you.
JOB 6:25 KJV - How forcible are right words.
JOB 22:22 TNAB - Receive, please, instruction from His mouth, & lay up His words in your heart.
JOB 22:28 TNAB - You will also decree a thing & it will be established for you.
JOB 42:5-6 TNAB - 5.I (Job) had heard of You by word of mouth, but now my eye has seen You. 
6Thefore, I disown what I have said, and repent in dust & ashes.

PSALM 19:1-4 NIV - The heavens DECLARE the glory of God; the skies PROCLAIM the work of His hands. 
Day after day they pour forth SPEECH; night after night they display knowledge. 
There is no SPEECH or LANGUAGE where their VOICE is not HEARD. 
Their VOICE goes out into all the earth, their WORDS to the end of the world.
PSALM 33:6 KJV -
By the (spoken) word of the Lord were the heavens made & all the host of them by the breath of His mouth.
PSALM 33:9 KJV - He spoke and it was done.  He commanded & it stood fast.
PSALM 89:34 NKJV - My covenant I will not break, nor alter the Word that has gone out of My lips.
http://biblehub.com/psalms/91-7.htm -
may fall at your side, 10,000 at your right hand, but it (harm) will not come near you."
PSALM 107:2 KJVer - Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom He has redeemed from the hand of the enemy.  
(Spiritual insight: Let the redeemed declare in advance, as in a war cry.  Derek Prince in War in Heaven
says we are to declare often, "Through the blood of Jesus, I am redeemed out of the hand of the devil.") 
PSALM 107:20 KJVer - He sent His word & healed them & delivered them from their destructions.
PSALM 118:10-12 - In the name of the Lord I cut them (the enemy) off...
In the name of the Lord I cut them off...In the name of the Lord, I cut them off
PSALM 118:16,21-22 - The Lord's right hand has done mighty things...
I will give You thanks, for You answered me...
The Lord has done this.
PSALM 119:89 - Forever, O Lord, Your word is settled in heaven.

PROVERBS 18:21 KJV - Death and life are in the power of the tongue.   
ISAIAH 11:5 KJV - He shall strike the earth with the rod of His mouth. 
With the breath of His lips He shall slay the wicked.
ISAIAH 55:11 NKJV - So shall My (spoken) word be that goes forth from My mouth. 
It shall not return to Me void
, but it shall accomplish what I please
It shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.
ISAIAH 48:3 KJV - "I have declared the former things from (at) the beginning. 
They went forth out of My mouth
I shewed
(showed/revealed) them.  I did (speak) them suddenly and they came to pass."
ISAIAH 49:2 KJV - He hath  made my mouth like a sharp sword.
ISAIAH 58:1 KJVer - "Cry ALOUD.  Spare not.  Lift up your voice like a trumpet."
ISAIAH 58:13-14 KJVer - "Call the Sabbath a delight, the holy of the Lord, honorable. 
Honor Him, not doing your own ways, nor finding your own pleasure, nor speaking your own words
Then delight yourself in the Lord.  I will cause you to ride upon the high places of the earth & feed you with the heritage of Jacob your father
," for the mouth of the Lord has spoken it.
(Spiritual insight: What moves mountains is not our thoughts, but God's words spoken aloud by us.)
ISAIAH 59:20-21 NIV -
"The Redeemer (Jesus Christ) will come...to those...who repent of their sins," declares the Lord (God). 
"As for Me, this is My covenant with them," says the Lord.  "My (Holy) Spirit, Who is on (upon) you, & My words (holy scripture) that I have put in your mouth will not depart (decease/desist/become null & void) from your mouth (heart/DNA/spiritual reality/Truth), or from the mouths of your children (seed) or from the mouths of their descendants (seed's seed) from this time on & forever," says the Lord.
(Spiritual insight: Scripture says that the word of God became flesh & dwelt among us. 
We recognize this to be Jesus Christ. 
God/Jesus/Holy Spirit will not leave us once we have invited Him the Trinity into our hearts.)

1The words of Jeremiah the son of Hilkiah, of the priests who were in Anathoth in the land of Benjamin,
2to whom the Lord's Word came in the days of Josiah the son of Amon, king of Judah, in the 13th year of his reign. 
3It came also in the days of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah, king of Judah, until the end of the 11th year of Zedekiah the son of Josiah, king of Judah, until the carrying away of Jerusalem captive in the 5th month. 
4Then the Word of the Lord came to me, saying, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you;
before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations
Then I said, :Ah, Lord God.  Behold, I cannot speak, for I am a youth." 
7But the Lord said to me, "Do not say, 'I am a youth,' for you shall go to all whom I send you. 
Whatever I command you, you shall speak

8Do not be afraid of their faces, for I am with you to deliver you," says the Lord. 
9Then the Lord put forth His hand & touched my mouth. 
The Lord said to me, "Behold, I have put My Words in your mouth
10See, I have this day set you over the nations & over the kingdoms,
to root out & to pull down; to destroy & to throw down; to build & to plant
JEREMIAH 1:12 NIV - http://biblehub.com/jeremiah/1-12.htm The Lord said to me,
"You have seen correctly, for I am watching to see that My Word is fulfilled." or 
KJV "I will hasten My Word to perform it"(as it is spoken out loud by Me or by you. 
We speak His Word which is alive, but His Holy Spirit performs it).
JEREMIAH 6:19  KJV - "Hear, O earth.  Behold, I will certainly bring calamity on this people, the fruit of their thoughts, because they have not heeded My Words nor My law, but rejected it."
JEREMIAH 15:19 NIV - This is what the Lord says, "If you repent, I will restore you, that you may serve Me. 
If you utter
(speak) worthy (not worthless) words, you will be My spokesman."
JEREMIAH 23:29 NIV - "Is not My Word like fire," declares the Lord "& like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces?http://biblehub.com/ezekiel/12-25.htm - "
I will speak the word & will perform it, said the Lord GOD."

 - The word of the Lord came to me (place your name here),
"Son of man, (place your name here) set your face against Sidon (place the name of Satan/your problem/disease here).  Prophesy against her & say, 'This is what the Sovereign Lord says,...
"(In the name of Jesus, the problem is loosed from ___________.  No more will this problem reoccur. 
In the name of Jesus, I command all harm done to be reversed. 
In the name of Jesus, I command all harm intended by the enemy to be cancelled. 
I ask You to come immediately & fill all vacancy with Your Holy Spirit. 
I ask You to send holy people & angels to minister to spirit, mind & body. 
I praise You Father God in advance of any evidence. 
I praise you that it is accomplished, regardless of remaining symptoms. 
Your answer is accomplished in the spiritual world, where You are supreme over all evil. 
Your answer is accomplished in the flesh, even though we may not recognize it. 
The seed in the ground is a complete tree.  The fetus in the womb is a complete person. 
At creation what You determined in Your mind came to pass as You spoke it into being. 
Adam & eve contained the seed/DNA of the entire world, even to the end of humanity, due to Your spoken thoughts.  When we became Your spiritual kids, through the blood line of Jesus Christ,
we too found that we also have Your blood line, Your power to speak into being, things that are not. 
Praise You forever.)
EZEKIEL 33:1-2 KJV - The Word of the Lord came unto me, saying,
"Son of man, speak TO the children of your people & say to them."
EZEKIEL 35:1 KJV - The Word of the Lord came unto me, saying,
EZEKIEL 36:1 KJV - "Son of dust, prophesy TO Israel's mountains. 
Tell them
, 'Listen to this message from the Lord.
EZEKIEL 37:1-10 TLB - 1The power of the Lord was upon me & I was carried away (translated) by the (Holy) Spirit of the Lord to a valley full of old, dry bones that were scattered everywhere across the ground. 
He led me around among them. 
3Then He said to (asked) me, "Son of dust, can (do you expect) these bones (to live) become people again?" 
I replied, "Lord, You alone know the answer to that." 
4Then He told me to speak (talk/prophesy) TO the bones.
Say (command), "O dry bones, (limbs, head, feet, organs, DNA, soul & spirit), Listen to the words of God, for 
5the Lord says, 'See.  I am going to make you live & breathe again. 
6I will replace the flesh & muscles on you & cover you with skin. 
I will put breath
(life/human spirit/God's spirit) into you. 
You shall live & know
(recognize/acknowledge) I am the Lord.'" (your doctor/savior/redeemer/resurrection/life).
7I spoke (aloud/talked/prophesied) these words from God, just as He told me to
Suddenly there was a rattling noise from all across the valley. 
The bones of each body came together & attached to each other as they used to be. 
8As I watched, the muscles & flesh formed over the bones, skin covered them, but the bodies had no breath (life/human spirit/eternal life). 
9Then He told me to call (prophesy/decree) TO the wind (breath).
Say, "The Lord God says
, 'Come from the 4 winds, O (Holy) Spirit.
Breathe upon these slain bodies (DNA with their spirits & souls), that they may live again
10So I spoke TO the winds as He commanded me & the bodies began breathing. 
They lived & stood up, a very great army. (Spiritual insight:
It is the human spirit of a person that is the real person, who can have eternal life in heaven or hell.)
EZEKIEL 37:14 - "Then you shall know that I, the Lord, have spoken & performed it (through your voice/prophecy/declaration/decree)," says the Lord.  (Spiritual insight: As we align with God to enforce by SPEAKING/prophesy His word, we allow Holy Spirit to operate His resurrection power in our lives.)

HOSEA 6:5 TNAB - "I have slain them by the words of My mouth."

JOEL 2:11 KJVer -
The Lord shall utter His voice
before His army. His camp is very great. He is strong Who executes His Word.
(Spiritual Insight: Today we are His voice/mouth/tongue on the earth.)

New Testament

Then Jesus was led into the wilderness by the (Holy) Spirit to be tested by the devil. 
2After He fasted 40 days and 40 nights, He was hungry. 
When the one who was testing, the devil, came, he said to Him, "If You are (really) the Son of God (Messiah/born-again man/Spirit baptized man/rabbi/God wearing flesh),
You must now say (do/ command) a miracle to alleviate Your hunger) that these stones would become bread." 
But when He answered, Jesus said, "It has been  written (in Deuteronomy 8:3 Torah) 'Man will not live on bread alone, but upon every word going out through the mouth of God. (& now echoed/applied/enforced/established today through My mouth)'"  (Spiritual insight: Our mouth is also a weapon.)
MATTHEW 4:4 NIV - Jesus answered, "It is written..."(in 1st Kings 19:8 of the Torah/Old Testament)
MATTHEW 4:7 NIV - Jesus answered him, "It is also written..."(in Deuteronomy 6:16 of the Torah)
MATTHEW 4:10 NIV - Jesus said to him, "Away from Me, Satan; for it is written..."
(Spiritual insight: Jesus is our model on how to speak to Satan during spiritual warfare. 
We quote aloud scripture by chapter and verse to contradict each lie of the enemy.)
MATTHEW 4:10 TPNT - Then Jesus said to him, "You must immediately go back where
you came from, Satan; for it has been written
, (in Deuteronomy 6:13 of the Torah/Old Testament) 
'You will worship the Lord your God and you will serve only Him.'"
MATTHEW 6:9-13 NIV - "This, then is how you should pray, 'Our Father Who is in heaven, Hallowed is Your name.  May Your kingdom come. May Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. 
Give us this day our daily bread & forgive us debts
(trespasses) as we forgive our debtors (trespassers) & lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil (the evil one).'"
MATTHEW 7:7-8 NIV - "Ask & it will be given to you; seek, & you will find; knock & the door will be opened to you. 
Everyone who asks receives, & he who seeks finds; to him who knocks the door will be opened
MATTHEW 8:8-10,13 KJV - The centurion answered, "Lord I am not worthy that You should come under my roof. 
(ALOUD) the Word (Your Command) only and my servant shall (definitely/surely) be healed
I am a man under authority, having soldiers under me.  I say to this man, 'Go,' & he goes. 
To another, 'Come,' and he comes.  To my servant, 'Do this,' & he does it."   When Jesus heard it, He marveled & said to them that followed, "Verily I say to you, O have not found so great faith in Israel"...
13Jesus said to the centurion, "Go your way.  As you have believed, so be it done to you.
His servant was healed in the same hour.
MATTHEW 8:16-17 NIV - 16.He drove out the (evil) spirits with a (spoken) word and healed ALL who were sick,
17that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah (chapter 53) the prophet, saying,
"He Himself (the Messiah) took our infirmities & bore our sicknesses." (Also see Romans 4:25 & 1st Peter 2:25)
MATTHEW 12:36-37 KJVer - I say to you, "That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account of in the day of judgment, for by your words you shall be justified & by your words you shall be condemned."
MATTHEW 13:19-22 - 19When anyone hears the Word of the kingdom & does not understand it, then the wicked one comes & snatches away what was sown in his heart.  This is he who received seed by the wayside. 
20He who received the seed on stony places, this is he who hears the Word & immediately receives it with joy;
21yet he has no root in himself, but endures only for a while. 
When tribulation or persecution arises because of the Word, immediately he stumbles. 
22Now he who received seed among the thorns is he who hears the Word, but cares of this world & the deceitfulness of riches choke the Word & he becomes unfruitful. 
23The one who received the seed that fell on good soil is the man who hears the Word & understand it. 
He produces a crop, yielding a 100, 60 or 30 times what was sown."

MATTHEW 16:19 Amplified - "I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind
(that is, declare to be improper and unlawful) on earth must be already bound in heaven. 
Whatever you loose in earth
(declare lawful) must be what is already loosed in heaven." 
MATTHEW 16:24 NIV - Jesus turned & said to (the evil spirit dwelling in) Peter, "Get behind me, Satan
(your spoken words/thoughts) are a stumbling block to Me. 
(Satin/Peter) do not have in (your) mind the things (thoughts) of God, but the things (thoughts) of men."
MATTHEW 18:18 KJVer - "Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven. 
Whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven
MATTHEW 21:19 KJV - When He saw a fig tree in the way, He came to it & found no thing there on, but only leaves, & said to it, "Let no fruit grow on you from now on for ever."  Presently the tree withered away. (Insight: The spoken word of God affects not only the spirit world, the human soul, the human body, but also the earth & its ingredients.  Remember, God spoke the world into existence.)
MATTHEW 28:16 - "All (legal) authority has been given to Me in heaven & (been given back to Me; taken away from Satan) on earth."

MARK 1:27 NIV - He even gives orders to evil spirits & they obey Him.
MARK 4:13-15 NIV - 13Jesus said to them, "Don't you understand this parable? 
How then will you understand any parable? 

The farmer sows the Word. 
Some people are like seed along the path, where the Word is sown. 
As soon as they hear it, Satan comes & takes away the Word that was sown in them

16Others, like seed sown on rocky places, hear the Word and at once receive it with joy. 
17But since they have no root, they last only a short time. 
When trouble or persecution comes because of the Word, they quickly fall away.
18Still others, like seed sown among thorns, hear the Word;
19but the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth & the desires for other things come in & choke the Word, making it unfruitful. 
20Others, like seed sown on good soil, hear the Word, accept it & produce a crop 30, 60, or even 100 times what was sown."
MARK 5:36 - Do not be afraid; only believe.
MARK 11:13-14 KJV - Seeing a fig tree afar off having leaves...He came to it.
He found nothing but leaves, for the time of figs was not yet.  Jesus...said to it, "
(May) no man eat fruit of you...forever." ...His disciples heard it,
MARK 11:20-26 KJV - In the morning as they passed by, they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots. 
Peter...said to Him, "Master, behold, the fig tree which You cursed is withered away.  Jesus answered...,
"Have faith in God. Verily I say to you, that whoever shall say to this mountain, 'Be removed & cast into the sea' (& shall NOT doubt in his heart, but shall BELIEVE that those things which he says shall come to pass), shall have whatever he says."  I say to you, "What things you desire, when you pray, BELIEVE that you (already) receive them & you shall have them.  When you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against any, that your Father, Who is in heaven, may forgive you your trespasses. 
If you do not forgive, neither will your Father, Who is in heaven, forgive your trespasses
MARK 16:20 NIV - In My name they will drive out demons.

LUKE 1:19-20 NIV - I am Gabriel who stands in the presence of God & am sent to speak to you. 
"Behold You shall be dumb and not able to speak, until the day that these things shall be performed,
because you (Zechariah) believe NOT my words (of God) which shall be fulfilled in their season."
LUKE 1:38 TNAB -  Mary said..."Let it be done to me as You say."
LUKE 4:16-21 TPNT (Matthew 13:53-58+Mark 6:1-6) - 17A scroll of the prophet Isaiah was handed to Him.
When He opened the scroll, He found the place (Isaiah 61:1-2) where it was written,
18"The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me because He has anointed Me to preach Good News to the repentant. 
He has sent Me to preach release to captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to send release to the oppressed, 19to preach the acceptable year of the Lord.' (Having read/spoken the verse,)
21He began to say to them, "Today this Scripture (prophecy/spoken Word) has been fulfilled (manifested/made visible now) in your ears (hearing it confessed)." 
(Spiritual insight: John 1:1 says that the Word be came flesh (alive/visible) & dwelt among us. 
Genesis 1 says that God spoke creation into existence. 
Invisible words materialize when we speak them.  This is seen in/explained by quantum physics.)
LUKE 10:17 NIV -
The 70 returned again with joy, saying, "Lord, even the devils are subject to us through (in) Your name."
LUKE 15:31 - Son, you are ever with me and all that I have is yours.

JOHN 1:1-3 KJV - In the beginning was the (spoken) Word.  The Word was with God. 
The Word was God.  The same was in the beginning with God. 
All things were made by Him (His speaking them into existence). 
Without Him was not any thing made that was made.
[Spiritual insight: The Word: Jesus (the Messiah) + Logos (spoken word of God) + Rhema (revealed word of God) 
The Word of God is both a noun & a verb.]
John 1:4-5 TPNT - 4In Him was life; the life was the Light of mankind 5& the Light shines in the darkness. 
Nevertheless, the darkness has not appropriated it [(John 3:19)
Footnote: The forces of darkness still harden themselves against the Light of God's Word.]
JOHN 1:14-15 NIV - The Word (of God/Scripture/Bible) became (indwelt) flesh (visible) & made His dwelling (temple/ home/house/habitation) among (inside/beside/alongside) us (flesh/humans). 
We have seen His glory, the glory of the One & Only, Who came from the Father, full of grace & truth. 
John (the water baptizer) testifies concerning Him.  He cries out saying, "This was He of Whom I said, 'He Who comes after me has surpassed me, because He was before me.'"
(Spiritual insight: God's thoughts/spoken Word with skin on it is Jesus.  The visible Bible/Scripture is God's flesh.  When God's life/breath/Spirit/Word comes out of our mouth/flesh He is alive in us. 
The spiritually dead flesh/Word of God is made spiritually alive/active.  God indwelt Christ's flesh.
Now He indwells our flesh when we speak His words/thoughts & when we act on His words/thoughts. 
At Jesus' crucification, God temporarily vacated the body/mind/human spirit of Christ.  At Pentecost God, via His Spirit, returned to baptize/indwell/fill us/our flesh.  Christ did NOT lose His spiritual identity, nor will we lose our spiritual identity when we die/go to heaven.  However our identity is approx 51% God, whereas Christ's was approx 99% God.  When a person is born again his human spirit unites with God's Spirit; this is the new birth into spiritual reality... Physics shows us that invisible spoken words when slowed down become visible matter.)
JOHN 5:19-20 KJV - Jesus said to them, "Verily, verily, I say to you, 'The Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do.  What things He does, the Son does likewise.  The Father loves the Son & shows Him all that He does.  He will show Him greater works than these, that you may marvel.'"  
(Spiritual insight: We are to do/say only what God does/says.)
JOHN 14:13 KJV -
"Whatsoever ye shall ask (demand legally) in My Name, that will I do that the Father may be glorified in the Son."
JOHN 15:3 KJV - "You are clean through the Word which I (Jesus) have spoken to you."
JOHN 15:5 NIV - I am the vine. You are the branches. 
If a man remains in Me & I in him, he will bear much fruit.  Apart from Me you can do nothing.

JOHN 15:7 NIV - If you remain in Me & My Words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, & it will be given (done for) you.
JOHN 19:30 NIV - Jesus said, "It is finished." 
With that He bowed His head & gave up His (human) spirit (life/He died). 
(Spiritual insight: Other Greek synonyms/translations are heart, mind, breath & Holy Spirit. 
Lower case spirit means human spirit & upper case Spirit means Holy Spirit.) 
(Forgiveness of sins is finished.  Healing of the body is finished.  Healing of the mind is finished. 
Overcoming Satan is finished.  Deliverance from demons is finished.)

ACTS 3:6 NIV - Peter said, "Silver or gold I do not have. What I have I give you. 
In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk." 
(Spiritual insight: Peter did not pray to God.  Instead he spoke/commanded.)

ACTS 4:29-30  RKJV - Grant Your servants, that with all boldness they may speak Your word,
by stretching out Your hand to heal, that signs & wonders may be done through the name of Your holy servant Jesus.

ROMANS 3:1-4  NIV - 1What advantage, then is there in being a Jew or what value is there in circumcision? 
2Much in every way.  First of all, they have been entrusted with the very words of God
3What if some did not have faith? Will their lack of faith nullify God's faithfulness? 
4Not at all.  Let God be true & every man a liar. 
As it is written (Psalm 51:4), "So that you may be proved right when you speak & prevail when you judge".  
ROMANS 4:17 - God...gives life to the dead & calls those things which do not exist as though they did (were).
ROMANS 10:17 KJV - Faith comes by hearing the (spoken) Word of God. 

1st CORINTHIANS 1:20-22 NIV - No matter how many promises God has made, they are "Yes" in Christ. (fulfilled/claimed/appropriated) So through Him the "Amen" is spoken by us to the glory of God. 
Now it is God Who makes both us & you stand firm in Christ.   He anointed us, set His seal of ownership on us & put His Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.
1st CORINTHIANS 15:24-28 - The end will come when He (Christ) hands over the kingdom to God the Father after He has destroyed all dominion, authority & power, for He must reign until He has put all His enemies UNDER HIS FEET.  The last enemy to be destroyed is death, for He has put everything UNDER HIS FEET. 
Now when it says that everything has been put UNDER HIM, it is clear that this does not include God Himself, Who put everything under Christ.  When He has done this, then the Son Himself will be made subject to Him who put everything UNDER HIM, so that God may be all in all. 
(Spiritual insight: We may copy scripture by binding the enemy & then placing him under the feet of Christ.)

EPHESIANS 6:17 TPNT  You must immediately take up the helmet of salvation
(Isaiah 59:17) and the sword of the Spirit which is the (spoken/welded) Word of God (in action).
(Isaiah 11:4, 49:2, Hosea 6:5)

1st THESSALONIANS 5:23-24 - May God Himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through & through. 
May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 
The One Who calls you is faithful & He will do it. 


HEBREWS 11:1 - Faith is the substance of things hoped for.
HEBREWS 11:3 KJV - Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the (spoken) word (decrees) of God, so that things which are (now) seen  were not made of things which do appear.
HEBREWS 4:14 KJVer - Let us hold fast (firm) our profession (confession).
HEBREWS 10:23 KJVer - Let us hold fast (firm) the profession (confession) of our hope without wavering, for He Who promised is faithful.
HEBREWS 12:24 NIV - You have come to God, judge of all men, to the spirits of righteous men made perfect,
to Jesus the mediator of a new covenant, & to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel.

REVELATION 1:16 - Out of His mouth came a sharp 2 edged sword.
REVELATION 2:16 - "Repent therefore or else I am coming to you quickly.
I will make war with the sword of My mouth
REVELATION 12:10-11 KJVer - I heard a voice saying in heaven, "Now is come salvation, strength, the kingdom of our God & the power of His Christ, for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, who accused them before our God day & night. 
They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb
(Jesus Christ slain in our stead) & by the Word of their testimony (about Jesus Christ & the efficacy of His blood applied to them in their generation)." 
(Spiritual insight: We say what God/Jesus says. 
Our example is Jesus after His baptism, during His temptation by Satan. 
Jesus responded to the devil with scripture. 
Our victory is in our mouth BEFORE it is witnessed in our flesh or by our eyes or ears.)
REVELATION 12:17 KJVer - The dragon (Satan) was angry with the woman & went to make war with the remnant of her (Jewish &/or spiritual) seed, who keep the commandments of God & have the testimony (spoken words/scripture) of Jesus Christ.

NOTE - We are DISQUALIFIED to apply the Word of God, holy scripture, if we have not read the entire Bible. 
God tells us to feed daily on His Word. 
Many churches tell us that we are disqualified to read scripture, that they the elders will interpret it for us. 
That is a lie of Satan.  Yes, elders can help us understand, but only after we ourselves have read it in it's entirety. 
That does not mean that new converts to Christ cannot apply what they know. 
That does not mean that those (who dwell in regimes that harm & prohibit individuals from owning/reading scripture, that seldom have access to scripture) cannot apply what they know or what God Himself personally reveals to them.
Additionally we are disqualified to apply the Word of God if we are relying on the scientific or medical word of doctors, who are limited to what has been revealed to them in a given generation & also limited to treating the flesh. 
Doctor Jesus on the other hand has all knowledge & can treat not just the symptoms, but also the root problem, whether it be flesh, soul or spirit.

Who/What Does Satan say Jesus Is/Does?

Mark 1:23-24 TNAB    23In their synagogue was a man with an unclean spirit;
24he cried out (and the demon spoke), "What have You to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth
Have You come to destroy us
?   I (we) know Who You are - the Holy One of God."
Mark 5:6-10,12 TNAB
 - 6Catching sight of Jesus from a distance, he ran up and prostrated himself before Him,
7crying in a loud voice (the demon spoke), "What have You to do with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God
I adjure You by God, do not torment me."  8(He had been saying to him, "Unclean spirit, come out of the man!") 
9He asked him, "What is your name?"  He replied, "Legion is my name.  There are many of us." 
10 He pleaded earnestly with Him not to drive them away from that territory...
12They pleaded with Him, "Send us into the swine.  Let us enter them."
(Spiritual insight: Even demons recognize Jesus to be the Son of God, Who 1 day will torment them. 
Demons can speak through individuals, occupy both man & animal, plus be territorial.)

Applying the Word of God

Baxter, Mary K with Lowery, Dr T L - A Divine Revelation of the Spirit Realm - www.whitakerhouse.com 
Chapter 4 The One Sacrifice section Jesus' Blood 'Speaks'
Genesis 4:10 NKJV  "The voice of your brother's blood cries out to Me from the ground."
Hebrews 12:24 NKJV The blood of sprinkling...speaks better things than of Abel.
Book illistrates in section Jesus' Blood Must Be Applied that individuals need to apply Jesus' blood in each generation. 
"David Wilkerson explains, 'This isn't a physical sprinkling (as done in Old Testament) but rather a legal spiritual transaction."
www.tscpulpitseries.org -
Chapter 8 A Tangible Terror shares a vision where when one speaks the Word of God, it becomes transformed into a sword that pierces an individual, goes strait to the problem & heals.

Benefiel, John - Binding the Strongman over America -
Chapter 7 Following the Leading - "Real power is the Word of God. 
Because matter has memory, if you declare Scripture over this (bread/leaven) as you are working with it, it will be saturated with the Word.  Then coupled with the declarations that are made while leavening at the gates, it will certainly advance the Kingdom of Light, because the Word of God will not return empty, but will accomplish that which it is purposed & sent to do (Isaiah 55:11)."

Bentley, Todd - The Reality of the Supernatural World - Exploring Heavenly Realms and Prophetic Experiences - www.soundoffire.com -
This book is a must read for all Christians who are not yet personally experiencing the book of Acts.
It explains that as salvation is activated/obtained by an act of the will & of faith in Christ, so is healing, prophecy, dreams, visions and all the other aspects of the book of Acts. 
Not only that, God wants & expects us to hound/wrestle with Him until He blesses you, as did Jacob who wrestled with the angel.  The supernatural world/nature has 5 senses, as does the natural. 
 We need to create a lifestyle of using these 5 spiritual senses daily. 
Bentley will mentor us on how to declare/ claim/speak/nudge/expect every wonder that occurred in scripture to happen also in our lives.
Chapter 9 The Seven Spirits of God cites 4 kinds of power, including kratos (proclaiming the Word of God, making it multiply/prevail) & exousia (delegating authority/acting on the Word of God, as did Wigglesworth, without necessarily having an anointing)

Bevington, Guy C  - Remarkable Miracles   
Chapter 3 First Light on Divine Healing, Evangelism contends that manifestations of the power of God all come through consecrated prayer.
Chapter 8 Instances of Healing notes that: "God does the giving & we do the taking. 
What we do not take, we do not get.  God has His choice things for the few who dare to stand the test.   
God has His 2nd choice for those who will not have His best."  "If you are now ailing and suffering, look up. 
Count the healing done, & it shall be done.  Hallelujah.  It shall be done 'according to your faith.' 
It is not according to how long you have had the trouble or how it has baffled all efforts to solve it. 
It is according to your faith.'  So look up in faith & count it done now." 
If you are in too much agony call upon the Lord to enlist another to pray for you. 
"I started to pray out loud, but that brought on such a paroxysm of pain, I pleaded inaudibly for a few moments.  Yet I feel no relief, so I said, 'I will pray by the help of God.  I will pray.  In the name of Jesus, I will pray.'  I forced myself to pray out loud until it did not hurt me.  I soon stopped praying & went to praising God until I leaped (leapt) out of bed entirely healed in no more than an hour.  Oh, isn't that better than suffering so long & paying out so much money (to doctors) that might be used for better purposes?  It is so much better to honor God than not."  "I expect!  Hence I get.  Glory to Jesus."

Blasingame, Dr. Loretta - Is Anybody Up There?  www.pastorlbm.org - Fullerton, California, USA
www.sidroth.org has her interview archived + her book shares many awesome miracles.
Chapter 2 My Unscheduled Arrival in Heaven  "After leaving the Throne Room, Jesus made a promise to me saying that if I would BELIEVE Him, whatever I SPOKE with my LIPS, He would perform."  

Branham, William - www.tvbn.com  - videos on the web - Branham had both the gift of healing & of knowledge    
www.branham.org  www.onlybelieve.com  www.bibleway.org  www.tucsontabernacle.com
Branham, William - http://endtimemessage.info/SupernaturalBook-6.pdf
, William - http://endtimemessage.info/SupernaturalBook-6.pdf -
Chapter 85 - The Day His Rifle Exploded 1962
- (Pray for Holy Spirit DISCERNMENT.)
"Bill said, 'Every spoken Word of God is a seed. I believe the Bible is the Word, the whole truth; & Jesus is the Word made manifest. He & His Word are 1 & the same. What was He?
He was that seed that Eve should have produced, but she hybrid it by disbelieving God‘s Word.
The Holy Spirit was in the Garden of Eden to water that seed.
Man wasn‘t made to die; he was made to live. Hybridization brought death.
Eve crossbred the human race through the serpent (who at that time was not a reptile, but a mammal genetically similar to a ). Now all of us are hybrid from the original. That is the reason people die.
The reason God manifested Himself so perfectly in Jesus is because Jesus was the seed Word, the germ of Life itself. The germ of the seed has the life in it. Jesus was the germ Word of God.
The germ is watered by the Spirit. Jesus had to be broken open there at Calvary in order for that seed to let forth its life to reproduce other seeds. They are going to see that Word and stay right with it.
He sent forth His Spirit to water those seeds & that will produce a people who will not deny anything in the Word, because they are a kindred seed with the original seed. The 1st Adam was supposed to have a son that would continue on the human race. Eve crossbred with the serpent & brought forth a hybrid, & a generation of bastard children born to die. Then Jesus came & was that correct Seed.
He proved it. Everything that Adam lost, Jesus was. See it?
He is the correct Son. Eve would have finally brought that child forth, if she hadn‘t listened to the serpent, and produced a hybrid son. That is the reason I believe what I believe. It has got to come back to this Word.
All of God‘s sons must be the same. Yes, sir. When we are born of the Word & the Spirit, it brings us back to the spoken Word again, just like Jesus said in John 3. Then it brings us back to the place where we should have been at the beginning. That is the reason Christ died: to bring us back to the place where we are sons of God.'
After lunch, Bill continued this theme.
He taught that when Adam came to Eve, he found her womb already impregnated with the serpent‘s seed.
But before Eve could do the act, she 1st had to receive the Devil‘s lie in the womb of her mind.
She disbelieved just 1 Word of God, but it was a key word. God said, 'Don‘t do this or you will die.'
Satan reasoned with her, saying, 'You will NOT die; you will become wise.' That one word changed everything.
By disbelieving God‘s Word, Eve lost her virginity and the human race acquired its sinful nature.
Now compare Eve with Mary. Eve received the wrong Word, which produced the wrong seed.
Mary was chosen to receive the correct seed. But 1st, Mary also had to face Satan, who tried to reason her away from the Word. When the angel came to Mary & told her she would conceive in her womb & bring forth a son, Mary said, 'How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?' Satan was whispering in her ear, sowing seeds of doubt. Logically speaking, Satan had a good argument. But when the angel (of God) said, 'The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God,' Mary answered him, 'Be it unto me according to thy word.'44 
Thus the Scripture was fulfilled: The Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, bear a son, & shall call his name Immanuel.45
Jesus was a spoken eternal Child.46 Jesus didn‘t have to die, but he did die in order to pay the debt.
That‘s the only way it could be paid.
Nobody else could do it, because everyone else was sexually born after the devil‘s plan.
Like Mary, those people who are predestinated to be part of the collective Bride of Jesus Christ will 1st receive the Word in the womb of their minds. Although Bill had preached thousands of sermons in his lifetime, he had done very little writing. However, a few days before he preached this sermon, he felt inspired to write a summary, which he now read in part: 'Here is what I am trying to say to you.
The law of reproduction is that each species brings forth after its own kind, according to Genesis 1:11. Consequently, the children of God will be like their Father. In these last days the true church (the Bride) will come to the Headstone, & she will become a super church, a super race, as she nears Him.
They in the bride will be so much like Him that they will even be in His very image.
This is in order to be united with Him. They will be 1.
They will be the very manifestation of the Word of the living God. Denominations can‘t produce this.
Denominations will produce their creeds & dogmas, mixed with the Word that will make a hybrid product.
The 1st son, Adam, was the spoken Word of God (a seed).
He was given a bride in order to reproduce another Son of God.
But Eve fell by hybridization and therefore she caused Adam to die.
The 2nd Son (of God), Jesus, Who was also the spoken Word of God (seed), was also given a bride like Adam was. But before Jesus could marry His bride (the church), she also fell. She, like Adam‘s wife, was put to the test whether she would believe the Word of God and live, or doubt the Word & die.
When she doubted & left the Word, she died. From a little group of the true seed of the Word, God will present Christ with a beloved bride. She will be a virgin of His Word because she knows no man-made creeds or dogmas. Through the members of this bride God will fulfill all that He promised would be made manifest in the virgin.
The word of promise came to the virgin, Mary. 
In Isaiah 9:6 God promised that He would manifest Himself someday.
Now He acted to fulfill His own Word of promise in the virgin. Notice how it was an angel who brought her the message, but that angel‘s message was still the Word of God. When she accepted the angel‘s message to her, God fulfilled all that He promised would happen at that time. Mary‘s natural womb types the spiritual womb of the virgin bride today. Just like Mary did, this end-time virgin will say, 'Be it unto me according to thy Word.‘
Christ is the head of this bride & they are subject to Him in everything.
Not only will they love Him, they will have His potential. Notice the harmony of the Father & the Son.
Jesus never did anything until 1st the Father showed Him what to do (John 5:19.) This harmony will exist between Jesus & His bride. He shows her His Word of life & she receives it. She never doubts it.
Nothing can harm her, not even death, for even if that seed is planted in the ground (casket), the water of the spirit will raise (resurrect) it up again. Here is the secret of this. The Word is in the bride like it was in Mary. The bride has the mind of Christ & therefore she knows what He wants done with His 44 Luke 1:26-38 45 Isaiah 7:14 46...  
She does it in the name of the Lord, which means she has 'Thus saith the Lord.‘ Then the Word germinates by the water of the Spirit.  It grows until it fulfills its purpose. Those in the bride do only His will.
None can make them do otherwise. They have 'Thus saith the Lord‘ or they keep still (silent).
They know that it has to be God in them doing the works, fulfilling His own Word.
He did not complete all His work while in His earthly ministry
, so now He works in & through His bride.
She knows that. Christ will now fulfill through His bride that work which He left for this specific time."
[In Genesis 6, (200) angels sent to instruct man, trespassed & bred with the human women, producing evil (offspring/crossbreed) giants, whose DNA could NOT produce the promised Messiah. 
Thus the need to rescue Noah & to drown those whose DNA were contaminated.]

Brooks, Steven - Working with Angels - www.stevenbrooks.org -
 Chapter 8 Angels Sent Forth  section Stretching Forth 
"I...saw the Lord Jesus walk right through the back wall of my bedroom...He was accompanied by an angel dressed in white...He extended His rod toward me...I held the rod in the air...
With a surge of Holy Spirit boldness I extended the rod outward and said, 'Money come to me now.' 
I said this 3 times, each time very forcefully.  As I spoke those words, I would swing that shepherd's rod out and by faith grab hold of money by the hook at the end of the staff & then pull it in." 
See 2nd Kings 13:18-19 NIV.  "The Lord said, 'As you spoke that day to the money and called it in...the angel...went forth & caused it to come.' 
This experience is only one example of how angels heed the voice of His Word
As we speak the Words that His Spirit puts in our mouth, we speak with authority, and the Kingdom of Heaven back us up." 
Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?  Hebrews 1:13.
Brooks, Steven - Standing on the Shoulders of Giants -
www.stevenbrooks.org -
Appendix:  Prayer of Salvation & Holy Spirit Baptism -
"When you read Bible verses out loud, so that your physical ears can hear the Word of God, it allows fait to enter into your heart."

Burt, Arthur - Around the World in 88 Years - www.arthurburt.com -
Chapter 6 The Conchee  " I learned not to be hasty in speaking a word that I wasn't prepared to fulfill. 
I also learned that even as I am the father of my child, God is my father.  When God speaks, His Own Word binds Him
But once my will is broken,  He will enter my situation where He picks up the heavy end of my burden."
Chapter 10 Walking the Land - "There is nothing as powerful as God's Word which binds even Him" to His promises...
Moses prevailed because he stood on God's previous promise."

Busha, Mary C @ Breaking the Power of Negative Words: How Positive Words Can Heal - Kindle edition by Busha, Mary C.. Religion & Spirituality Kindle eBooks @ Amazon.com. excerpts

Caps, Charles & Annette - Angels - Knowing Their Purpose - Releasing Their Power - www.charlescapps.com    
Chapter 7 Angels Are Listening  Our spoken words/thoughts loose the work of God's angels on our behalf, if the words are in accordance with God's word in scripture; but our spoken words/thoughts bind/thwart those same angels, when our words contradict scripture. 
Thus it is true, what we say is what we get.
Caps, Charles and Annette -
The Tongue; A Creative Force - www.charlescapps.com - Pray the Answer 5/21/2007 review by Anne Gimenez -
"A lack of knowledge regarding electricity will not stop it from shocking you to death.
It’s flowing & efficient & can be harnessed for good but it will still jolt you if you don’t handle it correctly.
In the Spirit, the Word is the same way. It’s still powerful and cutting and dividing & doesn’t return void, even if we don’t know how to handle it.
It's power is not diminished by our lack of knowledge regarding what the Word can do for us, but it's power can be negated by our confession against the Word."  "God never did anything that He didn’t say 1st. You can’t see Faith and you can’t see our actual spoken words but does that make them any less real? Of course not. God’s word is just as powerful today as the day He originally spoke it.
He said let there be light & to this day, we still have light from that spoken word." 
"When we speak & say I’m broke, I’m sick or I forgive them but...then...there are things set in motion in the spirit realm that are not for our good."  "Every prayer produces after its kind.
Prayer is like a seed
. It can produce a harvest but it must be planted."
"We have to agree with the Word and believe the Word & make that our confession.
This is not about positive thinking- this is about right confession...Being sick is not what you desire & even though you have all the manifestations of being sick, don’t confess it.
Now, I realize saying you’re well when you are sick can be construed as lying but the Bible says we are “bone of His bone & flesh of His flesh” & God’s not sick.  It’s not a lie if it’s the truth of God." 
"Sickness came to man because of the sin of Adam, but we are born from above & sin has no dominion over us. We are not under the old law. As Christians, we are under a new covenant through Jesus Christ...This is not an ongoing work either. At the cross, Jesus said “IT IS FINISHED”. So sickness has no right or authority in your body; it’s trespassing & you must make healing your confession. (Either) Your spirit or your body is going to dominate you. Your body says, 'I’m sick & tired,' but your spirit man says, 'I want to go & be with the people of God & hear the Word & fellowship with the congregation.'
When you get there, Faith comes by hearing that word & suddenly you are equipped...
The devil has been defeated, the sickness is receding."  "Pray the answer not the problem...
The answer is in the CONFESSION. It’s believing & confessing what the Bible says...
The devil knows God is able to do all things. 
It’s not just knowing it, it’s confessing it, where the power of God comes in."
Caps, Charles - God's Creative Power Will Work for You -
Caps, Charles - Faith and Confession -
www.charlescapps.com -
Confession of God's scripture activates spiritual substance to manifest. 
Never rely on human experience nor human evidence.  Always rely on & proclaim God's Word.
Caps, Annette - Quantum Faith - booklet -
www.annettecapps.com - http://www.lemstone.com/e/authors.asp?index=259&mode=view - http://www.charlescappsministries.org/Annette.html -
Quantum physics proves that God's spoken word is both faith/belief & science. 
Things obey words, which produce energy/vibrations, which produce &/or effect matter. 
"Scientists have performed experiments with atoms & their subatomic particles such as electrons...
The electron...orbiting the nucleus is not always there in particle form. 
It exists in a wave state (like a cloud, everywhere at once) until someone looks at it. 
When the scientist observes it, it suddenly appears as a dot (particle.)"
Caps, Annette - $ - http://www.kingdomlifestyleministries.org/free_ebooks_files/godscreativepowerforfinancesbycharlesandannettecapps.pdf
Caps, Charles The Believer's Voice of Victory 4/2008 editorial Word Power -
View - www.kcm.org/pdf/08.april.pdf

Carothers, Mary - wife of Merlin Carothers   www.merlincarothers.com -
in Foundation of Praise newsletter Praise News 6/5 editorial Grumbling relates God's urging for her to continually fill her mind with scripture in order to be so full of His thoughts that there would be no room for "someone else's thoughts & beliefs" to interfere with her peace.

Carter, Howard (per Nichols, Greg @ http://www.themfngroup.com/gifts.htm - edited) Howard Carter…from England…was best known for being 1 (of 13) founders of the Assemblies of God denomination...
At the beginning of the 20
th century…Carter was a conscientious objector & placed in prison where God 1st reveled to him His truths about the gifts of the Holy Spirit…
In his prison cell (below the street) he was being driven quite to distraction by a (rain) leak. 
Finally, 1 day (directed by God) he spoke TO…& rebuked the leak (water drips) in Jesus' name, stopping the water (drips).  [Edits reflect recollection of Bishop Dwight Pate to story shared by Lester Sumrall. 
Be encouraged to speak TO rain drops, water leaks, IV drips, nose/sinus drips & all the like, in Jesus' name & resurrection power.]

Chavda, Mahesh - The Hidden Power of Healing Prayer - The Healing Anointing of the Laying on of Hands - www.watchofthelord.com -
Chapter 5 Receiving & Keeping the Anointing of the Lord says that in order to keep the anointing one must give it away. 
God said to Chavda, "What they (Christians) speak will come to pass, because they will be people who carry My anointing."
Chavda, Mahesh - The Hidden Power of Speaking in Tongues -
www.watchofthelord.com -
Chapter 10 Restored & Transformed discusses speaking to the dry bones by Ezekiel and reminds us that when we aggressively speak/prophesy the words of God, the promises of God are yes & amen, for God is not a liar.
He performs His spoken word.  (It is the recipient who does NOT open his gift, who does not say thank you, who does not receive his inheritance, due to ignorance &/or disbelief.  
Remember, man is made in the image of God & the main way God creates/operates is through speech. 
We can speak evil or good into existence.  Beware. 
We can inadvertently prevent our own prayers from coming to pass by what we say.)

Mahesh Chavda admonishes us to
1-Acknowledge God's presence & power.
2-Absorb/digest God's Word.
3-Get a relevant word from scripture regarding our situation.
4-Write down every relevant scripture pertaining to our situation.
5-Personalize each scripture promise, inserting our/relevant name of person for whom we pray.
6-Speak God's Word over our situation.
7-While we wait for the manifestation of God's answer, serve the Lord faithfully & patiently.
8-DECIDE to let God's Word be our truth in our situation, even though circumstances may contradict God's truth.
9-Our foundation is a person, God Himself.
Therefore, we accept Satin's rocking our boat is not for our destruction, but for our maturing.
(Satin cannot do anything without God's consent.  If the problem is due to a curse,
that will be revealed & broken, as we cooperate with the Holy Spirit.)
10-Meditate on scripture day & night, especially His promises. 
(Remember, our deliverance/healing was provided for us 2,000 years ago by Christ. 
Meditate, also on that.),
11-Obey God's scriptural instructions.
12-Beware what you say with your mouth; let it NEVER contradict scripture.
13-Change our minds from the slave mentality to the conqueror/God's mentality.
14Agree with the Word of God, rather than with others or our own negative/hindering mind/attitude/actions.
15-Daily visualize the Word of God being accomplished in our lives.
16-Daily pray in tongues, allowing God's Holy Spirit to tutor us (and defend us from evil/terror/fear/nightmares/depression/paranoia/harm).
17-Daily expect a progressive miracle (working in our brain/mind/soul/emotions/memories, body & human spirit).
18-REFUSE to give up until the complete blessing comes; winners NEVER quit & quitters never win.
19-Thank God daily/in advance, for your/our deliverance/healing is already accomplished in heaven & is just waiting to be manifested on earth.  Remember the story of the angel who took 21 days to reach/speak to Daniel, because he had to 1st fight his way through the demons.
Don't keep asking; God heard you the 1st time; instead, thank Him.

Cho, Rev David Yonggi of Korea - http://english.fgtv.com/drcho/main.asp - http://english.fgtv.com/yfgc.pdf  Books = The 4th Dimension #1 + The 4th Dimension #2 - (We need to confess 'creative' words of faith + to plant seeds of faith) 
Cho, David Yonggi - The 4th Dimension volume 1 -
www.bridgelogos.com publisher -
Chapter 3 The Creative Power of the Spoken Word shares that a reputable Korean neurosurgeon cited scientific findings that the speech center in the brain rules (has dominion) over all the nerves
He insisted that one's speech can create physical life or physical death;
our choice.  The same principle applies in the spiritual world. -
God spoke (to Cho), "You can feel the presence of the Holy Spirit in your church (the pulsating, permeating presence of the Holy Spirit); but nothing will happen; no soul will be saved, no broken home rejoined, until you speak the word.  Don't just beg & beg for what you need. 
Give the
(spoken) word.  Let Me have the material (voice/sound) with which
I can build miraculous happenings, as I did when creating the world. 

(proclaim/declare/confess/command, in the name of Jesus) forth
, 'Let there be light,' or say, 'Let there be firmament

Cho continues, "Speaking in tongues is the initial sign of the baptism of the Holy Spirit. 
When the Holy Spirit takes over the speech center, He takes over all the nerves all over the body, & controls the entire body... When you release that Word, it is that Word, & not you, Who performs miracles." 
"In my heart I heard the Lord say, 'Son...God wants to heal these people, but God can't heal them before you speak.'"
Relevant portion read by Kathy Campbell (beginning around tract #40 on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URGV4tEJr9o&feature=player_embedded @ http://ignitedministries.org/media-and-resources/ )

Clark, Randy - There Is More - Reclaiming the Power of Impartation - www.globalawakening.com 

Coe Senior, Jack - Curing the Incurable - book or audio - http://www.jackcoe.com/mambo/
There are 3 types of healing (instant/gradual/unclaimed). Curing the Incurable - (web video)
1 5 Key Steps to Receiving Your healing 
"Read your Bible regularly...out loud...because you need to hear God's Word...
When you read aloud, words get into your mind...into your spirit & your subconscious mind.
Commit to memory every God-given promise in the Scriptures & begin to recite them every opportunity you get.  It's the Word of God that heals.  Psalm 107:22 declares, 'He sent His word & healed them & delivered them from their destructions.' 
The more Word that you get on the inside of you & the more you hear it, the sooner your healing will manifest...
Get the Word of God in our hearing & down into our spirit man, so that we have something to act on & use as ammunition against the devil, when he attacks us...
Life is directly proportionate to how much Word he receives as a part of his spiritual nutrition plan. 
Man lives by words... No words, no life...Hear the Word of God...consistently. 
Your healing is connected to what you hear."

Copeland, Kenneth - Kenneth Copeland Ministries - John G Lake - www.kcm.org - Lake recommends declarations such as, "In the name of Jesus Christ, I refuse to have this thing." 
He says we can refuse evil reports after we have made a triune consecration of our spirit, mind & body. 
Then nothing can touch us, unless we sin, or unless we succumb to the lies of Satan or those (such as many doctors) who do not appreciate the power of God to heal.
Chapter 16 Spiritual Dominion reminds us that when in doubt/confused consult the exact words that God/Jesus, Himself, spoke as often shown in the red letter Bible editions. 
The Bible may be local law, but the actual words of God/Jesus are international law/the final spiritual word/authority. 
Holy Spirit inside us is to be as powerful as was the Holy Spirit in God's son Jesus. 
Jesus spoke what He heard His dad speak.  We are to speak God's/Jesus' words and have the same results.   Most of us miss the mark only because we do not expect the same consequences when we say/do what Jesus did/said.  Thus, consecrated Christians often fail/miss the mark due to negligence/lack of comprehending our inheritance/responsibility/dominion/spiritual power over evil.
Chapter 25 Adventures in God -
Lake contends that Christ's primary method was to heal 1st & save 2nd,
based on Luke 10:8-9 KJV - Heal the sick that are there. 
Say to them, "The kingdom of God has come near to you."
Chapter 32 Sin in the Flesh
shares that 3 things are "a must" for continuous demonstration of God's power into old age. 
1-Continual public confession of what you are in Christ & what He means to you.
2-Daily reading the Bible.  3-Daily 2 way conversation with God.
Chapter 35 Moses Rebuked expounds on Exodus 14:15-16

Dale A Fife, Dr - The Secret Place (#1) & The Hidden Kingdom (#2) - www.whitakerhouse.com -
Jesus tells Dale that scripture is as powerful in our mouth as it is/was in His.

Davis, June Newman @ Scripture Keys: For Kingdom Living - Kindle edition by Newman Davis, June. Religion & Spirituality Kindle eBooks @ Amazon.com.  Excerpts - Angels & Judeo-Christian scripture are voice activated.

Dickerman, Don - When Pigs Move In - www.dondickerman.net - endorsed by Frank Hammond -
Other books contain "some" of above more complete information: 
Serpents in the Sanctuary
& Turmoil in the Temple
Chapter How Do Demons Access Believers?  "Visualize a big angel on your right & a big demon on your left, each of them acting upon the words that come out of your mouth...
Angels react to words of faith that you speak & demons respond to words of doubt & disbelief."
Chapter 18 The Deliverance Courtroom  "Whatever God speaks becomes law."  Demonic legal "rights to a believer's life are through deception & our ancestors."  Once wrong thinking/attitudes/emotions & (our/ancestors') wrong deeds have been confessed/repented of & "confessed as sin" to Jesus, He immediately forgives. 
"Once this is done, demons no longer have rights to our lives. 
Confessing the sin cancels the demons' rights to one's life, but it does not necessarily mean that the demon leaves. 
They must be commanded to go in the name of Jesus Christ.  They must be cast out."

Dollar, Creflo  The Role of Imagination in Answered Prayer   http://www.worldchangers.org/monthly-The-Role-of-Imagination-in-Answered-Prayer.aspx - "In order to obtain the manifestation of anything you pray for, you must believe you receive it, before you physically have it in your possession.  In Mark 11:24, Jesus made the statement, "Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours"
(New International Version)...You have been given authority to capture thoughts, & you can only capture thoughts with words. When a thought enters your mind that is contrary to God's Word, you must open your mouth & speak the Word of God."

Duggan, Dorman with Hammond, Frank - The Strong Man of Unbelief - Whose Report Will You Believe? - www.thechildrensbread.net - Believers who do NOT believe in the full gospel, will NOT reap the benefits of the full gospel (because they will NOT  be able to appropriate what they do not accept). 
Our choice, NOT God's.  The full gospel is that Jesus' death and resurrection procured our (1) salvation
(We are adopted into God's family/Our spirit comes alive to God/We receive the 1st installment of the Holy Spirit), (2) healing of body, (3) healing of soul (mind/emotions/memories/thinking), AND (4) deliverance from demons.
The 1st is done by God.  The others WE must do in the name of Jesus
There is a saying, "Use it or lose it."  That does apply here.  It is NOT God's job to fix things. 
It is OUR job to act, in the name of Jesus.

Early, Dave - The 21 Most Effective Prayers of the Bible - www.barbourbooks.com
Chapter 2 Bless Me - The Prayer of Jacob - Genesis 32:26 shares that God blesses the spiritually aggressive.
Chapter 11 Help Us - The Prayer of Asa - 2nd Chronicles 14:11 and 12 Grant Me Favor - The Prayer of Nehemiah - Nehemiah 1:11  shares that it is significant to (1) begin with praise & thanksgiving 
(2) remind God of His promises/covenants made to/with Abraham, Isaac, Israel & others,
(3) itemize specific reasons why we expect God to answer
(a) We depend on You not ourselves/others; the battle is the Lord's.
(b) Is God's honor at stake; do we represent God in this battle?
(c)  Itemize claims; be specific.  (d) end prayer, in the name of Jesus (thanking God in advance).

Ferrell, Ana Mendez - Seated in Heavenly Places - http://www.voiceofthelight.com/vision.html
Chapter 10 shares that there is a location in heaven called "the place of understanding" where one can instantaneously download/learn other spoken languages + see all the mysteries of science revealed to man.  Christians have access to this place by extreme worship and prayer; various earthly locations have heavenly doors/entrances to heaven.  Warning - God looks at our motives/heart.

Fragipane, Francis - 8/5/2014 @
adapted from Pastor Frangipane's book The Three Battlegrounds. -
The war against principalities involves displacement:
Christ filling the spiritual territories once held by Satan
...Who will control reality on earth, Heaven or hell? 
When it comes to angelic and demonic warfare, the battle rests not in physical weaponry but in the power of agreement between mankind and the spirit realm. We read in Ephesians 6 (NKJV) that 'principalities' & 'powers' occupy the 'heavenly places' (v. 12). But we read in Ephesians 1:10 that it is the Father’s expressed purpose to sum up all things in Christ, 'things in the heavens and things on the earth.' Ephesians 3:10 reveals God’s glorious plan, that 'through the church' God has purposed to make known His manifold wisdom to the principalities & powers 'in the heavenly places.' You see, as the body of Christ on earth agrees with its Head in Heaven, the Spirit of Christ Himself displaces the powers of darkness in the heavenly places. In other words, when the church on earth is aggressive in its agreement with the will and Word of God, then the presence of God increases in the spiritual realm, proportionally displacing the influence of hell on earth. Shortly thereafter, manifesting in the world of men, we see revivals, healings & miracles. But when the church is passive, indifferent or carnal, the powers of hell increase their rule over the affairs of men: marriages break up, crime increases & wantonness becomes unbridled.
We must see that our prayers, attitudes, & agreement with God are an integral part of establishing the reality of the kingdom of God on earth...
Satan is unmasked in Scripture as 'a liar and the father of lies' (John 8:44). His realm of operation is the spirit world that immediately surrounds & blankets the consciousness of mankind. This realm (1st heaven/atmosphere/ stratosphere) is known as the 'heavenly places' in the Bible (Eph. 6:12).
From this spiritual realm Satan works to corrupt & control the mind of man through illusions built from mankind’s carnal desires & fears.
But the power of the lie is not merely the speaking of falsehoods, nor is it that this world is an illusion.  The lie of the enemy appears most powerfully when men believe that this world, as it is, is the only world we can live in
. The truth is, of course, that God is establishing His kingdom. 
Ultimately, every other reality will submit to and be ruled by that kingdom. (See Heb. 12:26-28; Rev. 11:15)...
Paul taught that spiritual warfare deals specifically with the 'pulling down of strongholds.'
But what are those strongholds?  They are lies the devil has sown into our thought-processes which, as we accepted & believed them, became reality to us.
We do not fall in sin as much as we are seduced by it.  Every sin is cloaked in some measure of deception.
But as these lies are uncovered & destroyed, as our thought-processes are freed from illusions, we will discover the blamelessness, perfection & truth of Christ in us, the hope of glory: Col. 1:27...
To be successful in life, therefore, we must know the Word of God.
For all things come into being through the (read/spoken/ declared/enforced) Word.
Yes, it is the Word made alive in our hearts, germinated by our faith, that wins the war over reality."
(Have each of us read & regularly re-read God's Word? 
Otherwise how can we recognize & refute the deceptions in each generation? 
Does any doctrine contradict holy scripture?)

French, Bill and Michael - The Remedy - www.streamsministries.com -
Discover your spiritual authority in Jesus' name.

Fluitt, Clarice - Chapter 1 @ https://www.amazon.com/Ridiculous-Miracles-Ordinary-Person-Extraordinary/dp/0990369412#reader_0990369412 -
Chapter 8 Front Row Center Seat - "I have learned to SAY, not pray, TO the mountain in my life, 'Go'."

Gammons, Peter - Sowing and Reaping - God's Eternal Law  Orlando, Florida, USA   www.pgmi.org -
Gammons' book reminds us to "confess" the positive things God (in scripture) says about us & Not to confess the negative things that Satan whispers to us.  Gammons also reminds us NOT to be negative & problem-oriented. 
To take our eyes off Jesus & be self-absorbed, is a recipe for depression.  We reap what we sow: 
If we condemn, are resentful or unforgiving, then we reap the same from others. 
If we are honest, merciful, forgiving, then we reap the same.  This is a spiritual law.  What we speak is what we get.  God is our perfect example, for He created the universe by speaking it into existence.
Gammons, Peter - audio - Full Cycle Faith (from series How to Give Birth to Your Miracle)
There are 6 necessary elements needed to birth a miracle: 1-inspiration, 2-proclamation, 3-expectation, 4-gestation, 5-manifestation, 6-nurture & protection of unanswered prayers...
Gammons reminds us that we cannot reap unless we have sown (or unless someone else has sown).  

, Don - My Never Again List + Say It With Boldness +
What You Say is What You Get
, Don & Kenyon - The Power of Your Words -
www.dongossett.com -
Majority of credit of this book goes to Kenyon, Gossett's mentor + God.  Lots of scripture. 
Gossett says that those who apply the Word of God need authority, boldness & compassion.  
Good mentors are a must.  Joyce Meyers echos this need to surround oneself with the right people.

Hagin, Kenneth E. - The Believer's Authority - www.rhema.org - Hagin is 1 individual who points out that there is often a distinct difference between healing & deliverance, mainly due to the fact of the presence of an evil spirit (which can be oppressing or possessing).  He reminds us that is is the job & responsibility of Holy Spirit to expose this & to show us what to do & NOT our role to preempt Him. 
We are His employee, not the other way around.
Hagin, Kenneth E -
Words  booklet - Read an Excerpt - http://www.faithlibrary.com/resources/bm057_exerpt.pdf  
Hagin, Kenneth E - Plead Your Case (with God) - booklet - www.rhema.org
Hagin, Kenneth E -
You Can Have What You Say  booklet  excerpt -
Hagin, Kenneth E -
Hagin, Kenneth E - Booklet - You Can Have What You Say - https://irp-cdn.multiscreensite.com/
Hagin, Kenneth E (senior) - I Believe in Visions - www.rhema.org
Chapter 1 How God Raised Me Up from a Deathbed
Following sections My Struggle with Mark 11:24 , I See It & Up and Out of Bed help clarify why many fail to enter into their healing.  "In this moment, I saw exactly what that verse in Mark 11:24 meant. 
Until then, I was going to wait until I was actually healed before I believed I had received my healing
.  I was looking at my body...but I saw that the verse says you have to believe WHEN you pray. 
The having comes after the believing.  I had been reversing it. 
I was trying to have 1st & then believe 2nd.  That is what most people do...
I've got to believe that my heart is well while I'm still lying here on this bed...
I've got to believe that my paralysis is gone while I'm still lying here helpless...
(Father God,) 'I believe in my heart that You heave heard my prayer. 
I believe that my heart IS healed & that my paralysis IS gone...
(Satan,) I didn't say that I am healed BECAUSE I feel like it...I'm healed because I believe it...
Devil, if you say I am not (healed), then you are a liar.  I am acting on the Word of God. 
If I am not healed, then Jesus is a liar.  Go argue with God about it; don't fuss with me'....
Then I said, 'Thank God, I'm healed.' I lifted my hands & praised God...
As long as the devil can keep us in the sense realm, he will defeat us, but if we will stay in the faith realm, we will defeat him."  (Each morning) "I declared I was healed.
I WAS going to walk...On the 3rd morning I got out of bed, dressed (&) walked."

Hagin, Kenneth E - booklet - http://www.ekklesia.lt/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Kenneth-E-Hagin-Right-and-Wrong-Thinking.pdf - (edited) "We need to realize that thoughts can come into our minds from 2 different sources (other than our own or those imprinted into us via family/community in which we live). In other words, the thoughts that come into our minds do not always originate in our minds.
The devil puts many thoughts into our minds from outside ourselves. That's one source.
Then, of course, thoughts from God come from within us.  They come through our spirits into our minds...
See 2 different sides of our redemption, the legal side and the experiential side...
Legally, God has already done every thing He needs to do to provide our redemption. 
If one just deals with the legal side of redemption and preaches it exclusively, people will not actually experience anything...A promise from God's Word must be (appropriated) confessed as a reality before it ever becomes so (activated, like yeast)...
We feed our cloud of gloom by the wrong thinking...confessions...believing. 
Or we can cause the cloud of gloom to lift by right thinking...confessions...believing based on the Word of God...
It makes a great deal of difference what one thinks.  I believe that is why so many people remain sick, even after they have been prayed for by everyone in the country.  They get in every healing line, yet never receive (take/ appropriate/expect) their healing.  The reason why they are not healed is because they are thinking incorrectly...(Continually) believe and confess daily what God the Father is TO you, what Jesus is doing for you NOW at the right hand of the Father & what Holy Spirit is doing in you."  (Wrong/negative) confessions imprison us. 
Only the right kind of confession will set us free...
Our words snare us & hold us in captivity, or else they set us free...We are the ones who must do something about the devil.  We must tell the devil, "The Word of God says that Jesus defeated you.
You are a defeated foe, devil.  The New Testament, the New Covenant that God has established with man through the blood of Christ, says that you have no authority over me, because Jesus was,'
made a surety of a better testament [covenant]' (Heb. 7:22). This New Covenant says that you have no authority over me, Satan, but, rather, I have authority over you! Satan, leave me alone, because you are defeated.' 
This is making the right confession...that will defeat the devil. But making the wrong confession will allow Satan to have dominion over us. James said, 'Resist the devil, and he will flee from you' (James 4:7). 
James was writing to believers. 
Notice he did NOT say we were to pray TO to God so that God would resist the devil & cause us to flee from us.
James did not say we were to telephone the pastor (or rabbi) & have him pray that the devil would go away. 
No, unless you resist the devil, he will not flee from you. 
I can resist him and he will flee from me, but I cannot resist him for you.
I can pray for people in faith, but if they maintain the wrong confession, it will do no good for me to pray for them; their wrong confessions will nullify the effects of my prayers (1 Peter 5:8; James 4:7)...
Paul wrote to the Church at Ephesus, "Neither give place to the devil" (Eph. 4:27). What does this mean?
It means that we should not give the devil any place in us, because the devil cannot dominate us in any way unless we allow him to do it.
When we resist the devil & make the right confessions, we can maintain our dominion over the devil.
But if our confessions are not in line with the Word of God, then they glorify the devil, & they fill our hearts with a spirit of fear and weakness.  We will rise above all satanic influence when we declare, 'greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world' (1 John 4:4). Greater is Christ who is within us than any force that is arrayed against us. Our confession is the battle-ground on which we fight. 
It is here that we determine whether we will succeed or fail.  Confessing doubts & fears, on the other hand, denies the grace & the ability of God. Believers should never deal with doubts and fears, because they are the devil's narcotics. Paul said, 'For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power & of love & of a sound mind'
(2 Tim. 1:7). God has given us a spirit of power, love, & a sound mind.

Praise God."  When you confess weakness or disease, instead of confessing that Jesus bore all sicknesses & diseases and put them away, you are confessing that you still have them. 
In the early years of my life, I had 2 serious, organic heart problems. The doctor said that either of them
could cause my death. My body was almost totally paralyzed.  I was so anemic, my blood was pale orange in color.  There was no chance of my ever getting well except through the mercy of God.
But I began to read my Grandmother Drake's old Methodist Bible. (I call it a 'Methodist' Bible because she had been saved years before during a Methodist camp-meeting in Tennessee.)  I found out that the Word of God had something to say about the sickness and disease: 'by whose stripes ye were healed' (1 Peter 2:24).
But there I was, suffering 2-3 heart attacks a day.  Don't think for a minute that I had not prayed.
In fact, I had prayed practically all night long many nights.  I had prayed for hours & hours.
I am not minimizing prayer, but it takes more than prayer to get the job done in a case like this.
It takes believing prayer.  The trouble with many Christians is that they do a lot of praying without any believing, or acting on what they believe & it does not accomplish anything. 
There is no place in the Bible where Jesus or anyone else said that prayer alone would get the job done.
But Jesus did say, 'When ye pray, believe that ye receive them & ye shall have them' (Mark 11:24).
Jesus also said, 'All things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive" (Matt. 21:22).
Christians will say, 'I'll tell you, I really believe in prayer.' That doesn't mean a thing in the (spirit) world.
You can go to Tibet and find a religion older than Christianity whose adherents also believe in prayer.
The people pray constantly. Their priests turn a prayer wheel constantly.  Again, I want to emphasize that I am not saying we should stop praying.  I am simply saying that prayer is not all there is to it.
If you believe what God's Word says, then you must act on His Word when you pray. 
Pray, forget about it & begin to conduct yourself as if the answer came the minute you prayed.
It takes more than prayer. It takes believing the Word & acting on it. 
I was beyond all human help as a bedfast teenager. God knows I spent hours in prayer, yet I had made no progress at all in receiving my healing. I decided something was wrong some-where & I knew it couldn't be on God's side. I knew I had to make whatever change was necessary, because God never changes. 
So I asked, 'Lord, what is wrong? Something is wrong somewhere.
I am not making contact with You. I am not receiving what I am praying for.' 
God showed me what it was by His Spirit through the Word: I had to believe I was healed
My natural mind really rebelled... shouted against it.
(You can make as much noise with your mind as you can with your hands or feet.) 
Even though my mind kept saying, 'You are crazy'...I said, 'No, I see it...exactly.
Here is why I have not received my healing: I am still confessing: "I have my heart trouble...I am paralyzed."
I can feel (the symptoms:) how my heart acts, so I am still confessing, "I am sick."
But God's Word says that I am well/healed
.'  I just kept fighting the devil...
Friends, don't think you won't have a fight when you make a confession like that (when you verbally concur with your medical doctor).  You won't rest on a flowery (rose) bed of ease (without thorns).
Oh, no.  God did not say you would. He said we were to 'Fight the good fight (war) of faith' (1 Tim. 6:12).
He said we were to 'Resist the devil, so he will flee from you' (James 4:7). He said we were to 'hold fast onto which thou hast' (Rev. 3:11). He said we were (not to remain impotent/ submissive/defensice but) to (attack/go on the offensive &) resist the devil 'steadfastly in the faith' (1 Peter 5:9).
All such terms as these denote that some strenuous effort needs to be put forth on our part.
'For we WRESTLE not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places (Eph. 6:12). 
Wrestling denotes strenuous effort put forth.
This Scripture doesn't mean strenuous physical effort, such as wrestling with a man. 
It means wrestling against spiritual forces in the spirit realm...The verses we have just read refer to the fact that we must fight/wrestle/resist/put forth an effort, against evil powers in the spiritual realm. 

So (like a pit bull or parasite) you must hold fast to your confession, not loosely or half-heartedly...
I said, 'No, devil, the Bible says I am healed'...I stopped holding onto the confession of my senses.
I held onto what God's Word said instead.  That's what put me over.  It will put you over too. 
Let's get accustomed to acting on the Word
The Word will heal you, if you put it into practice.  God's Word says, 'He sent His word & healed them' (Ps. 107:20).
Proverbs 4:20-22 says, "My son, attend to My words; incline thine ear unto my sayings.
Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart
. For they are (resurrection) life unto those that find them & health to all their flesh
.'  Suppose you went to a doctor who gave you a prescription.
You had it filled.  Then you placed the medicine on the shelf after you got home.
You just sat there & looked at it, but you wouldn't take it. It certainly wouldn't help you & you couldn't expect it to. 
You would have to act on the doctor's orders & take the medicine.  Not only that, but in order for it to work correctly, you would have to take it according to his directions.  Get soaked with the Word of God until you are so Word-conscious that you think about the Word continually. While others are talking about everything else, you should be talking about (echoing) what the Word says. Eg: the Word says that God will meet your every need. God's Word says that He has healed you. Your right confession will become a reality.  Then you will get whatever you need from God. Act on God's Word today." [Kenneth E Hagin
booklet helped transform Charles Capps per 9/2011 - magazine editorial Charles Capps of - Kenneth Copeland Ministries - Consistent confession brings possession, 1st in the spiritual realm, then in the physical body & property (land/plants).]

Hammond, Frank D - The Perils of Passivity - www.thechildrensbread.net -
In war & in politics, to do nothing is to lose to the opposition/enemy. 
The same law applies to the spiritual kingdom.  An unlocked door is an open door to the devil. 
There is a saying, "See no evil.  Do no evil.  Speak no evil."  It can also mean stick your head, like an ostrich, into a hole in the ground, while the enemy loots & ravishes your family.  Whether or not we are at war with Satan, he is always at war with us.  To defend our family we need to come against him like a football player with aggression.  We need to see evil & speak against evil, using the words of scripture, which are alive & dangerous to the kingdom of Satan.

Hampsch, Father - Healing Your Family Tree - book &  video - www.claretiantapeministry.org -
Father Hampsch, an advocate of claiming one's blessings, believes in eliminating one's curses during communion, but then going on to claim one's blessings.  He recommends compiling a family tree of diseases & sins to bring to God to erase during receiving the body & blood of Christ at communion service. 

Harfouche, Robin - Hidden Power of Your Words  #B-44513 - http://globalrevival.e3server.com/chm.asp?id=3
"No one commits to divorce just like that. No one becomes an alcoholic just like that.
No one kills someone just like that...
Life use to be a playground to you; now it's a battlefield - created by your own words."

Harrington, Ken & Jeanne - Shift - www.treasurechestministries.ca -
Chapter Create Your Own Universe - Declarations -
To sickness, "Say the word...Luke 7:7
To demons...He commands...Luke 4:36
To death...He said...Arise...Luke 7:14
To the elements...He commandeth...Luke 8:25
To lack...Luke 5:5
To opposition...He said...John 18:6
To sickness...2nd Kings 5:14
To demonic possession...I command thee...to come out...Acts 16:18
To weather...He prayed...James 5:17
To the economy, Elijah answered...2nd Kings 1:10"

Hayes, Norvel - The Number One Way To Fight The Devil  booklet  www.nhm.cc  a must read author
The "Best of the Best" in applying the Word of God to the enemy as a sword. 
Jesus says to copy/imitate Him when confronting the devil or our problems. 
Additionally we need to be violent not meek.
Hayes, Norvel -
Confession Brings Possession - booklet - http://www.slideshare.net/FreeLeaks/confession-brings-possession-by-norvel-hayes-28686192 -
All God's promises belong to the believing Christian.  Whether we receive them or not is our choice. 
God sai
d, "My children do NOT obey that (scripture Mark 11:23).  They do not talk to the mountain. 
They want to talk to Me about their mountains.  This is unscriptural
."  If Christians are ever going to have anything, they will need to speak things into existence, or they will not have them...Personalize scripture; substitute your personal words.  Regarding Mark 11:23 "Say to this
mountain, 'Be removed.'" 
Instead say, "
Cancer/aids/insanity, be removed, in the name of Jesus Christ."  
Regarding cursing the fig tree in Matthew 21:21-22 Jesus taught Norvel, "If you will curse the roots of those growths on your daughter's body, they will die & disappear.  That is, if you believe & not doubt." 
Jesus spoke
again to Norvel, "All the promises of Mine are yours.  Tell the church, son, ALL the promises." 
"You can speak TO confusion to go.  'Spirit of confusion, go from me.  You cannot live in my mind. 
Confusion, you must go from me.  I command you to be removed, in Jesus' name. 
I am talking to you, spirit of confusion.  (Depart & never return, in Jesus name.)'" 
1st Corinthians 14:33
God is not the author of confusion, but peace. 
Open your mouth & claim your rights in Christ Jesus. 
Why don't we have all the promises?  We need to take (wrestle) them away from the devil. 
After praying or being prayed for, we need to continue to thank God & to continue to confess, to speak into existence what we need. 
We must learn to speak TO our mountains/problems, to confront/bind Satan & loose things he has stolen & to do these things for & by ourselves, depending on God's promises to be true. 
Do not wait on God or a holy pastor.  God is waiting on you.  God is waiting on me.
Hayes, Norvel - How to Live & NOT Die - softcover - www.hnm.cc - Hayes was an understudy of Lester Sumrall.
Chapter 8 Talk Right  "You are your won worst enemy - not someone else, you...
Your mouth or your tongue is like the steering wheel of a car... like the helm of a ship...
NOTHING just happens to you, unless you let it happen. 
When something bad begins to happen, bind it in Jesus' name & throw it out...The world was formed by the words from the mouth of God...(Hebrews 11:3)"  Look "up Scriptures that apply to your life... Scriptures that cover your case & get...them inside of you, so...you can have anything you want from God (that lines up with His Word)."
Chapter 9
Confession Brings You Possession  "The Lord came...saying...'I want to point out that there are if's in there.  Turn in your Bible to Matthew 21 & point out the if's to the people...so they can see for themselves." 
Matthew 21
.  "Jesus said, 'IF you shall say unto this mountain.' 
You need to talk TO mountains (for example TO disease)...
Jesus said to me, '...Teach the people to talk to the mountains AND to the devils. 
Mountains or problems are caused by devils, so talk TO the mountains AND the devils & tell them to get out. 
Pull them out
A man in his congregation had prayed may ways & many days. 
The Lord had the pastor challenge the man to speak To his legs. 
It took quite awhile for the man to wrap his mind around this command, but finally he obeyed and finally his crippled legs obeyed, becoming healed. 
"Tell God, 'Anything that I can read in the New Testament, I'm going to boldly believe it's mine.'  God will say, 'Good. Show Me.'" 
Chapter 10
God Will Send You on Missions for Him to cause people to live & not die, if you know how to talk (confess Scripture)...
Study & memorize Scriptures & keep yourself available; God will send you to human being in need...
Pray like I do, 'Lord, I'm available.  Send me where You want...Lord...make my life a blessing.'" 
Be obedient, even if He sends you to a mental hospital.  Once there do NOT quit until the patient is free. 
Hayes, Norvel -
You Must Know Authority - booklet - www.nhm.cc
Hayes, Norvel -
God's Medicine To Faith - The Word - www.nhm.cc
Hayes, Norvel -
How To Cast Out Devils - booklet - www.nhm.cc
Hayes, Norvel -
You Must Know Authority - booklet - www.nhm.cc
Hayes, Norvel -
You Have Authority - booklet - www.nhm.cc
Hayes, Norvel -
Jesus, Your Deliverer - booklet - www.nhm.cc
Hayes, Norvel - What Causes Jesus to Work Miracles - A must read book -
Jesus reminds us to SPEAK TO our mountains (problems/disease/cancer), rather than to people, to pastors, or to Him.  Refusal to do so is rebellion. 
Chapter 2 Miracles Come Through Faith - God Will Perform His Word - Jesus explains to Norvel, "They don't talk TO their mountains... Anything...that is causing them heartache...is a mountain and the devil put it there...Say..."Be thou removed from me and be thou cast into the depths of the sea"...Talk TO mountains, TO empty pocketbooks, TO sick bodies, TO confused minds, To lost children,'" in the name of Jesus.
Hayes, Norvel - What to Do for Healing - A must read booklet -
Caption - The Same Power That Flowed Through Jesus to Open Blind Eyes & Deaf Ears Is Available for You Today.
Hayes, Norvel -
Know Your Enemy - How to Combat and Overcome Demonic Forces - www.nhm.cc
Chapter 8 Demons Do NOT Obey Weak Christians  Section Be Bold and Loud - "Jesus said to me once, 'Son, if...people who are devil possessed... confess their freedom, they will get free quicker.  If you (in ministering to them) say, 'In Jesus' name, come out of him' & nothing happens, get them (in advance) to thank God (out loud) for their freedom."  (Remember, we often thank a giver of a gift, even BEFORE we unwrap it.)  

Hayes-Corneilson, Zona - Worship God First - booklet - www.nhm.cc -
For beginners we worship God for being to us/me 
1)Elohim/my Creator 2)Jehovah/my Lord God 3)el Shaddai/my Supplier 4)Adonai/my Master 5)Jehovah Jireh/my Provider 6)Jehovah Rophe/my Healer 7)Jehovah Nissi/my Banner 8)Jehovah Mikkadesh/my Sanctifier 9)Jehovah Tsidkenu/my Righteousness 10)Jehovah Shalom/my Peace
11)Jehovah Rohi/my Shapherd 12)Jehovah Shammach/my Abiding Presence
2nd, we thank God for sending Jesus to be all of the above.
3rd, we pray over (speak TO) our organs, including our blood.  We bind (speak to) any demonic activity. 
We bind the devil off our health, marriage, children, family, loved ones, home, job &/or career. 
 We loose any blessings, in Jesus name.  binding + loosing
4th we speak out loud what God Himself says about each situation in Scripture.
5th we claim/believe/receive/thank & stand firm, whether 21 days or 21 years.

Heflin, Ruth Ward  - Glory - book - www.revivalglory.org -
Free downloads @ GLORY (3MB) + GLORY in French (1.28MB) + GLORY in Spanish (840KB) 
Praise proceeds into worship, which proceeds into glory.  The Glory Brings an Ease
"Every Spirit-filled child of God has he privilege of bringing the glory & the ease into a service...their own lives...households...churches... communities...nation.  We do it with our voices. 
The lifting up of the voice brings a different atmosphere into a place."

Hegstrom, Paul - Broken Children, Grown-Up Pain - Understanding the Effects of Your Wounded Past - www.lifeskillsintl.org - At the age of 8 Paul was sexually abused by a man. 
His mom further traumatized him by washing his mouth out with soap & condemning any sexual curiosity/questions/conversation as shameful/evil/forbidden/etc, resulting in a lifestyle of verbal, physical & sexual abuse with those Paul dated or married.  When Paul became teachable 40 years later, God revealed how to rewire the brain.  1 significant method is to read the Bible out LOUD.

Herzog, David - Mysteries of the Glory Unveiled - www.voiceofglory.org -
Chapter 5 Revival of Wisdom indicates that when the kingdom of heaven is:  
(1) understood, (2) declared or (3) preached, the atmosphere changes. 
When we declare (on earth) what God is declaring (in heaven), it begins to manifest (on earth).  
Spiritual wisdom (of the Holy Spirit) is NOT intellectual wisdom (of the mind).  (That is why we need in the church the gift of wisdom, knowledge, tongues, interpretation, etc.)  Spiritual revelation is God's Spirit speaking to our spirit & not to our mind.  It is our recognizing His mind and immediately speaking it.  God spoke each flower into existence.  David urges us to ask God for an anointing of supernatural wisdom (insight that does NOT come from counselors, psychiatrists, professors, or the school of hard knocks).
Herzog, David - Glory Invasion - o
rder book #1087 from Messianic Vision - http://www.sidroth.org  
David discusses quantum physics and how creation obeys your spoken word.
Herzog, David - Glory Invasion, expanded edition - http://www.scribd.com/doc/97803471/1/SECTION-I - important -
Herzog, David - www.scribd.com/doc/97803471/Glory-Invasion-David-Herzog -
Cached -
Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), text file (.txt) or read book online for free.

Hill, Steve - Operating in the Miraculous - www.stevehill.org - Chapter 11 Articulation - mentors us as what to & what not to say when praying over people.  For one, we can speak to a disease, "I rebuke that __________ in Jesus' name."  Just do not prophesy healing or declare healing or promise healing, leaving the individual to disillusionment & tears, when he walks away unhealed, unless God Himself has said/shown it personally to you for that individual.  Hill encourages us to speak up for, "There is a miracle in your mouth."

Hinson, Michael - To Heal the Heart - Live Life to the Fullest - www.hinsonministries.com www.tohealtheheart.com
The ideas contrary to God's ideas/spoken words under duress/vows may trigger a problem/disease. 
Once we discover a lie, a belief that contradicts God, then we can verbally renounce, repent of, refuse & reject it, in the name, power & authority of Jesus.  Father God, in the name & resurrection power of Your son Jesus', I repent:
for    name the behavior    that contradicts what Your Word states.
of any: name the beliefs/thoughts/ideas that are contrary to Your nature.
for any:   confess the words/vow/swear/curse/promise       
I spoke from my heart that were declarations against Your purposes in my: or name the person's  life."    

Hughes, Vera A - From the Gates of Hall to the Gates of Glory - www.forministry.com/ustxinteroical
Hebrews 13:2 KJV - Be not forgetful to entertain strangers; for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.  The angel who looked like an ordinary woman "saw I had a Bible. 
I told her that I was unable to read it because of my damaged vision. 
She told me to start reading the Bible out loud, starting with the book of John
As I slowly read each word aloud an amazing thing happened. 
With each word, I realized that I could see better. 
I started reading louder & louder...God had sovereignly moved once again (in that hospital)." 

Hunter, Charles and Frances - A Confession a Day Keeps the Devil Away - www.cfhunter.org - Daily Devotional
Hunter, Frances - Memorizing Made Easy -

Jacobs, Judy - Take It by Force - www.charismahouse.com - Judy is founder of His Song Ministries, Lake Mary, Florida, USA.  Judy is wed to Tamie Tuttle, director of her ministry.  Matthew 11:12 is the basis/foundation of this empowering book for those who are dealing with overwhelming situations.  ["From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing (suffered violence) & (but) forceful men lay hold of it."]  In the face of trouble & the lies of Satan, we are to speak the opposite of what is happening, giving God praise for His victory.  Then we are to stand firm & not quit in our attitude of praise. 
We are to be aggressive in our thanksgiving to & dancing before the Lord. 
The personal testimonies & visions/words from God will bolster one's fainting heart.
Chapter 12 The Coming Move shares a testimony of Pastor John Osteen of Lakewood Church. 
John saw Jesus with Satin at His back.  He warned Jesus to get Satan. 
Instead Jesus ignored Satan & entered into John.  Then Jesus told John to get Satan in His name.

Johnson, Bill - The Supernatural Power of a Transformed Mind    www.billjohnsonministries.com
Chapter 1 Change Your Mind shares, "There is such an intense war being waged for your mind & mental agreement.  Every thought & action in your life speaks of allegiance to God or to Satan. 
Both are empowered by your agreement.  Renewing your mind means learning to recognize what comes from hell & what comes from heaven & agreeing with heaven
That is the only way you will complete your divine assignment. 
God designed your mind to be 1 of the most supernaturally powerful tools in the universe, but it needs to be sanctified & yielded to the Holy Spirit so you can carry out His designs, creative ideas & plans."
Chapter 8 Enduring Uncertainty shares a resurrection story of a medical missionary instructing onlookers to a tragedy to, "Speak life in Jesus; name.  When I look over at you, I want to see your lips moving." 
A dead woman came back to life + "many injuries were healed & people were spared who (otherwise) surely should have died."

Jones, Bonnie - http://www.bobjones.org/ - Power of the Spoken Word - "Book encourages believers to focus on bringing their thoughts into captivity. Bonnie exhorts people to be positive in their conversation & to make no way for curses to come on their lives." - recommended -
Also watch http://www.northwestprophetic.com/2011/10/bob-jones-preliminary-shepherds-rod.html

Jones, Doug - Mastering the Silence -
www.dougjones.siteblast.com -
Learn how thoughts take you captive.  Then you can take thoughts captive.   Evil thoughts present evil evidence. 
I am to erase that negative evidence by presenting God's evidence written in the Bible.
Jones, Doug - Positioning Yourself to Receive Healing -
Jones, Doug - Understanding the Healing Power of God -

Kelley, Earthquake - Order book #1122 "Bound to Lose, Destined to Win" - http://earthquakekelleyministries.org/books/   
Chapter 2 - A Curse of Voodoo - "As a child, I spoke words that allowed a demonic spirit to attack me. 
Words are powerful, even when spoken by children."

Sandra Kennedy 2011 - challenging -
Sandra illustrates how to heal oneself by applying scriptural principles.

Keyton, Bree MD - The Passion, What Does It Mean?  book and CD  www.breekeytonministries.com -
Numerous people have been healed listening to the CD. 
Unique deliverance ministry on Jesus' blood, thorns, stripes & nails.

King, Patricia - Spiritual Revolution - Experience the Supernatural in Your Life - www.extremeprophetic.com
Chapter 4 Spirit Man Arise  "The written (/spoken) Word that we read (/speak) in Scriptures represents the actual substance...spiritual revelation...We...enter into and experience the Incarnate Word, Christ Himself. 
To be inside the Word is to be inside Christ, Who is the Word, the Logos of God." 
In other words, we can "experience" God/His work/His blessings, especially when we are having visions/dreams/Holy spiritual encounters.  We can see from His perspective. 
We can personally experience/observe/feel/ see/recognize/receive/impart His wisdom, grace, love, joy, reconciliation, prosperity, health, strength & favor, because our spirit man is operating apart from the flesh & in the heavenly/spiritual dimension without time/human restraints.
Chapter 5 The Vital Connector - We need "to confess the Word of God out loud on a regular basis...
Blessings will begin to come upon you and overtake you...Simply continue to lock in to the (Scripture) promise by faith & confess the truth of the Word.  You can count on His promises...our inheritance in Christ...
Ask the Spirit to quicken His Word to you...Perceive the promise of God through the eye of faith. 
Ephesians 2:6
clearly states that we 'sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus' KJV...
Do you believe this promise regardless of whether you feel it or sense it?  Then, confess it. 
Speak it out, 'Thank You, Jesus, that I am at the throne of grace. 
I have accessed the throne room and am receiving help, grace and mercy in my time of need'...
The more we speak out the Word of God in faith, the more we will see its manifestations...
Kingdom truth is already real & eternally true.  Your confession doesn't make it real...
According to the Scripture, WHEN we confess AND believe we are saved"/rescued/answered.
"Galatians 6:9 declares, 'Let us not lose heart...for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary.'"
Mark 11:24 For which you pray (proclaim/aloud) & ask (aloud), believe that you have (already) received them (God's covenant promises in Scripture) and they will be granted you.

Kerry Kirkwood - 5/1-5/2011 Messianic Vision radio broadcast - The Power of Blessing - Book/CD - 5/5/2011 Thursday shares significant difference between Fact and Truth.

Kunneman, Brenda - The Supernatural You: Living from the Well of God's Spirit within You www.ovm.org  www.lohchurch.org  Omaha, Nebraska, USA - Chapter 6 Don't Jump out of the River -
"You have to SPEAK TO the problem, NOT talk TO God about the problem...Jesus said you have to tell the mountain to leave, not yell, 'Lord save me'...Jesus would NOT have been helping His disciples had He catered to their feelings...Prophesy to yourself.  Shout out in other tongues.  SPEAK the Word of God & command miracles to produce themselves from within you (where dwells the Holy Spirit with your spirit)."
Chapter 7 - Prayer that Works Miracles - "Our praying should be calculated with Biblical & Scriptural accuracy...like swords in the Spirit."  James 5:16 The effectual prayer avails much. 
Pray "accurately according to the Bible rather than...whatever we think and feel...Find out what God's will is...
We need to align...adjust to Him."  Agree "with the Lord's opinion...with what God has already promised."

, Joyce - Be Healed in Jesus' Name - booklet -
www.jmministries.org  - Confess with your mouth, "I (now) lay hands on the sick & they recover, in the name of Jesus." 
God told Reinhard Bonnke, "My word in your mouth is as powerful as My word in your mouth."
Meyer, Joyce - How to Succeed at Being Yourself -
www.joycemeyer.org - 5/2005
Amy Williams gives testimony how seeing Joyce Meyer TV program & reading this book freed her from the "grip" of fear, self doubt,  self rejection & self isolation.
Amy shared with Joyce how she put the relevant words of God in each room, on the mirror, on the refrigerator, etc, memorized and quoted that word until it replaced her old self image with God's view of her.
Ask for audio/video of testimony.  They discuss how life is a "walk out process", not always a quick fix. 
Joyce reminds us that the word of God is a weapon to apply daily with our mouth
Remember, the land of Israel did not fall into the hands of the Hebrews. 
Instead they had to daily walk in spiritual obedience.  1st they had to make war.
Meyer, Joyce - Is Your Mouth Saved - audio -
www.joycemeyer.org -
Jesus said to Joyce Meyer, "You need to get your mouth saved." 
Speak the opposite of the negative things we thing or feel. 
Speak God's heavenly words/thoughts into existence on the earth in your life.
, Joyce - Me and My Big Mouth - book &/or audio #5928 -
www.jmministries.org -
Do not beg God to set you free.  Instead confess that you are free, in the name of Jesus
Call (into existence) those (wonderful) things that are not as though they are.
Meyer, Joyce - The Secret Power of Speaking God's Word -
Psalm 104:20 KJV   
Bless the Lord, you His angels, that excel in strength, that do His commandments, harkening to the voice of His (spoken) word
(Beware. Our negative words cancels out our positive speech.) Daily make good self confessions. 
Do not proclaim any negativity you feel/see; contradict with scripture.
Meyer, Joyce - The Secret Power of Speaking God's Word Out Loud  booklet  
Confess that your Dad God will heal you, that your Father God did heal you, that your Brother Jesus has healed you.  Confess that in the name of Jesus Christ you are healed.

McAll, Kenneth MD-  A Guide to Healing the Family Tree - www.marianland.com -
This book contains the parent theory of the above Father Hampsch ministry.

McLean, Renny - Eternity Invading Time - www.globalglory.org - Renny admonishes us to praise, worship, declare, & then thank God (in the name of Jesus) for whatever is promised in scripture - healing, deliverance, financial stability. Superior book for those in ministry. 
Stop waiting for things to happen.  Instead, call forth His wonders.  Yes, you.  Not the preacher. 
You who believe God and take Him at His Word.   Declaration "In the name of Jesus, Matter (sickness/disease/ mental-illness/deformity) is going to lose its hold as I let God get to the root. 
There are breakthroughs taking place in my spirit.  I am going to know the root cause. 
God is dealing with the root cause.  I will rest assured, God is getting to the root. 
Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus, we declare the roots are now cut from addictive behaviors, from spirits of infirmities & from everything that tries to exalt itself against the knowledge of the Glory of God.
We lay the axe to the root of our problem & declare, 'No evil root.  No bad fruit.' 
We choose to walk into the greater realm of God. 
We say aloud that we are free to live in the greater miracle realm by the Holy Spirit. 
Your Word agrees that whom the Son sets free is free indeed.  I am now delivered.  Amen."
Chapter 13 Breakthrough - "Something is supposed to happen when the Word is preached...
The Lord told me, 'You don't pray up the power; you preach the power...
There's never a time when you preach that the Heavens don't open. 
I have to open the Heavens to testify of what I'm saying.  I have to confirm it. 
I don't confirm what I have not said'...
After the microphone was packed away 10,000 people were still hearing my voice. 
The Glory of God carries your voice. 
You don't have a voice, without having a (glory) realm, & a realm isn't void of a voice...
A leg came from nowhere...about 2 feet of flesh and bone growing out where it had never been.""

Mjorud, Reverend Herbert - Fighting Cancer with Christ - Mjorud Evangelistic Association, 3604 Coolidge St NE, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA 55418, Phone 1-612-789-7803 -
Gunchild & Herbert wove the following confession into their prayers & shared it in their newsletter:
"I confess and say (aloud):
God is my Father & I am His child. (Romans 8:15
I believe that Jesus Christ  died for my sins (1st Corinthians 15:3)
and was raised for my justification (Romans 4:25).
He is my Savior & my Lord, for I have received Him (John 1:12)
confessing my sins & know that God is faithful & just & has forgiven all my sins (1st John 1:9).
I acknowledge You, Jesus, as My Lord, the Lord of my heart. (1st Peter 3:15)
I confess & believe that You have given me power to witness (Acts 1:8),
power over Satan and demons (Luke 10:19),
power to live victoriously (2nd Peter 1:3),
and that rivers of living water are flowing out through me.  (John 7:37)
I say to Satan & all demons, 'You are defeated. (1st John 3:8)
I claim Christ's victory over you by His death & shed blood. (Revelation 12:11)
I take authority over all you demons, you evil & unclean spirits (Luke 9:1),
breaking all your ties & bonds upon me & command you to go & to leave my: body, soul & spirit. 
I do this in Jesus' Name.' (Matthew 16:17)
Thank You Jesus for my victory over Satan & all his cohorts & for the right to use Your Name to have victory here & now.  I believe, Lord Jesus, that You are my healer (Exodus 15:26),
that You have taken my sickness away from the midst of me (Exodus 23:25),
that You bore all my pains & infirmities, all my sicknesses & diseases (Matthew 8:17) in Your body (Isaiah 53:4) & that by Your stripes I am healed (Isaiah 53:5).  
Men of God laid hands upon me in Your Name claiming my healing.
 You said (that) I shall recover, so I know I am recovering (Mark 16:16-18). 
Fellow Christians have prayed for me; your Word says, "The prayer of faith shall heal
the sick,' so I know I am being healed.  You promised me, 'abundant life.' (John 10:10)
Therefore, I am enjoying abundant life for my body, soul & spirit. 
Bless the Lord, O my soul & forget not all His benefits. He forgives all my iniquities.
He HEALS ALL my DISEASES (Psalm 103:1-2)
Thank You Jesus for delivering me from all fear, for You did not give me a spirit of fear, but a spirit of love, power + sound: mind & body. (2nd Timothy 1:7)  You are in me & with me. 
I have no fear even though walking in the valley of the shadow of death. (Psalm 23:1-4)
Jesus, I confess You as my High Priest...You are the High Priest of my confession. (Hebrew 4:14)
To this I hold fast knowing that You are watching over Your Word to bring it to pass. (Jeremiah 1:12)
I know that heaven & earth will pass away, but Your Word that I confess with my mouth will never pass away. (Matthew 5:18)
I come boldly to Your throne of mercy to make this confession, believing it is pleasing to Thee, all the angels & company of heaven, causing all my enemies to tremble, over which I have total victory, according to Your Word. (Hebrew 10:19)
Jesus, thanks for the victory that overcomes this world (1st John 5:4-5),
over all my enemies here & now (Isaiah 35:4),
to Your glory & my own blessing.  Amen & Amen."

Osborne, TL (deceased) Miracles - Proof of God's Love - www.osborn.org - The preface says it ALL. 
TL's grandson Tommy after asking Jesus to come into his heart, found & read ALOUD his grandparents original/1st publication of Miracles.  By so doing he SPOKE to heaven, hell & to his inner spirit. 
The result is that God' presence engulfed him and surged through him like electricity. 
God revealed His LIFE/aliveness to Tommy. 
This book shares that any missionary is mostly dead/unfruitful without signs, miracles & wonders following or preceding the Word of God.

T.L. - Healing the Sick http://www.ekklesia.lt/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/
.pdf - "Confessing pains, aches, and diseases is like signing for a package that the Express Company has delivered. Satan then has the RECEIPT, your (negative) confession, from you, showing that YOU HAVE ACCEPTED his package.  Do not accept anything sent by the devil."

Pierce, Chuck - www.gloryofzion.org - January 2004 audio tape Worship Warrior - www.sidroth.org -
God told Chuck Pierce, "There is redemption in your bloodline." 
Scripture tells is there are both curses and blessings in our blood line
Let's lay claim to our blessings & redemption through the faith/spiritual bloodline of both Abraham & Jesus Christ. 
Let us cast off Satin that bloodsucker & cling to God through the power of the Holy Spirit. 
Let us be tenacious & not let go of God, as Jacob would not let go of the Angel who finally blessed him. 
Chuck Pierce - Time to Defeat the Devil @
http://charismahouse.com/index.php/sample-chapters?start=8 - Sample chapter
here -
Chapter 8 The Word Key - "Every year I try to read through the Word...I will read the Word aloud back to the Lord."  Once "the still, small vice of Father said, 'Do not go to the next verse until you believe the verse you just read' (in order to align Chuck's thought processes/character/nature/heart with God's)."

Prince, Derek (deceased) Blessing or Curse - You Can Choose - Freedom from Pressures You Thought You Had to Live With - www.derekprince.com
Chapter 14 Soulish Talk shares the consequences of gossip/negative talk towards a peer/clergy. 
Prince was struck with an invisible blow to the lower abdomen area.  Then he saw in his mind 2 associates 6,000 miles away condemning/criticizing him for a course of action he had taken. 
In order to eliminate the pain, Prince had to (1) forgive, (2) in the name of Jesus, bind the satanic forces working against him & (3) in the name of Jesus, loose himself from the effect of the negative words, all according to Matthew 18:18
Prince, Derek - Derek Prince on Experiencing God's Power (includes 9 books) 
1 - The Holy Spirit and You
2 -  Speaking Scripture aloud with each meal is medicine to mind, body, & spirit.
Free book God's Medicine Bottle  by "writing" to Benny Hinn Ministries PO Box 16200, Irving, Texas 75016 
3 - God's Remedy for Rejection "Recognize the nature of your problem & call it by its right name - rejection."
"Forgiveness is NOT an emotion; it is a decision."  Decide "to get rid of the bad fruit that rejection has produced...bitterness, resentment, hatred, & rebellion...are poison...Receive and believe what God has already done for you.  [God] has made us accepted in the Beloved. Ephesians 1:6 NKJV...
Never criticize yourself...Praise God out loud...Thanking God sets the seal on your release."
Free book God's Remedy for Rejection by "writing" to Benny Hinn Ministries PO Box 16200, Irving, Texas 75016 - www.bennyhinn.org
Rejection &/or rebellion is often a root cause of  Schizophrenia
according to Ida Mae and Frank Hammond
4 - The Marriage Covenant
5 - God's Plan for Your Money
6 - Does Your Tongue Need Healing?  God creates with His mouth. 
Are we are His mouthpiece or Satan's?
Chapter 4 Words Determine Destiny  Numbers 14:26 Saith the Lord, "As ye have spoken (negatively complained/grumbled) in Mine ears, so will I do to (permit/allow to happen/fail to intervene/rescue) you ."
7 - How to Fast Successfully
8 - Shaping History through Prayer and Fasting
9 - Spiritual Warfare
Prince, Derek - War in Heaven -
www.derekprince.com - Prince reminds us to proclaim (remind God of His promises) aloud to God His Word.  Satan recognizes this spiritual principle & uses it well in Islam by the 5x a day proclamation that "There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet." 
This is a major reason why the Muslims are resistant to the claims of Jesus & why Islam is spreading so fast.  Immediately after our proclamation of God's word, we are to praise & then worship, standing firm in our trust of His faithfulness to His promises.  That is real warfare. 
That is winning a war. When Jesus was tempted/tormented by the Devil, He always responded, "It is written."

Raatz, Dale & Pearl - The God of Now - Pearl Will Live & Not Die. - www.thefinal-word.org Autobiography.  Superior tutorial in declaring the word of God.
Video testimony televised #DIS321 or audio radio broadcast -

Roberson, Dave - The Walk of the Spirit - The Walk of Power - The Vital Role of Praying in Tongues - www.daveroberson.org - Portrait Version - Printer Friendly Version
Chapter 11 Overcoming Impasses in Prayer
shares an illustration of a woman who was taught how to walk out of disease. 
Based on Mark 11:24 -
Whatsover things you desire when you pray, believe that you receive; then you will have it

One has to (a) name your desire to God, (b) believe that you now, immediately have your request, (c) thank God you were healed 2,000 years ago by Christ, (d) confess what scripture says about your problem & refuse to accept/repeat/believe any lie/evidence that contradicts scripture (e) command the problem/disease to die from the root, in the name of Jesus, (f) continue to agree with scripture, regardless of what you are experiencing, (g) respond to others by saying, "According to the Word of God, I am denying my disease/problem its right to stay.", (h) speak, "I receive my healing/answer. 
I am healed /fixed in Jesus Name.  I praise God for my healing/answer.", (i) pray in tongues 1 for at least 1 hour extra each morning, (j) ask, "I need Your help Holy Spirit." & (k) pray in tongues at least 1 extra hour PM.

Roberts, Oral - When You See the Invisible, You Can Do the Impossible - www.orm.cc-
Chapter 8 How I Learned to Preach with the Anointing Every Time  shares Jesus' definition, "The anointing is when you're separated from yourself & filled with My glory, so that when you speak it's like I am speaking.
When you act, it's like I am acting

Roth, Sid @ It Is Written - Your Playbook to Win Every Battle @ http://sidroth.org/sites/default/files/kcfinder/files/It%20Is%20Written.pdf

Ruth, Peggy Joyce - Psalm 91 for Youth - www.peggyjoyceruth.org
Chapter 3 No More Traps of Satan says, "The devil has traps set for each one of us...
The Word of God is a real weapon.  It is a spiritual weapon. 
When you say it OUT LOUD & mean it, temptations (dangers/plans of the enemy) leave." 
Ruth quotes 2nd Corinthians 10:3-5  "Our weapons have power from God. 
These weapons can destroy the enemy's strong places...
We capture every thought & make it give up & obey Christ." 
Chapter 6 I Will Not Fear What Another Person Can Do to Me  explains, "You operate spiritual weapons with your mouth & your tongue.  Every word you speak is a spiritual weapon - either for good or for evil."  
"It is so important to say what God's Word says
If you say negative things that go against God's Word, you bring negative, evil things into your life. 
For example, when you say things like, 'I'm always sick'...you are using Satan's weapon...
Did you know that? Life & death are in the power of the tongue. Proverb 18:21"  "When things are going wrong you have to choose to believe God's Word more than you believe what you see...Everyone knows that gravity is real, but there is a higher law called aerodynamics that can override the law of gravity & let a plane fly...Satan's attacks are as real as gravity, but his attacks can also be overcome by a higher law called Faith in God's Word."
Chapter 8 Disease Won't Hurt Me says, "It is very tempting to get into fear when the doctor gives you a bad report, but she chose to believe God's Word more...She (Joyce) continued to say out loud that she was healed because Jesus took her sicknesses & diseases on the cross.  Then another report came back, & the doctors said, 'We don't understand it, but you don't have any cancer in your body.' 
It pays to believe Jesus, because the promises are only for those who believe."
Ruth, Peggy Joyce - My Own Psalm 91 Book (for K1- 2nd graders) @
www.peggyjoyceruth.org or non-profit source http://www.1687foundation.com/

Savelle, Jerry - excerpt @ https://www.amazon.com/Prayer-Petition-Breaking-Through-Impossible/dp/0830756604?asin=0830756604&revisionId=&format=4&depth=1

Salem, Harry & Cheryl - Salem Family Ministries - Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA - www.salemfamilyministres.org - workbook: Speak the Word Over Your Family for Healing

Savard, Liberty  Now, It's Time to Begin Producing the Promise  http://www.libertysavard.com
Savard's doctrine contends that the majority of our failures are due to me/myself/I, the soul/old self/nature. 
Per Chapter 7 Casting Off Soul Power & Soul Ties, Savard is a disciple of Watchman Nee, who teaches on soul & spirit (where the human soul has much latent parapsychology power & can falsify the Holy Spirit). 
Savard does apply the principle of loosing problems & binding blessings (the reverse of most loosing/binding ministry of binding evil & loosing one from harm).
Savard includes a few loosing/binding prayers to help remedy issues.
Chapter 8 Agreement Releases Power admonishes us to be in agreement with scripture. 
Author contends fear is not an evil spirit, but a human symptom/reaction due to a need to be healed. 
Author believes that we can be harmed due to our familial exposure/agreements, which we need to change by binding our wills to the will of God.
Chapter 9 Warfare in the Heavenlies shares the author's disbelief that born again Christians can have demons.

Sheets, Dutch - Authority in Prayer - Praying with Power and Purpose - http://www.dutchsheets.org/index.cfm 
http://www.cephasministry.com/joels_army_who_is_who.html -
Adam lost man's spiritual authority, but Jesus restored it back to man. 
Awake & claim/use it.  Satan never lost his power, but the power of Christ/God is always greater. 
Do not confuse authority with power.  They act together as a couple. 
The authority which Satan wealds is delegated/relinquished to him by humans, in their ignorance.  
It it time to take away/back that authority & apply it to his throat. 
It is like the rapist telling the victim that it is his fault that he got taken advantage of. 
Wake up.  Stop believing the lies of the enemy.  It is time to reverse/win this war. 
It is time to set the captives free.  Dutch says that we who take/apply/rely on our Jesus derived authority cannot be broken beyond God's creative ability to restore.
Chapter 3 The Poet shares this statement of Jesus, "I'm going to do this. 
You don't have to SAY or do things perfectly.  Just do what I've asked you to. I'll do the rest. 
I need your VOICE, not your perfection
Chapter 8 The Voice admonishes us to apply JOB 22:28 TNAB.
Decree/declare/proclaim/shout His words, so they will become established/manifested on the earth. 
We plant His words, so they will take root/grow/mature/bear fruit/be transplanted from heaven onto the earth.
Chapter 13 The Levels continues to stress that God/Christ is our authority. 
We are His representative delegated to act on His behalf.  Knowing will not get the sick/disabled healed. 
We need to step out & ACT as His attorney/mate/employee/ staff/delegate. 
We need to command/speak/decree to any adversity that it is now nonexistent/gone/poof/dead, in the name of Jesus, because of whatever relevant scripture.  Make sure you have looked up the applicable scriptures. 
Memorize them.  If necessary, buy yourself a concordance. 
 Get up an hour earlier daily to proclaim victory into the 2nd heaven & to send praise into the 3rd heaven until the problem is gone
If you are a parent or boss or supervisor, you have spiritual authority over anyone & anything under you. 
You can legally spiritually stand in the gap for those under you. Satan is a legalist. 
If you win the case, he has to concede/recede.
Chapter 14 The Decrees decrees that, "We are dangerous to evil, we are unavoidable... undefeatable.
You were created to be a part of God's government of the earth. 
When you were born again that calling was ratified. 
Take the sword (the Word of God) & the scepter (the Holy Spirit) & begin to govern your world. 
Serve (verbal) notice on the powers of darkness that their chest-sitting days are over where you & yours are concerned....Rule."
Epilogue - The Gains notes that, "The government of God will prevail as the Saints align their (spoken) prayer (decrees) with the (spoken & written/recorded) decrees of Heaven."

Smith, Alice - Beyond the Lie - Finding Freedom from the Past - http://www.cbn.com/entertainment/Books/BeyondtheLie.aspx  
"Your belief system is built on what you think & what you say to yourself &
not just what you say aloud...Your self talk should always be acceptable to God."

Perry Stone - http://www.amazon.com/The-Judas-Goat-Friendships-Temptation/dp/1621365212#reader_1621365212
Chapter 8 Believers Who Are Vexed by a Devil -
A holy hedge around us may sometimes be legally opened to Satan by our verbal agreement with evil pronouncements in alignment with evil (such as disease or premature death) & NOT in alignment with G-d & His scripture.

Strong, Lori  Take UP the Sword of the Spirit - Crushing Curses with the Word of God - email pwp@youbetnet
Parenting with a Purpose & Walking in Faith ministries, Brooklyn Park, Minnesota, USA - The Strongs work with prisoners, their families & the addicted. - Her book cites curses based on scripture & then gives a relevant prayer for each curse.  Cited curses are - lack of belief in God, fear of man, lack of communication in marriage, lack of affection in marriage, adultery, divorce, disrespecting parents, believing that children are an inconvenience, abortion, laziness & lack of motivation, poverty & lack, drug & alcohol addiction, sickness, constant arguing, bitterness & unforgiveness, mishandling anger, pride, making bad choices, lack of trust & dishonesty. 

Sudduth, William - So Free @ http://www.ramministry.org/online_store_s.htm - Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
Chapter 5 - Sin, the #1 Open Door - "It was her 1st encounter with a dead body. 
The funeral directors...asked her if the procedure bothered her. 
She responded with a 'little white lie'.  'No', she said, 'It does not bother me.' 
At that point the (spiritual) door was opened. 
 The witchcraft spirit that was hanging onto that dead body went through the open door. 
She repented for the lie and renounced the spirit of witchcraft.  It left immediately...
There is no such thing as a small sin.  All sin has consequences and can be a point of entry for the enemy. 
1 false comment, lie, 1 act of sin...had opened the way for demonic oppression. 
Sin is the #1 entry point for demonic bondage...
Whatever demon is passing by or hanging around when that door is opened, simply steps in. 
Sin has given it the legal right to stay."
Chapter 6 - Curses - 5 Sources - 1.Word curses spoken over us by ourselves or others.
2.Curses that result from...our own personal sins.
3.Curses inherited.
4.Curses...due to a broken vow to God.
5.Curses placed on us by...witchcraft and sorcery...
"We may have heard, or said to ourselves, things like: 'You're so stupid...retarded. 
You've got cancer...mental illness. You'll never amount to anything. You're just like your father'...
Likewise, when we yell at the bad driver...'You idiot'...our words will affect that individual. 
Words against him have been spoken into the atmosphere...Certain words & attitudes we invoke are actually the names of (evil) spirits or demons.  One such example is the spirit of divorce. 
Once you speak divorce in your household, you give it a license to hang out, to sow seed, to establish a stronghold.  It is probably the most destructive word you can speak in your home...I bless my wife at every meal...She gets prettier every day."  "The principle of speech is a law, just like gravity...
We reap what we sow...I went through deliverance...They called up a spirit of epilepsy...
I said out loud, 'Where did that come from'...I heard the Lord say, 'Let Me show you.' 
The Lord then played a video in my mind that took me back 23 years:  I was 19...I reached for my wallet & realized I had forgotten it (picture ID).  I told him, 'I am an epileptic.  I am not allowed to drive'...
God showed me that when I had claimed epilepsy, I had given the enemy a legal right to inflict me with that disease by the words of my own mouth.  I had said, 'I am an epileptic.' The devil had replied, 'You are now.' 
I never had any symptoms of that disease, but I truly believe the enemy knew that God had plans for my life. 
The devil was just waiting for an opportune time to inflict me, in order to cause the most damage that he could.  The assignment against me was still there.  I repented & it left." 
(Notice.  God's name is 'I AM' and Satan's perversion of that is to negate it using evil antonyms & adjectives of oneself who is made in God's image.  Be alerted.  Be freed from enemy deception & wiles.)
freemasonry - http://www.ramministry.org/freemasonry.htm
generational curses - http://www.ramministry.org/generational-curses.htm
Halloween - http://www.ramministry.org/halloween.htm
witchcraft http://www.ramministry.org/witchcraft.htm @ articles http://www.ramministry.org/articles.htm

Sumrall, Lester - Divine Authority - http://www.lesea.com/
Sumrall, Lester -
Imagination: Hidden Force of Human Potential     
Sumrall, Lester - The Human Body booklet #2 from The Total Man Series - www.sumrallpublications.com -
Chapter 2 What Man Must Do - During Jesus' temptation by Satan in the desert He "destroyed Satan's attack against His body (mind & human spirit)...by the use (spiritual weapon) of the (spoken) Word of God."

Thompson, Robb - You Are Healed - www.winninginlife.org
, Robb D - Breaking Free -booklet -
www.robbthompson.com -
"Realize...2 things did NOT get saved when you did: your body & your mind...
A 'born again' experience redeems the spirit of a man, not his flesh.  Your body did not get saved when you did." 
Do not send "mixed messages to angels who stand at attention waiting to perform the (spoken/ confessed) Word of God in your life...The angels & the demons obey what you say." 
"God gave us a mouth to overcome  our mind.  The only thing that can stop the belligerently screaming thoughts that invade your mind is your mouth.  What you say with your mouth will determine your future. 
If you succumb to fear & say the negative thoughts, you have just entered into the prayer of agreement with all that despises you...Confession of God's Word is the prayer of agreement with God. 
When you declare (aloud) God's Word, you have just given the spirit realm what it needs to bring that declaration to pass in your life." 
God's spoken "Word is able to save your soul (keep your mind insulated from mental torment)."
"Renewing your mind required your participation...You must speak the Word for yourself. 
He has called you to be the architect of all your tomorrows & to construct the future with the words of your mouth...To create, God spoke."
Proverbs 6:2 You are snared by the words of your mouth.  You are taken by the words of your mouth.
In the name of Jesus, cancel ALL past pronouncements by self or others
Today begin to create a new & wonderful life.  "Pay attention to your thoughts & your words throughout the day. 
When you notice a negative thought, replace it with God's thought" in order to "erase all previously diseased or contaminated thoughts...
If you start saying (aloud) God's Word, the mental torment will stop...
If you are going to speak, say what God says.

Perry Stone  - The Judas Goat - Page 185 - Gary Townsend began a study on ...
Gary cooked a batch of organic basmati rice in 1 pot/jar...remained white. 
The 2nd jar the rice had turned moldy...based on 2 jar labels: "I love you" vs "I hope you die."

Walker, Dennis - Catching the Initiatives of Heaven - www.dunamisarc.org -
Chapter 3 - The Tent - a New Beginning section Finding Heaven's Initiatives in the Secret Place -
One can speak TO pain or any ailment even by phone.
For instance, one can "set the cell phone on speaker phone & then...lay it on the part of...body that has pain" 
Speak "TO the body &" command the pain & inflammation "to go," in Jesus' name.

Walters, Kathie - Angels - Watching Over You - booklet - www.goodnews.netministries.org -
Agreeing with the Word of God
"Matthew  8:17 says, 'He Himself took our infirmities & bore our sicknesses.' 
Suddenly I saw a vision of a mighty angel over the church...I saw that his arms were bound by a chain. 
I said, 'Lord, why has that happened?' 
The Lord told us that our unbelief & negative words had prevented the angel from stretching out his arms to help us."     
Sometimes, the Angel Brings Judgment 
"When the forces of the enemy are unleashed against you...remember to agree with God...
Don't let the evil lone entice you to say a lot of negative things. 
You can prevent the angels from ministering."
Going Out  "If God sends His angel to help you receive...don't talk yourself out of it with negative words."

Wigglesworth, Smith - All books on Smith Wigglesworth are superior.  Ever Increasing Faith by Smith Wigglesworth admonishes us the take victory & to SHOUT in the face if the devil, "It is done." 
Wigglesworth reminds us that our victories are won before we go to battle, as we pray.
Smith Wigglesworth on the Holy Spirit from Whitaker House reminds us to FIRST exercise faith BEFORE the word of God becomes a fact.  (All spiritual life is like that.  God spoke 1st, BEFORE the world was created. 
The visible things always come from an invisible reality, but only invisible to the human eye.)
Smith Wigglesworth on Power to Serve notes that the only place of operation where a believer in Jesus is able to bind the power of Satan is the place of being filled with (baptized in) the Holy Spirit. 
Wigglesworth often calls this place a position in Christ. 
Acts 19:2  Have you received the Holy Spirit since you believed?   
Another issue is our receiving or lack thereof.  We ask 24 hours a day, but never receive. 
Is is not time to shut up & open the gifts sitting at our feet.  A workaholic cannot smell the flowers. 
They are there at his feet; they blossom, give off their perfume & wilt, never noticed by the workaholic. 
Is that us with God's gifts?  We are so busy raising perfect kids that we never take time to appreciate them. 
God's gifts have been waiting for us for 2000 years.
Wigglesworth contends (a) that we are looking to FEEL the power of God before acting, but (b) that God is waiting for us to act on His word, not on our feelings. 
Our permission to act is the word of God empowered with the baptism of the Holy Spirit. 
Wigglesworth contends that if there is a need we are to meet it in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Wilkerson, Ralph - Beyond & Back - Those Who Died and Lived to Tell It - Wilkerson is pastor of Melodyland, Anaheim, California, USA. - Chapter 2 When Life Flowed In shares with us that before/during/after death we on-lookers have authority to pray, "In the Name of the Lord Jesus, I command life to flow back into this body." 
Subsequently we can quote resurrection Bible verses.  To whom do we declare these? 
To Satan,  To God.  Especially, to the spirit of the person.  Not to the mind.  Not to the body. 
1st we minister to the human spirit.  Our spirit and the Holy Spirit minister to another's human spirit. 
The mind and the body will respond to our ministry to the human spirit.  Remember, the Word of God is alive.
Chapter 6 I Saw a Pure White Light shares Betty Malz's testimony of how the Word of God was like teletype/ tickertape/ stock reports being typed & moved down a sunbeam though a hospital window into her dead fingers bringing resurrection life.

Wood, Gary - A Place Called Heaven - (book or 5/2005 radio audio) - www.sidroth.org/radio -
Gary shares that he learned by hearing in heaven & then practicing on earth, to quote aloud, "It is written" & "It is finished".  Gary was dead 20 minutes and then had to claim back his (broken) neck, his (severed) nose, his (severed) vocal chords, his: voice, speech & singing.  While in heaven he witnessed body spare parts in a building titled "unclaimed blessings".  These are those parts sent to us but not claimed. 
He did not want to be one of those people who missed the blessings already imparted, but never received. 
Jesus imparted them on the cross 2,000 years ago. 
When we ask for them, they are delivered by angels, but many fail to receive.  Remember the story of Daniel. 
He prayed, but Michael the angel had to fight his way through the earth's atmosphere where the demons fought him.

Daniel 9:20 - I (Daniel) was speaking & praying, confessing my sin & the sin of my people.
Daniel 10:12-13,19 - "Since the 1st day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard. I have come in response to them.  
But the prince of the Persian kingdom resisted me 21 days. 
Then Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, because I was detained there with the king of Persia...
"Do not be afraid, O man highly esteemed," he said.  "Peace.  Be strong now; be strong." 
(Spiritual Principle: As it takes 9 months to grow a baby after conception, so does it often take time for your answer or healing to manifest itself. 
Believe that God is working on your behalf as He and His staff battle out in the unseen realm on your behalf.)

Woodworth-Etter, Maria (deceased) Signs and Wonders - publisher - www.whitakerhouse.com -
When Maria set out with her husband to preach (after she had received the baptism of the Holy Spirit), she would wait on the Lord & say nothing until He gave her a Word & the place to find it in the Bible. 
As she began in her own power (without preplanned written sermons or notes), the Holy Spirit would take over & empower/encourage/enlighten her, so that at the end of each visit to congregation there were many conversions, baptisms in water, baptisms in the Holy Spirit, healings, deliverances, resurrections & revivals.

Yoder, Dr Rebecca Brown - He Came to Set the Captives Free - www.harvestwarriors.com -
This book is a tutorial for those doing warfare with demons and Satan. 
It explains how the enemy blocks both gentiles & Christians from intimacy with Jesus, & what to do about it. 
It warns parents to close all doorways of inheritance with the blood of Jesus.
Yoder, Daniel & Dr Rebecca Brown - Unbroken Curses - Hidden Source of Trouble in the Christian's Life -
Chapter 7 Situational Curses warns us not to challenge/ridicule Satan or his helpers.  See Jude 9
Bitterness, hatred & jealousy is a 2 way street.  If it is directed against us, we need to refuse it, in the name of Jesus.  If it is towards another, we need to repent and retract it.  Otherwise the spoken curse may result in harm & even death.  If you are a war veteran & have a strong inclination towards self-destruction, then in the name of Jesus Christ renounce/reject/refuse any curse that may have been placed upon yourself in the line of duty by the enemy; in the name of Jesus, command any demons associated with this curse to flee from you forever.
Chapter 8 Dealing with the Thief - We learn that God commands us to take authority over Satan & demand 7x what he has stolen from us, if it his doing & not due to our own sin.  See Proverbs 6:31 NKJV -
When he (Satan, the thief) is found, he must restore 7 fold.
Chapter 9 the Final Court of Appeal shares an awesome approach to the Judge of the universe.

Zadai, Kevin @ https://kevinzadai.com/shop/study-guides/mystery-of-the-power-words-study-guide/
Read Chapter #1 online @ https://www.amazon.com/Mystery-Power-Words-Mountains-Tremble-ebook/dp/B08GZGCT6Q
Course @ https://www.warriornotesschool.com/p/the-mystery-of-the-power-words
Interview Video 1/5/2021 @ https://sidroth.org/television/tv-archives/kevin-zadai-14/
Video @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umc7WGdqZPw + https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hnmqsTgBPMI
Blog @ https://kevinzadai.com/blog/


https://aandbcounseling.com/word-curses-demonic-realm/#more-1562 -
Words (give legal permission, a green light &) activate the Holy Spirit or demon spirits to perform what is spoken (said out loud).
We need to declare life over ourselves & be prepared to break curses spoken over us by others (& by negative self talk). This is a crucial step to take before being delivered from demonic strongholds." 
https://aandbcounseling.com/the-worst-word-curses-arent-from-witches-and-satanists/ -
Blessings (declarations spoken in agreement with God’s word) activate the Holy Spirit to perform that work.
Curses on the other hand, whatever the source, activate the demonic kingdom to carry out that which was spoken."

Che Ahn - Ché Ahn: There's Supernatural Power in Praying Out Loud - 3/7/2018

Bevere, Lisa - The Language of Heaven - "In every situation we face, we have a choice: will we speak the language of heaven or the language of earth? Earth articulates the apparent reality.
Heaven speaks according to a higher Source of truth. 'My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,' says the Lord.“

The Creative Realm of Faith by Dr. Barbie L. Breathitt - Good points.

Bridges, Kynan - Download a free transcript of the interview - recommended - 3/24/2014 (edited)
Sid, "His parents were told by the doctors, he'll never get beyond the 2nd grade."
Kynan, "1 of the things that revolutionized my life was a simple, ancient, biblical principle called meditation.
Let me explain what that means. The Bible says in Psalms, the 1st chapter, the 1st chapter I ever memorized in the Bible, it says, 'Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, but stands in the way of sinners, nor sit in the seat of the scornful, but is delighted in God's law,' His Torah. In in His law, as you meditate day & night, he'll be like a tree planted by the riverbank. So I began to meditate in the Bible. People don't believe me when I tell them this, but God literally gave me supernatural intelligence. All of a sudden, through meditating the scriptures, that the Hebrew word, 'haggah', it means to speak out loud, it means to mutter, it means to moan.
I would take my Bible, I would walk around my house.  I would begin to quote the scriptures, speak them over myself, over my mind: 'I'm a blessed man.'  All of a sudden, I can understand math, I can understand English, I can understand reading and science. God took me from being, spending more time in in-school suspension than in the classroom, having more behavioral problems than you would believe, to not only graduating high school, which they thought I would never do, to getting a scholarship to college. Now the thing, I'm actually working on toward my doctorate degree, & it's amazing thing. That only happens through the power of God's Word."

Brim, Billye - https://secure.billyebrim.org/sites/billyebrim.org/files/The%20Sound%20System.pdf - 10/21/2012

Burke, Vikki - Entrapment of Kingdoms in Conflict - 2/2008 magazine editorial from http://www.kcm.org/media/index.php?p=media&mtab=5#media_tabbed_box - Can we "just ignore Satan's accusations & go on with our lives?  Not when we understand that the Greek word accuse means 'to ensnare or to fasten a noose.' 
Satan couldn't lay a finger on Jesus unless He said something that gave the devil access into His life. 
Satan knew he needed words that sere contrary to truth with which to hang Jesus (as he had hung Judas). 
Remember, Proverbs 18:21 says that death and life are in the power of the tongue. 
Furthermore, Proverbs 6:2 (Basic English version) says, 'You  are taken as in a net by the words of your mouth; the sayings of your lips have overcome you.'  That's why every response out of Jesus' mouth agreed with God's Word...Jesus never got upset or gave His opinion. 
Instead, He pointed them (the accusers) to God's Word rather than engaging in their debate." http://dennisburkeministries.org/
Burke, Vikki - http://dennisburkeministries.org/book_reviews_transforming_self_image.html "Proverbs 23:7, 'As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.' - Vikki warns that we are mistaken if we assume the law of sowing & reaping doesn't apply to the things we dwell on.
Vikki shows how to 1st 'arrest' these thoughts (that contradict God's Word revealed in scripture).
2nd, we learn how to forbid them, in Jesus Name, from entering again. And last, she teaches step by step how to meditate on God's Word - to replace the old, corrupt thoughts consistently with the Loving Promises from our Father...Whenever Satan attempts to distract me with (others') words (or self-talk) of inferiority &/or fear, I now know how to do (believe/memorize/apply/speak/contradict/refute/respond with) the Word (of God) by renovating my mind and, therefore, changing my self-image."

Copeland, Kenneth - 2/2011 Ministry Letter - Regarding the manifestation of healing, deliverance, or miracles, "you won't be heard for your much speaking (praying, weeping or preaching). 
You'll be heard for your faith...in God...Jesus...His Word...His Love.  Then, faith in your words...
Your words are coming out of your spirit through your mouth, but that's NOT what the fig tree hears. 
It hears the voice of Jesus.  The angels hear the voice of the Word in Psalm 103. 
Heaven hears the word of faith and knows NO difference between you & Jesus.
Copeland, Teri - 5/2011
Magazine - Using God's Words in Prayer - "Holy Spirit will put the same words that God has spoken in my mouth, so that it is by by my voice that God's plan comes to pass...
It is essential to God's  plan...We are not puppets. We are joint heirs...
Our conversation within ourselves as well as with others should agree with the Word."
Copeland, Kenneth - 6/2011
Magazine - The Word Prevails - "Even though you might be the one speaking God's Words, they have the same power as if Jesus Himself were speaking them...
The more you act on it & speak it out in faith, the more freely that Anointing can function through you. 
So stop stalling."
Copeland, Kenneth - 11/19/2020 @ https://www.kcm.org/watch/tv-broadcast/the-healing-glory-here
Talk to the mirror, DAILY.

Cerullo, Morris - 12/17/2014 - Stategies of Jesus - How to Defeat Satan
(Find other links to other chapers at above link.)

Danforth, Michael A - http://mticenter.com/articles/seeing-voice-god/ - "Every word that God speaks bears an image. Every creative image has its own sound. In the beginning, when God said, 'Let there be light.' the image of light appeared. It was the word of God that brought all of creation into existence.
It wasn’t just the syllabus of the Word itself that brought everything into being, but the sound of the Word, or more accurately the sound of his voice.  It was the vibration of God’s voice that formed something out of nothing...
Audible communication, as we understand it, is not the universal language in heaven...
Love is the eternal intent and language of everything that God is and does. 
Therefore, the love of God is the foundation for all that exists in heaven, on earth & the ages to come...
Love is made up of light/energy/vibrations/frequencies are the essence of the communication process, not only in heaven, but on the earth as well...
Everything is made up of energy and everything has its own vibrational frequency
In the science world, this is known as the “law of vibration” which states everything in the universe vibrates. Everything vibrates at a certain frequency.
Having said that, the voice of God is also made up of light, energy, vibrations and frequencies.
Even the thoughts of God consist of all the above.
Whenever God speaks to us, He doesn’t want us to just hear His voice, but He wants us to see His voice or the image of what He speaks...
Just because someone might not hear or see the voice of God does not mean that he is not speaking or that the vibration of his voice is not forming something, it just means that they are not connecting at the same level of frequency or vibration.
The Holy Spirit in us enables us to hear the voice of God & then converts that same voice/energy into matter.
Sound familiar? This is the basic discovery of Einstein’s equation E=mc2.
E stands for energy & “m” stands for mass, which is the quantity of matter.
Of course, c2 stands for the speed of light, which is considered a universal constant...
Like God, every word we speak is potential matter, which means it has the potential to take on visible form. 
When someone speaks to you in a lifeless way, be careful not to adopt the image of their words.
Their words have the power to turn sound into images within your heart and mind. Equally important, beware of the lifeless thoughts that the enemy will bring to you for the sole purpose of wanting you to embrace an image that is outside of God’s intent for your life...
I was (am) being invited to participate in the glory of my Father for the purpose of creating a future that had not yet appeared on the earth...

ven our thoughts have sound, which create images that have the potential to manifest in the world around us...
'Death & life are in the power of the tongue, & those who love it will eat its fruit.' (Proverbs 18:21).

Kathy DeGrawThe Key to Speaking Words That Trounce Your Demonic Enemy 5/23/2018 -
“The spiritual realm must react when you speak out!  Your words have (enemy) destroying power.
God's Word says, Though an army should encamp against me, my heart will not fear.
Though war should rise against me, in this will I be confident
, (Ps. 27:3).
Are you confident that when you speak out the spiritual realm must obey? Jesus had (verbal) destroying power.
He had the power to destroy the works of Satan, to tell a fig tree to die and to tell disease to leave…
(NOT God, but we His heirs are TO speak TO trees, TO cancer, TO problems TO depart, in Jesus’ name.)
In order to combat spiritual attacks, you must believe you have the authority to release something out of your mouth to break up the atmosphere.  You have enough power in your words to change & charge the spiritual realm.
 2 Timothy 1:7 says, For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, & love & self-control
God has given us the power, but we need to come to a realization that our words are prophetic.  When we speak out we are targeting the spiritual realm.  The spiritual realm must act with a positive or negative response.
We have authority. We have received the infilling of the Holy Spirit when we ask.
Now let's use something we asked for & speak, declare & decree out (loud) & watch our situations change.
Declare out today: When I speak the spiritual realm will activate. I prophesy over myself that when I (consistently) speak & release the power & love of God the spiritual realm activates & responds to my words.

zephyr @ https://zephyrseas.wordpress.com/2019/08/23/understanding-the-spirit-of-jezebel/ +
's audio link below. - "Many Christians don’t like to think or talk about the spirit realm & the devil Satan & his millions of demons & spirits used in his war against God through His people.  The Bible calls Satan the Prince of the Air. Thoughts spoken into the air over the years stay there ready for him to grab & use against us. Through our own words he is able to know our weakest points & grab the words to put in our thoughts at any given time.  We have so many scriptures warning us against the wiles of the devil & his army. 
If you are insecure in any area then your mind will be bombarded continually with thoughts that bring irrational fear & insecurity in areas of your life. Doubt, unbelief, impatience, anger over your situation, desire to quit, speaking it is too hard, questioning where God is in your time of need, isolation, wanting to run anywhere to get away from life, negative thoughts about everything your want or try to do, all are part of the attack of the Jezebel spirit on your mind. I must confess when I listened to this audio I had to say yes to everything she was speaking about. On one hand I was blown away to realize I fit them all, but on the other hand I was relieved to finally be getting answers that I could use to deal with the problems which were getting the better of me. 
We all have a calling, a purpose God has put in our heart to do for His Kingdom.
He has given us all gifts to use for our particular calling.
If the enemy can use any weak areas in our lives to turn us away from our purpose, assignment, calling he will use it."
(Ministry Begins after 43-50 on dial.) @ https://soundcloud.com/arkministries
, Danielle @

What You Need to Know About Speaking Words of Faith for Physical Healing 5/20/2018 - "In the natural, if you were or are taking an antibiotic for a physical ailment, you would probably be taking this medication one to 3 times per day. I believe you should be speaking words of faith over the situation no less than this every day.
In fact, I would even up the dose & speak words of faith every time you are about to utter a negative word or moan or groan about the situation.  Say aloud:
'In Jesus' name, my body is healed & made whole. It is pain free & full of life for the glory of the Lord, amen.'
It may be a struggle at 1st, but eventually, your words of faith will produce the healing you so desire & need."

Evans, Mike - 7/25/2012 - http://jerusalemprayerteam.org/email/2012/0725.htm - (edited)
The 1st time I activated the promise of Zechariah 4:6 in my life, I was in Jerusalem.
Holy Spirit prompted me to invite 12 leaders to Jerusalem, tell them to come quickly & tell them that what they did would affect the destiny of the nation.  I did & they came.
The night before they arrived, I was horrified because I had no comprehension of what would happen.
God had not told me. No meetings had been set up. The Enemy kept telling me I was such a fool.
I would be mocked by these men when they arrived. 
1 of them was a distinguished general who had flown on an Apollo mission.
The others were significant leaders as well. When I finally drifted off to sleep, I had a dream:
I was standing before the group of men & said, 'I know you want to know why I’ve invited you here.
The reason is Zerubbabel 4:6.' When I said that, I grabbed my Bible and tried to find the book.
You are aware, I’m sure, that there is no such book in the Bible.  I was totally humiliated. 
I awoke suddenly, grabbed my Bible & quickly turned to Zechariah 4:6. There it was: the story of Zerubbabel: Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit says the Lord Almighty.
The Lord whispered to me: '
You shall succeed because of My Spirit, though you are few & weak.'
Little did I know that a war would soon break out in Israel.
Our assignment was to comfort the leaders & deliver God’s Word to them before that war.
Within hours, the nation opened for us...
Our 1st meeting was with Prime Minister Menachem Begin. 2nd was with his top general, Ariel Sharon.
We prayed over both men, then ministered to general after general.
I will never forget the words of General Charles Duke, the astronaut.
He looked at an Israeli general & began to weep as he said, 'Please forgive me, please forgive me.'
The Israeli general asked, 'For what?' Charles replied, 'For being an anti-Semite.
As I was flying to the moon, I looked back at earth & realized how tiny it was & how majestic were the heavens.
I came to a faith in the Living God. At that moment, I realized I was a sinner & needed a Savior.
I repented of my evil.  Now I want to ask for forgiveness personally.' The Israeli general began to weep.
Charles’ plea for forgiveness had touched his heart...
I want to encourage you (reader) today to speak to your mountain: whether physical, financial, spiritual, whether representative of your children or grandchildren, no matter how big it looks.  
Speak to
it in the name of Jesus & tell it to be cast into the sea."

Fluitt, Clarice - http://ofm6z46z825qpxk83fa00q1a-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/January-2018-Newsletter.pdf -
It is our biblical responsibility and privilege as believers to both agree (aloud) with God’s Word & activate His will by decreeing & releasing His Word to every life situation... My daughter was only 13 years old, she came to me crying & confessing that someone had given her a marijuana cigarette.
This 1 rebellious act opened a satanic door to a heartbreaking lifestyle that led to multiple prison sentences."
Fluitt, Clarice @ https://claricefluitt.org/blog/

Hagin, Kenneth @
Hagin, Kenneth -
Confession of God’s Word Builds Faith – Kenneth E. Hagin

What This Man Saw in the Spirit Reveals the Life-Altering Power of Your Words

Hegstrom, Paul - http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=161808818884&topic=11092 - "He was being operated on in heart surgery when his heart stopped and he lost oxygen to his brain & ended up losing 40% his brain cells.
As a result of this loss of these brain cells, he could see in his head what he wanted to say but could not say it...
Dr. Hegstrom with the help of a COLLEAGUE had to learn to 're-wire' his brain around the 40% that was lost. 
What Dr. Hegstrom learned was that the only way for individuals to really heal is by getting to the 'root' cause of the problems, then 'renew' or 'rewire' the brain through the Word of God.
Dr. Hegstrom & many others, can now offer physical proof that can be shown through CAT scans of the brain.
There is a process of new axons being generated in the brain & then a process of 'rewiring' around the damaged area of the brain takes place. (i.e. the brains of autistic servants, head trauma victims or victims of strokes).
Major grants for universities are being given to now study how we 'rewire' or 'renew' the brain.
The answer has been in God’s Word the whole time. 
1 of the keys ways for us to 'rewire' or 'renew' our brain is to not just read the Bible to ourselves, but meditate on the Bible.  Meditate in this case means mumble or to say out loud.
By saying the verses out loud with your mouth you are in authority over your body & your body responds to your words.  God gave us the Thalamus.
A part of the brain like computer software that comes
into submission when we speak.
When we speak our decisions and we read the word, the limbic system (center of emotions) starts the maturing process.  When reading Scripture aloud our brain responds to our voice (or the voice of the Holy Spirit through us), since we are in authority over your body, bringing down the strongholds, bringing into captivity the imagination & choosing upon what we think is in essence rewiring the brain & renewing the mind. 
God never meant for us to struggle going over our problems over & over again.  He meant for us be able to understand what is going on & start the healing process, the process of growing up (sanctification)."

, David - Extreme Creative Miracles - 5/2007  Mishpochah newsletter editorial 
www.sidroth.org -
David discusses that God did not create out of nothing, but rather out of things not visible to the eye, according to Hebrews 11:3.  Next he explains that the simplest/smallest/core part of a thing is a sound wave. 
God created with His mouth/speech as seen in Genesis 1:1.  In like manner, when we are in God's glory/atmosphere, we can say what God says & do what God does; we will hear Him speak; we will see Him act.  Remember, Jesus only did what He saw His father do & say only what He heard His Father say.  That is how William Branham operated, in large part.  Finally Herzog cites the phenomena in quantum physics, that when we study/look/stare at a thing, it recognizes us & responds accordingly.  Cancer cells will die, when spoken to.  In reverse, good things will happen to our bodies; they will get younger/healthier.  Order David's book Glory Invasion & request free CD interview with RW Schambach's testimony of a great healing he witnessed under AA Allen.

Hormann, Dr. Aiko - V.'s Mother's Prayer "Send Laser Beams" - Send Laser Beams of God’s Word -
http://misspeachblogs.blogspot.com/2010/06/vs-mothers-prayer-send-laser-beams.html - 6/20/2010 - Prayer: "Heavenly Father, I ask you to assign ministering spirits to aim the laser beams of Your Word at the scar tissues in _______’s brain & specify the particular frequency of the laser beam for the purpose of disintegrating them (bacteria/cancers/viruses/parasites/demons/ traumas/thoughts that contradict Yours). 
Your Word coming out of my mouth will be energized by the Breath of the Holy Spirit within me.
It is written: 'For this purpose the Son of God was manifested that He might destroy the works of the devil.'
1 John 3:8.  - Therefore, I destroy the works of the devil in the form of brain lesions (problems/defects/errors/abnormalities/disease)
& (subsequent) scar tissue (unholy: consequence, psychosis, diagnosis, behavior, prognosis, _______, in Jesus' name.)
It is written: 'Our God is a consuming fire.' Hebrews 12:29. Therefore, God is consuming all the disease-causing germs, viruses & everything else in this body that is abnormal & destructive (in Jesus' name).
It is written: 'The Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has made me [_name_] free from the Law of sin & death.' Romans 8:2
Therefore, I decree that _______ is free from the law of sin and death & is now operating in the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus (in Jesus' name).
It is written: 'He [Jesus] Himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses.' Matthew 8:17.
Therefore Satan has no right to put upon _____ that which was already laid on Jesus.  
I command you, Satan & spirits of darkness, to pack up all your symptoms & diseases & leave _____ , in the name of Jesus & become part of His foot stool. 
It is written
: 'Your [_____ 's] body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.' 1 Corinthians 6:19
Therefore I ask you, Holy Spirit, to cleanse _______ your temple and restore ______'s [temple] to total normalcy, conforming to the pattern of perfection YOU originally designed for ______, in the Name of Jesus.
Thank You, Heavenly Father, for Your faithfulness to Your Word, watching over Your Word to perform it.
I call ________ healed; according to Romans 4:17'...God (through our mouth) You give life to the dead & call those things which do not exist as though they did.'"
3.10.2013 (Also note dry bones scripture.)
Hormann, Dr. Aiko
- http://www.xpmedia.com/channel/ahormann - aikohormann.org - http://www.healingroomsaz.com/AikoQA/ - 2012 -

Cindy Jacobs: The Lord Says to Stop Sleeping & Start Speaking to Your Mountain -
"I cannot move miraculously to the level I want to, because you are ...

John Paul Jackson - http://www.streamsministries.com/resources/dreams-visions/prayer-to-change-your-life
“I want to share...an easy way to pray, a practice that has radically shaped my walk with God…called Lectio Divina, which is a fancy phrase that essentially means praying Scripture back to God.”
1. Find a short passage of Scripture that speaks to you…then read the passage aloud.
2. Read the passage again, this time listening for 1 word or phrase that reaches out to you. 
When your 2nd reading is finished, say that word or phrase aloud & think about it. 
Ask God what it means for you personally.
3. Read the passage again & be open for a possible moment of grace when the Holy Spirit says, “This is what I’m saying to you.”
Then write down in a brief & prayerful fashion what you feel God is communicating through the passage.
4. Read the passage a 4th time. You might notice the reading sounds a bit different to you than it did before, or that the passage means more now than when you started. 
This is when you & Scripture actually become one & also when transformation begins.

Johnson, Ian - Raise the Dead - Heal the Sick by Ian Johnson - "Life is in the Blood. 
Blood is fueled by Oxygen to bring life (blood is the carrier of Life). 
Blood contains Breath, 1st God's, then ours. 
Breath is released when we speak (declare God's word).  This is the key to dead raising."

#167) Kat Kerr - Your Words Create Life or Death - Alive_Again, - Dec 23, 2012
http://www.christianforums.com/threads/kat-kerr-powerful-testimonies-of-heaven.7709517/page-7 -
“When you speak with your words it creates life or death.
That’s what the Word says.  The power of life & death are in the power of the tongue. 
That means what you say matters, is that right? We’re supposed to speak life, not death. When you speak life to people, out of your mouth flows the river of life. Literally in the spirit realm (if you could see) I see I the spirit realm. I see in people’s homes. Sometimes it’s engulfed by the river of life. You walk in, the life of God is there. 
If I go into a place where people scream & argue, it is a cesspool. So if speaking life creates a river of life, guess what speaking death? That’s gossiping, back-biting, screaming, yelling, hating; you actually, in the spirit realm, release a cesspool in your home. Demons will come & swim in that cesspool. Don’t invite the enemy into your life. I know at one time in our life (we) spoke things, & the worse thing you can do is talk bad about your family members. I know they’re rascals. God knows their rascals.  He knows what they’re doing.
He’s not been blinded to what’s going on down here. But you know what; they’re all His kids, & He loves them.  Remember what I told you they say in Heaven, ‘They’re going to become a mighty man or woman of God. You’re not going to miss your destiny.  You’re going to become a living testimony of the saving power of Jesus Christ.’  That’s what you’re supposed to say about your family members, that don’t want God. They don’t know Him.
Then when you turn around and tell everybody how bad they are, you wipe out your prayer. You cannot be double minded. That means you’re saying 1 thing, then turning around & saying just the opposite. You’re being tossed to & fro like waves in the sea; that’s what the Word says.  You won’t get anything from God.
If you want to stand for their salvation, you say what Heaven says
about them.
Don’t let other people say otherwise.
If they’re doing bad things & someone calls you and says: ‘Well, I heard your brother was running around. 
He got drunk everyday & he’s doing all this.  (The holy response would be,) ‘Do you know what? 
He’s going to become a mighty man of God! He will not miss his destiny.’  
Start saying what Heaven says. You know what? You’re going to hear, ‘click’. 
They won't call you back to gossip anymore.
The enemy loves it (gossip). God hates it. It’s on His deadly sins list. When you speak (negatively) like that about people, you release stuff in your life that gives the enemy entrance. So we’re going to get our (flawed/erroneous/ broken/negative) records (reports/files) totally wiped clean (overwritten/rewritten/reformatted to align with God’s heavenly thoughts/agenda/plans/blueprints).”?
#204) Kat Kerr - You're Always Watched per Dunamis (Power) 3 - Operatives of Darkness
http://www.christianforums.com/threads/kat-kerr-powerful-testimonies-of-heaven.7709517/page-8 - Alive_Again,  Dec 25, 2012 - "Your words are powerful. They release stuff into the atmosphere. When you declare things for God into the atmosphere here, when you worship, when you pray, you suck the air away from the enemy
He (our enemy) is the prince & power of the air. He wants to control everything that passes through the air. 
All sounds, frequencies, words, it doesn't matter. He wants it all.
He actually gets us to pollute the atmosphere for him so he can take it. 
Now when you do that (good/holy) stuff, you take it away from him, but when you do the opposite, you pollute it.
I can tell you what comes out of your mouth when you speak words of life to people, that life of God pours out of your mouth, & engulfs people, your home, the places where you are.
But when you shred people, backbite, gossip, a cesspool comes out of your mouth, you pollute the atmosphere & the enemy comes in & collects it. 
God collects your worship, the enemy collects just the opposite.  Who do you want to give a supply to? 
This is what God's doing in the last days, He's letting you know what goes on.  This is not all that exists that you're seeing with your natural eyes. There is another whole realm around you that was here before you were here. Heaven is a spiritual realm, you live a spiritual life in your body up there, like you live in this physical world.
Hell is a spiritual realm. The demonic are spiritual beings. The angels are spiritual beings.
All that stuff is around your life.  Everybody sees your life. 
You need to live your life like you're being watched all of the time. You are.
You really are, and when you sin, the enemy marks you in the spirit realm.  Then all they have to do is you walk around with all these things on you because you fell into sin & every demon you walk past knows you just did some-thing wrong. He doesn't have enough demons to go around every person in this world...
So Heaven's army, they have a way they operate. Hell has an army that has a way they operate.
Heaven's army has a way that they operate.
Every time you do something for God amazing wonderful things for God, you know on the inside you have something beautiful and God cuts another facet in you. The Word says that you will shine like the stars in the Heavens. You shall become precious living stones. He's not talking about a river rock. He's talking like a diamond. Precious living stones that reflect His glory & His love. So when one of those spiritual beings look at you they can see light coming from you, or they can see scum on you & the enemy will hunt you & try to get you to fall again & again.  That's why it's important to repent when you sin. You didn't do it secretly.
Trust me, it's not a secret when you leave wherever you did it. You're being watched. This is the reality of what's going on around you.  You either draw (attract) Heaven in your home or your life, or Hell in your life.
God doesn't want Hell in your life.  You know Christ, the reason He was so successful, it because as He said, 'There is no (thing) of him (the enemy) in Me'. There was nothing of the enemy in Him. He guarded His heart.
You don't want to get darkness inside of you, amen?"
PRAYER - Father, I repent for every ungodly, unkind, hurtful, negative, wasteful words I've ever spoken.
Please wipe them from my record. I renounce any association with any words I spoke from the enemy.
Father, as an act of my will, I choose to forgive anyone who has lied about me, spoken against me, or hurt me with their words.  I want them free. So help me to act like they never said it.
I break the power of the enemy over my life, my home, my finances, my body, & my destiny.
I am free from any of those words. Amen.
#260 Kat Kerr - Stop Saying All the Things You Don't Have! - Dunamis #5 God's Super-Heros - Alive_Again -
Mar 3, 2013 @ http://www.christianforums.com/threads/kat-kerr-preparing-for-the-baptism-in-fire-the-latter-rain.7709550/page-6 (edited) -

Don't use this mouth for things that are not God.
It actually says in the Word that we'll be accountable for every wasteful word we speak...
There's no need for...crude humor...wasteful words.
If that bothers Him, you can imagine what some of the other stuff does to Him.
God's Word says don't even call your friend foolish...
We call each other a lot worse words than that...Even in our family...
God doesn't want you to use (hurtful) words.  God creates with words.
Everything He did, He spoke it into existence by His will. 
You're learning down here on this earth to (correctly) use your words. If you don't get a clue & start talking the right way, when you get to Heaven, it's going to take you a whole lot longer to get into His Creation Lab.
We are made (to operate) in the image (office/role) of God. Even down here on this earth, it says, 'Call those things which be not as though they were.' That's creativity with your mouth, calling those things into being...from the unseen realm into the seen realm. You actually are supposed to do that as a believer. Stop...Don't ever say again...all of the things you don't have. 

Stop saying you don't have: money...enough...it...

You're just letting the enemy know that he's being successful.  I don't care how much you've got in your account.
Instead speak, 'I am the blessed of the Lord.'"

Kat Kerr - Facebook: 3/28/2016 - 14 hrs -
"What you say is what you get" deposited between your soul layers.  Ouch.
Every word you hear, read or say goes into your own soul which will cause (influence) you to think on, choose & speak those words. 
If they are negative, hurtful, despising words, your soul will begin to be filled with (attract) wounds and/or darkness. 
If you want to clean out your soul, then say what the Father taught me to keep my soul free of fear or sadness, so that I could prosper:
'Father, I choose as an act of My Will to Loose:
 all negative/hateful/hurting/bashing/trashing/angry/judgmental/wasteful words &/or images from my soul right now in Jesus name.
I will no longer participate with anything that brings death, fear or defilement, nor tolerate them in my life.' 
After you have done that & meant it, say this to fill your soul with Life.
'Father, I now choose as an Act of my Will, to have You download into my soul: Your Love, Your Presence, Your Joy, Your Life, Your Power, Your Plans & Your Hope, so that I can manifest for You & cause my soul to prosper, in Jesus name.  I RECEIVE IT
When we speak Life, not only will our souls prosper, but so will others. 
Now thank Him for giving us the choice to forgive & be forgiven.
GOD WANTS OUR SOULS to PROSPER, BUT WE ARE RESPONSIBLE for GUARDING our SOUL (HEART), for OUT OF IT WILL FLOW (a cesspool or living water infecting/cursing or blessing/healing) the WAY WE LIVE OUR LIVES.
We all need to do a SOUL CHECK-UP at least once a week (including declaring individually over each of our children's souls).  Do not forget to include loosing fear too. This can also be used to loose any grief, despair, torment, confusion, witchcraft curses, addictions or traumas, even if they happened long ago.
It really works, if we choose with our Will & receive by Faith.  I love you all. 
May your souls prosper exceedingly so that you will prosper.
Be in health, so our lights will blind the (spiritual) enemy. 
Our souls have layers (which are also our emotions) that collect both light or darkness
Our Will is in the center of our soul, along with the Mind, so whatever we feed it, we will become.
So fill yours with Glorious Light & Love...
Your soul is wonderfully made by the Father & is a spiritual part of you, but you choose each day what will go into it."

Maria de Lange, Susanna Francina - http://stclements.edu/grad/gradsusanna.pdf - Chapter 2 - #
All warfare is always instigated by a word... This (author's) thesis ...is aligned with the anointing of Prof Dr Brand, Ana Mendez-Ferrell as well as Dr Andrew Murray (Obtaining the Power of God)"

Sylvia Neusch: "In the Valley of Dry Bones - Can These Things Still Live?" (elijahlist.com) @ www.sylvianeusch.com 2/23/2022 - Practice partnering with God by allowing His words to be spoken in our mouths.
"After Ezekiel answered the Lord, he was given his first assignment.  That was to command the bones to hear the word of the Lord. We don't want to miss the power of what was being released here. God's word was about to go forth.  Those words would carry the seed of the miracle that God was going to release. Ezekiel had to release a wakeup call before he released the word of the Lord.  'Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord.' (Ezekiel 37:4)
I believe we are in an "awakening," right now, in the Body of Christ and in many other arenas. There has been a numbing complacency & a dumbing down of our faith that has caused a slumbering Bride to not step fully into her place of authority with Christ. So, Ezekiel was releasing a war cry to the dry bones, commanding them to come to attention & hear the word of the Lord. Many prophetic voices are now releasing a similar cry to "AWAKEN," rallying the troops to tune into God's voice & activity of Heaven that is getting ready to be poured out on the earth.
'I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life.
I will attach tendons to you & make flesh come upon you & cover you with skin;
I will put breath in you, and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the LORD.'" (Ezekiel 37:5-6).
God released a phenomenal, power-filled promise over the bones.
He chose to use Ezekiel as His mouth-piece to convey His word. 
God is awakening His Bride to step into this place of partnership with Him, to convey & release His words of hope & life into the dead & broken things around us.
When we release His promises & words of life & hope, we are scattering seeds that will most certainly bring forth life & a harvest."

Daniel Kolawole Olukoya - Learn to talk to everything - 2011 - "You must understand that everything has ears: This year form the habits of talking to everything. Jesus spoke to trees, mountains, demons and to water. Talk to everything.  For example, If it is a headache, talk to it, (in Jesus’ name). (Eg: Headache, go, in Jesus’ name.)

Savelle, Jerry @
https://sermons-online.org/jerry-savelle/go-to-prayer-with-expectance-prayer-of-petition-part-1 8/8/2021
https://sermons-online.org/jerry-savelle/pray-the-will-of-god-prayer-of-petition-part-2 8/15/2021
#4 video (?) @
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtFOkk-5-BE 2/7/2016
https://www.jerrysavelle.org/Store/prayer-of-petition-study-guide-package $25.oo Book + workbook
https://www.jerrysavelle.org/Store/petitioning-god-for-prosperity-package $25.oo Book + CD special
BLOG @ https://www.jerrysavelle.org/daily-devotional/
We can keep a (locked/encrypted) prayer journal regarding our agreement with God.
When evil thoughts or spirits challenge us, we refute & read out loud:
(from our journal/dated spiritual diary) It is written _____________.
Savelle, Jerry @

THE SOUND THAT ATTRACTS HEAVEN - Razorplanet - "NASA scientists recently discovered that SOUND WAVES of musical harmonious notes were coming from black holes (collapsed stars)…and other experiments revealed similar results from rock samples taken from outer space….Why would musical sounds be produced from His creation?  The Lord commands EVERYTHING to WORSHIP Him...
We SPEAK TO THE SICKNESS and COMMAND it to go…because every created thing has SOUND WAVES and responds to sound waves that are SPOKEN WITH THE GLORY and SPIRIT OF GOD…

octors even use SOUND WAVES to treat cancer…a procedure called high-intensity focused ultrasound, which is high energy sound waves, to destroy cancer cells…
In Ezekiel 37:4-6…Ezekiel...didn’t speak To demons or people or angels…
…and they RESPONDED as proof that they could hear and obey…Even the sinews and flesh joined in and reformed...
Even 4-month old human babies INSIDE the womb respond in very specific ways to sound…if exposed to loud music, their heartbeat will speed up…& it slows down when exposed to soft, relaxing music…
When the atomic bomb was dropped on Japan during World War II, 92,000 people were killed. 
But when Assyria besieged Jerusalem causing King Hezekiah to CRY OUT (A SOUND!) to God on behalf of his people, He sent an angel that slew 185,000 Assyrian
soldiers in one night. 
Hezekiah’s prayer was TWICE as explosive as the atomic bomb...
When a singer hits a super high note…crystal glass will shatter.  Scientists have discovered that it is possible to harness an ultrasonic sound that even dogs can’t hear in order to prolong the life of our laptop batteries…
The sound from the wind (aero-elastic flutter) caused the Tacoma Narrow Bridge to collapse only 4 months after it was built, because the frequency in the sound of the wind matched the natural structural frequency of the bridge... J
ewelry robbers that would bring in an iPod to the place where they were gonna rob. 
They turned on a super high-frequency SOUND WAVE (that only dogs could hear) and the glass case that held the jewelry they were gonna steal, SHATTERED. 
November 2005, a cruise ship was attacked by pirates in the waters near Somalia. 
The ship’s crew used a newly-developed non-lethal weapon that sends out high-powered air vibrations. 
They aimed a sonic sound boom at the pirates who were trying to board the ship and the blast knocked them off their feet...
A quote by Smith Wigglesworth, 'The new man created in Christ is God’s masterpiece. 
His poem (Ephesians 2:10) set to music-a song. 
Singing & making melody in your heart unto the Lord.  Praise is God’s sunlight in the heart. 
It destroys sin germs.  It ripens the fruits of the Spirit.  It is the oil of gladness that lubricates life’s activities. 
There can be no holy life without it.  It keeps the heart pure & the eye clear. 
Praise is essential to the knowledge of God & His will.  The strength of a life is the strength of its song. 
When the pressure is heavy that is the time to sing. 
Pressure is permitted to strengthen the attitude & spirit of praise

It takes a man to sing in the dark when the storm and battle are raging.  It is such singing that makes the man'...
When you release your SOUND…it honors God, undergirds faith, brings deliverance, it is the VOICE of faith, it is the language of heaven, it sets the stage for God to move, it releases angels to minister, it fuels joy, which is your strength, it knocks down walls of resistance, it stills the enemy and the avenger, it dispels darkness & depression, it must PRECEDE…not follow blessings, it gives God the legal right to help you, it brings the presence of God onto the scene, it is sure sigh of acceptance of the Word of God, it is calling things that be not as though they were...
God gave man dominion over the works of His hands.  This dominion is to be exercised through our WORDS...Authority in any area is exercised through WORDS.  God created all things by His Word…creation responded to those WORDS spoken by Jesus…
Jesus says creation will respond to those same words SPOKEN BY US.

Ryabinov, Alyosha - Hebrew, the Language from Heaven - 3/2007 - Mishpochah newsletter editorial 
"A Swiss physician & scientist, Hans Jenny, constructed an instrument called a 'tonoscope' to make sound visible on substances like water or sand.  Different shapes appeared on the sand as the result of different sounds coming through the device.  He then tried spoken words in different (modern) languages, but nothing happened.  When he spoke the Hebrew language, however, the language spoken made the shapes of Hebrew vowels on the sand...
I believe that when the healing Scriptures are spoken in Hebrew, it makes an imprint, not only on our mind, but also on our cells, for we are made of dust (sand)."  (See web cites cited below.)

Savelle, Jerry - Increased Activity of Our Angels - Jerry Savelle Ministries International - "Paul is implying that if we want the same kind of results that God gets, then we are going to have to apply the same principle.
Paul says in 2 Corinthians 4:13 - We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, & therefore have I spoken; we also believe, & therefore speak. The more you speak what God's word says, the more authoritative you will become, & the more convinced you will be that you have a right to it.
Now, what are we doing when we dare to utter our voice, to call or to summons?
We are literally laying claim to what we believe rightfully belongs to us."

Schubert, Linda - True Confessions - Prayers to Heal the Secrets of Your Heart - booklet - www.linda-schubert.com 

Tim Sheets - https://sidroth.org/television/tv-archives/tim-sheets-2/ - 7/16/2017
(edited) God impressed Tim with Oral Robert's Seed Faith message, applied to our words, what we speak is what we empower/enable/sprout/grow/reap/harvest: weeds or not.
TIM: Isaiah 5:1 and 16, God says, "I will give you My words that you may plant the heavens & lay the foundations of the earth." I began to see that's what God did in the beginning. He planted the heavens with his words and declared it 8 times in the 1st chapter of Genesis that words are like seeds. Seeds are in what he created.  I began to see how God through His Word planted the sun, moon, stars & heavens. In other words, the condition of the heavens & earth was dependent upon a Word from God. Holy Spirit hovered until He heard the Word from God. Darkness did not dispel until there was a Word from God. The disorder was continuously chaotic until there was a Word of God. God began to show me, "If you will decree My Word darkness can leave regions." Light (is often the absence of darkness). "You can plant My Word into a situation & it will grow to fullness."
You can sow (plant) God's Word into your children, your vocation and cause it come into order (alignment with God from chaos).  It will produce a creative (positive) force that brings (births blessings/good) it into being. 
[The best seed is praying/singing in tongues & declaring/decreeing scripture.]
TIM: Jesus said, "By your words you are justified. By your words you are condemned
"You sentence yourself to live the life that you speak.
So if you speak negative words you're sentencing yourself. In effect, you're cursing your life.

Smit, Philip - http://ezfaith.com/myblog/create-your-blessings-by-speaking-it/ - http://ezfaith.com/myblog/the-power-of-words/

Smith, Alice - http://greg.quuxuum.org/journal/smith.html 1998 -
How Positive Approaches and Person-Centered Planning Helped My Dream Come True
Autography by a senior citizen who is thriving in a family away from the institutional setting.
Smith, Alice - http://www.charismamag.com/index.php/component/content/article/275-emotional-healing/13383-tell-yourself-the-truth?format=pdf - 7/31/2006 - excellent - "Many of us live in defeat because we continually lie to ourselves. Here’s how you can reprogram our mind.  Every waking moment people talk to themselves. Surprised?  Did you think you were the only one?  The question isn't, 'Do you talk to yourself?'
But, 'What are you telling yourself?' Do you feed yourself the truth, or are you fooling yourself?  Psychologists tell us that the average person speaks 40,000 to 50,000 things to himself daily,
 70 % or more of which are negative. However, the most exceptional professional athletes  are said to reduce their self-talk to 20,000 or fewer statements & less than 50% are negative.  Focused positive thinking and self-talk are critical if you are to move from victimization to victory. Why? Because faith cometh by hearing (Rom. 10:17, KJV). Your belief system is built on what you think & what you say to yourself, & not just on what you say aloud... Ask yourself, 'What am I continually advertising and selling to my subconscious mind (my inner person) via self-talk?' 
Your subconscious has no power of judgment; it simply records data & experiences as they happen & then believes as true what it's told.
Abuse, specifically, is part of a negative marketing campaign the devil designed to sell you on your personal failure. 
This is why the words of your mouth (what you say to others), the meditations of your heart (what you say to yourself) & the words of others (whom you listen to), whether positive or negative, greatly determine what you think, what you do, and who you'll eventually become.  Your self-talk should always be acceptable in God's sight.  You're never unemployed; you'll always have the job of being your mind's gatekeeper.
You determine what you'll allow yourself to see, to hear & to think. You're the one who must learn God's Word if you intend to challenge & capture any thought contrary to His will and bring it into line with truth (see 2 Cor. 10:4-5).  God holds you personally accountable for the temple He's given you to care for. So avoid negative friends & companions. Filter the movies you see, the music you hear, the downloads you watch, the magazines & books you read...
It's been said, 'Your attitude determines your altitude.' Your attitude definitely affects your relationship with God & others as well as your own health—mental, emotional & physical &, if negative, can lead to damaging self-talk. 
Possibly nothing can adversely affect your attitude in the same way as does being injured by another person.
Hurt people often struggle with forgiving the perpetrator, themselves and even God. The resulting thoughts, feelings of unforgiveness & bitterness sometimes produce not only a bad attitude but also physical illness & disease.  Perhaps 1 reason your attitude can cause sickness, disease & other forms of torment is that it also determines the level of your stress. Some people 'stuff' their stress, quietly bearing it while others 'shout' their stress, outwardly venting it.  In either case, stress is a killer that accelerates and intensifies when our focus is anywhere other than where it needs to be.  The Message paraphrase of Proverbs 3:5-8 says:
Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don't try to figure out everything on your own.
Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he's the one who will keep you on track

Don't assume that you know it all.  Run to God! Run from evil. Your body will glow with health, your very bones will vibrate with life!
  If you choose to live a glass-half-empty life, you are doomed to disillusionment.
The natural law of attraction guarantees it. You find in life what you're looking for, not what you're looking at. 
If your perspective on life, including your past, is miserable, you will stay miserable. It's all about your perception. 
10% of what makes you who you are is what's happened to you; 90 percent of what makes you who you are is how you've chosen to respond to what's happened to you.  If you add to an unhealed past a bad attitude, the common pressures of everyday life & a continual barrage of negative self-talk, you can be driven to despair.
Never forget that demonic spirits work overtime to assure you go that route. 
People who have been hurt often harbor feelings ranging from disappointment & anger to hatred & rage (unrestrained anger combined with fear) toward those who hurt them.
begins when they surrender these feelings
& learn to differentiate between the act & the actor, hating what was done without hating the doer.  This is a scriptural response. The Bible tells us not to let the sun go down on our wrath because when we allow anger to simmer overnight, we give place to the enemy. 
The most complex & difficult problem victims grapple with, however, is their feelings concerning themselves, feelings that often have no basis in fact.
If you continue to respond to life's ups and downs according to your past experiences rather than allowing the Holy Spirit to direct your responses, you will only strengthen any negative stronghold within...
God loves us just as we are. He loves us when we do right & when we do wrong; our sin doesn't affect His love for us. His love is truly unconditional—He loves us under every condition of life. We may grieve His heart, but we cannever escape His love.  God is love (1 John 4:8), the Bible tells us. Love is His very nature. That's why even while we were bound to sin, God showed His love for us in sending His Son to die for us (see Rom. 5:8). 
The Lord loved us when we were His enemy.  There's nothing that can separate us from His love for all eternity.  Accordingly, our self-respect and self-acceptance should be based on His awesome love, not our works. Our self-worth (the value we place on ourselves) should be based on His having created us for His own purpose. God has programmed into each of us a kingdom potential, a life-assignment that only we can accomplish... Being strong isn't the ultimate goal—being His is.
When we belong to the Lord & rely on Him in obedience, He will demonstrate His strength through our weakness.
He chooses the foolish things to confound the world's wise
(see 1 Cor. 1:27) 
In this way He receives the greatest glory
The question isn't about your ability or inability but about your availability...
We can be certain: God was grieved when you were grieved.  He suffered when you suffered.
He was hurting when you were hurting.  But God is self-restricted by the law of His own nature...
Mankind is utterly incapable of righteousness apart from Christ.  2,000 years ago, Jesus took away Satan's power at Calvary, disarming him completely. The devil can hurt you now only if you choose to embrace fear and believe what isn't true (about oneself or about God)...
Once my hurtful past was reconciled to God's plan, it became a positive part of my new life. The abuse I suffered is no longer a liability. God has moved it from the debit column to the credit column. The pain of the old things died, and the old things became new (see 2 Cor. 5:17).  Remember, the (forgiven & healed) memories don't cease to exist; they simply no longer provoke pain. Best of all, they take on new potential: It's common for those who have suffered to become counselors & ministers to others! God will use what were once your areas of great weakness to bring glory to His magnificent strength.  You will no longer have to run from, hide from or deny your past.  You can allow Christ to reconcile and redeem it.
You reach emotional maturity as you discover and internalize God's truth.  Part of that truth is that you are neither a victim nor a mere survivor.  Christ has made you an over-comer! If you've been living your life as a victim & not a victor, you've believed lies. They may be lies about you, lies about others or lies about the devil. 
But the most debilitating are the lies you've believed about God & His love. Ask Him to reveal these lies to you so you can list them. Then begin to reprogram your mind with the truth (of how God perceives you & not how Satan wants you to perceive yourself, in order to cripple you & thus thwart God's destiny for you) -
To counteract each 1:
1.Read the Word daily.
2.Take negative thoughts captive & replace them with Scriptures that debunk the lies you believe about God, yourself & others.
3.Clean up your self-talk!
4.Become friends with emotionally healthy people.
5.Walk away from the 90% of the population who don't want to be happy & join the 10% who do.
6.Take advantage of every opportunity God gives you to use your experience to help others.
7.Finally, respect and receive yourself as a gift from God with kingdom purpose.
8.Tell the Lord: 'I respect myself, Jesus. You have made me to be Your handiwork
(Your son), and I accept myself just as I am (in Your holy eyes). Amen.'
9.Put off false guilt today (regarding sins that we have repented of). We've all suffered from abuse.
Even Christ was abused, yet the devil never had a place in(side) Him (to live/vacation/work from).
Paul told Timothy, If we suffer, we shall also reign with Him (2 Tim. 2:12, KJV). Jesus has redeemed you entirely, which includes the abuses you've suffered. Rise above the past, & let others see God's glory (begin to glow/work/heal) through you."

Elaine Tavolacci: "A Vision of Speech Balloons - Coming Out of People's Mouths" (elijahlist.com) 1/25/2021 -

The Holy Spirit was showing me today that some Believers are confused & some are even traumatized because their lives didn't go the way that they expected. Some have been listening to the main stream media and have lost their personal relationship with Jesus that they once had.
They are no longer conscious of the words that they speak & they are spewing out anything that comes to their minds.

"For by your words you will be justified, & by your words you will be condemned." (Matthew 12:37)

Speech Balloons

Several years ago, the Holy Spirit showed me an allegory using "speech balloons."
A speech balloon (or word balloon) is a graphic used most commonly in comic strips.
They reveal the words representing the speech and thoughts given by the character.

He showed me speech balloons coming out of people's mouths, but they had no words in them. The Lord said, "Some people are at a loss for words because they are spiritually barren.
They are stunting their spiritual growth & maturity by not filling themselves with spiritual things.

As they fill their thoughts with My Word, their minds will be renewed from their old nature. 
As they fill their mouths & hearts with prayer & intercession, their lives will be transformed, as well as the lives of those for whom they are interceding. 
Their conversations will always be gracious, seasoned with salt,
                            so that they may know how to answer & minister to others. 

Then I saw a 2nd group of people. They had the speech balloons that were filled with negative words.
Their words were filled with criticism & judgment, as well as anger, jealousy & regret.
They had unforgiveness in their hearts from people that had hurt them & plans that did not go as they had desired.

Some had bitterness that was caused by past relationships which they were having a difficult time letting go of. When they'd hear something familiar from their past, it would trigger something inside of them making them respond & react in a negative way. Some had curse words because they were filled with rage over situations that happened in their lives that were out of their control.

"Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing." (Proverbs 12:18)

"Death & life are in the power of the tongue.  Those who love it will eat its fruit." (Proverbs 18:21)

The 3rd group that I saw were people who had word balloons filled with words of encouragement, edification & exaltation.  Words of thanksgiving & praise were on their lips.
Although many of them were facing difficult situations in their lives, they refused to give in to defeat.
They would not come into agreement with the accuser of the brethren by acknowledging his lies with their words. They would not repeat the words of the enemy as they refused to give voice to his plans & strategies. 
They spoke words of blessing to those who cursed them & prayed for those who despitefully used them. The words of their mouths & the meditation of their hearts were pleasing to the Lord.

Storing Up God's Words as a Treasure

The Lord says, "Do not speak anything that would nullify or devalue My Word.
Never speak what is contrary to what you believe.
Don't contradict that which I am birthing within you with words of doubt or dishonor. 
Store up My words within your heart as a treasure. 
As you do this, you will soon discover that you are bringing glory to Me through ordering your conversation aright. 
"Although things that you are believing for have not yet manifested in the natural, continue to speak My Word.
Speak words of life & speak words in love.
Let the words of your mouth and the mediation of your heart be pleasing to Me. 
Your words will define you as you speak words of faith & put your trust in Me
," says the Lord.
"A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good. 
An evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil.
For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks." (Luke 6:45)  Elaine Tavolacci. A Word in Season - Email: 
Elaine@awordinseason.info - Website: www.awordinseason.info - Elaine Tavolacci resides in Staten Island, New York.

van Koevering, David - http://www.elijahshopper.com/product_p/dl_er0807.htm -
Keys to Taking Your Quantum Leap
- editorial -
or read http://www.elijahlist.com/words/display_word/6762 - Keys to Taking Your Quantum Leap - 8/16/2008 - "Years ago, as a young scientist & inventor, I worked with Dr. Bob Moog
Together we gave the music world the 1st performance keyboards called Moog synthesizers.
I learned to work with electrons and photons - tiny elements that are so small they can't be seen.
Yet these invisible elements cause all electronic devices to work.
This project caused me to ask, "Is there more to our universe than what I can perceive through my senses?" 
My search to learn more about physical reality & how it works led me to discover that quantum physics identifies a large part of our universe to be non-physical. 
I began to realize that the universe is greater than science has discovered, or can explain.
Through quantum physics & spiritual revelation, Holy Spirit confirmed keys to under-standing physical reality.
As you read this article, allow Holy Spirit to let you hear more than I say...
There is a Non-Physical Reality
My studies in quantum mechanics led me to the works of Max Planck, Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr & others.
Here I learned that everything we see is part of a vast ocean of infinitesimally small subatomic particles.
Under certain conditions, these subatomic structures also take on the properties of invisible waves.
When I learned that these waves, or particles which make up all matter, cause that matter to blink into existence by being observed by the experimenter, I was shaken to my core...
How could it be that these invisible elements, which make up all matter, can be changed from particles to waves by how they are observed?   This reality is beyond our human consciousness & our 5 senses.
Or is it? All of these particles and/or waves appear to be connected.
How can it be that every atomic & subatomic element is hooked up?
Is this invisible world a part of the spiritual realm? 
I suppose the duality of matter being waves or particles & how quantum mechanics attempts to explain this revolutionary idea changed me forever... It caused me to do my own research, which led to the convergence of quantum mechanics & my personal spiritual revelation. I was about to take a quantum leap...
1 Corinthians 1:28 says, 'God (has) chosen...things which are not (the invisible) to bring to naught things which are (the visible).'  This Scripture makes sense only when you understand it at the atomic & subatomic level.
Everything is made up of atoms, which are frequencies of energy.
These frequencies of energy are the voice of Jesus causing all things to be.
Atoms are made up of subatomic particles, & subatomic particles are made up of superstrings (which are toroidal vortices of energy).
Superstrings are tiny donut shaped packets of energy that spin at a frequency or sing as in a pitch.
None of this is real in this dimension because they exist only in a state of possibilities until someone observes them.  Then, at that observation, the potential becomes a thing: a particle or a wave.
This quantum wave collapse, caused by observation, is called popping a qwiff. This is your first step to taking a quantum leap. You can see or observe a God qwiff (something God shows you that is not yet real in this dimension) & by observing or popping that qwiff, cause that potential to become your reality.
Be careful what you see; you are going to get it.
Be careful what you say; you will get that, too...
Light is Slowing Down - The spiritual realm operates above the speed of light.
The physical realm, this dimension, has been shaped to its current limits by the falls of both Lucifer (see Luke 10:18) & man in the Garden of Eden (see Genesis 3:7).  When man fell, the speed of light slowed down.
In the beginning, when God spoke the universe into existence, His entire bandwidth of glory was made physical. From His glory (all frequencies) & His voice (all frequencies expressed) all light, energy & matter became.  It is believed that the speed of light is 186,000 miles per second. Physicist Barry Setterfield, mathematician Trevor Norman, & Canadian mathematician Alan Montgomery have measured light & proven that the speed of light is slowing down.  That means that light may have been 10-30% faster in the time of Christ, twice as fast in the days of Solomon & 4x as fast in the days of Abraham.
My friend Chuck Missler says, 'That would imply that the velocity of light was more than 10 million times faster prior to 3,000 B.C. This possibility would also alter our concepts of time and the age of the universe.
The universe might actually be less than 10,000 years old.'   That sounds like a quantum leap to me...
Before the fall, God had created one realm from gravity waves to His glory.
This present human realm is up through the electromagnetic spectrum to the speed of light.
The interesting point about the speed of light slowing down is that when Lucifer (the bearer of light) rebelled in Heaven & was cursed and cast down, I believe cast down from the frequencies of God's glory. 
He lost his bandwidth & fell down from his spiritual consciousness. In the Garden of Eden, when mankind sinned, was cursed in the fall downward & lost upper bandwidth & spiritual consciousness; light slowed down even more.  Other Biblical events suggest that the cosmos lost bandwidth. Noah's flood is such an example.
Light slowed down to cause just the right frequencies for the rainbow (see Genesis 9:12-17).
At Nimrod's Tower of Babel, mankind lost the upper bandwidth to communicate (see Genesis 11:7). .
Jesus Himself told His disciples that they will get their upper bandwidth back.
In John 16:13 He said, 'When He, the Spirit of Truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth...and He will show you things to come.' Jesus is saying, 'I want to show you your future. 
You can know My will & plan for your life, although right now, you don't have the upper bandwidth to see or observe it. But when the Spirit of truth comes, He will give you the upper bandwidth to see things to come'...
Here is a quantum leap for someone: If you know something coming from your future, let's say a vision, a revelation, a desire, or even a creative idea, that information has to move faster than the speed of light to reach you. You can and must know your God-given assignment. Information flowing from your future possibilities is waiting for you to see, observe & call those things that are not as though they are.
The quantum leap of knowing your purpose and assignment is waiting as a God qwiff for you to pop...

Matter is Frequency Being Spoken by Jesus
When God spoke & all the frequencies of His glory became manifest, the cosmos became. 
From the tiniest vibrating superstring that is causing or singing the atoms that make up the table of 103 elements, all the way through everything the Hubble telescope sees, are the vibrating frequencies of Jesus' voice.  Colossians 1:16-17 says, 'For by Him all things were created that are in Heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible... He is before all things, & in Him all things consist (exist or are sustained).'
The phrase 'He is before all things' means that He is outside of our time.
Jesus said to John the Revelator that He was and is the Alpha (beginning) & Omega (ending).
Jesus is outside our concept of time in His eternal now & is causing all things to be.
When we consider creation & all things eternal, our false concepts regarding time & matter limit our understanding. Receive the concept that Jesus is outside of our time and calendar, looking in. He is observing.
He is sustaining all things in this nanosecond (1 billionth of a second) & is singing the frequencies or vibrations of your body.
  If He didn't, you would dissolve! Your electrons, particles & subatomic structures are blinking in & out of existence. You think you are a solid object, but quantum mechanics has confirmed that all subatomic particles, the stuff you are made of, are blinking in & out of this reality.  Enoch was walking so closely with God in the Spirit that 'he was not, for God took him' (see Genesis 5:24). Jesus simply stopped blinking Enoch into this realm. How close are you to Jesus Christ? How far away is your healing, deliverance or miracle? He is close, for in Him you live, move & have your being.  In the next nanosecond, He sustains you or sings your frequency set. Understand that your healing or miracle is within the next nanosecond. In the blink of a nano-second, He can cause your healing. Observe your healing, your miracle, your deliverance & be filled with all Truth by observing the future God has for you. Take that quantum leap.  When we understand that we are being created in Christ by His causing, or by Him singing our song, our intimacy with Him will change.
His song of creation was not something He did 16 billion years ago. He is causing you now. Because the speed of light has slowed down, because we have our upper bandwidth back & because He is sustaining us every nanosecond, the act of creation is happening now. Take your quantum leap into His eternal now...
All Matter Has Memory - Your Words are Being Recorded - As a scientist & inventor, I have developed various memory retrieval systems. In the 1970s, I developed a laser optical music system to store sounds on silver oxide film and play the sounds back with keyboards, using modulated light beams. I was amazed when I found the Scripture in Joshua 24:27 that says, "Joshua said unto all the people, 'Behold, this stone shall be a witness unto us; for it heard all the words of the LORD which He spake unto us: it shall be therefore a witness unto you, lest you deny your God.'"  Was this Old Testament quantum physicist saying that matter has memory?
Is this man, who called for & observed the sun standing still in the heavens, telling us that the stone is listening? This is the man who sounded a frequency that cancelled the frequencies of matter in the walls of Jericho, thereby dissolving their atomic lattice structure with his shout & song. Did this man say the rocks are listening?  Jesus said the same thing.
Joshua said the stone could record & Jesus said in Luke 19:40 that the stones would cry out.
Habakkuk 2:11
says, 'For the stone shall cry out of the wall & the beam out of the timber shall answer it.'
I came to understand that all matter has memory. The Bible says that matter can record & will play back.
How can these things be?  As I studied both quantum theory & Scripture, revelation came.
I learned that Gerald Feinberg, a physicist at Columbia University, named a certain subatomic particle, that he found in Einstein's math, after the Greek word tachys, meaning 'swift.'  He called this superluminal particle a tachyon. This particle moved faster than light.  The tachyon is not looked upon favorably by physicists.
If tachyons can be proven to exist & anything that moves faster than light can be found, scientists will have to explain how something can appear before its cause.
For instance, if a scientific test was set up to look for this elusive faster-than-light tachyon & the computer started at 12:00 noon counting forward through the test sequence, the test result wouldn't be at 12:01 or later.  It would show the effect before the cause at 11:59 or earlier. Scientists don't have computers that count backwards & don't accept results that appear before the cause.  But wait. 2/3 of our Bible got to mankind before the event or cause. All prophecy is the result of facts before the event.
All creativity comes before the actual physical reality.
What is a vision?
What is a word of knowledge? It is seeing, knowing, getting information before the causation.
There is no other source of creativity than the Holy Spirit.
All truth comes to man through the only source of truth we have & that is the Holy Spirit.
When you see your future, you are getting information faster than the speed of light through a means of streaming superluminal particles. The barrier of light speed is bridged from this subluminal realm to the higher bandwidth of the superluminal realm by the Holy Spirit.  Something like Gerald Feinberg's tachyon exists in all matter.
It is just above, or faster than the speed of light. We know it's there because we find the results of such in the very fact of prophecy, or in the concept of words of knowledge & even our Bible itself. 
These are proofs that the potential & possibilities of future promises or information is flowing to us.
The superluminal tachyon-like connector exists.  That faster-than-light particle in all matter receives and remembers or records photons that shine on matter as in the photoelectric effect. Modulated photons go into all matter, reside in the vortex of superluminal faster-than-light particles & knock electrons out. This photoelectric effect is how my modulated light musical instruments worked in the 1970s. That is how CD players & DVD players work now. Today, it is not difficult to believe that matter has memory, because most of us have tiny memory sticks or memory cards that record or store information from our cameras & computers. Information flowing into matter & recalling it is commonplace. Photons from all light sources reflect from your body & off your belongings. Those information carrying photons go into all matter, including walls, your ring & watch.
This information, even what we say & think, is modulating or moving through the connectedness of all atomic structures. This modulated photon goes in & electrons come out. That is why Joshua said, 'This stone has heard.' Every word, action & deed done in the flesh has been recorded.  This is where yesterday went. It is all recorded in matter & will someday be played back. This is how evil & curses reside in places or things. Even though matter has recorded everything, your prayer in the name of Jesus can take the effect of Christ's blood, eternal & beyond time & cancel out all evil, sin & past sin's memory from matter. Oh, that is a quantum leap for many. You can speak to & erase from places all curses & evil in Jesus' name.  Have you fixed your past?
Have you removed all curses? Have you blessed the things you own: house, office, car, belongings, money, computer & phone?  Are those things & places free from your past actions, words & thoughts?
You or someone else can speak a blessing or curse on your things. Somebody is about to take a quantum leap...
Seeing Your Future as God Sees it is Quantum Faith
- Hebrews 11:1 says that faith is the substance.
It is the invisible substance from which your physical world was & is being created by Jesus Christ.
Annette Capps said, "God used faith substance & word energy to create the universe.
He spoke.  The vibration
(sound) of His words released (caused) the substance that became the stars & planets."  God's future potential & all the promised possibilities constantly flow through Holy Spirit into you. Noise on my circuit limits my ability to hear His voice & see His future for me.
The noise in my inner man is not always sin.  My noise can be my gift, ability, even that special way I am put together & wired. I can become so busy-noisy that I am out of phase with God's voice & vision for me. 
As I get quiet & become still, I can (begin to) hear & see what God's future is for my reality.
Psalm 46:10
says, "Be still & know that I am God." My future comes from God's possibilities & potential.
I pop God's qwiffs & my reality is.
What an awesome quantum leap...
Creating Protected Places: Is Your Home Protected
? - When we understand that matter has memory & that every good or evil action, word, or thought is recorded, it is our responsibility to remove, purge & release evil memory. I'm also talking about evil memory that came to you through things you inherited.
What about evil acts & words that were spoken over you? Or evil artifacts that are in many homes & places?
Imagine what evil is recorded in public places, courthouses, jails, schools & the stuff in these places. 
The Passover in the book of Exodus, chapter 12, is the story of a protected place.  The blood of the Passover lamb was not put on the firstborn child. It was not applied to a person. Rather, the blood was put on the side posts & upper door posts of a place. Anoint your: home, office, car, even public places in the name of Jesus. 
The Passover was an event where the children of God looked forward to their Messiah & His blood for deliverance & protection. By anointing your places & belongings with oil in the name of Jesus, you can protect them & connect our Savior's timeless blood over them. What a quantum leap...
Elsewhen Teaching: Where Yesterday Went and Tomorrow Comes From - Elsewhen is the title of my book.
This is an interesting word. Elsewhere means over there, or a place out of town, or out there somewhere.
Elsewhen is your consciousness out of time here & into God's upper bandwidth of cosmic consciousness.
It is to disconnect from things of this realm and become connected to ideas, visions & input that comes directly from your Savior, Designer & Creator.
Elsewhen is the experience of knowing without having to learn or push yourself to know. 
It is to so behold Jesus Himself, that you comprehend the root of wisdom through the Holy Spirit. 
You herein have come to understand that there is a non-physical reality from which this universe & everything in it flows. Jesus Himself is causing your: (soul), body, spirit, & everything you have to blink into your reality.
Light is slowing down.  There is upper bandwidth & knowledge through the Holy Spirit.
All the things of life & their purpose for you & your assignment are frequencies being spoken by Christ Himself at this very nanosecond. 
Matter has memory. 
You can change everything that has been recorded by what you observe, by the words you declare, or by the curses you remove & release in the name of Jesus
. You can create protected places by anointing with oil & speaking blessings with your words of faith. Where will you start?
What quantum leaps have come up in your spirit?  You have been given a new elsewhen cosmic consciousness.
Pop those God qwiffs & cause upper bandwidth to change your reality.
David Van Koevering, President & Founder - Elsewhen Research
- Email: david@elsewhen.com

Wentroble, Barbara - How You Can Pray With Prophetic Power by Barbara Wentroble -
www.internationalbreakthroughministries.org - "Announce judicial verdicts.
What the public crier announced became valid by the act of proclamation.
Likewise, Jesus the righteous Judge hands the verdict to the intercessor, who then delivers a prophetic proclamation to the evil powers.  The verdict becomes valid through the proclamation spoken by the intercessor.
Jesus said, "What I tell you in the darkness, speak in the light; and what you hear whispered in your ear, proclaim [kerusso] upon the housetops" (Matt. 10:27).


electromagnetic spectrum - Function: noun: the entire range of wavelengths or frequencies of electromagnetic radiation extending from gamma rays to the longest radio waves & including visible light.

super string - Function: noun - 1 of the main objects of study in a branch of theoretical physics called string theory.  There are different string theories, the most recent version being M-theory.
A string is an object with a 1-dimensional spatial extent, unlike an elementary particle which is zero-dimensional.

toroidal - Function: adjective - Shaped like a doughnut (science & technology)

band·width - Function: noun
1 : a range within a band of wavelengths, frequencies, or energies; especially: a range of radio frequencies which is occupied by a modulated carrier wave, which is assigned to a service, or over which a device can operate
2 : the capacity for data transfer of an electronic communications system <graphics consume more bandwidth than text does>; especially : the maximum data transfer rate of such a system: a bandwidth of 56 kilobits per second.

Kris Vallotton - 8/2017 - Why Your Self-Talk Impacts Your Life More Than Almost Anything Else -
he Bible says that we are nobility, royalty and children of God Himself. That's the truth; it will set you free, instead of simply modifying your behavior. Today I want to encourage you to take some time with Holy Spirit & let Him search your thoughts.  Take note of the names you've been speaking over yourself, or the aliases that others have tried to mask (clothe) you in throughout your life. Then hand them over to God. 
let Him breathe the freedom-bringing truth over you. Write it down & choose it every day. 
What are false names that people have spoken over you & what is God saying over you instead?"

David Van Koevering is a writer, minister, motivational speaker, quantum physicist & inventor.
His current teachings, "The Physics of Worship" & "The Science of God Sounds" are changing lives worldwide.
His life's work has demonstrated his gifts as a visionary, technologist, futurist & inventor.
He is respected internationally for his 30-year contribution to the development and marketing of advanced technology that has forever changed the music industry. As a visionary, he often saw future products & technology more clearly than others, including his competitors. His gift is the insight to see, & by this observation to cause & then define and communicate what he sees to others. By doing so, those things that were not, became as though they were, & reality changed. He truly has proved with his life's work & success that he understands where yesterday went & tomorrow comes from.
van Koevering, David - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-oM1AFpBdU
-Light, Sound, Matter -
Another link http://ezfaith.com/myblog/keys-to-taking-your-quantum-leap/

Wommack, Andrew - article - The Word Became Flesh

Zadai, Kevin L - Heavenly Visitation - 11/2016 Mishpochah newsletter - www.sidroth.org -
"I saw...a black vest...from my chest to my stomach. 
I immediately understood that the black area was my soul...the center of the (core) will & (layered) emotions...connected directly to the mind...obscuring...my...beautiful glorified body (or born-again spirit man).
The black vest...was made up of untrue words that had been spoken over me. 
He explained,
'This is a lifetime of words spoken against you...They continue to affect you...
We need to deal with the hurt caused by these words
affecting you'...
He said, 'Don't speak against people.  Your words can bind them & hinder My work in their lives...
Do not even speak against unsaved people, because I am working to bring them to a point of repentance & salvation.  Your
(wrong) words can slow down the process'...

He showed me...He was working through angels & humans to bring people into His Kingdom...
Words help or hinder that activity...
In 1992...Jesus...said (that) words are of utmost importance to the operation of the realm of the supernatural...
The supernatural realm responds to me when I speak (pray/sing) by the Holy Spirit...
The single most important thing I could do to participate in the supernatural realm was to pray
(whisper or sing out loud) in tongues.
Kevin Zadai: "How to Speak Anointed Words" (elijahlist.com) 1/24/2021 (scroll down link to editorial) -
When I was in Heaven, I saw that Jesus bought us back to the restoration of Adam & even better.
We were as Adam & Eve, who walked with God in the garden of Eden & saw Him face to face.
When Jesus bought us back, that restoration caused us to be just like Adam & Eve in our inner man.
Our bodies will still die because God has pronounced that our earthly bodies will only live a certain amount of years. Our souls (minds, wills & emotions) are not redeemed either. 
They have to be transformed by the renewing of our minds, which is why we must allow our spirits to dominate our lives.  When your spirit is born again, you have to push out fear & doubt away. You have to realize that the change must happen, now, in your body & mind. Your spirit is born again & you are now walking in the power of God.
I had to learn to speak from my spirit, not from my head or soul.
If you begin to do that, then you will start to be a partaker of the divine nature, because God made you in His image. 

Speak from the Spirit - Your spirit is the only part of you that has been born again. It is the only part that has changed. When you speak from your spirit, your words will have power. If you want the power of God in your life, & that manifestation, then you must cross over to where you learn to speak from down in your heart.
You must watch the words that you speak.  'But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak.
They will give account of it in the day of judgment. For by your words you will be justified & by your words you will be condemned.' (Matthew 12:36-37)  
Jesus spoke this to me in person when I was with Him during a heavenly visitation.
I met Him when I died on the operating room table in 1992.
Jesus said, 'Kevin, you will be held accountable for every idle word that you speak.'
When I got back, I had to go & look that up because I did not know it was in the Bible & I loved to talk. 
Jesus was instructing me that I needed to tone it down a little bit & be careful about what I say, because the tongue is a rudder. 
Look also at ships: although they are so large & are driven by fierce winds, they are turned by a very small rudder wherever the pilot desires.  Even so the tongue is a little member & boasts great things.' (James 3:4-5) 
Jesus explained this verse to me & told me that the little rudder is your tongue. 
We will have to give an account on the day of judgment for every idle word that we have spoken. 
Think about the things that you are going through right now & the things that are contrary to your life.
From your spirit, you have to speak what is right & start to steer your life just as a ship is steered by a little rudder. Your tongue needs to change. 
You are going to speak where you are going. Your world is going to be framed by your words.
You must believe in your heart & speak it out.
We see this same principle in Genesis 1 when God spoke of creating Adam: 
'Then God said, Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the:
fish of the sea, birds of the air, cattle, all the earth every creeping thing that creeps on the earth
.' (Genesis 1:26) 
You are made in the image of God. When God made the world, He thought, believed in His heart & then spoke.  Man was framed out of nothing. Adam was then standing there & God brought all of the animals to Him.
God told Adam to name all of the animals anything he wanted (see Gen. 2:19-20). Whatever Adam named them would be their name. If you see a giraffe, remember that Adam named that giraffe & it stuck forever. 
God gave man & woman authority & dominion over the earth (see Gen. 1:26-30). God gave them the authority to name the animals. We have authority as men & women of God.  Now we can speak in the spirit (tongues).
We must be very careful about what we say because it is steering us. 
Think about being a partaker of the divine nature: 'by which have been given to us exceedingly great & precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.' (2 Peter 1:4) 
Many people do not want to think about this verse, because men & women are so fallen that even religious people do not think we could ever achieve what God made us to be.
Yet, Jesus Christ Himself told me, 'I died & redeemed man back to Adam.
That means that they are supposed to walk & speak in authority. 
They are supposed to have dominion
Even in the Old Testament, God blessed Abraham, Isaac & Jacob & they had authority on the earth. 
Abraham was a great man. Yet, when Jesus spoke of John the Baptist, He explained that there had never been anyone greater in the Kingdom & that everyone from then on, even the least in the Kingdom of God, was now greater than John (see Matt. 11:11). If what Jesus said is true, it means that you & I, even if we were the lowest in the Kingdom, are greater than John the Baptist, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Enoch & all of those men & women who walked with God because, according to Jesus, John was greater than they. 
Jesus then continued with His resurrection power & took us to the heavenly realms (see Eph. 2:6). Now we are greater because of the authority that has been given back to us. 
If you want to walk in the greater manifestation, you have to do it from down here on the earth. 
God believes in His heart & so must you. 
For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, Be removed and be cast into the sea & does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.
Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them & you will have them.' (Mark 11:23-24) 
Jesus explained this verse in Mark 11 to me. He said, 'I said that because you need to realize that if you speak from your heart & believe it, then what you say with your mouth, you shall have it.' Jesus said this because we have been purchased back. Jesus has given us back the authority that Adam & Eve had. 
Religious leaders are so used to us being beaten down, but as Christians, we are greater than anyone who came before us because of Jesus Christ. In the Kingdom, we are even greater than those who built the foundation. I do not think that I am greater than Moses, but at the Jordan River, Jesus basically was saying that everyone in the Kingdom from then on [would be] greater (should they comprehend the superpower of indwelling Holy Spirit, due to His resurrection power). 
Agree with the Word of God - Right now, you see the discrepancies in your life, such as wanting to participate in the divine nature & not being able to see how you can. I understand that. I want you to know the discrepancies you are seeing & experiencing in your life now have to do with how you are talking. You are not speaking the truth (of God). I know this for a fact because, when I began to watch my words, I started to say things that God was revealing to me & [this] became the direction in which I started going. I started to sense from the Word of God that there were certain areas which I needed to apply to my life. I began to meditate on those Scriptures.  All of a sudden, I started to receive guidance for my own life.  It all has to do with your words. I found that as soon as I began to correct my words & learned to stop saying certain things, then the curse stopped in my life.
I began to have revelation. I started to move forward. Most importantly, I stopped being a victim.
I started to see that satan & all those devils became the victims instead.
Everywhere I would go, those devils would be rushing to get away from me, instead of rushing to come & get me. 
'The thief does not come except to steal, kill & destroy.  I have come that they may have life more abundantly.' (John 10:10)   This physical world is fallen.  Satan is the god of this world. He controls everything down here.
That is why you have poverty, sickness, discrepancies, disappointments, killing, stealing & destroying. 
Jesus said He came to give you life more abundantly. Participation in that abundant life has to do with speaking the truth in love. 
You speak the truth in God, because God is love. So, you speak the truth in God & out of your spirit you begin to live off His words, the fruit of your lips. You start to speak WHERE you are going (to, in both our human & spiritual destiny).
Let go of the hurt right now.  Let the Word & fear of the Lord, come into your life to bring you the correction that is needed.  Fear of the Lord will bring you the wisdom of God.
The Spirit of God will want to speak through you.

Hook up to the Power
- Interpreting my tongues is how I developed my relationship with God in this area.
I started to pray in the Spirit alot, but then I would have these words come up in English, in my known language. I would want to speak. As I started to speak those things, the power of God was so strong that I felt it go out like a missile.  The Lord began showing me that this is how the power words work. The power comes when you hook up [to both] Holy Spirit & the Word of God prophetically to come forth in your (spoken) words. 
You need to pick a few of the powerful words that are in God's Word & meditate on them until they start to take root in your heart & you start to feel the anointing. For a long time, I meditated & focused on the end part of John 15:5, 'for without Me you can do nothing.' I thought about that for a while. 
Then the reality of it started to hit me. Now when I say that verse as I speak or teach, it is so powerful. 
My spirit received the revelation of it & became part of me.
Many people tell me that they cannot determine if it is their voice or God's voice that they are hearing.
They cannot discern because they want 'this, this & this.' As Christians, we are not taught that we are supposed to live a crucified life & that our lives are not our own. If you want to know if it is your voice or God's voice, you must live a crucified life. You have to say, 'This is not my life.  My life is not my own. It is God's now.' (see Gal. 2:20). 
Hebrews 4:12 says:  'For the Word of God is living, powerful & sharper than any 2-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul & spirit, joints & marrow, & is a discerner of the thoughts & intents of the heart.'
We know this means that the Word goes in & cuts. The Word of God is so powerful that it splits between your soul (mind, will & emotions) & your spirit, to separate them.
Holy Spirit will show you what is of your soul, what is of your spirit
 (& what is of our flesh/body). 
The Word of God is very powerful. When you are praying in the Spirit (tongues) & when you are quoting the Word of God, that sword is being effective. Whatever it is that you are going through, I want to encourage you right now. The Spirit of God & the Word of God together (in our mouth) are very powerful."

Audio/CD/Radio + DVD

Bishop, Darlene - The Prayer of Faith - CD/DVD - www.bishopjakes.org - Most excellent.  Inspirational.

Kynan Bridges 12/31/2012- Speak TO your problem, in Jesus' name. - transcript  interview here Listen to Sid's radio interviews with Kynan Bridges

Dickow, Gregory - CD - Mastering Your Emotions - www.gregorydickow.org  
The root of depression is NOT an emotion but a thought.  Take any wrong thought captive & replace it with the SPOKEN out loud word of God.  Reverse/erase/invalidate any wrong/negative/harmful thought with scripture.  God's spoken word causes our body to emit good chemicals to reverse/void the bad/excessive chemicals triggered by a harmful thought.  God's spoken word does what medical drugs are attempting to do.
Dickow, Gregory - Falling Out of Love with Your Feelings -
read  order CDs   download   send this page to a friend
Dickow, Gregory - Framing Your World with Your Words - 5 CDs -

Eckhardt, John - Decrees (2 teaching CD series) -

Global Recordings Network - http://www.pbs.org/pov/pov2006/tailenders/ - 7/25/2006 -
PBS special (GRN), founded in Los Angeles in 1939, has produced audio Bible stories in over 5,500 languages.
GRN wants to record in every language on earth.  GRN distributes recordings + ultra-low-tech hand-wind players, in isolated regions & among displaced migrant workers.
http://www.pbs.org/pov/pov2006/tailenders/index.html - GRN calls their target audience "the tailenders" for they are the last to be reached.
Check Local TV Listings  For Educators

Hallam, Walter - Abundant Life Christian Center, Texas, USA -
www.alcc.org - What God Has coming Down the Road for You -
Audio: "If you say what others won't, They will call it Rave & Rant. But if you will receive now what others won't. You can receive now what others can't."  Jesus heals everything that hurts." 
"Don't let others name you by your curse."

Hayes, Norvel - Faith And Confession (4-DVD's) - www.nhm.cc
Hayes, Norvel -
Your Confession - Life Or Death? - video - www.nhm.cc
Hayes, Norvel - Faith and Confession (at the World Center 5/2005) - DVD - www.nhm.cc

Hegstrom, Paul  2/12-16/07  Healing Adults from Childhood Hurts   http://www.familyskillscenter.com/index.html
Thursday Sid Roth's Messianic Vision radio broadcast shares marvelous hope for those with damaged brains. 
Hegstrom contends that even if part of the brain nerves are damaged (Hegstrom lost 40% of his brain due to a stroke.), new brain cells can be activated/wired to the rest of the brain, so that brain damage can be reversed (as was true of his brain).  The key to doing this is to speak/read aloud especially the Word of God.
Listen by clicking onto archives @
 http://www.sidroth.org/radio.htm - Broken Children, Grown-Up Pain book #1064

Hinn, Benny - The Authority of God's Word - CD#CD083 - www.bennyhinn.org

Horman, Dr. Aiko @ https://itsrainmakingtime.com/aiko-hormann-prayer-science-wonders/ - 8/1/2010
Scientist Dr. Aiko Hormann explains that one can expedite healing by decreeing “It Is Written”.

Jackson, John Paul - Capturing Your Spiritual Authority - DVD www.streamsministries.com

Sandra Kennedy 2011 - Upper missing piece of lip replaced by God.

Kerr, Kat - 6/15/2014 radio https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=rMjXzVo7Nmw @ http://jesusstories.info/page/2/?s=kat+kerr&search=Search - Present & future spiritual leaders have their words recorded by scribe angels, as to what they say & what they allow to be said in their presence. 
The enemy spirit controlling the offender can be sabotaged by our verbal worship, in the same manner King to be David sabotaged Saul's afflicting spirit.
Kerr, Kat - Kat Kerr – The Kings – June 2014 AUDIO @ http://jesusstories.info/page/2/?s=kat+kerr&search=Search 
http://www.katkerr.com/ + http://www.revealingheaven.com/ Some of us will speak (from our spiritual position in the 3rd heaven) and our words will affect another country.  We do NOT war against individuals, but rather against principalities, etc. in Jesus' name & resurrection power.
Kerr, Kat - Official authorized YouTube web link: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheKatKerr

Ligon, William T & Dorothy - Imparting the Blessing - Your Biblical Heritage - What the Jewish Patriarchs Knew  
(Includes soft-cover work-book) - 4 CD set - Published by The Father's Blessing, Brunswick, Georgia, USA -
Available through
Chapter 6 is How  to Bless Your Children. + Chapter 7 is How to Break the Curse. - "Redemption from the (inherited) curse of the (Old Testament/Jewish) law is present in the blood of Jesus Christ."  Salvation eliminates Adam's original sin/curse/spiritual separation from God. 2nd, a curse can be imposed by the tongue. 
Cease/desist from speaking curses/illness/problems/ disease over self/others; instead speak what God says in scripture! Cease/desist from believing/accepting lies spoken over us by family/teachers/ doctors/others. 
Anything that contradicts scripture is a lie.  Apologize to God for speaking/believing any past lies. 
Next, begin to bless self/others by speaking aloud/applying  "Bible verses to" self/others "every day just like" one "would take a prescribed medication."

Lopez, Jeremy RADIO - Permanent Link to Keep A Watch on Your Tongue by Jeremy Lopez from http://identitynetwork.podbean.com/ -
Lopez, Jeremy RADIO -
Permanent Link to Thoughts That Control the Universe by Jeremy Lopez -

McLean, Marina - Voice Print Audio download or audio snippet - www.globalglory.org - excellent -
McLean, Renny & Marina - Revelation, Glory and Sound Audio 2002 CD, download or web audio snippet -
"The depth of the revelation reveals the clarity of the sound in our worship.  As the sound resonates in the heavens, the glory is released on the earth."  "Every Person has a unique quality about them that none else can duplicate.  There are situations, & circumstances that will never change without your voice print being registered in the heavenly realm as testimony continually."
ound is the origin of light.  It is faster than light; when it slows down it becomes light & color. 
Our level of spiritual ascent determines our level of healings/miracles.  Our lifestyle must NOT correspond to the level of the city's strongman, or the has something on us.  What's in us, we can't be cast out of another. 
Like inhabiting demons create personality clashes. Sin: spiritual gravity/weight & prevents ascent.  Soulish songs revolve around self/needs not God.  With our mouth we can shatter cancer/disease like Joshua collapsed a city wall.  Sound changes as we ascend/travel/ translate.  We can be stuck between heavens with short/wrong worship.  When new sounds are released upon earth it increases both angelic and demonic activity. 
Worship releases angelic activity.  Demonic power & thus violence is released via unholy music.
As born-again children of God our voice-print/high worship can break glass & exterminate principalities. 
God created man to have the highest frequency. 
Since Jesus carried a higher frequency, He could cast out a demon with lower frequency, walk on water etc. 
Faith is the currency of heaven.  It is a spiritual substance which operates via sound.
McLean, Renny - The Glory of God Through Worship - The Glory of God in Worship - CD - www.globalglory.org - superior -
Our blessings from God are voice activated. "There are blessings that have been on hold because they have not been activated by your voice print. Your worship will cause the heavens to dispense the things that are due to you. God is not seeking a 1 night stand." - download or audio snippet available - Demons move by sound
God wars from our mouth.
He inhabits our praises.  We will malfunction when we do not worship.  Clouds are created out of worship.

Meyer, Joyce - November 23, 2017 - Your Words Affect Your Future - Part 1
Meyer, Joyce -
November 24, 2017 - Your Words Affect Your Future - Part 2

Montgomery, Ed - CD-Rom  Healing - God's Medicine - www.heaveninyourheart.com
Short but superior Scripture + inspiration admonitions - read by Ed Montgomery.   recommended.

Siddiki, Nasir - http://wisdomministries.org/ - Video on demand - http://ww2.micahtek.com/nexolive/clients/wmi/nVideoSignup.cfm?x=1&&VISIBLE=false&CFID=32982469&CFTOKEN=93681048 - Laws of Confession CD - There are spiritual laws; one's voice activates results (negative or positive). 
Faith is not released until it is confessed and acted upon.

Thompson, Robb D - Breaking Free - DVD - www.robbthompson.com
Thompson, Robb D - Get a Grip on Your Thinking - CD -
, Robb D - Hope - Scripture confessions - CD -
Thompson, Robb D - Healed confessions - CD -
Thompson, Robb D - Mind Conquered - CD -
Thompson, Robb D - Mind Renovation - CD -

Weeks, Everton - Supernatural Living - 2007 CD series - www.miraclelifeministries.com -
Includes Changing Hopeless Situations by the Spirit of Prophecy

White, Paula - 2005 Alive Conference DVD - www.paulawhite.org
Includes - Turn It Around With Your Tongue by Bishop Jakes and - He Does the Work 7 I Declare It by Darlene

Winston, Bill - The Law of Confession - CD/DVD - www.bwm.org - Speak what God speaks.
 Bill Winston  - The Law of Confession Package - DVD or The Law of Confession Package - CD for a $ from www.kcm.org

Wommack, Andrew - The Word Became Flesh - Thursday - http://s3.awmi.net/downloads/tv/2012/12dec/awm_tv20121220.wmv @ Week 51 2012 from http://www.awmi.net/tv/2012 good

         Healing through Speech
      Web Sites

Bonnke, Reinhart - God spoke to Bonnke & said, "My words in your mouth perform as well as My words in My mouth." www.fullflame.com - www.cfan.org  

Capps, Anette @ Words Are Your Servants – Capps Ministries 4/2022
, Charles @ Charles Capps Ministries Online Videos (vlifetech.com) 3/17/2022 - The Law of Faith -
Rehearsing out loud gives voice to God's words, allowing our healing/deliverance to begin to manifest on earth as it is already in heaven.

charlotte-bouzigard - superior - Quantum Sounds and Healings http://www.xpmedia.com/video/10353/quantum-sounds-and-healings - Quantum Music Healing Therapy - Quantum Transport  - Quantum Prayer -
Recommends using gong & satar in Christian music/worship. 
Musical note: A displays indigo, B purple, C red, D orange, E yellow, F green, G blue. 
Consider playing/listening to classical music in key of G in addition to utilizing blue light &/or color. 
(With/use of such sound & color/light applications) one may find/notice remission/removal of problems of throat, problems at base of skull, lungs, fever & eczema.

Bridges, Kynan - http://sidroth.org/television/tv-archives/kynan-bridges-0?src=weeklybroadcastemail_032414 recommended

Brim, Billye - http://www.billyebrim.org/partner-letters/march-2008 - "'Man became a speaking spirit'...I want to establish the foundation from which it comes. It comes from the Onkelos Aramaic translation of Genesis 2:7.  Onkelos was a convert to Judaism who did an Aramaic translation from the original Hebrew.
After the Babylonian captivity, the Jews' everyday language was Aramaic...
The Hebrew word, DeVaR intrigues me. It is Hebrew for word.   It can also be translated thing, or matter.
For some time I have contemplated the idea that words become things or matters.
Of course, this is supported by Mark 11:23...
Consider this excerpt from Dr. Paul Yonggi Cho's book, The 4th Dimension - 1 morning I was eating breakfast with one of Korea's leading neuro-surgeons, who was telling me about various medical findings on the operation of the brain. He asked, 'Dr. Cho, did you know that the speech center in the brain rules over all the nerves?' 
Then I laughed, saying, "I've known that for a long time.' 'How did you know that? 
In the world of neurology these are new findings.' I replied that I had learned it from Dr. James. (James 3:2-5.) 
Then this neuro-surgeon began to expound their findings.
He said that the speech nerve center had such power over all of the body that simply speaking can give one control over his body, to manipulate it in the way he wishes. He said, "If someone keeps on saying, 'I'm going to become weak,' then right away, all the nerves receive that message, & say, 'Oh, let's prepare to become weak, for we've received instructions from our central communication that we should become weak.'
They then in natural sequence adjust their physical attitudes to weakness.  'If someone says, 'Well, I have no ability. I can't do this job,' then right away all the nerves begin to declare the same thing.
'Yes,' they respond, 'we received instruction from the central nervous system saying that we have no abilities, to give up striving to develop any capacity for capability.  We must prepare ourselves to be part of an incapable person.'
'If someone keeps saying, 'I'm very old…tired, & can't do anything,' then right away, the speech central control responds, giving out orders to that effect. The nerves respond, 'Yes, we are old. We are ready for the grave.
Let's be ready to disintegrate.' If someone keeps saying that he is old, then that person is soon going to die.' 
That neuro-surgeon continued saying, 'That man should never retire. 
Once a man retires, he keeps repeating to himself, 'I am retired' & all the nerves start responding & become less active & ready for a quick death.'
(Billye continues.)
The Book we call Deuteronomy is named Devarim in the Hebrew. Devarim is the plural of devar.
So, the name of the Book is Words, taken from the 1st line of the Book, "These are the words which Moses spake." Both words and spake are the Hebrew word devar. Moses did not get to enter the Promised Land because God told him to speak to the rock to bring forth water; instead Moses struck it. Some rabbis say that God wanted to demonstrate the power of the spoken word & that Israel could use it to take Canaan.  Moses was the only 1 spiritually mature enough to so demonstrate Jesus taught on a regular basis, that we could have what we say.
The ability. He also taught accountability (Matt. 12:36-37).
Therefore, 'What Have We Done With The Gift of Speech?'"
http://www.bvov.tv/asx/bvov/080512.asx 5/12/2008
The Purpose of Tongues & The Glorious Church (CD Set)
The Purpose of Tongues & The Glorious Church (DVD Set)

Brim, Billye - 6/2/2015 - http://www.thewellsat7th.com/why-god-needs-us-to-pray-message-by-billye-brim-gloria-copeland/ summary regarding http://www.kcm.org/watch/tv-broadcast/why-god-needs-us-pray?
"God needs a body in the earth, speaking words that He can clothe with reality. 
 Just like we see the law of creation at work in Genesis 1:2 when the Holy Spirit was hovering, waiting for God’s words, the Holy Spirit is hovering over us, waiting for us to speak God’s words so He can bring about His will in the earth.  God has called us to set aside a time every day to pray in the Spirit.
We each have a body, a badge of authority, & our part is to present that to Him.
Holy Spirit gives us the utterance, we use our tongues to speak it & then He will bring it about.  If we’re going to pray in the end of days, we need to know about the authority that we have in prayer. When Jesus was raised, we were raised with Him, seated at the right hand of the Father & given all *authority in the earth. As members of the body of Christ who have the privilege of living in the end of days, God needs us to take that authority & say what God has for us to say."  *(We receive our spiritual inheritance when we become of age: repent, acknowledge Jesus as savior, Lord and baptizer in Holy Spirit + begin to enforce our spiritual legal rights, in Jesus' name
God's power is not so much what we believe, but rather what we DO with & ACT on what we believe.)

Brown, Tom - http://www.tbm.org/releasing_your_angels_to_work_for_you.htm - El Paso, Texas, USA -
"Jesus also said that we have the power to 'loose'.
What do we loose? Certainly, not Satan. Then who? Angels of course.
A voice said, 'Loose the 4 angels which are bound...
The 4 angels were loosed.' (Revelation 9:14-15 KJV). You can readily see that angels are meant to be loosed. Who has the power to loose angels?  Jesus said that we do...
Angels hearken - listen and act upon - the VOICE of God's Word. We know that the Bible is God's Word.
But angels don't hearken just to God's Word, but they hearken to the voice of His Word.  Try this profound experiment: Take your Bible and place it next to your ear. Stop. Listen. What do you hear? NOTHING. Why? Because the Bible does not have a voice unless we give it a voice.
In other words, angels act on God's Word that we speak out of our mouths. 
They listen to us speaking God's Word.  When we speak God's Word, angels rush to perform it in our lives...
We bind angels when we speak contrary to God's Word, & say things such as, 'Nothing ever works out for me...
Jesus said, "Whoever shall confess me before men, him shall the Son of man also confess before the angels of God" (Luke 12:8, KJV). Jesus declares to the angels what we declare. When we confessed that Jesus was our Lord, Jesus confessed to the angels that He was our Lord. Angels are aware of what we confess here on earth. Jesus echo's our words to the angels, and depending on what we say, they bring to pass our words...
Jesus was tempted by the devil for 40 days, & while being tempted Jesus did only one thing: He spoke the Word of God. He kept saying, "
It is written...It is written...It is written." After Jesus kept quoting God's Word, the Bible says, "Then the devil left Him, and angels came & attended Him" (Matthew 4:11). Do you suppose the reason why the angels came to Jesus was because He kept speaking God's Word? I think so.
Angels hearken unto the voice of God's Word. Jesus gave voice to the Word, and angels came to minister to Him.
Angels will do the same for you if you will do what Jesus did: speak God's Word...
At the beginning of this Psalm (91:9-12) it says... 'I will SAY of the Lord.'" 
Brown, Tom - http://www.tbm.org/words_are_tomorrow_in_todayhtm.htm    
our words are initially seeds. And what you plant now, you get later. So, what you say now, you get later...
Don Gossett
wrote a best-selling book entitled, What You Say Is What You Get. This is true.
What you say now, you will get later. You are going to reap the words of your mouth.
So you better watch what you say, because if it is bad you will reap it...
Of course you can always repent for what you say & God will forgive...
The life you are living now is the result of the words you spoke in the past...
'Aren't we supposed to warn our children when they do wrong?' Yes.
You can warn them without predicting their future, though...
Say, 'Son, what you did was wrong. Jesus lives in you, so you can do better.
Next time, let the Lord live through you. I forgive you.' 
That's better than saying in anger & fear, 'You're never going to amount to anything.
I won't be a bit surprised to find you in prison some day'...Start speaking God's words & don't repeat the negative words of others, even if those people happen to be your parents.
Love your parents, respect them, be kind to them, but don't believe their negative report about you...
In Numbers chapter 14, the people were declaring that they & their children would die in the desert and not enter the Promise Land.  God spoke to Moses & told him to give them this message:
'As surely as I live, declares the Lord, I will do to you the very things I heard you say.'
(v. 28). God tells them that they are going to get everything they SAID.
God said to them, 'What you say, is what you get.'
God did, however, exempt the children: 'As for your children that YOU SAID would be taken as plunder,
I will bring them in to enjoy the land you have rejected
.' (v.31).
So you see that your parent's words do not have to determine your destiny...
Your words have the power of life and death. Your words are the most powerful thing you have working for you, or against you. So make your words work for you."
Brown, Tom -
Chart Your Course by the Words of Your Mouth - http://www.tbm.org/chart_your_course.htm "
Job 22:28 Amplified
 'You shall also decide & DECREE a thing, and it shall be established for you, & the light [of God's favor] shall shine upon your ways.' 
God says, 'Decide & decree a thing & you'll get it.' We must do more than 'decide'; we must 'decree.' 
A decree is a proclamation...
Thank God for the Protestant Reformation, because it brought us the truth of the 'priesthood' of every believer.
However, it neglected the revelation of the 'kingly authority' of every believer. Thank God that we are kings...
Declare, 'I am a king.' You might say, 'But I don't feel like a king.'
Well, what do feelings have to do with anything?...
Are you saved? Are you a new creature in Christ Jesus? Of course you are.  Do you always feel saved?
Do you always feel like a new creature? Of course not, yet you are 1 anyway because.  That settles it.
The Word says you are (if you have repented of your sins & asked Jesus to be your Lord). 
The same is true of being a king.  God's Word says you are a king, so act like one...
Romans 5:17
says that we 'reign IN LIFE.' Our domain of rule is here in this life...
There is nothing in heaven to rule over. It is in this life that we need to rule. 
We rule the devil, sickness & poverty in this life.
How do we rule them?  Through law! Your mouth makes the law. What you decree is what will be established for you in this life... Jesus said, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, & whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.' (Matt 18:18).
The word 'bind' means to 'declare unlawful.'  The word 'loose' means to 'declare lawful.'
How do we bind & loose? Through our declarations. 
We declare with our mouths...First, you must choose what (good) you want in life & know that God's Word promises it to you. Then, you decree...speak it as though it were law...If you're sick, you need health.
If you're confused, you need wisdom. If you're poor, you need money. If you're a sinner, you need salvation. 
If you're powerless, you need the baptism in the Holy Ghost...Decide what you need.
Be convinced that you are going to get it.
Then declare with authority that you have it...(In Genesis 3:7) God said to man, 'I give you dominion'...
God told him (Adam) to rule everything.  That included the devil & demons...
if you say the wrong things, then you are out of control. If you're out of control, then someone else is in control.  What wrong things do we say?  Anything that is contrary to the Word of God is the wrong thing to say.
However, if you say the right thing—the Word of God, then your whole body is lined up & under your control. 
Your body will line up with the words of your mouth. What you say with your mouth, your body will line up to those words... The Bible says that if you never say the wrong thing, then you're a perfect man able to control your body.
This is dominion. This is control, & you can have it.  Suppose your doctor has given you a negative report, 'I'm sorry to inform you that you are going to have this pain for the rest of your life.' Let me tell you something:
Your body is not meant to be under the control of someone else's words.
It's meant to be under the control of your tongue. 
You should simply thank him for his diagnosis; then declare, 'Jesus bore my sicknesses & carried my diseases in His own body, & with His stripes I am healed!' Don't say, 'I guess I better plan to retire.' No. Shout the Word. 
As you begin to speak the Word, your body lines up to your words
...Learn something:
Don't verbalize your fears, instead verbalize your faith.
You may have to confess for 40 years that you are strong before you see any difference.
But say it anyway. Sooner or later your body has to line up with your words.  This is my declaration:
'Every organ, every tissue of my body functions in the perfection that God created it to function.  I refuse to allow viruses, infection or allergies in my body. Anything bad that tries to attack my body instantly dies (in Jesus' name).
My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, there-fore only good is in my body.' 
What am I doing? I'm predicting the future of my body...
Your tongue is the most powerful (surgical/medical/musical) instrument (weapon) you possess...
Diseases may be stronger than you, but you can control them by your words.  Your words can make cancer shrink. It can make your immune system function right.  Your words can make your life better. 
Your tongue also can destroy your life...
Words are like little sparks that do not look devastating, but they can set your life on fire from hell.
You give hell permission, through your words, to bring these (evil) things in your life...
You cannot say with your mouth that you are healed & prosperous & then also say that you are sick & poor.
When you do that, you have what the Indians call 'a forked tongue.'
You say 1 thing, & then you contradict yourself & say something else. 
You cannot use your tongue that way & expect positive results...
The same is true of our tongue. Your negative words will always cancel out your positive words...
Say ONE thing that's negative, & you'll end up cancelling your positive confessions. This is why you must guard your tongue...Don’t get under condemnation & fear.  However, because of the negative things you have said, ask the Lord to forgive you.  He can cancel out your negative words."  (Editorial shares cute story about individual who kicked car & audience had sympathy, but another individual who hugged his car & was considered crazy. 
We need to become that type of crazy.)
Brown, Tom - Positive Confession -
http://www.tbm.org/positive.htm -
I like to use the word 'f-a-c-t' as an acronym for False Appearance Contradicting Truth...
Facts can change; truth does not. Facts relate to situations & circumstances; truth relates to God's Word...
A doctor's diagnosis can change depending on how the patient responds. If a doctor's diagnosis can change, then it is not truth but fact. Yet God's Word continues to say, 'By Jesus' stripes, I am healed.' (1 Peter 2:24).
It will read that way no matter how I feel. It will read that way today, tomorrow & to the next generation after us.
It will always say that I am healed.  That is (God's) truth! It never changes...
Paul meant in Romans 3:4, 'Let God be true, & every man a liar.'
God's promises are permanent and reliable...adversaries to your faith want to control your tongue. 
The adversaries want you speak doubt, fear & unbelief. They want you to make a bad confession...Christ did not look like a king, but in the heavenly places He was king.  In time, His kingdom would be manifested to the world.
After 2,000 years, over a billion people on this earth today claim that Jesus is their king, & more people every day are coming to realize this...Jesus made the good confession as to who He was, even though it did not look factual.
But facts changed. Now more people claim to follow Christ than anyone who has ever lived...
We don't deny the facts, we simply believe that the (scientific) facts will change and (God's) truth will prevail. Because we know the power of God's Word, we can face the facts & say, 'Yes, the FACTS are that I'm feeling sick & my bills are piling up, yet the TRUTH is, I'm healed & blessed.'"

Wesley & Stacey Campbell - 6/6/2009 - http://www.sidroth.org/site/News2?news_iv_ctrl=-1&abbr=tv_&page=NewsArticle&id=8493&security=1041 - transcript - http://www.sidroth.org/site/DocServer/IS514Transcript_Campbell.pdf?docID=1661 -
"The spoken word has power.  It's tangible. It's a force.
We're losing this when we read the Bible to ourselves, or when we pray even to ourselves."

Capps, Charles - Working Knowledge of Faith - 3/17-31/2008 with Kenneth Copeland -
Read, believe and speak scripture.
3/24/2008 webcast proclaims that any thought that is SPOKEN is given life, whereas any thought NOT spoken is/can be taken captive/cancelled/rejected/refused/exterminated. 
One's tongue/mouth is his weapon for good or for bad.  Our choice.
videos - http://charlescapps.com/media.shtml or
http://www.kcm.org/media/webcasts/archive.php -
Capps, Charles - http://www.charlescappsministries.org/media.html
Capps, Charles - 4/16/2009 TV broadcast #2160 on quarks, quantum physics & speaking God's Word. 
Also check out 8/11-15/2008 & other TV interviews with Kenneth Copeland
http://www.kcm.org/media/ -
Excellent program on speaking God's Words regardless of their contradicting one's feelings, the doctor or medical facts.
Capps, Charles - 9/8/2011 tv broadcast Law of Faith -
God explained to Charles that His Word spoken out loud overcomes rather than cancels curses.
Capps, Charles -
Words - Faith & Things, Part 1 5/19/14 +
Words - Faith & Things, Part 2 5/26/2014 from http://charlescapps.com/podcasts.shtml

Confessing scripture out loud is the lift that keeps our faith up connected to God's resources/answers/supply/manifestations.
Capps, Charles - England, Arkansas, USA - http://charlescapps.com/tribute-page.shtml - (1/4/1934-2/23/2014) -
, Charles - God’s angels act when we speak scripture, because God’s Bible Words are voice activated.
http://www.christian.tv/base-video1.aspx?id=6&guid=635857153446433282 #1 Angels
http://www.christian.tv/base-video1.aspx?id=6&guid=635857154044608356 #2 Angels
good resource - http://charlescapps.com/tribute-page.shtml - "Charles Emmitt Capps, farmer, land developer & Bible teacher from England, Arkansas was promoted to heaven 2/23/2014."
Capps, Charles - 11/21/2019 tv broadcast Doctrines of Devils - Capps reminds us that what we speak waters/fertilizes grows or kills/slows/deters our seed/healing.  We are our own weather-man/farmer.
Capps, Charles @ https://www.vlifetech.com/media/archivevideo/720798 #1 - 9/20/2021 - How to Believe God -
Capps, Charles @ https://www.vlifetech.com/media/archivevideo/712419 #2 - 9/27/2021 -
How to Believe God -
Resist the devil with God's spoken word, which are His spiritual seed sprouted in our heart & executed with our tongue, having consistently recited aloud, thus watered/fertilized by rehearsing/memorizing/internalizing/ decreeing.

Capps, Charles @
https://www.vlifetech.com/media/archivevideo/769877 #1 12/20/2021
Capps, Charles https://www.vlifetech.com/img/imagecache/185x135_CCM-TV122Thumbnail0.png #2 - 12/27/2021
We call in/
TO in Jesus’ name: land for us to receive or sell + an improving immune system, over time, to help land/DNA to obey/come into agreement.
Capps, Charles - Power of the Spoken Word (of Jesus) 2/28/2022
Charles Capps Ministries Online Videos (vlifetech.com)  #1
+ 3/7/2022 @
Charles Capps Ministries Online Videos (vlifetech.com) #2 -
We can speak & thus enforce/receive the spiritual enemy's or God's word/designs.
(Notice how important it was to disallow the tower of Babel from being enabled by 1 voice/language/agreement that contradicted God's wishes.)

Colberg, Don & Mary discuss with Kenneth Copeland secular non medical psychiatric/psychological intervention/counseling methods of reprogramming one's stinking/distorted/confused thinking God's Design for Your Wellness  2/6/2009  http://www.kcm.org/media/index.php?p=media&mtab=1 When one lines up his thinking with God's Word in scripture, in the counselor's office, he is able to recognize, resist, & stop the negative confessions (that are out of alignment with the Word of God) & begin to focus on & instead confess the positive thoughts + give healthy testimony.

Kenneth Copeland Ministries - See present/past archives. http://www.kcm.org/media/webcasts/archive.php  
Copeland, Gloria - Confession: What You Say is What You Receive - 7/20/2003  
Copeland, Gloria - Confession: What You Say is What You Receive - 9/22-26/2003 
Copeland, Gloria -
The Word of God is God's Medicine - 12/9/2007
Regarding confession of Scripture, God spoke to Gloria that, "In consistency lies the power"/healing/health/ provision per 2007 Billye Brim annual convention CDs. 
Copeland, Gloria and Brim, Billye  The Power of the Spoken Word  2 week program  5/11-24/2008
Click onto archives
http://www.kcm.org/media/index.php?p=media  or 5/14/2008 - http://www.bvov.tv/asx/bvov/080514.asx - Our healing is according to Mark 11:23.  5/14/2008 broadcast is especially encouraging & shares testimony of Betty King (restaurateur) who was encouraged by PTL prayer ministry to speak, "By His stripes I am healed." 
Daily she did just that. Betty went from being bedridden to house-bound to neighborhood-bound to no-bounds, slowly but surely as she "took her spiritual medicine/applied His Word/appropriated His wounds to her dis-ease."
Also click onto 5/16/2008 -
Discussion reminds us that Moses disobeyed God & struck rather than SPOKE to the rock, failing to demonstrate the way that God wants us to operate like Him through speech. Reread Numbers 20
Additionally Billye reads aloud from Cho's  4th Dimension - chapter The Creative Power of the Spoken Word
A neurosurgeon told Cho that the speech center has dominion/control/ rules over ALL other nerves in the body. 
The speech center acts as a music/symphony conductor influencing how the body will respond to its words. 
Scripture verifies that there is life &/or death in the tongue.  See book Cho's book review above.  Excellent.
The Power of Unified Speech - 5/22/2008
http://www.bvov.tv/asx/bvov/080522.asx  Scripture says that we are NOT to allow any "evil/ corrupt talk" come out of our mouths.  Negligence in this area has prevented the church/Christians to progress.  Unified imagination & SPEECH accomplishes much.  The tower of Babel is a prime case study of negative speech, that which contradicts the word/will of God. Genesis 11:1-9  Therefore God confused/confounded their communication/speech, preventing their wrong plans from being accomplished.  Likewise Lord, in the name of Jesus Christ, we command/declare the enemy's communication/speech + thoughts/imaginations/intentions to be confused/thwarted/scattered, to be null & void. 
No longer will those for whom we pray be confused. 
Instead they will perceive & understand whatever is in Your heart & mind, oh Holy Spirit. 
Instead they will blossom without molestation & fulfill the purposes for which You, Father God, created them.  We praise & thank You, Father, in Jesus' name.  Amen.5.22.2008  
3/25/2013 -
Speak God’s Word – Get His Results
4/01/2013 -
Reprogramming Your Future With Your Words

Copeland, Kenneth - Change Your Future with Your Words - 12/31/2006        
Copeland, Kenneth - Living the Prosperous Life - 10/24/2007
Speak aloud the red lettered scriptures, which are Jesus' words, always true for you.
Copeland, Kenneth - Love Entitles You to THE BLESSING -
10/21/2007  + 11/1/2007 - GREAT PROGRAM on FORGIVENESS -
God says we can obtain a blank/erased memory/clean slate & subsequently in the name of Jesus declare only what we want God to remember.  Apply this to your our forgiven children, to better understand.

Copeland, Kenneth with Winston, Bill - Video: Speak God’s Word – Get His Results
Tuesday, March 26, 2013 @ Week @ Once @ Past Broadcasts

Paul Cox  5/26-30/2008 - radio show #1593 -
5/28/2008 show discusses being in proper hertz/vibration/frequency with God.
Book Heaven Trek and broadcast share what God is doing, including healing of associative disintegrative (multiple personality) disorder. -
http://www.sidroth.org/site/PageServer?pagename=rad_archives - http://www.aslansplace.com/
"Weekly I heard those now famous words, 'To Boldly Go Where Man Has Never Gone Before.' It was science fiction, not our reality. Then the Lord began moving in my life in very unusual ways and I realized that He was taking me into new areas in the Heavenly Places. This exploration has not stopped. Weekly the Lord has taken me into new areas of spiritual realities. I continued to be surprised that there is no limit to His new revelation.
The journey is exciting & filled with wonder.
The Lord now invites you, 'To Boldly Go Where Man Has Never Gone Before.'"
http://www.elijahshopper.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=BK%2DPC006 - http://www.elijahlist.com/words/display_word/3692 - READ about Palmoni who helps make it possible for us to vibrate in sync with God. - http://www.aslansplace.com/insights/sound.htm - "New Years 2004...we returned to Hawaii...2 days later on Sunday morning, I woke up and realized that my body was vibrating.  We went to church and I spoke to a friend who reported that, sure enough, he was vibrating too.  Not understanding what was happening, I called one of our intercessors in Minnesota & she revealed that I was vibrating at 7 hertz per second, but she didn’t understand what it meant either.  Several weeks later, the frequency had increased to 14 hertz & some time later to 48 hertz.  Finally, at a conference in May, I topped out at 440 hertz, the same frequency at which I vibrate now.  Again I called our intercessor, & she got the word 'Palmoni.' 
Interestingly, I’d just been reading The Bible Code by Chuck Missler, & he mentioned Palmoni (which means 'a numberer of secrets') as a Greek reference to 'that certain one' in Daniel 8:1
'Then I heard a holy one speaking; & another holy one said to that certain one who was speaking.'  
...Superstring Theory...goes beyond quantum physics. 
Quantum physics examines power packs - the atoms, the nucleus, etc. 
Mathematicians have found that there are some math problems that cannot be solved with quantum physics. 
However, Superstring Theory solves them, & the basic conclusion is that behind all matter is vibration. 
This is Biblical.  God spoke (a vibration), & matter came into existence. DANGER. 
Never confuse God's holy vibration with vibration medicine/therapy/message which can be demonic. 
Always always test the spirits.

Cox, Paul - Swatting the Fly  It takes 40 days to kill the fly or demon. http://www.ajoyfulcreation.com/articles/files/bin/Anger.pdf or

Dake - The Testimony - http://www.dake.com/dake/testimony.html

DeGrandis, Father Robert - The Forgiveness Prayer - http://www.internationalweekofprayerandfasting.org/prayers.asp
Also see the HOM Ministries - Spiritual Warfare Prayer -
Some prayers we need to repeat 3X in order to break curses or linkages to evil that have been invoked 3X to blaspheme the Trinity. 

Dollar, Creflo - https://creflodollarministries.org/Watch-and-Listen?page=3#bc_collapse_2333 - 2/10-11/2020 @ https://creflodollarministries.org/Watch-and-Listen - "If you do not start talking to your problems, they will start talking to you.  Start acting like Me.  That is My assignment for you."

Duplantis, Jessee - Your Power is in Your Saying and Believing or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7L3-gEUOe3c - 8/15/2017 @  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2AYHhMevDnEXun_PJqJn6Q 

Dvorak, Becky - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uY28hu2Yjp4 excellent - How do we speak healing confessions for God to recreate body parts? www.AuthorBeckyDvorak.com - We, not God, do creative/re-creative miracles via Holy Spirit inside us.  Jesus on the cross said It is finished
To rephrase.  1st We speak.  2nd Holy Spirit performs.

Dvorak, Becky – 12/23/2019 -
The Prophetic and Healing Power of Your Words with Becky Dvorak – Part 1
or @ https://www.marilynandsarah.org/2022/10/20/prophetic-healing-power-of-words-with-becky-dvorak-part-1/  

Dvorak, Becky – 12/24/2019 -
The Prophetic and Healing Power of Your Words with Becky Dvorak – Part 2 superior
Dvorak, Becky -

Evans, Jimmy - Apostolic Pastor: Jesus Says Speak to Illness and It Will Listen to You - In Mark 11:23, Jesus says, "For truly I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, 'Be removed and be thrown into the sea' & does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will come to pass, he will have whatever he says."
Jimmy Evans, lead apostolic senior pastor at Gateway Church, says that mountain can be symbolic:
"A mountain can be a physical problem or an illness."  He says Christians should bless their body.

Eyal, Dr. Zvi - interview - http://www.bennyhinn.org/media/2010-5-7.asx - significant historical overview
"Dr. Eyal, holocaust survivor, reminds us that convention allows unlimited freedom-of-lies, but limits freedom-of-speech.  He says that one cannot negotiate with a lie or a liar.  Many ugly lies refuse to die. 
What one says is always significant. 
Therefore, it is imperative to limit/prevent the vocalization or publishing of wrong words, including lies.

Ferrell, Emerson - Proclaiming the Name of Jesus - 2/7/2009 ministry letter - http://voiceofthelight.com/propheticnews/?cat=10
Jesus is continually interceding for man & releasing His goodness & glory in the hopes a generation will become His fullness on the earth. His intercession is the sound or vibration that is actually holding our atoms or matter together. The matter is what we refer to as our bodies & the world we can explain with our 5 senses.
His Church must be the light of the world, which changes everything spinning at frequencies & vibrations less than our glorious Savior. 
Moses knew about this glory & vibration having been in front of Him on a number of occasions.
The Glory so many people want to see including Moses is that frequency & light of God capable of altering all of the universe laws."

Fluitt, Clarice @ https://sidroth.org/vivid-vision-future-of-u-s-cover-ups-exposed-dr-clarice-fluitt/ 9/2020
e-book $10.oo @

Francis, Bishop John, Senior Pastor, Ruach Ministries in Brixton, south London, England - WATCH 11/29/2007 - SEND TO FRIEND - http://www.bennyhinn.org/television - WATCH 11/30/2007 - SEND TO FRIEND -
Zachariah's mouth was closed so he would not contradict/cancel/void/stop/prevent God's Word & plans.  (Elizabeth was his wife.)  Abraham's wife Sarah denied that she had laughed, because she did not want to contradict/void the message/Word of the angels.  God instructed Benny Hinn & his congregation to say, "Hello," to those non yet existent people in the balcony of his new home church.  Say nothing except what God says. 

Peter Gammons - 1/23-27/2012 Messianic Vision radio broadcast -

God Speak International - http://www.godspeak.org/  e-mail lessons  <owner-healing-school@godspeak.org> - Founder
Teresa Seputis of California, USA  -
Week 6 Teaching The Power Of Words + Week 8 Teaching Breaking the Power of Words

Hagin, Kenneth E (senior) - 8/15/2008 - Timeless Teaching - Kenneth E. Hagin -http://www.iworshiphere.com/Ministry.aspx?ministryId=khm  http://www.iworshiphere.com/getinfofromcalendar.aspx?title=TimelessTeaching-KennethE.Hagin Per radio/CD series Mountain Moving Faith for month of August 2008, we can claim perfect health (no baldness/grey hair/disease/lost teeth) if we speak only good & not bad, claiming/speaking only God's word/blessings.

Hagin, Kenneth W (junior)  12/9-10/2008 Faith Takes Back - radio broadcasts remind us that Jesus responded to Satan's demands by speaking, "It is written."  We have to verbalize, contend with negative accusing/lying/cunning/deceitful/ distorted thoughts from the pits of hell, from a defeated enemy. 
Hagin reminds us that (when 1 or more demons come against us) we can (neither recognize) nor retaliate in such an offensive/ aggressive/self-assertive manner, IF we ourselves do NOT know God's Word in scripture.
(God expects us to have read His textbook, so we can then pass any test.  If we have NOT done our homework, like read His Book, how can we expect to  know the material, get a passing grade, go on to the next level? 
It is no wonder that we get stuck in kindergarten.  Even if we do know how to read, we do NOT read. 
It is no wonder that born-again Christians are useless to themselves or to God. 
It is no wonder that Christians & Messianic Jews are acting like gentiles. 
Demons are suppose to be afraid of us; instead, we are afraid of them.)
Hagin, Kenneth - www.rhema.org/healing/scriptures.cfm -
Scriptures & related confessions to say to the enemy & to say to God.

www.martinhankins.org - "God's word in my mouth is (His) 'mouth to mouth recitation.'"

Hegstrom, Paul   
#1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYi-_QeohMk 
#2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkJ5Cqpr6gk&feature=related
#3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wn__bud_ZK0
It's Supernatural Webcast  4/16-22/2007  Click onto TV archives @
TV Transcript http://www.sidroth.ws/2009/07/31/sid-roth-welcomes-paul-hegstrom/ or  [The thymus gland (possibly housing moral nature & subconscious/conscious memories), the hippocampus (possibly housing emotional wounds), & the amygdala (releasing emotional responses)] are considered to be part of "the limbic system where the software" is "for what we need from our Creator to be whole...& anytime you think something, internally (silently) it is an option; you only move it from an option to a decision by speaking the word, because your thalamus will NOT obey anybody else, it will only obey (believe/recognize/respond to/heed) your voice, & that is why there is scripture in Revelation that says we overcome by the blood of the lamb & the word of our testimony, so I have challenged people in the last 2-3 years if you are reading the scripture don’t read it internally to yourself, read it out loud because what is happening as you read scripture it is coming out of your mouth, you are the authority over your body, bringing down the strongholds, bringing into captivity the imagination & choosing upon what you think, & that is (apostle/disciple/saint) Paul’s writings. 
When you speak it your thalamus comes into submission to it & it will change. 
When we speak our decisions & we read the word, it rewires the brain"...
God revealed to Paul Hegstrom that a trauma (intrusive/PTSD/post traumatic stress disease) memory is buried/entombed in the right side of the thalmus, but that as we speak out loud the Word of God into our ears, the stored trauma memory moves into the left side of the thalmus becoming a (narrative/normal/accessible/ retrievable) memory that we can now deal with (rather than react to in the same immature way we did at the age of the incident). (DVD #2 of The Brain & the Spoken Word)
Paul Hegstrom shares how the Limbic system's thalmus only recognizes/believes/obeys your own voice
Beware what you speak. 
When Paul Hegstrom became teachable, God revealed how to rewire the brain
1 significant method is to
read the Bible out LOUD, for a minimum of 21 days.
Typically for 3 years to effectively reprogram/rewire the brain, in any one particular area
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7647998225684812829  http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/1131382
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7604116822851324692 http://www.notjustnotes.ws/rewiringthebrain.htm

Herzog, David  #1575 Messianic Vision Broadcast  1/21-25/2008  http://www.sidroth.org
1/23/2008 Wednesday's broadcast shares miracles explained by quantum physics &
David Herzog 12/28/2010 #1728 Messianic Vision radio broadcast
Discusses how our atoms hear & respond to speech.  We can speak TO an organ & command it to heal or to cancer & command it to reverse itself/implode/die, in Jesus name. 
Healing/miracles happen most readily in the glory atmosphere of the Lord.
Herzog, David - www.voiceofglory.org - Glory Invasion - section Reaping What You Did Not Sow -
Consistently sow Scripture into the heavens.  "Declare it with your mouth...After you declare it out loud, angels are released to harken to the Word of God.  When you declare God's Word, angels can't distinguish between your voice or God's because it is His Word.  They react as if He Himself is declaring it. 
That is the authority that comes when you declare a revelation from Heaven."

Hickey, Marilyn - Confidence Ministry Day 6/24/2016 Nice video.  We sow into our kids (AND mate) words of encouragement, self-worth, good grades, good habits (in the same manner God does regarding our: potential, destiny, end result)
, Marilyn Hickey @ https://www.marilynandsarah.org/2021/05/20/broken-be-made-whole-part-1/ 5/20/2021 - Our body parts must respond positively to God’s word consistently spoken to them.
A Chinese pastor’s nonfunctioning legs/feet obeyed God’s Word.
A breast lump hurting Marilyn, disappeared when consistently spoken TO.  Recommended broadcast.

Hinn, Benny - Biblical Authority - Authority of God's Word - http://www.bennyhinn.org/ - 2007 Seattle, Washington State -
2 day Training Westin Hotel Ministry Conference - Free CD of training by "written" request - WATCH  TV archives
7/24/2007 - 7/25/2007 - 7/26/2007 - Eat 3 meals of His Word daily, for every Christian will be under attack.
Hinn, Benny - The Anointing Without Measure #1  London ExCeL 
The physical act of adultery by David did not damage/weaken God's reputation/name/plans/angels; rather his sin (forgiven by God) allowed Satan to ridicule/shame/mock/blaspheme/mock/SPEAK AGAINST GOD/have a legal claim in heavenly places resulting in David having iniquity/consequences/punishment/curse of:
(a) death of their son, (b) bloodshed in his bloodline (due to to murder of Bathsheba's mate).

DELIVERANCE from INIQUITY  The physical visible sin was not the problem; rather the problem was the invisible spiritual consequence/damage/demonic empowerment/weapon in Satan's mouth
(If sin and/or iniquity is NOT dealt with, it may speak/testify against us on judgment day, according to Benny Hinn.) 
2nd Samuel 12:9  9"Why did you despise the word of the Lord by doing what is evil in His eyes? 
You (with premeditation/ intentionally) struck down Uriah the Hittite with the sword & took his wife to be your own. 
You killed him with the sword of the Ammonites. 
10Now, therefore, the sword will never depart from you house, because you despised Me & took the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be your own.
(= Old Testament inherited curse/consequence/iniquity in existence before Christ's atonement)
2nd Samuel 12:13   13David said to Nathan, "I have sinned against the Lord." 
Nathan replied, "The Lord has taken away your sin. 
You are not going to die (physically or spiritually).  14But because by doing this you have made the enemies [both physical & spiritual (demonic)] of the Lord show utter contempt, the son born to you will die." 
(However, be reminded that New Testament scripture shares that when we apply the remedy/repentance/apology/blood of Jesus, God forgives and removes both sin & iniquity - past/present/future.
Hebrews 8:12
Their sins AND their iniquities will I remember no more.)
Hinn, Benny - Psalm 107:2 proclaims, “Let the redeemed of the LORD say so, whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy.”
   The Lord admonished Benny to speak to the sickness that was trying to attach itself to him; when he did, the sickness fled. 
2nd Benny confessed that much land was his (in Jesus name) & the Lord honored his confession.
Harmonn, Dr. Aiko - 3 Brains - SUPERIOR - http://www.god.tv/everlasting-love/three-brains - MATH & PHYSICS MD - 11/14/2012 - We have emotional and physical memories which need to be healed by God.  
Speaking, ”It is written ______________“ is God’s spiritual laser surgery.
Harmonn, Dr. Aiko - Asking vs Commanding - https://vimeo.com/100281645 - important -
Harmonn, Dr. Aiko - videos - https://vimeo.com/aikohormann 
Harmonn, Dr. Aiko - https://www.pinterest.com/pin/200410252142302257/ Triggers/Buttons @

Jakes, TD - 11/9/2011 Speak to depression, loneliness, or your wallet (in Jesus' name).
Check out http://www.lightsource.com/ministry/the-potters-touch-espanol/

Joshua, Prophet Temitope Balogun (T.B.) - SCOAN - The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations, 1 Segun-Irefin Street, Ikotun-Egbe, Lagos, Nigeria http://www.scoan.org - http://thetbjoshuafanclub.wordpress.com/2009/06/03/untold-story-of-a-mystery-prophet-tb-joshua-the-sun/ - "Are you talking about Paul & Silas in the prison yard?
They were there & never said: Hey, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus.
They just sang praises to God
.  The used the medium of sound. Or are you talking of Joshua.
He said to his people to just shout Alleluia & the walls of Jericho fell.

Kerr, Kat - 7 hours of Kat Kerr describing Heaven, from her many trips (Comp#2)
@ http://jesusstories.info/?s=kat+kerr&search=Search -
5th & 7th hour - Every word we speak is deposited into our soul.  We need to be careful what we say. 
Our own worst enemy could be our own mouth.  One can begin to prosper, when his/her soul prospers.
6th hour: Angels wait for us to finish speaking God's words, as they form into a weapon which upon completion the angels take to do war on our behalf. 
Likewise, worship, as it shoots towards God, demolishes part of the 2nd heaven on its way up to the 3rd heaven.  

Psalm 149 - 6 Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, & a 2-edged sword in their (angel's) hand;
To execute vengeance upon the heathen, & punishments upon the people; (but more significantly/strategically)

To bind their (demonic) kings with chains, & their (demonic) nobles with fetters of iron;

To execute upon them (in the demonic kingdom) the judgment written: this honour have all his saints.
Praise ye Lord.
KAT KERR – Recorded on 22/6/2014 at FirstLoveKC
@ http://jesusstories.info/?s=kat+kerr&search=Search -
Kerr, Kat - 2017 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MW2qu_M6azI approx 25:35 - By our authority/declarations we create our own holy/heavenly/healthy atmosphere/region/realm to evict bad/evil weather/events. 
11/20/2016 post - Ends in sweet apt prayer.

Kunneman, Brenda - https://sidroth.org/television/tv-archives/brenda-kunneman-2/?src=banner_tv -
Daily Spoken Decrees

https://sidroth.org/radio/radio-archives/brenda-kunneman-2/?src=banner_radio 4/26/2020 (reworded below)
BRENDA: (In Jesus’ name) I speak over our physical: blood, bones. immune system & every
organ, fiber and cell.  (DNA) align with (God’s 3
rd heaven) & function the way God created you.
BRENDA: In Jesus' name, body begin to receive new physical zeal, life. 
Soul begin to receive wholeness.  We forbid & loose from our body all: aches, pains, ailments.

BRENDA:  In the name of Jesus, body begin to run, dance & exercise again.
BRENDA: In Jesus’ name, spirit of striving, contention, misunderstanding, division, severence, confusion, lack of
peace, war & chaos, we bind, forbid & loose you.
  We replace it with household peace, unity & healthy holy love.
: In Jesus’ name, we speak over our prodigal children (& grandchildren) that are away from You Lord. 
We say that every seducing, lying, rebellious, stiff necked, resistant, spirit be loosed from our prodigal sons & daughters.  "Satan, you take your hands off of them."

BRENDA: We break up and loose hardheartedness & replaced it with a soft open heart, that sees truth, life & blessing.
We say, they are coming back into right fellowship with us & God in the name of Jesus. 
We say, "Demons, get off of them." Spirit of God, be bound to our prodigal children. 
We decree, They are coming home now.

BRENDA: I discern that the Lord is saying, "Begin rejoicing, dancing, running again, mother & father.
Get the feast ready, for our prodigal child is about to come home in Jesus' name."
Hallelujah. We receive that right now.

Kunneman, Brenda -
https://www.destinyimage.com/2019/06/17/the-broken-heart-healed/ (edited)
In the name of Jesus, the Great Physician, soul and body, be restored from the pain arising from loss,
betrayal, mistreatment, abuse, & loneliness. All tormenting memories be erased from our mind.
We command you spirit of fear that comes to make us apprehensive about our future, be bound in the Name of Jesus.
We declare, negative events of the past, you have no more power to harass, haunt, or take up residence in our thoughts.
We speak inner peace and emotional wholeness over our soul & that assurance, confidence & faith arise within us to replace all past brokenness.
We speak a mighty divine healing & wholeness upon us now.
  Thanks Holy Trinity.

Leaf, Dr. Caroline 8/23/2010 Communication Complex with Dr. Leaf – Part 1
Leaf, Dr. Caroline 8/24/2010 Communication Complex – Part 2 @ http://www.lightsource.com/ministry/joyce-meyer-ministries/
Leaf, Dr. Caroline - http://www.sidroth.org/site/News2?abbr=tv_&page=NewsArticle&id=9555 - TV
transcript -
"Up to 95% of physical health issues are a direct result of your thought life? 
Dr. Caroline Leaf explains how to get rid of toxic thoughts & see your prayers answered."  
Leaf, Dr. Caroline - Listen to Dr. Leaf's in-depth 5-day radio interview
. 9/27/2010-10/3/2010

Brent Luck – 9/28/2015 - http://sidroth.org/television/tv-archives/brent-luck video
http://d3tnb2mam8l2qt.cloudfront.net/sites/default/files/IS823Transcript_Luck.pdf (edited)
BRENT: Worship never stops in our home. It goes 24 hours a day. 
I was in there praying, weeping, God just arrested me.
He goes, "I want to tell you something."  He goes, "I had you start focusing those decrees and declarations, & praying with your family a year & a half for a different reason than you thought. You thought maybe it was for ministry or you can get to know Me." He said, "But I had a specific reason." He said, "That was for the day that you found your daughter & she had no life in her, that you, through the year & a half of preparing your tongue, that you would be able to speak life into your daughter (
Melissa) & NOT cave in under fear, where you could literally use what you had done a year & a half to cause your daughter to come back to life. That is why I did that." 
(Brent also does prayer ministry on behalf of webcast listeners/viewers/readers.)

rebekah-martin - https://www.xpmedia.com/video/6786/talk-to-yourself/?affid=8386/ 5/2012

Meyer, Joyce - Trusting God – Pt 1 - 12/18/2008 - http://www.joycemeyer.org/OurMinistries/Broadcast/TV/Archive/20081218.htm  
As we speak the Word of God from Scripture angels wield their swords.
Meyer, Joyce - Your Mind Is the Battlefield - Part 1 - excellent 1/22/2008 TV broadcast  http://www.joycemeyer.org/ -
Battlefield of the Mind package offer #1059   
Tonya Geddes shares that, on the verge of being committed to a mental institution,
while reading
Battlefield of the Mind
OUT LOUD she discovered that every thought that came into her mind was not her own & that she could control/elect/reject/refuse thoughts/voices/screams & replace them with positive/good/God's thoughts which were higher in authority/power/help than Satan's/doctor's/expert's words.
Tori Lee shares her recovery from depression & suicidal thoughts. 
Joyce Meyer shares that God impressed upon to her to 1st cast down negative/wrong imaginations/thoughts & next to replace them with positive/right/His thoughts/truths.
Otherwise there would be a vacancy/room for the old thoughts to come back to. 
She is most effective when she contradicts wrong/unhelpful thoughts by speaking OUT LOUD Scripture that contradicts her negative thoughts.
TV archives:
http://www.joycemeyer.org/OurMinistries/Broadcast/TV/Archive/ - 8/2008
See favorite broadcasts repeated.
Meyer, Joyce    Armed and Dangerous: The Word  http://www.joycemeyer.org/OurMinistries/Broadcast/TV/Archive/20080319.htm
Meyer, Joyce  Tharina's Redemption  http://www.joycemeyer.org/OurMinistries/Broadcast/TV/Archive/20080328.htm
Meyer, Joyce  Something Good Is Going to Happen to You -
Pt 1 Our words empower angels for good or demons for evil.

http://www.joycemeyer.org/OurMinistries/Broadcast/TV/Archive/20080506.htm  5/6/2008
Meyer, Joyce
  Something Good Is Going to Happen to You  # 2  5/7/2008 TV - Ministry in Mumbai, India.
http://www.joycemeyer.org/OurMinistries/Broadcast/TV/Archive/20080507.htm -
Exterminate the devil with your words.
Meyer, Joyce  Your Words and Your Future  #1 
, Joyce 
Your Words and Your Future  #2 
Meyer, Joyce   
Don’t Complain - Pt 1    8/18/2008    http://www.joycemeyer.org/OurMinistries/Broadcast/TV/Archive/20080818.htm
Meyer, Joyce   
Don’t Complain - Pt 2    8/19/2008    http://www.joycemeyer.org/OurMinistries/Broadcast/TV/Archive/20080819.htm
Meyer, Joyce    How Does Your Mind and Mouth Affect Your Joy? - Pt 1 5/7/2008 radio
Meyer, Joyce
- 8/16/2010 Word Power 8/17/2010 Word Power 
Meyer, Joyce
- 8/18/2010 The Power of Words – Part 1 -
The Power of Words – Part 1b 8/20/2010 The Power of Words – Part 2
Meyer, Joyce
- 8/25/2010 Thinking Your Way Out of Bondage 
, Joyce
- 8/26/2010 What Would Jesus Think- excellent -
Jesus requires a higher standard for any who want to receive extra from God or who want to loose blessings from heaven's storehouses.
Meyer, Joyce
- http://www.joycemeyer.org/BroadcastHome.aspx?video=Are_you_Resisting_or_Assisting_the_Devil?_-_Part_1
"The enemy would like to destroy you through your problems. Discover how God want to use them for your good.
We may NOT be interested in the Devil, but he may be interested in you. 
He is the author of all our problems, so we need to recognize the root of our issues & how to weed them out, during a season of attack. What we do not know & do not resist may eat our lunch & maybe also us.
http://www.joycemeyer.org/BroadcastHome.aspx?video=The_Anchor_of_Hope_-_Part_2 - "
We can place our hope in Christ and the inspiring testimony of Nick Vujicic's resilient ability to find hope in his life without limbs."  http://www.joycemeyer.org/
BroadcastHome.aspx?video=Are_you_Resisting_or_Assisting_the_Devil?_-_Part_3 -
"We need to know the Word of God well enough to recognize the enemy's lies & respond with the truth from the Word" which is our responsibility to read end to end & know intimately. 
Every choice we make affects our bloodline, for better or worse.
Ignorance, inactivity & passivity is an open door for the devil into our mind.
Our weapons are spiritual.
The words from our mouth can be a great weapon against the enemy. 
Learn today when you should speak out & when you should remain silent."  Let's put our (quiet) time & money into God, the most valuable thing to us.  Invest in becoming informed of both God & Satan, our enemy. 
Fear should drive us to God, our safety, pacifier, peace, rejuvenator. 
Resist the Devil with God's words, incubated in our mind & heart. 
Resist the Devil with thanks, praise, worship, hymns, singing, dance, instruments - regardless of one's feelings or circumstances.

Mohr, Greg + Hickey, Marilyn - Scriptures to Live By - 3/25/2019 #1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-jitTO3UHk
Marilyn spoke scripture TO her tumor hourly for entire day & it disappeared. 
Moore & mate (taking turns) continuously spoke scripture TO son who became well.
Mohr, Greg - Thryoid Cancer healing - post 1/13/2016 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZDwLZvmLzU @ Charis:

Moore, Beth - The Power of Words - part of Your Body His Temple series - http://www.lifetoday.org/site/PageServer?pagename=bth_media
Part 1: Video - Download  Audio - MP3   Text - Transcript
Part 2: Video - Download  Audio - MP3   Text - Transcript
Part 3: Video - Download  Audio - MP3   Text - Transcript

Praying God's Word by Beth Moore  www.lifetoday.org/beth
The Power of Words #1  11/21/2007 Webcast: MP3, Download, Transcript
The Power of Words #2  11/28/2007 Webcast: MP3, Download, Transcript
The Power of Words #3  12/12/2007 Webcast: MP3, Download, Transcript
The Power of Words #4   1/2008 Webcast: MP3, Download, Transcript
The Power of Words #5   1/2008 Webcast: MP3, Download, Transcript
The Power of Words #6  1/2008 Webcast: MP3, Download, Transcript
The Power of Words #7  2/13/2008 Webcast: MP3, Download, Transcript

Moore, Keith + Kenneth Copeland - The Power of Words 3/24-28/2003 - http://www.kcm.org/media/webcasts/archive.php
, Keith + Kenneth Copeland - The Words of Your Mouth - 3/31/-4/4/2003  

, Robert - The Power of Your Words -

Moyo, Andrew - LISTEN to 3/31/2008-4/4/2008 Messianic Vision radio broadcast #1585 archive at www.sidroth.org
Dr. Andrew Moyo was in the forefront of the revival in Uganda.  Moyo says there is a difference between praying & speaking to/commanding a healing.  When God told Mayo to show His power, Mayo spoke to blind eyes. 
He did not pray.
Mayo's book #1155 Working the Works of God can be ordered from Sid Roth. 
Order this Book 

Ndifon, Charles - Johnston, Rhode Island, USA - http://www.christlove.org/healer.htm -
The spirit world is controlled by OUR words

Joel Osteen - Miracles In Your Mouth 

Prince, Joseph - New Creation Church - http://www.newcreation.org.sg/resources/confesstheword/healthhealing.html

Ryabinov, Allyosha & Jody - 3/16/2007 Messianic Vision Radio Broadcast - See Radio archives -
Scripture when spoken out loud is the most perfect modern language, scientifically moving sand & also healing the cells of the body.
Proverbs 4:20-22  My son, pay attention to what I say; listen closely to My (spoken) Words. 
 Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart, for they are life to those who find them &
health (medicine) to a man's whole body.
LISTEN to Radio Pod/Broadcast  Click onto radio archives @
www.sidroth.org  Spoken Hebrew scripture heals mind & body.
Recommended are Alyosha Ryabinov's CD The Lord is My Healer + Annette Capps' Booklet # 9000 Quantum Faith
Ryabinov, Allyosha - Quantum Physics & the Power of the Spoken Word  
WATCH   6/4/2007 Messianic Vision TV broadcast  1 of 2   Click onto TV archives @
Ryabinov, Alyosha and Jody - 6/11/2007 Messianic Vision TV broadcast  2 of 2  Alyosha's Life, Marriage & Ministry 
Ryabinov, Alyosha & Jody - testimony, quantum physics & the healing power of spoken Hebrew scripture -
11/26-12/2/2007 webcast 1 of 2 -
may be repeat of 6/4/2007 broadcast TV archives @ www.sidroth.org
Ryabinov, Alyosha & Jody - WATCH 12/3-9/2007 webcast  2 of 2 - may be repeat of 6https://sermons-online.org/jerry-savelle /11/2007 broadcast

Steyne, Danny - 8/6-10/2007 - Show # 1551 - LISTEN  by clicking onto radio archives @  http://www.sidroth.org - book These Walk on Water #1110 -
Love is God's atmosphere, but faith is God's action in the spiritual realm, today & tomorrow. 
The (replacement/missing) body parts that exist in heaven, in the spiritual realm, manifest them-selves on earth when we speak them into our human existence.

Dr. Cindy Trimm - TV transcript  - 1/9/2013 -
: Learning the power of the spoken word.  A lot of us are waiting for miracles, not knowing that the miracle is in our mouths.  A lot of things that we are (negatively) repeating continuously is affecting our future.
I didn't know that if I didn't want to see to my future I should not be speaking about it today.
A lot of time even when we pray, we're (adversely) exacerbating situations because we keep praying what we don't want instead of praying what we want. 
Romans 4:17
talks about God calling those things that be not as though they were, so there is another realm where I believe God has already prepared everything that we need, but is locked up in the realm of the spirit & we have to call it to us.  When we begin to speak, when we begin to speak into our future & speak into our lives, things literally start happening.  It started when I read Genesis, Chapter 1. God said, "Let there be light"
& there was light. 
'Let' simply means that there were prohibiting forces preventing something from happening.
It was something that suppressed the light. So my prosperity, my potential was suppressed. 
It was suppressed by a culture, controlled by (evil) spirit beings & I believe that today…
CINDY: Oh my goodness. I started speaking. I started commanding.
 I found out that I literally can command things to come to pass just from using the Word of God. 
Growing up in poverty, I mean, there's no money around. I wasn't educated.
There was no one that had a degree in my family.  I read in the Scripture that you can decree a thing & it shall be established. I took the Word literally. I got saved. I was 17 years old.  I went into my house. I was the only 1 saved then.  We were talking about how we are going to pay this bill, how we were going to pay that bill.
I said to my family, listen, in the Word of God it says we can decree a thing.  I remember standing in my living room decreeing & declaring, we are going to be out of poverty. This is the last time we're going to be living in this house, living in this state. 6 months later we went from a rat-infested house that leaked.
When it rained, it poured in my house, to living in a beach estate…

: What you don't know will hurt you. A lot of people say, what you don't know won't hurt you.
But it does.  Light is the presence of God...of information...of revelation…
When you say, "Let there be light", you give God permission to expose what He has already there for you.
Sometimes it's right in front of you, but you cannot see it…

: Give God a chance. God can do for you in one day what you can never do for yourself in a lifetime…
: When I turned 36, I started having these symptoms of illness. So I was diagnosed with a hiatal hernia.
I couldn't digest food & on & on. But when I went to the doctor he said, "Look, Cindy, we might have to operate."
I went back home & the Holy Spirit said to me, "Cindy, you have spoken this over your life and this is self-fulfilled prophecy. Reverse it."  I went and I repented for the words that I spokeI asked God to reverse the words.  The next morning I woke up, I didn't have the pain. I used to have pain every night, excruciating pain.
I never had to have an operation & I've never had indigestion ever since, never had it. It was a self-fulfilled prophecy. A lot of people don't understand that many things that they're saying is evil spirits & demonic spirits. It's actually the (evil) spirit realm responding to (negative) commands (RX/prescriptions) that they have given (authorized by speaking/commissioning). Even if it's said in a jest, like, "You make me sick".
When people say, "you make me sick" they are prophesying over their lives sicknesses.
I'll give you an example. 1 man said, "I'd give an arm & a leg to see my daughter healed." Guess what happened?  Years & years went by.  There was no cure.
He has this accident & he lost his arm, he lost his leg. 6 months later, they found a cure for his daughter.
There is a direct correlation between the things that we are saying out of our mouths & the things that occur in our lives…

: God said (to Cindy), "For every day that you complain, I'm going to take you into the wilderness for a year."
So that's a 1-365 ratio. This is why we have to be careful in what we are speaking, because for every negative word that we speak, we can potentially take our lives into 365 days or a year's worth of bondage.
So we need to be careful what we say from our mouth…

: This is from Deuteronomy 28:1-14.  I'm going to rephrase it. I am blessed in the city.
I am
blessed in the field.  I am blessed in my down setting, blessed in my uprising.
I'm blessed socially, physically, mentally, psychologically.
I am
blessed relationally, interpersonally.  I am blessed. I am blessed physiologically.
I am
blessed. Every part of my life is blessed.
I speak into my day and I download prosperity into my day, success into my day. I speak over those that I love.
I speak prosperity & success. (I am is God's name.)  I speak to my government that they will come into Divine alignment that they will lead morally & ethically. I speak into my business.
I speak that my business is successful, that we are increasing, that there is no decrease.
I speak into my home that my home is a haven of peace. I speak into my loved ones.
I speak that their lives is coming back into alignment. I decree & declare that wealth & riches are in our house.
I speak into my mind peace.
I speak into my heart courage. I speak into my feet that there are paths that I can walk on so that I can overcome every obstacle. I am the head & not the tail. I am 1st & not last. I am above and not beneath. I am loved by God. I am chosen by God.  I am protected by God. Today shall come into direct alignment with the plans & purposes of God. Every good & every perfect gift comes from God. Today is my gift. Therefore, it will end perfect & it will end good in Jesus' name…(Let us dedicate/rededicate ourselves to the Trinity:)

: I'm so sorry.
: Against You (Lord).
: You alone have I (and my blood relatives) sinned.
: I believe that Your blood.

: Washes them (sin and inherited iniquity) all away.
CINDY: I have NO (harmful/self-sabotging) remembrance of them any more.
CINDY: Now that I am clean.
CINDY: Jesus, I ask (invite You Holy Spirit) to live inside of me (to exterminate all the interior filth/inherited-disease/toxic-waste & to replace/plant/grow/multiply Your holy DNA inside of me.)
CINDY: Be my Lord (doctor/mate/best friend/comforter/healer/deliverer/medicine/peace).
http://www.sidroth.org/site/DocServer/IS634Transcript_Trimm.pdf?docID=4241 or

1/9-15/2013 radio
here or 11/28-12/2/2011 radio - http://www.sidroth.org/site/News2?abbr=rad_&page=NewsArticle&id=10728&security=1042&news_iv_ctrl=1121

van Koevering, David - Sounds and Colors of God  with  Patricia King -
You may also want to watch
Quantum Realm of the Divine & Quantum Healing

Sheets, Tim @ https://rumble.com/v38h22t-tim-sheets-the-breakthrough-battle-begins.html  OasisWired.org
Our spoken holy words/declarations/decrees are spiritual seeds which angel armies take & enforce. 8/17/2023 Ohio

Stone, Perry 4/7/2009 - The Mysterious Power of the Hebrew Language - Video
Stone, Perry - Children in the Devil's Playhouse - Demonic Spirits Entering the Home 
#3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFArftKlzk8&feature=related 3. Verbal/emotional abuse - Rice experiment with written words of love & death resulted in one healthy jar & 1 moldy jar. 
#4 @

Walters, Kathie - IS THERE A HOLE IN YOUR SKY? (or closing the gaps) - 11/9/2008 - "The anointing within you has the ability to create - when that anointing flows out of you & you speak & declare the promises, or the words that God has given you, it starts to happen. Most Christian’s don’t seem to realize that their words create a pathway which they are going to walk in. You follow where you words go, because your words are already working."  "The Scottish nation have always had a revelation that God is a Covenant keeper.
Well you know the Covenant Keeper is in you.  God also keeps covenant through you.
He sometimes will use you to keep a promise someone (else) has received by faith."
Now - your inheritance - By faith see what God sees for you. When you do see, then begin to declare it.
As you declare it you are creating a pathway for it. You will have what you say,
Jesus said."
"I would say 'I always get a cold when I come up here.' Guess what? I would immediately begin to get a cold.
I was putting my order in. I realized I was opening a door with my words, so I quit saying that. No more colds."
"When I was in Christchurch, New Zealand, I asked God why there are places & people that have such a hard time getting anything established in the Spirit. They always seem to be struggling.

'Look up'
the Lord said. I did & saw blue sky, but it looked like there were holes in the sky...
"How come?" I asked. "
There are gaps in the spirit because people have not kept their word," Holy Spirit told me."

Tommy Welchel - LISTEN to 6/30-7/4/2008 #1598 @
http://www.sidroth.org/site/PageServer?pagename=rad_archives -
"Tommy Welchel spent years listening to retired saints tell their stories of breathtaking miracles & wondrous healings in the Azusa Street Revival."  40 years later he has been released to write these stories. 
 Pastors who have been reading them aloud to their congregation have witnessed some of the same miracles. 
Post script - as a child of 7 Tommy witnessed Branham & his angel light. 
(Prophecy foretells another Azusa in America in 100 years.  Revival has broken out as many small snowballs. 
Revival is now snowballing, gathering in majesty & size, for the 100 years is upon us.
The carriers of His glory are getting younger & younger, as each successive generation is being equipped & empowered to recognize, refute, & counteract the demonic powers which are also rising.)

Winder, Delores with Keith, Bill - Joy Comes in the Morning - www.deloreswinder.com -
Chapter 11 Healing and Reconciliation 
"When you have prayed to be healed, be sure to keep a good balance as you claim the healing. 
There is a balance between the positive confession, 'I am healed' & the confession, 'God is healing me.' 
I prefer the latter...since many healings are progressive."

, Bill  + Kenneth Copeland -
http://www.kcm.org/media/magazines/archive.php/ - September 2007  editorial - The Law That Changes Everythin - Your Words Change Things  "This Law of Confession, like the laws of flight, has the power to take you where you want to be...If you believe His Word & fill your heart with it, you can use words the same way He did & you will get the same results...
You have power without measure just like Jesus did.  It's contained in what comes out of your mouth...
Since the day He created the earth, God has always looked for people who will believe His Word, plant it into their hearts, & confess it with their mouths, people who will simply agree with Him." 

www.bwm.org  Forest Park, Illinois, USA
Winston, Bill + Kenneth Copeland - The Law of Confession 3 packages of 11 CDs #T070409 
www.bwm.org  or  www.kcm.org - (You can subscribe free to Kenneth Copeland Ministry - BVOV Broadcast Podcasts and RSS Feeds )
Winston, Bill + Copeland, John - Speak the Word Only - 4/23-27/2007 
4/26/2007 - Our words enlist angels to help or prevent angels from helping. @
Winston, Bill + Copeland, John - Speak the Word Only    2/25-29/2008 
Winston, Bill + Copeland, John - Words Have Power to Change Your Life - 4/30/2007-5/4/2007
Winston, Bill + Copeland, John - Words Have Power to Change Your Life - 3/3-7/2008
Declare/confess scripture promises relevant for your circumstances/needs - for 30 days.
Job 22:28NAB When you make (degree) a decision, it shall succeed for you.
1st Samuel 17:45-47 NIV 
45"I come against you (enemy/illness/disease/demons/addictions/medication dependency/ divorce) in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel (& armies of the heavenlies/& of _______), whom you have defiled. 
46This day (appointed date) the Lord will hand you over to me. I'll  strike you down & cut off your head. (permanently)...
47All those (witnesses) gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves;
for the battle is the Lord's; He will give all of you (enemy/demons) into our hands." 3.14.2008 7.28.2008
Use a calendar & mark off the days/weeks/months which you have decreed.
Winston, Bill - Bill Winston ministries - Archives at http://www.billwinston.org/bwm_main.aspx?id=49
Winston, Bill - archives
http://www.bwm.org/believers_walk_of_faith/video.htm - live http://www.bwm.org/livesermon/main.htm

( www.bwm.org DISCONTINUED at end of 2009.)
Forest park, Illinois - Order DVD, CD or order 1 day from POBox 947, Oak Park Illinois, USA 60303.  
8/13/2008 #294 Revelation of Royalty  
http://www.bwm.org/asx/WMPbroadband.asx (1x identity check before viewing)
Earth has to accommodate/adjust to/align itself with what we say

God will back us up when our words repeat/voice what He says in Scripture.  Kings delegate rather than ask. 
We are emissaries of The High King Father God.  His angels will carry out what we say. 
His thoughts/ideas/words are a double edged sword.  Likewise, we can sabotage ourselves by delivering back to the vanquished enemy all that Christ gained by speaking negative words that contradict His word & allowing the demons temporary reprieve/remission/parole/leniency/prowess.
Winston, Bill - Faith Confessions - http://www.bwm.org/images/interior/faithcon-on.gif @ http://www.bwm.org/training_for_reigning/ + http://www.bwm.org/training_for_reigning/nav.htm -
credits go to Charles Capps ministries  www.charlescapps.com        
Winston, Bill The Law of Confession book or CDs #1-4 http://www.billwinston.org/ new web site effective 2010
"Just like natural law, there are spiritual laws with cause & effect. God set the universe in motion with power of His word & established the law of confession...Your (negative) speech has a lot to do with where you are in life...
Learn to always have God's participation in every situation by speaking the Word (Scripture) only.
God will watch over His Word & perform it because He cannot deny Himself."
Winston, Bill - December 2009 webcasts emphasize that the words we speak are spirit, not only physical activities/manifestations.  Our speech affects the spiritual world for better or worse.  Beware. 
Our human spirit is a human container of the words we speak. 
They come out of our heart (& go back into our ears & lodge back in our spirits. 
 That is one reason we need to speak scripture out loud.) 
Winston says that our words are contained in a sack inside of us. 
Scripture tells us to hide God's word in our heart.
Winston, Bill - 5/1/2008 - http://www.allanhampton.com/media/BillWinston5-1-08.wmv
Winston, Bill - 5/2/2008 - http://www.allanhampton.com/media/BillWinston5-2-08b.wmv
Winston, Bill - numerous youutube.com on web including the following

Bill Winston Decree a Thing  http://www.veoh.com/browse/videos/category/faith_and_spirituality/watch/v14168678B3nEZa5r
Words govern the world.  Our words.  God's words in our mouth.

Wommack, Andrew - Effortless Change - audio series -

Transformed By the Word
 - Overcoming Doubt - The Word Is the Seed #1 - The Word Is the Seed #2
Wommack, Andrew - You've Already Got It, so Quit Trying to Get It CD#5  expounds on the necessity to speak TO your mountain/problem/pain/disease rather than to God/your doctor/dentist/therapist/nurse! - excellent -
Wommack, Andrew -
The Power Of Faith Filled Words
- http://s3.awmi.net/downloads/tv/2012/02feb/awm_tv20120215.wmv -
God created every thing with His words; thus one can recognize how significantly our words effect us, others as well as circumstances such as disease.
Wommack, Andrew - 4/14/2015 - A Better Way to Pray - http://s3.awmi.net/downloads/tv/2015/04apr/awm_tv20150414.wmv excellent - Speak to the problem not to God, Who has already healed you, already provided the cure, inheritance, remedy, via His son Jesus.
Wommack, Andrew – 2/18/2016
http://www.awmi.net/video/tv/#/2016/week7/thursday 2015
Healing is Here Conference
Male breast cancer and eye floaters healed by speaking TO breast/eye declaring: "
Good news, you WERE Healed," rather than imploring God, saints or others to intercede/intervene.
Wommack, Andrew – 11/6/2016 - You've Already Got It - Speak TO the pain/sting.
Wommack, Andrew – 2/22/2017 - The promises of God are voice activated (most of the time).  http://www.awmi.net/download-file.php?downloads/tv/2017/02feb/awm_tv20170222.wmv -
Much of discussion centers on life of John G Lake.  Recommended.
Wommack, Andrew - 7/9/2019 - https://www.awmi.net/video/this-weeks-tv/?id=FtWNjDP9 EXCELLENT
Speak TO your bad bacteria, cancer, fungus, disease, any living thing in your body that is NOT in alignment/agreement with God’s heaven/kingdom.  Quote scripture TO that malady. 
Talk to your problem about God, NOT to God about your problem.J 
7/10/2019 program reiterates that God's written or rehema word is VOICE ACTIVATED. 
[Thus it is man's responsibility to act on &/or speak what we know (what is revealed to us) by Holy Spirit.]

Wommack, Andrew 10/13/2022 - Barry Wunsch: "America the Beautiful - It's Go Time!" (elijahlist.com) -
It's very important to speak TO organs, problems, demons, disease, trouble, specific things NOT in common with the 3rd heaven to GO, in Jesus' name.

Zacharias, Ravi - 10/21/2010 - In the Course of Human Events (part 4 of 4) at Just Thinking - http://www.rzim.org/resources/listen/justthinking.aspx?archive=1 @ http://www.rzim.org/resources.aspx - Radio program illustrates how what we speak often gives Satan a legal right (toe hold/inroad/open door) in our lives. 
An angry girl told God she would never fold her hands in prayer to Him, & then attempted suicide, resulting in her 2 hands, rather than her life, being severed.  An onlooker prayed for her & years later saw the fruit of that prayer. 
(As soon as we recognize a wrong inner-vow or stinking thinking, we need to immediately repent, reject & renounce it, in Jesus' name.)

Kevin Zadai - 12/5/2016 - https://sidroth.org/television/tv-archives/kevin-zadai/?src=banner_tv
or 10/9/2017 https://sidroth.org/television/tv-archives/kevin-zadai/
Zadai, Kevin https://sidroth.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/IS883Transcript_Zadai.pdf
or https://ofm6z46z825qpxk83fa00q1a-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/IS883aTranscript_Zadai.pdf
KEVIN: He (Jesus) started teaching me. It was amazing.  He walked up to me & He said,
"You know, in Matthew 12:36, I said that you will be held accountable for every word that comes out of your mouth."
KEVIN: "All the words that were spoken against me & that were not true, had formed a vest.
There were so many. It looked like newspaper print, but there were words. 
He said, "These words that people spoke, they were not your destiny, & we need to take care of this."
SID: We believe almost anything anyone says. (It would be good) if we had as much faith in the written word of God as we do on what these nobodies say to us (that) does not line up with the word of God...

KEVIN: He told me that beyond anything else you could do on this earth, it would be the only thing that He would want you to do is yield to the Spirit of God:  That would bring forth that utterance which they call speaking in tongues
He said, "If you will pray in the spirit & bring out the depths & the mysteries of God out into this realm,"
that the spiritual realm would become so close to me that I'd begin to operate in the spiritual realm here on earth. 
[Repent for receiving negative words.  Reject & renounce wrong words. 
Loose from self those wrong pronouncements. 
Bind to self God's destiny/thoughts/designs/purposes/view/love/feelings/will/mind, in Jesus name.]

, Kevin - Use Your Power Words #2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZzQ1XvFoI7w
Satan Hates This Power Word
#1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNwQ07idEfw

+ #2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-2UTqsL6XVI



Deuteronomy 30:14 NJKV - The Word is...in your mouth & in your heart, that you may do it.

Numbers 14:28 So tell them, "As surely as I live, declares the Lord, I will do to you the very thing I heard you say."

Isaiah 55:11

Job 22:28 KJV Decree a thing & it shall be established unto thee.

Matthew 12:36

Romans 4:17 NASB Calls into being that which does not exist.

1 Peter 4:11

2 Corinthians 4:13 says we have the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I have believed; therefore have I spoken; we also believe & therefore speak.  (JUST LIKE GOD)

revelation/12-11.htm - They overcame him (spiritual enemy) by the blood of the Lamb, & by the (spoken) word of their testimony (of God's Word/scripture as it applied to their lives/diseases/needs/emergencies/circumstances).

Spoken Decrees

http://www.abidingtv.com/2015/12/decree-thing-as-king-my-child-by.html -
"Decree a thing, My Child, & it shall be established unto you.
I have made you a king and a priest unto Me. I am the King of kings & Lord of lords.
Every son & every daughter of Mine is a king. You have been born again & therefore being a king is your birthright. The enemy tells you that you must "bow down" to sickness & disease, poverty & lack, heartbreak, depression & fear. No, My Child.  Lift up your head for you are the: Called, Chosen & Faithful.
I have made you MORE than a conqueror through My Love.  Kings reign in this life. Kings make decrees.
You are My inheritance & the very ends of the earth are My possession.
You are a crown of beauty in My hand & a royal diadem in the Hand of Your God.
You are seated with Me in heavenly places.  No enemy can touch you here, Dear One.
Decree a thing, Beloved, for it is already settled in heaven.
Now bring it to earth by faith. As you believe, therefore speak
." (prophetic utterance)

Bridges, Kynan - Download a free transcript of the interview recommended

Capps, Charles - Calling Those Things That Are Not - Part 3 - 6/14/2010
Capps, Charles - Why Confession Works - Pt 1 - 8/23/2010 @ http://www.christian.tv/videos/details/11404

Dickow, Gregory - Prophesying to Your Problems - 6/10/2011 from http://www.lightsource.com/ministry/changing-your-life-with-gregory-dickow/ - good -
To Prophecy Can Also Mean to Declare/Speak God's Now Word into Existence.

http://www.emic.org/blog/words-of-faith-words-of-life/ - "God framed the worlds through His words.
Now, it’s our turn. Hebrews 11:3 says, 'Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.'
We are to frame our worlds, ours & our children’s lives, health, prosperity & nation, the very same way.
We are the prophets of our own lives.
Our words of faith & life determine our future, health, wealth & place in eternity."

Eckhardt, John - http://www.impactnetwork.net/pdf/NEVER_AGAIN_CONFESSION.pdf for 2011 @ http://www.impactnetwork.net/eckhardt_articles.html

Ferrell, Ana Mendez - Regions of Captivity book - www.voiceofthelight.com -
Chapter 3 Heavenly & Infernal Places - shares that there are holy & unholy places of design where evil or good is conceived & implemented to bless or curse.  The Lord's prayer is a template for this. 
Demons declare evil, in the name of Satan, while Christians are to contradict that & declare/loose/prophesy good, in the name of Jesus: In Jesus name, Holy Father, may Your will (concerning ________ ) now be done on earth as it is already done in heaven.   Understanding this is a major key to recovery.
Psalm 74:3 KJV Lift up Thy feet unto the perpetual desolations (Satan's planning/design headquarters).

Harrington, Ken & Jeanne - Shift - Moving from the Natural to the Supernatural - www.treasurechestministries.ca -
Chapter 10 Create Your Own Universe - Decrees -
"Thoughts cannot defeat thoughts (to the degree that spoken) words defeat thoughts. 
We must...use declarations of God's Word instead of petitions to dislodge the enemy...
As Jesus, we also must defeat Satan 'by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God' Matthew 4:4 NKJV."
"Everything He says happens.  God's word is His creative force & He has...angels, that excel in strength, that do His commandments, harkening unto the voice of His word (Psalm 103:20). 
In fact, when...He sends out His command to the earth; His word runs very swiftly (Psalm 147:15 NKJV)...
The more we allow our flesh to speak, the more we dilute the Spirit & our faith. 
Like the watered down acid, our words become incapable of producing an explosive miracle...
Talking like the world will NOT produce Kingdom results; it will dilute our faith & cancel God's promises. 
If our faith wavers...doubts...ought not to expect...anything from the LordJames 1:6-7 NASB...
Our words  His words must agree...
We need to root out (& repent of) our negative speech if we expect to produce anything for the Kingdom...
The stance of faith.  Hear God speak (to our hearts); believe it; declare it; receive it (in Jesus' name)...
How battles are to be fought: Hear God.  Believe God; declare God's Word; accompany God in the victory...
We obtain our righteousness by believing what God ways concerning Jesus' finished work. 
Salvation [healing/deliverance/ miracles (being saved from our situations)] comes when, after agreeing (believing), we declare what we believe into our realm of authority."

Jackson, John Paul - Declarative Prayer 2/3/2008 - http://www.streamsministries.com/index.php?page=news
"My Father in Heaven (in Jesus' name):

I will bear Your light to change the world.  I am the light of the world, because the Light of the World dwells in me.

Your Kingdom will come; Your will will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.

No one will meet me & not be changed, because no one can meet You & not be changed.

I will become increasingly aware of the Light that I carry.  I will grow in You & grow in this Light.

I will become a change agent in this world.  I will believe the unbelievable; what is not yet I will become.

I will come to understand where I am in You, & I see my future more clearly than ever before.

The gifts You have given me will begin to flourish as I understand Your ways.

Nothing will prosper that comes against me, because I will live a repentant life before You;

because I live a repentant life, You will answer my prayer.  I will become what You have called me to become.

I have been placed here for such a time as this.  I live where I live because You placed me here.

I am not here by accident; I am here by divine appointment.  My neighbors will prosper because of You in me.

Those I touch will prosper because of You in me.
Everyone I pray for will be touched, because You flow through me. 
It makes no difference if others recognize the touch or not. You will touch them. 
You will touch others more some times than at other times.
I will not judge my relationship with You based on what they feel.

I relate to You because of who You are in me, not because of others, not because of my emotions, not because I feel saved, not because I’ve ascended to greatness through my intellect, but because of what You have done in me.

I am re-procreated, regenerated and born anew.  Your seed has entered me.  My spirit is alive & quickened.

I will become quickened to You, fine-tuned to Your Spirit, not doing what You’re not doing & doing what You are doing.

I will become a witness for You.  With Your help, when people see me, they will see You.

Soon, there will be a clear distinction between those who don’t know God & me, because I know You.

People will see me & they will know that I am a follower of Jesus & a bearer of His light.

For Your glory this will happen, taking the foolish things to confound the wise.
Thank You for finding me & choosing me to be a change agent on this earth for Your glory.  In Jesus’ name, amen."

, John Paul -
The Power of Declarative PrayerNovember 07

King, Patricia - Decree (for adults/kids) CDs -  www.xpedia.com
King, Patricia - Seeing Immediate Prayer Results - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOTsrY4_n3I&feature=related - good -

Prince, Joseph - http://www.josephprince.org/Resources_Confess_The_Word.html?active=resources
TV archives at http://www.lightsource.com/ministry/joseph-prince-ministries/ see broadcast archives
9/3/2010 As His Thoughts Are So Are Yours - Testimony of X ray report changing from negative to positive when patient wrote on medical paper, "So as Jesus is, so am I.  Jesus, do You have breast bumps?"

Trim, Cindy - Command Your Morning - book -
, Cindy - Paula White interview #1 -
Trim, Cindy - Paula White interview #2 -
Trim, Cindy - Paula White interview #3 -
Trim, Cindy - The Destiny Series -
Trim, Cindy -

Winston, Bill - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1aLaZ8CG7dk&feature=related

Wommack, Andrew - Benjamin Esau: The Power of the Tongue - 7/22/2013

Wyatt, Ryan - 5/23/2011 How to Bring Heaven to Earth in Your Life #1176 - Messianic Radio  www.sidroth.org -
http://prophecticteaching.com/wstk-itv-sid-roth-interviews-ryan-wyatt-on-its-supernatural.html -
Rather than laying on of hands, one can decree a thing TO an audience. 
One can invite the Holy Spirit to be released corporately.
One can release an atmospheric healing wave, in Jesus' name. www.abidingglory.com -
Enlist His atmosphere via hungry desperation - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RdEt6dS8vOo&NR=1


Francis, Bishop - Wednesday, July 31, 2013 - "Pastor Benny & Bishop Francis discuss the
Old Testament account of Hannah & the deep spiritual meaning of (sacred) vows.
God had a bigger plan than Hannah could have imagined & the result of her vow changed history."

Savard, Liberty - http://people.aapt.net.au/~deanr/GloryReign-WEBPrayerResource.pdf Revoking Negative Vows - "Negative vows are verbal contracts that we make with our words (often) in regards to (protect) ourselves...
Negative vows (can) act like road blocks set up against the forward motion in our life & they can hinder our progress towards healing.
Many of us are suffering under the consequences of vows that we have made & completely forgotten about.
In order for us to go deeper in our healing, we must revoke these words & remove their imprint from our lives. Pray the prayer below:
In Jesus name: Father I humbly repent & ask for forgiveness for every negative vow that I have made or spoken against myself including: _________________ .
(Here announce all the negative vows you may have made over yourself).
I plead the blood of Jesus over these vows.
I decree that they are crushed, broken, removed and have no more power over me or my life.
I take the sword of the Spirit.  I cut myself free from all of their negative effects over my: body, mind & soul. 
I declare their (negative) effects upon my body, mind & soul (null & void).
I break every cycle these words may have set in motion.  I close every channel that allowed them to operate.
Lord Jesus I ask You to come & cleanse every place in me that has been affected by these (negative) words & heal every trauma that was created.  Fill these places with Your Spirit & Your healing peace.
Lord, give me the grace to now go forward in my life, free from all these past entanglements." Amen.

Commissioning/Speaking TO

Goll, James W & Michal Ann - Angelic Encounters - Engaging Help from Heaven    www.encounersnetwork.com - Christians can, in the name of Jesus, enlist angels to do God's work on earth.  Shares unique excerpts from book of Rolland Smith Watchman Ministry Manual regarding God sending His angelic army to trusted individuals to work with them to permanently take back that which was stolen by the enemy in each prior generation.

Hayes, Norvel - Biblical Keys To Financial Prosperity -
Chapter 20 - Activating the Angels  - http://businessbythespirit.com/uploads/Chapter-20.pdf

Hicks, Roy - Guardian Angels -  How to Activate Their Ministry in Your Life - Testimony is shared where 2 giant angels protected 2 Panamanian missionaries & the enemy, who intended to kill them, was thwarted by fear.

Hickey, Marilyn -  9/27-28/2010 TV broadcast - Purpose Of Angels Teachings -
http://www.marilynandsarah.org/2010/09/the-purpose-of-angels-part-1/ - 9/27/2010
http://www.marilynandsarah.org/2010/09/the-purpose-of-angels-part-2/ - 9/28/2010
Recommends we speak to God in Jesus name rather than to angels, scripture promises.

Huber, Georges My Angel Will Go Before You (Catholic) publication by The Guernsey Press Co. Ltd. good -
Pope Pius XI mentored Monsignor Roncalli to have frequent recourse to his guardian angel, especially, "Whenever we have to speak with someone who is rather closed to our argument & with whom therefore the conversation needs to be very persuasive...We ask him (our guardian angel) to take it up with the guardian angel of the person we have to see.  Once the 2 angels establish an understanding, the pope's conversation with his visitor is much easier."  Regarding "the pope's 'aides-de-camp' Pious XI had a great devotion (recourse) to the guardian angels.  1st to his own, then to the angels whom the knew were in charge of the ecclesiastical positions (dioceses) & territories...In particularly difficult situations, he invoked the guardian angel of his interviewee, asking him to enlighten...& put him (guest/client/ dignitary) at ease" in order to dispel prejudice, reduce obstacles & obtain favor. 
We get the guardian angels "to intervene to influence the minds & wills of people...
Each of us has his guardian angel, & each of us can speak to other people's guardian angels"...to influence the outcome to line up with the perfect will of God. 
I ask my angel to come to an agreement with the angel of the other person, so as to influence his attitude." 
Remember that angels continue to share "in the government of the world."

Kerr, Kat - The Supernatural 2nd 2012 CD at VCMI, Suitland, MD - www.revealingheaven.com -
As citizens of the 3rd heaven, our human spirit rises & sits on God's throne to the right of our Messiah. 
From that spiritual realm he/she has authority to pray/declare/decree.  From that place, o
ne routes/exterminates curses/evil through taking/appropriating the power of Jesus' blood over(riding/ruling) the power of the enemy in any territory or situation (+ enlists our weapon, the host of heaven, God's army assigned to us, to bind relevant spiritual strongholds with their underlings, + strip the spiritual platform on which they stand & manipulate people).  Our invisible speech forms spiritual swords which the holy host & holy angels use to do warfare on our behalf.

, David - Nigeria -  Satan Get Lost - excellent
filenames/Oyedepo.Dr%20David%20!Satan%20Get%20Lost.pdf - "You mobilize the host of heaven, the angels of God that excel in strength. into swift action, and they now handle the situation with dispatch.
But the word of the miraculous has to be released from your mouth before this can be done
Friend, if you keep a closed mouth, your life will be closed. If you take the Word of God & speak it boldly to your situation by faith, it is as powerful & as effective as when Jesus Himself is speaking it. 
It is impossible to walk in the realm of signs and wonders without the correct use of your mouth.
Your victory in every battle of life is tied to your mouth. What you call is what answers.
Until you call your case dead, it is still alive... There are 3 things that happen to what you speak: 
1. It gives God what to confirm (Isaiah 44:26). It is whatever you say in His ears that He does (Numbers 14:28). 
2. It forces your enemies to give up (Psalm 18:44-45). The words you speak set a standard against your enemy.
Psalm 81:10 encourages you to open your mouth wide against your enemies & God says He will destroy & subdue them.  Whatever you say becomes an order to the devil,  whatever you say stops him. 
3. Angels take instructions from what you say, because they are your messengers.
Your messenger has no power to think for you, whatever you say is an order. Angels can destroy the work of your hands, depending on the orders you give them, how well you use your mouth (Ecclesiastes 5:6). 
As soon as you say it, they pick it up, particularly when you don't doubt it in your heart.
Be constantly loaded therefore with right words, so you can invoke supernatural forces. The words you speak are the things that chart a path for your destiny. Whatever you believe and will not speak will never produce."

Written Decrees

Jesus is revealing to His church that WRITTEN DECREES work.  The epistles in the Bible are still effective today. 
God's written Words, in what ever method delivered, still contain His power. 
Ana Mendez Ferrell shares that God's backing is with those who WRITE directives to angels to prepare the spiritual soil before ministry.

Dickow, Gregory - God’s Promises - http://www.changinglives.org/tabid/2424/Default.aspx

Ferrell, Ana Mendez - Ruling in the Spirit #1 English/Español http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpxZ2bRT2sg&feature=channel_page  Revelations 4
Ferrell, Ana Mendez - Ruling in the Spirit #2 English/Español @
We can rule when we perceive that He is ruling from inside us. 
We can WRITE to the angels of countries to do His work.
When our identity in God & our relationship with His Holy Spirit is in alignment with the mind of Christ,
then we can begin to WRITE to angels to do His bidding.

Revelation 1:8 JNTP  "I am the 'A' & the 'Z'", says ADONAI, God of heaven's armies, the One Who is, Who was & Who is coming. 
Revelation 1:10 JNTP
  I came to be, in the Spirit, on the day of the Lord.
I hard behind me a loud voice, like a trumpet, 11saying, "Write down what you see on a scroll, & send it to the 7 Messianic communities - Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia & Laodicea."
Revelation 1:12-16 JNTP
12.I saw 7 gold menorahs.
13Among the menorahs was someone like a Son of Man, wearing a robe down to His feet & a old band around His waist. 
14His had & hair were as white as snow-white wood, His eyes like a fiery flame,
15His feet like burnished brass refined in a furnace, & His voice like the sound of rushing waters. 
16In His right hand He held 7 stars, out of His mouth went a sharp double0edged sword, & His face was like the sun shining in full strength.
Revelation 2:1 JNTP
  To the angel of the Messianic Community in Ephesus, write,
"Here is the message from the one who holds the 7 stars in His right hand & walks among the 7 gold menorahs."
Revelation 2:8 JNTP To the angel of the Messianic Community in Smyrna, write,
" Here is the message from the
First and Last, who died & came alive again."
Revelation 2:12 JNTP The angel of the Messianic Community in Pergamum, write,
"Here is the message from the one who has the sharp double-edged sword."
Revelation 2:18 JNTP To the angel of the Messianic Community in Thyatira, write,
"Here is the message from the Son of God, whose eyes are like a firey flame & whose feet are like burnished brass."
Revelation 3:1 JNTP To the angel of the Messianic community in Sardis, write,
"Here is the message from the one who has the 7-fold Spirit of God & the 7 stars."
Revelation 3:7 JNTP To the angel of the Messianic Community in Philadelphia, write, "Here is the message of HaKadosh, the True One, the one who has the key of David, who, if He opens something, no one else can shut it, & if He closes something, no one else can open it."
Revelation 3:14 JNTP To the angel of the Messianic Community in Laodicea, write, "Here is the message from the Amen, the faithful land true witness, the Ruler of God's creation."

Speaking Hebrew

Ben-Gigi, Danny - 1/3-9/2010 + 1/10-16/2010 - http://www.christian.tv/podcasts/rss/podcast/60  www.jewishvoice.org -
Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Mashal (Analogy) - Speaking - http://www.betemunah.org/mashal.html

Horowitz, Dr Leonard - http://www.danwinter.com/LenHorowitz.html - "In 1998, Dr. Joseph Puleo, a major contributor to my copyrighted work, Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse (1999), presented me with his personal seminar syllabus alleged to contain solid evidence that chanting Hebrew letters caused a cymatic resonance affect on malleable materials reproducing the letters' characteristic structures.
Given Dr. Puleo's widely held esteem & my awareness of Mr. Stanley Tenen's reputability,
I simply assumed the reference & document itself was legitimate. That is, I believed this document had been reproduced from a legitimate research report issued by the referenced researchers Mr. Tenen & Mr. Winter.
I recently learned differently...A Court Injunction filed with the U.S. District Court of Western District New York at Rochester on 4/8/2002, condemning the use of Mr. Winter's misrepresentations, including this document. According to Mr. Tenen's complaint, & successful legal action, the alleged collaboration & alleged scientific determination of the Hebrew alphabet-cymatic-material affect was a fraudulent fabrication exclusively instigated by Mr. Winter to the damage Mr. Tenen's reputation...this appalling misrepresentation by Mr. Winter will not discourage me from further respecting & investigating the serious scientific studies conducted by Mr.Tenen over the past 2 decades in the realm of Hebrew alphabet metaphysics as discussed on Meru Foundation's website (
http://www.meru.org)" www.DrLenHorowitz.com

Shor, Rabbi Amnon - http://www.bennyhinn.org/tiyd-video/the-call-of-the-shofar-part-1/ -
Amnon Shor is the 1st generation of his family to be born in the Land of Israel in 250 years.
Taught by his father Judah & grandfather Zachariah, he learned the Torah from an early age.
He joined the Israeli Defense Forces – the IDF – at the age of 18 & was serving during the 1973 Yom Kippur War when Israel was attacked from the north by the Syrians & from the south by the Egyptians.
In 1988 God revealed Himself to Amnon through the Scriptures.
It was then that he understood who the Messiah of Israel is, as well as the plan of God for His people.
Shor, Rabbi Amnon -
http://www.bennyhinn.org/tiyd-video/the-call-of-the-shofar-part-2/ - Rabbi Amnon Shor was born in Israel to an orthodox Jewish family. After his service in the Israeli Army, where he fought the Egyptian Army in the 1973 Yom Kippur War, he set out to see the world & ended up in the U.S. where he met his wife of 33 years Lynette. Dr. Shor has appeared on many radio & television programs & continues to be a vital international liaison to Israel & the Middle East, as well as global spokesman. Rabbi Amnon & his wife Lynette lead Bet Shalom Messianic Congregation in Fresno, California. Bet Shalom is a mix of Jewish & Gentile believers in Yeshua, the Messiah of Israel. On this program, Pastor Benny & Rabbi Shor discuss the call of the shofar & the importance of Jewish people hearing the Gospel. Psalms of the Heart Book & CD Combo
Shor, Rabbi Amnon - Messages - http://betshalomfresno.org/?page_id=24
Shor, Rabbi Amnon - Call of the Shofar -
8/24/2014 -
"As it was in the battle of Jericho, the walls had fallen down at the sounds of the Shofar, also it will be in Gaza (meaning “strong hold” in Hebrew), that the walls of all terrorist tunnels will fall down at the sounds of the Shofar...Adonai has called me, Rabbi Amnon
Ben Yehuda, from the family of King David, to sound the Shofar in Israel, just as He had commanded Ezekiel."
Shor, Rabbi Amnon - Shor's Testimony - http://jewishroots.net/library/testimonials/rabbi_amnon-shor-testimony.html (edited) - "In the beginning of April 1988, I was at a friend's house on the California Coast.
It was just after midnight. I was trying to go to sleep, when all of a sudden I began to feel an unfamiliar, however magnificent warmth. I was not asleep. I was fully awake. 
In hindsight, I could see that the Hand of the Lord descended upon me, in the same way that it happened to Ezekiel, Zechariah & other prophets, & took me in the Spirit, to Mount Sinai. The Sinai area was a very familiar sight to me. I was in the area for 6 years. 3 years in the military, where I served in the Israeli Army as a paratrooper on the Sinai Front during the 1973 Yom Kippur War, & the rest I worked as a tour guide in the area.  What I saw was like the burning bush. It was so powerful. So magnificent. Later that afternoon, as I was driving home the same thing happened. I knew it was God. I was asking all along, 'What, G-d? What?
What do You want from me?'  When I arrived home early that evening, I shared with Lynette what I had seen, 'Please don't think that I have lost my mind; this is awesome.' 
She replied, 'You are shaken, what happened to you?'  I shared what God had shown me.
We were still trying to sort things out around 4 a.m. Finally, I lay down & slept awhile.
When I got up, I went to the bathroom to take my morning shower & shave.  That was when I heard His voice again. Each time I felt God's presence.  There was tremendous warmth, heat.  I tried to say something, but I couldn't. Yet, in my spirit each time I was saying, 'What, Lord? What, Lord?' Then He said: 'My son, read the Book of Micah.' I ran downstairs screaming: 'This is it; it's Micah, Micah, Micah!' In Hebrew the name Micah means 'this is God.' As I read through the Book of Micah, I could not remember reading it ever before.
The prophets, especially the minor ones, are not very much recited and much of the prophecy has been removed from the synagogue. As I got to Micah Chapter 5, I read: 'But you, Bethlehem Ephrata.
Though you are little among the thousands of Judah, Yet out of you shall come forth to Me The One to be Ruler in Israel, whose goings forth are from of old, from ever-lasting. Therefore, He shall give them up, until the time that she who is in labor had given birth; then the remnant of His brethren shall return to the children of Israel.' 
In the Hebrew language, 1 word can communicate 2-3 different meanings. However, by Holy Spirit power the (spiritual/intellectual) veil was lifted from my eyes & I understood that this is Yeshua Hamashiach = Jesus Christ.
The place of birth, the reference to governor & ruler & that there would be a time when Israel would return to Him. These pointed me to Yeshua. There is was, the incredible references to the Messiah.
I had a choice to make at that moment, so I went down on my knees & confessed my sins to Him.
In simple words, I said: 'God, Yeshua, forgive me for my sins.
I have been a sinner.  I ask you to come and be my Lord & Savior, to be my King & to rule my life.'
The missing piece of the puzzle was Yeshua.  The whole picture became complete, a solid rock."

Shor, Rabbi Amnon - http://www.zoominfo.com/p/Amnon-Shor/275533534 -
For many generations Isaiah 53 is considered by the Rabbis as 'The Forbidden chapter', however careful examination of this chapter by Rabbi Amnon Shor reveals the true identity of the Promised Messiah of Israel."

Tonoscope - Christian Stuten - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHKUvxmN-wk @ Cymaman

COMMENTARY: In all likelihood, God spoke Hebrew, or at least sang things into existence, as every sound has a rhythm/frequency as well as the resulting matter/substance that has manifested.

CAUTION - Some incorrectly teach that because ancient Hebrew is God's original tongue, we also need to speak Hebrew to improve our relationship with Him.  Note that both Jesus & His disciples spoke that language, but did not walk in the full liberty & calling of God until the baptism of the Holy Spirit came with tongues, an unknown &/or heavenly language.  (Be reminded that Jesus & nothing else qualifies us.  Yes we can mature, evict inner demons, etc, but our being born into & remaining in His kingdom is 24/7.  Jesus the qualifier, not self. 
If God wants or prefers that we converse in Hebrew or other "original/native" language, then it is He who will enable/facilitate when we ask Him.)

Listening to Hebrew

Jewish Audio Bible - http://www.mjti.com/index.php?option=com_myblog&task=tag&category=65&Itemid=44
Listen at http://www.mjti.com/images/stories/blog/Listen%20up3.jpg 
"We listen to the entire Jewish Bible (in both Hebrew & English) in 2 years: the Torah twice, the Nach (Prophets and Writings) once & the Shlichim (New Testament) twice.  It takes about 14 minutes per day."  excellent bedtime listening

Sign Language

McLean, Renny - Miracles: The Sign Language of God  - 2/28/2010 @ http://www.lightsource.com/ministry/global-glory/20100228/


In Numbers it states that the Israelites grumbled.  They grumbled 40 years. 
They grumbled/complained for one entire generation.
Thus the Lord allowed them to wander for 40 years and then die in the desert.
It was possible to cross it in 10 days.  What is this all about? 
Not just grumbling/complaining.  It is negative/stinking thinking/speaking. 
It is accepting and repeating the thoughts of Satan, God's enemy.
It is not trusting/believing God.  It is often true that what you say is what you get. 
They spoke themselves into doubt/misery/failure/defeat/death.  What we say empowers the spiritual world, either Satan's or God's, our choice.  Children of God, do not empower the enemy. 
According to scripture, let us take every thought captive & filter it to see/identify the source, before we release it as spoken ammunition for the spiritual world.  God, in Jesus' name, help us 24/7.  Thank You. 
Amen & praise to Him Who is our covering.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Word_of_Faith - A secular attempt to discredit God. 
Always remember, God looks at the heart.

                                                                         God speaks out loud.
                                                                God speaks to individual's ears.
                                                      God speaks to minds through His written word.
                                              God speaks to our spirit man through visions & dreams.
When God spoke to create the world, I did not experience it. 
When He spoke to the Old Testament prophets, I did not experience it. 
When He spoke through His written word, I did not experience it.  But when He spoke scripture in a dream,
I did experience it.  His word became alive.  Scripture is for all, but the Word becomes Flesh with an indwelling Holy Spirit, when we personally experience it.  When God in the person of His Holy Spirit has scripture jump off the page into our hearts, then it becomes alive to us.  We can & should claim it, continually, especially in times of trail, when the enemy is attempting to destroy us, our: family, destiny, finances, health, sanity, reputations, etc. 
Father God, we thank You that You quicken/give life to/impregnate our human spirit with Your Holy Spirit. 
We cry out, "Abba Father," at the time when we are born into your kingdom. 
We coo & rejoice in Your arms as You adore Your new addition to Your family.  Thanks Papa God.

Baker, Shelly - Weekly meetings at Tremont Temple, Tremont St, Boston, Massachusetts
http://www.morningsong.mobi/Sounds_of_Glory_Change_Black_Holes.pdf  2008 excerpt from Oceans of Glory 2001
http://www.morningsong.mobi/physics_chapters.pdf  excerpts from creation chapters #4 physics  #5 light  #6 sound
"In the visitation that lasted 4 hours in 1980, Jesus said to me, 'I am more scientific than science itself & science will never figure Me out.  The Father thinks at a higher speed than the speed of light. 
His Divine thoughts pronounced & uttered, come forth at higher speeds of light than what is in your universe of only a mere 186,000 miles per second, which your scientists have yet to discover
[Since that date they have declared 2 higher realms of light now known!]  As the revolutions of those creative words wind down, moving away from their divine source, they lose s
peed, & matter is formed and seen.'"
"Science tells us that...atoms talk to each other, call each other in subatomic voices, vibrations called quarks.  A Scottish physicist named Higgs called the discovery of the quark that exists below the minute level of a proton or electron of light, a 'Sound Boson' or 'Voice Particle.'"
"God's voice print & creative batteries are hidden at the root or base of every single atom in the universe...
The spark of divine voice & light...left a voice print of every person's name in the Lamb's book of life. 
Our (spiritual) battle is...to prevent it (God's light) from going out (like the the pilot light in the gas stove or furnace), (&) to prevent their name or record (spiritual inheritance deeded them them from God) from disappearing (being erased/ cancelled) from the book of life.  Their DNA (like the DNA of Abel's blood) speaks. 
Genesis 4 & Hebrews 12 mention that sound crying out to Heaven...
Only believe AND confess (speak into existence) to be saved." (for the ink to become permanent in the Book of Life.)  (Shelly admonishes us to especially pray in tongues, in agreement with the Holy Spirit & His Mind.)
"We must dissolve the barriers in our thinking to experience...the limitless depth of God...by praise, prayer & disciplined speech... We create a container...for God to fill...He is waiting for our UTTERANCE of faith."

Capps, Charles - 10/14/2010 - http://charlescapps.com/media.shtml -
Calling Things That Are Not Manifest as Though They Are Manifest Until They Are Manifest
Do NOT contradict God.
Capps, Charles - 5/5/2011 TV broadcast #2526 -
recommends that we place a (verbal) demand (phone order/fish hook) on your (unmanifested heavenly) provision.
Capps, Charles -
Articles - England, Arkansas, USA

Franklin, Judy - http://guardinghisflock.com/2014/08/30/the-physics-of-heaven/ - editorial Quantum Spirituality, Spiritual Discernment -  "Franklin received a prophetic vision & revelation larger than a word.
She saw an upper room & heard 'a noise...like a violent rushing wind,' another Pentecost.
As at the 1st Pentecost, the sound transformed the people in her visionary room.
She saw that they would become releasers of powers that 'will cause people to think differently.' 
God gave Franklin visions of the transforming powers of the sound. She saw Christians (together they had evidently harnessed the powers of the sound) 'standing on the shore of an island like Japan' pointing at a coming tsunami, commanding it to stop & 'suddenly everything' becoming 'still.'
(TPOH, ix) Other Christians stopped floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, (presumably earthquakes too) & wildfires. (TPOH, ix) She 'saw believers so in love with God & so filled with power [i.e., the sound]...that unbelievers would run to them begging to receive' the sound.
She saw a great planetary-Pentecostal revival taking place on a magnitude never before observed.'”

www.martinhankins.org - "God's Word in my mouth is mouth to mouth recitation...
Everything Jesus did, God put to our credit."

Smit, Philip - http://ezfaith.com/myblog/the-power-of-words/ -
http://ezfaith.com/myblog/create-your-blessings-by-speaking-it/ - "
God has given us everything pertaining to godliness already from healing to prosperity & peace & even immortality. But we have to obtain it His Way, not the way we think we should, but it is our Inheritance."
Listen @ http://www.ezfaith.com/etp_free_ebook/Prophecy.mp3

Winston, Bill - The Law of Confession 1a - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R31_xjY4i0A
1b http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzeNNXNaI3I&feature=related
1c http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-n2nwb4JQU&feature=related
1d http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0COnzqoIOLU&feature=related
1e http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J22WS_RQMkM&feature=related
1g http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NY5VYS-iBP8&feature=related
1h http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZmkSGxxKkI&feature=related
Winston, Bill - 2a http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKLxvKyIkZI&feature=related
2b http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqg19Bvpg4Q&feature=related
2c http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FkZgpYHsQE&feature=related
2d http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uT4arZI1_YI&feature=related
2e http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkm-cvDEH2c&feature=related
2f http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkm-cvDEH2c&feature=related
Winston, Bill - also #3 and #4 or look inside book http://www.amazon.com/Law-Confession-Revolutionize-Rewrite-Future/dp/1577949692#reader_1577949692

Wommack, Andrew - Week 52 - Lessons From The Christmas Story - 12/27/2011 -
prophecy (God's thoughts/designs verbalized by man) became the human sperm/seed that became the flesh of Messiah visible to humanity. recommended -

Speak TO the problem NOT to God.

Wommack, Andrew - http://www.awmi.net/video/tv/#/2016/week38/tuesday

Speak TO the Earth/DNA/Dust/Land

Myles, Francis - https://francismyles.com/shop/books/i-speak-to-the-earth/ Book & CD with PRAYER - Important -Overthrow the spirit of witchcraft, Bring forth prosperity, Heal the land from generations of spiritual defilement,
Cause the Earth to swallow demonic ploys & diabolical assignments against you, Break lingering curses,  and break Satan’s foothold over any piece of land. https://www.amazon.com/Speak-Earth-Prosperity-
Rediscovering-Manifesting/dp/0692053212/ref=sr_1_2? - Intro & Preface

Speak scripture TO:
Evil Spirits
our own negative thoughts (per Marilyn Hickey)
our own problems/maladies and flesh/DNA/organs

Foot in Mouth Syndrome
Did We Wait to Listen to God Before We Spoke?

Collins, Hakeem - https://sidroth.org/television/tv-archives/hakeem-collins-3/ (edited excerpt)
https://ofm6z46z825qpxk83fa00q1a-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/IS1014Transcript_Collins.pdf (edited)
SID Roth: I am so excited, Hakeem, about your book.
I want to interview you because God's been talking to me about commanding your healing.
Tell me how you came about this revelation.
HAKEEM: I came up with this revelation when I was in desperate need of an actual supernatural healing from God. I had a broken jaw that was unexpected. Thursday the surgeons basically said that I couldn't have surgery until Monday. There was a bone behind my ear that was broken. 
They said they couldn't go behind there because if they do, they may cut off my nerve and lose my hearing.
They said, "It needs to grow on its own about 6-12." Waiting that weekend, I was in desperate need.
I said, "Lord, show me in Your word that I can receive healing now."  They put me on medicine, but it wasn't working. I needed an alternative. The alternative for healing was in the word of God, so I began to read the scriptures concerning how to command, in other words, this authority that believers have.
I took the word literally & put it into practice. I did something foolish.
I lay hands on my jaw & begin to speak TO and command my jaw in the name of Jesus Christ to be healed, to be mended, to come together, & something supernatural happened. My eardrum began to pop & my jaw began to adjust supernaturally.  When Monday came, time for surgery, they did an x-ray.
When they saw in the X-ray, they saw that the bone fracture that was behind the ear that was reversed/repaired.
They literally saw that it was totally restored & the widest part in the X-ray diagram.
So God did something supernatural based on my faith.
SID: Clarify something. Are you commanding God?
HAKEEM: Of course not. #1, I'm commanding sickness to go. I'm commanding the (inherited) infirmities to go.
I'm NOT commanding God.  I teach basically (for believers) to be a commander by the Holy Spirit…
In Luke, chapter 10, verse 19, it says that God has given us power to tread upon serpents & scorpions & over all the power of the enemy.
SID:. You have been given authority over all sickness,  That's pretty strong.
HAKEEM: I beliieve every believer has been given this delegated authority, power by the Holy Spirit. 
By faith we can operate it. I activated my faith & commanded my jaw by the power of the Holy Spirit to line up.
We cannot do anything without the word of God. I put the word of God into practice & saw supernatural results…
HAKEEM: My prescription is commanding and confessing for 90 days.  Take the prescription, the whole thing. Oftentimes, with prescriptions we take 1-2 (pills) & we feel better the next day or 3 days later. Then the problem comes back. (Instead) we have to take the whole prescribed prescription, even as a doctor gives us.
Believers are to do the same, spiritually speaking. I prescribe a 90 day outcome solution to receive your healing. 
As you recite, you speak (scripture) forth by faith, your healing commands & confession, I believe that you will be healed and touched by the glory of God when you finish the 90 day process.
SID: Now you say it's really NOT sickness or disease that destroys us.
HAKEEM: What destroys us is lack of knowledge. If we don't know that we have authority, power to command demons to go, spirits of affliction to go, and don't know the authority that Christ has given us, then we will (possibly) perish (prematurely).  God wants us to know the word of God, (His spiritual) truth.
My assignment is allowing people to understand the truth of God's (spoken) word concerning healing…
HAKEEM: Oftentimes we take ownership of our sickness. This is my cancer, my sickness.  
No, we need to change our mentality & say, "Conscience, I am healed. By Jesus’ stripes I am healed.”
So we have to kind of change our thought process to think & believe that we are healed.
If you believe that you are healed, you will be healed.
Scripture says, "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for & the evidence of things not seen."
1st we have unseen faith.  Then we have seen healing…deliverance. Change your thought process. 
Believe that you're (already) healed and you will be healed.
SID: Your assistant had cancer.
HAKEEM: She had stage 4 cancer.  When she got the diagnosis she would call us and say, "Can you pray?"
We would just pray. Every day she was calling. I said, "Lord, we have to do something different…radical."  
We went over to her house, laid hands on Arlene, commanded & spoke TO cancer.  We told the cancer: "Today is your last day. Today is your eviction notice. Today you’ve got to go. Her body is a temple of the Holy Spirit."  
We just evicted cancer out of her body & began to command her: body to be made whole & white blood cells to replenish. We began to just speak life TO her. Right after that, maybe about 3 weeks later she called us. 
We thought she was going to call us to pray and say, "It's still here."  
She called us & said that the cancer is gone. There is no trace of it in her blood.
I'm telling you right now by the power of the Holy Spirit, those who may be watching you may have some terminal illnesses, you may have cancer, you may have any blood disease, whatever it may be.
READERS: I come today to touch, agree with you & command in Jesus name:
Cancer leave. Be evicted. Opression go. Spirit of (inherited) infirmity, go.
Oppression, depression, disease, go. Today is your last day. 
READERS: Today receive your breakthrough & healing. I decree & declare that you will no longer suffer. 
his is the season of your freedom & liberty. in Jesus' mighty name. 
HAKEEM: Those who may have been bound to a wheelchair or have crutches or a cane,
I command in Jesus' name: Body have mobility & line up to original plan & purpose Father God made you.
Body you are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Back bones line up...Be fixed. 
Fractured bones, jaws, or body, be mended.
Deaf or dumb spirit, I rebuke you.  I command hearing to come back 100%.
Do something you cannot/could not do before now.
This is your day of breakthrough healing, freedom in Jesus' mighty name. No longer you'll be bound. 
Today, rise & believe God’s words spoken over your life (if not day #1 then by day #90). In Jesus' mighty name.

, Joyce - http://www.joycemeyer.org/BroadcastHome.aspx?video=Do_Not_Be_Too_Quick_to_Judge_-_Pt_1 - 2/14/2012 - Jesus bent over & drew in the sand, PURPOSELY allowing Him time to listen to God.


http://www.johnankerberg.org/ -
What Scientific Evidence Proves God Created and Designed the Universe? – Part 1 - quarks & such

Bodanis, David - Secret Garden - Talking Beetles, and Signaling Trees - the Hidden Ways Gardens Communicate    http://www.alibris.com/search/books/author/Bodanis,%20David - Science can be fun. 
Things you never learned in school.

Chladni, Ernst "was born in Wittenberg. His important works include research on vibrating plates & the calculation of the speed of sound for different gases. For this some call him the 'Father of Acoustics.'"   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernst_Chladni "Chladni repeated the pioneering experiments of Robert Hooke of Oxford University. On July 8, 1680, Hooke had been able to see the nodal patterns associated with the modes of vibration of glass plates. Hooke ran a bow along the edge of a glass plate covered with flour & saw the nodal patterns emerge."

Chladni's technique, 1st published in 1787 his book, Entdeckungen über die Theorie des Klanges ("Discoveries in the Theory of Sound"), consists of drawing a bow over a piece of metal whose surface is lightly covered with sand. The plate is bowed until it reaches resonance & the sand forms a pattern showing the nodal regions .
Since the 20th century it has become more common to place a loudspeaker driven by an electronic
signal generator over or under the plate to achieve a more accurate adjustable frequency.  Variations of this technique are commonly used in the design & construction of acoustic instruments such as violins, guitars, & cellos."
Chladni discovered
Chladni's law, a simple algebraic relation for approximating the modal frequencies of the free oscillations of plates & other bodies.  Chladni estimated sound velocities in different gases by placing those gases in an organ pipe, playing it, and observing the sounds that emerged.[11]
This built on the work of
Pierre Gassendi
in measuring the speed of sound in air, begun in 1635."
"In 1815 the American mathematician Nathaniel Bowditch (and later French mathematician Jules-Antoine Lissajous) began studying the patterns created by the intersection of 2 sine curves whose axes are perpendicular to each other, sometimes called Bowditch curves but more often Lissajous figures...
Both concluded that the condition for these designs to arise was that the frequencies, or oscillations per second, of both curves stood in simple whole-number ratios to each other, such as 1:1, 1:2, 1:3 & so on...
The phenomenon that arises is that the designs keep changing their appearance. They move. What creates the variations in the shapes of these designs is the phase differential, or the angle between the 2 curves.
In other words, the way in which their rhythms or periods coincide. If, on the other hand, the curves have different frequencies & are out of phase with each other, intricate web-like designs arise.
These Lissajous figures are all visual examples of waves that meet each other at right angles."
"In 1967, the late Hans Jenny, a Swiss doctor, artist & researcher, published the bilingual book Kymatik-Wellen und Schwingungen mit ihrer Struktur und Dynamik/ Cymatics - The Structure & Dynamics of Waves & Vibrations.
In this book Jenny, like Chladni 200 years earlier, showed what happens when one takes various materials like sand, spores, iron filings, water & viscous substances & places them on vibrating metal plates & membranes.
What then appears are shapes & motion-patterns which vary from the nearly perfectly ordered & stationary to those that are turbulently developing, organic & constantly in motion.  Jenny made use of crystal oscillators & an invention of his own by the name of the tonoscope to set these plates & membranes vibrating.
This was a major step forward. The advantage with crystal oscillators is that one can determine exactly which frequency & amplitude/volume one wants."  His "tonoscope was constructed to make the human voice visible without any electronic apparatus as an intermediate link.
This yielded the amazing possibility of being able to see the physical image of the vowel, tone or song a human being produced directly.
(see below) Not only could you hear a melody - you could see it, too.  Jenny called this new area of research cymatics, which comes from the Greek kyma, wave. Cymatics could be translated as: the study of how vibrations, in the broad sense, generate & influence patterns, shapes & moving processes
Jenny produced both the Chladni figures & Lissajous figures in his experiments.
He discovered also that if he vibrated a plate at a specific frequency & amplitude:
vibration, the shapes and motion patterns characteristic of that vibration appeared in the material on the plate.
If he changed the frequency or amplitude, the development & pattern were changed as well. He found that if he increased the frequency, the complexity of the patterns increased, the number of elements became greater.
If on the other hand he increased the amplitude, the motions became all the more rapid & turbulent & could even create small eruptions, where the actual material was thrown up in the air. 
The shapes, figures & patterns of motion that appeared proved to be primarily a function of frequency, amplitude & the inherent characteristics of the various materials. He also discovered that under certain conditions he could make the shapes change continuously, despite his having altered neither frequency nor amplitude." 
Furthermore, "Jenny was saying (theorizing) that the key to understanding how we can heal the body with the help of tones lies in our understanding of how different frequencies influence genes, cells & various structures in the body. He also suggested that through the study of the human ear & larynx we would be able to come to a deeper under-standing of the ultimate cause of vibrations."
"3 fields: vibration & periodicity (as the ground field) & form & motion as the 2 poles (both) constitute an indivisible whole, Jenny says, even though 1 can dominate sometimes.
Does this trinity have something within science that corresponds?
Yes, according to John Beaulieu, American polarity & music therapist. In his book Music & Sound in the Healing Arts, he draws a comparison between his own 3-part structure, which in many respects resembles Jenny's & the conclusions researchers working with subatomic particles have reached.
(He theorizes,) 'There is a similarity between cymatic pictures & quantum particles.
In both cases that which appears to be a solid form is also a wave.
They are both created & simultaneously organized by the principle of pulse (Read:principle of vibration).
This is the great mystery with sound: there is no solidity. 
A form that appears solid is actually created by a underlying vibration.'(4) In an attempt to explain the unity in this dualism between wave & form, physics developed the quantum field theory, in which the quantum field, or in our terminology, the vibration, is understood as the 1 true reality & the particle or form & the wave or motion, are only 2 polar manifestations of the 1 reality, vibration, says (hypothesizes) Beaulieu.
In conclusion, I would like to cite Cathie E. Guzetta´s poetic contemplation of where the investigation of the relationship between sound & the arising of various life forms might lead us in the future:
'The forms of snowflakes & faces of flowers may take on their shape because they are responding to some sound in nature. Likewise, it is possible that crystals, plants & human beings may be, in some way, music that has taken on visible form.'"  (Be careful NOT to seek occult healers who sometimes do use vibrational therapies. 
Ask Holy Spirit to counsel/warn you regarding this.)
Emile Coué - (1857-1926) - Father of Applied Conditioning - http://emilecoue.wwwhubs.com/
(Self-hypnosis as auto suggestion is OK but NOT hypnosis.)

Cymatics - The Science of the Future?  Is there a connection between sound, vibrations & physical reality?
Do sound & vibrations have the potential to create
? In this article we will see what various researchers in this field, which has been given the name of Cymatics, have concluded. 
By Peter Pettersson, translation Yarrow Cleaves -
http://www.world-mysteries.com/sci_cymatics.htm   "In 1787, the jurist, musician and physicist Ernst Chladni published Entdeckungen über die Theorie des Klangesor Discoveries Concerning the Theory of Music
In this & other pioneering works, Chladni...laid the foundations for that discipline within physics that came to be called acoustics, the science of sound...With the help of a violin bow which he drew perpendicularly across the edge of flat plates covered with sand, he produced those patterns & shapes which today go by the term Chladni figures.  What was the significance of this discovery?

Chladni demonstrated once and for all that sound actually does affect physical matter & that it has the quality of creating geometric patterns."

Dale, Theresa - 5 Element Healing - http://www.awakeninghealth.com/assets/fiveelementhealing.htm - http://www.awakeninghealth.com/articles.asp -
Rooted in quackery, sloppy science/research, demonology, God or a mixture? 
In the past our Christian pastors told us dinosaurs were unscriptural. Remember?  Now most no longer adhere to that idea.  Pray and ask for discernment & for His blood covering.  Often when there is a mixture of good & bad, this creates a desensitizing to God's purposes and nature & a pull to the demonic, without the individual even being aware of it, like the frog who gets cooked in the slowly heated pot of water.  Per Dale, "A logarithmic recording of the various body rhythms, including muscle, skin, liver, circulation, blood pressure, respiration, pulse, etc, bears a remarkable resemblance to the double helix pattern of the cell's DNA. Rhythms are oscillation, as are the electro-magnetic frequencies emitted by our bodies. In physical terms, each frequency possesses a color & sound simultaneously.  Everything in the universe is energetically related to everything else.
The rotation of the earth, once every 24 hours, corresponds to the frequency of the musical note G & its octaves, which in turn corresponds to the frequency of the color orange-red.  This in turn corresponds to the cell's DNA resonance at a wavelength of 351/702 nanometers. (A nanometer is a billionth of a meter.)
In the many discussions I have had with physicists & bio-physicists regarding the bio-photon theory, the use of magnetic field therapy & the therapeutic use of sound, I have intuited that sound affects the cell's bio-photon stores & emissions. Bio-photons are light particles in the cell. The nature of these bio-photons is not widely understood. However they have been observed & studied at the Max Planck Institute in Germany & these light particles appear to be the fundamental indictors of cellular health & energy.  Decades of European research has indicated that different octaves of notes have a variety of emotional & physiological effects.
EG: The note G & its octaves promote physical growth, enhance memory & produce emotional enthusiasm for life. 
These effects may be produced because this frequency balances the cellular DNA/RNA."
Dale, Theresa - The Sound of Healing -
http://www.awakeninghealth.com/assets/soundofhealing.htm -
Dale has her clients listen to a musical "5 Element Healing" CD to be accompanied with applied acupuncture , contending that the release of negative emotions correspond to each acupuncture meridian:
1 fire releases Shock, Trauma, Guilt, Confusion, 2 earth Releases Disgust, Despair, Low Self-Esteem, Rejection, 3 metal Releases Grief, Feeling Stuck, 4 water Releases Fear, Irritation, 5 wood Releases Anger, Resentment.
Dale, Theresa    Neuro-Emotional Remedies   "The occipital lobe (of the brain) measures a reflex point I (Dale) discovered leading to the primal brain's storage of foundational belief systems.
I call this point the Meta Point® or Meta-Consciousness®...
a belief system and identity...The homeopathic remedies... I researched and developed according to the 5 Element Theory of Acupuncture to eliminate high frequency energy patterns which create physical illness, behavioral, & emotional issues." @
http://www.awakeninghealth.com/assets/emotionalremedies.htm -
HOWEVER in rebuttal to above,
Francis MacNutt has found in occultic deliverances/healing that the 5 elements are often rooted in 5 demonic strongholds (categories of spirits used by Satan worshippers when they call upon evil spirits or demons) & thus need to be prayed specifically against.  His binding prayer, "In the name of Jesus Christ, by the power of His cross & blood, we bind the spirits, powers, forces of the earth, underground, air, water, fire, netherworld & satanic forces of nature."
www.christianhealingmin.org  Remember, Satan is a counterfeiter. 
Satan gives us poop & calls it bomb ingredients. 
However, Father God can take all manure & make fertilizer to nurture both insect & garden fragrances that delight eyes, nose & heart.

Emoto, Masaru - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAvzsjcBtx8 - 3/13/2009 - "head of the I.H.M.General Research Institute & President Emeritus of the International Water for Life Foundation, a Not for Profit Organization. 
Mr. Emoto has been visually documenting these molecular changes in water by means of his photographic techniques.  He freezes droplets of water & then examines them under a dark field microscope that has photographic capabilities.  Some examples from his works include:  Water from clear mountain springs & streams had beautifully formed crystalline structures, while the crystals of polluted or stagnant water were deformed & distorted.  Distilled water exposed to classical music took delicate, symmetrical crystalline shapes.
When the words 'thank you' were taped to a bottle of distilled water, the frozen crystals had a similar shape to the crystals formed by water that had been exposed to Bach's 'Goldberg Variations'- music composed out of gratitude to the man it was named for.   When water samples were bombarded with heavy metal music or labeled with negative words, or when negative thoughts and emotions were focused intentionally upon them, such as 'Adolf Hitler', the water did not form crystals at all & displayed chaotic, fragmented structures.
When water was treated with aromatic floral oils, the water crystals tended to mimic the shape of the original flower. 
Sometimes, when we cannot see the immediate results of our affirmations &/or prayers, we think we have failed.
But, as we learn through Masaru Emoto's photographs, that thought of failure itself becomes represented in the physical objects that surround us... Realize that even when immediate results are invisible to the unaided human eye, they are still there. When we love our own bodies, they respond.
When we send our love to the Earth, she responds.  For our own bodies at birth are more than 60% water & the % of water in our bodies remains high throughout life (depending upon weight & body type).
The earth's surface is more than 60% water as well.
Now we have seen before our eyes that water is far from inanimate, but is actually alive & responsive to our every thought & emotion...
Really understand the awesome power that we possess, through choosing our thoughts & intentions, to heal."
Emoto, Masaru -
Office - http://www.masaru-emoto.net/english/e_ome_home.html - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masaru_Emoto

Greene, Brian - The Elegant Universe: Superstrings, Hidden Dimensions, and the Quest for the Ultimate Theory -
"String theory presents physics with an opportunity to reconcile relativity & quantum theory."  

David Kestenbaum - Neutrinos: A Cursed Subatomic Particle? -
Raymond Davis Jr. won the Nobel Prize in 2002 for helping to figure out how to collect & detect neutrinos."  Neutrinos "have no charge, have no mass, & do not interact at all. 
The earth is just a silly ball...through which they simply pass." 
ocus recently has been on trying to pin down the details of the neutrino's split personality:
How far it travels before it changes from one type into another & which (of 3 known) types change into which & with what frequency."
Listen Now

Martin Lenhardt and Dr. G. Patrick Flanagan - http://www.alternativehearing.com/ -
Ultrasonic radio waves can be recognized as sound by the brain
     "The Neurophone® was invented by Dr. G. Patrick Flanagan.  in 1958 when he was 14 years old.
It is a precision scientific instrument with an extensive digital signal processor that encodes sound & modulates it onto ultrasonic signals. Patrick was a child prodigy in electronics, chemistry & physics. He had discovered an entirely new way to transmit sound into the human brain. Patrick's profound invention has received 2 United States patents, #3,393,279 and #3,647,970. It took medical science 33 years to discover how the device works.
     It has been said that great inventions take 50 years before they are understood. Inner Ear In 1991, Martin Lenhardt of the University of Virginia discovered that human beings have the ability to detect ultrasonic sound when it is transmitted through the skin, bones & liquids of the body.
His groundbreaking discovery was published in the prestigious journal Science, Vol. 253, 5, 1991, 82. Lenhardt had duplicated Patrick's original 1958 Neurophone® using sophisticated ultrasonic transducers and discovered that a tiny organ in the inner ear that is normally associated with balance is also a hearing organ for ultrasonic sound.
     The organ is called the saccule & is about the size of a pea. It contains nerve endings, called macula, & an otolith, a gelatinous cap containing fine sand-like particles of calcium carbonate called otoconia. When the head is tilted in relation to gravity, the macula signals the vestibulocochlear nerve in the nervous system so that balance can be regained. The saccule has nerve endings that are distributed throughout the brain. Some of these nerves go to the area of the brain that computes sound.
Other nerves are distributed into areas concerned with long-term memory.
The Neurophone® transmits modulated ultrasonic sound at 40,000 cycles per second (40 kHz).
When we swim with dolphins or whales, we can hear the ultrasonic energy emitted by these mammals through our saccule.
By using the Neurophone®, we can train our brain pathways so that we can "hear" through the saccule pathway.
It may be that our ancestors could communicate with whales & dolphins by the use of ultrasonic sound.
When the Neurophone® is used as an experimental listening device, these pathways are developed & appear to expand consciousness balancing the left & right hemispheres of the brain.
     People who have used the Neurophone® daily over an extended time find that it helps to relieve stress.
     The GPF-1011 DSP Neurophone® has been developed and engineered to provide a means for ultrasonic waves to be interpreted by our brain as "hearing". The technology bypasses the normal audio mechanisms used by the body to hear sound & provides a direct neural stimulation directly to the brain. By bypassing the ears to hear-reading, meditating, studying & learning in general may become easier to comprehend & retain.
     Generally, commercial digital speech recognition circuitry is based on a technology called dominant frequency power analysis.
While speech may be recognized by such a circuit, a more effective & natural speech encoding is based on time ratios
If the phase of the frequency power analysis circuits are not correct, they will not work.
The intelligence (sound) is carried by phase information.
The frequency content of the voice gives our voice a certain quality, but frequency does not contain information.
     Most attempts at computer voice recognition & voice generation are only partially successful.
Until digital time-ratio encoding is used, our computers will never be able to truly talk to us. By recognizing & using time-ratio encoding, we could transmit clear voice data through extremely narrow bandwidths.
     If the Neurophone® transducers are placed on the closed eyes or on the face (such as forehead via head band), the sound can be clearly 'heard' as if it were coming from inside the brain.
When the transducers are placed on the face, the sound is perceived through the trigeminal nerve.
     There was an earlier test performed at Tufts University that was designed by Dr. Dwight Wayne Batteau, 1 of my partners in the USA Navy Dolphin Communication Project. This test was known as the 'Beat Frequency Test'. It is well known that sound waves of 2 slightly different frequencies create a 'beat' note as the waves interfere with each other. For example, if a sound of 300 Hertz & 1 of 330 Hertz are played into 1 ear at the same time, a beat note of 30 Hertz will be perceived.
This is a mechanical summation of sound in the bone structure of the inner ear.
     There is another beat, sounds beat together in the corpus callosum in the center of the brain.
This binaural beat is used by the Monroe Institute & others to simulate altered brain states by entraining (causing brain waves to lock on & follow the signal) the brain into high alpha or even theta brain states.
These brain states are associated with creativity, lucid dreaming & other states of consciousness otherwise difficult to reach when awake.
     The Neurophone® is a powerful brain entrainment device. If we play alpha or theta signals directly through the Neurophone®, we can move the brain into any state desired. Batteau's theory was that if we could place the Neurophone® transducers so that the sound was perceived as coming from 1 side of the head only & if we played a 300 Hertz signal through the Neurophone®, if we also played a 330 Hertz signal through an ordinary headphone we would get a beat note if the signals were summing in the inner ear bones.
When the test was conducted, we were able to perceive 2 distinct tones without beat.
     This test again proved that Neurophonic hearing was not through bone conduction.

The key to the Neurophone® GPF-1011 DSP is stimulation of the nerves in the skin with a digitally coded signal that
carries the same time-ratio code that is recognized as sound by any nerve in the body."

Levin, Janna- http://www.ted.com/talks/janna_levin_the_sound_the_universe_makes.html  - 3/2011 -

Mwenda, Andrew - The Independent Uganda newspaper founder - 2/1/2009 
editorial They Can Kill Me, but They Can't Kill My Ideas -
"You come armed with your tanks, & we'll come armed with our tongues, & we'll defeat you clean & square."

Pimsleur Approach http://www.languagesecrets.com/include/lp/breakthrough/fbi_shortcutb.asp?sid=25013bnr

Prager (Jodere Group), Judith Simon - The Worst is Over - subtitle Verbal First Aid  Doctors learn verbal tricks.
Listen - Transcript - 2/7/2008 - www.somethingyoushouldknow.net


Quantum Physics  Richard Dawkins Discusses Quantum Theory - credits to  theone3

Quantum Theologica: Volume 1 - http://www.physicsforums.com/archive/index.php/t-33586.html -
I will discuss 3 areas related to Quantum Theologica.
, aspects of the Resurrected body, 2nd the invisible reality of the Creation of the universe & 3rd David Bohm's theory of an Implicate & Explicate Order."  "Sub-atomic particles can tunnel through an energy barrier & materialize on the other side.  Also, a particle can be in 2 places at the same time." -
www.quantumtheologica.blogspot.com  New post every Friday.  "1 aspect of a Resurrected Body is that it is able to travel as a sub-atomic particle (microscopic) but appear as a measuring device (macroscopic).  I believe after death you still exist in a Quantum state, which I will discuss in Volume 2."  "Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the (spoken) Word of God, so that things which are seen (matter) were not made of things which do appear (sub-atomic particles). Hebrews 11:3"  "The word framed is the Greek word katartizo."

Lisa Randall 10/8/2012 on Charlie Rose http://www.charlierose.com/ -
"Lisa Randall, professor of theoretical physics at Harvard University discusses her book Knocking on Heaven’s Door: How Physics and Scientific Thinking Illuminate the Universe and the Modern World

Science at a Distance  e-learning - Biological Energy - http://www.brooklyn.cuny.edu/bc/ahp/AVC/PhysStruc/VCB_PS_HP.html -
"Electrons were the 1st sub-atomic particles to be discovered...can only be accounted for by considering them as particle & waves at the same time."  Both light & sound travel in waves.

Science Daily - Can An Electron Be In 2 Places At The Same? - 10/13/2005 - (good scientific clarification of issues) http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2005/10/051013084257.htm -
provided by Max-Planck-Gesellschaft. -
lectrons have characteristics of both waves & particles at the same."

Mom'sVoicePlays Special Role in Activating Newborn's Brain
- 12/17/2010 - http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/12/101215195234.htm

Sugar - Long Distance Calls by Sugar Molecules - 6/18/2013 - "All our cells wear a coat of sugar molecules, so-called glycans....that...rearrange water molecules over long distances. This may have an effect on how cells sense."
full story

7/1931  "Your voice, as electrical impulses, travels with the speed of light." - http://blog.modernmechanix.com/2009/04/19/science-finds-amazing-new-uses-for-sound/

Sound makes sand patterns. - http://www.clipjunkie.com/Sand-Patterns-Using-Sound-Waves-vid4391.html - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wio728lLOh0 + http://nfsw.buzzhumor.com/videos/29398/Sand_Patterns_From_Sound_Waves

Sounds of Silence spring 2009 editorial http://www.bu.edu/bostonia/spring09/silence/ - speech prosthesis - at the forefront of brain-computer interface "Erik Ramsey imagines saying words, while researchers translate his brain waves to sounds.  Watch a video of how it works."

sound - http://www.exopoliticshongkong.com/uploads/anti_gravity_and_the_world_Grid_1987_pdf.pdf - Moving boulders by music.  "When the stone was in position the monk behind the small drum gave a signal to start the concert.
The small drum had a very sharp sound, & could be heard even with the other instruments making a terrible din.
All the (Tibetan) monks were singing & chanting a prayer, slowly increasing the tempo of this unbelievable noise. During the 1st 4 minutes nothing happened, then as the speed of the drumming & the noise, increased, the big stone block started to rock & sway, & suddenly it took off into the air with an increasing speed in the direction of the platform in front of the cave hole 250 metres high. After 3 minutes of ascent it landed on the platform.  Continuously they brought new blocks to the meadow & the monks using this method, transported 5-6 blocks per hour on a parabolic flight track approximately 500 metres long & 250 metres high.
From time to time a stone split, & the monks moved the split stones away. Quite an unbelievable task."

The Epoch Times www.theepochtimes.com - http://en.epochtimes.com/211,111,,1.html - Baby Crocs Start Chatting Even Before They Hatch - 6/23/2008  Full Story - Baby crocodiles start chatting to one another & to their mothers just before they hatch, perhaps signaling that it is time to be born, French researchers reported.

Tompkins, Peter & Bird, Christopher - Secret Life of Plants - http://www.raven1.net/seclife.htm -
Internet book review by one intrigued by the paranormal (which is the dark evil use of demonic power, inferior & opposite that of Holy Spirit power & operations) 
Authors publish findings of Cleve Backster who documented plants' emotional response to trauma& to premeditated trauma.  Also see 6/26/2008-7/2/2008 Science & Technology section of
Secret Life of Plants
"is about much more than just plants (perceiving/responding/communicating) & delves quite deeply into such topics as the aura, psychophysics, orgone, radionics, kirlian photography, magnetism/magnet-otropism, bio-electrics, dowsing, & the history of science.  It was the basis for the 1979 documentary of the same name."  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Secret_Life_of_Plants
Where is demarcation line between "normal science" & spiritual (demonic/paranormal or supernatural/Godly)?
Baldwin, Ian - based his research on Backster's work: http://www.plantphysiol.org/cgi/collection/plant_herbivore_interactions
Baldwin, Ian - nicotine research @
Plants completely lacking nicotine in their nectar had 68–70% more nectar removed." 
Nicotine was tested as an insecticide. 
We know today that nicotine based insecticides are a likely cause of bee colony collapse.

Towns, Elmer - Say It Faith - http://www.elmertowns.com/index.cfm?action=bksonline  READ online.

UNIVERSE A HOLOGRAM - www.angelfire.com/oh2/peterr/hologram/objectivereality.html - "But the most mind-boggling aspect of Pribram's holographic model of the brain is what happens when it is put together with Bohm's theory. For if the concreteness of the world is but a secondary reality & what is 'there' is actually a holographic blur of frequencies, and if the brain is also a hologram and only selects some of the frequencies out of this blur & mathematically transforms them into sensory perceptions, what becomes of objective (scientific/human/sensory) reality?"  (The human brain was created to perceive anything relating to the 5 senses or intellect; whereas, the human spirit was created to perceive the spiritual, which is invisible to the brain/mind/soul.)

Wilson, Rachel - "Odor stimuli are encoded in the electrical activity of specific groups of brain neurons.."
http://www.labmanager.com/articles.asp?id=136 - http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=94932341 - http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/reprint/sci;318/5850/584.pdf
"The air around us is full of chemical signals—plumes of smelly molecules floating in the breeze." http://www.laboratorytalk.com/news/epp/epp143.html -
"In insects, receptor neurons in the antennae send olfactory information to the brain via a series of electrical impulses in the axons of these neurons.  Rachel Wilson's research is aimed at understanding how sensory stimuli are encoded in the electrical activity of specific groups of neurons in the brain."

Science & Religion
Sometimes Acknowledge &/or Harmonize with Each Other

B flat in science - http://www.npr.org/player/v2/mediaPlayer.html?action=1&t=1&islist=false&id=7442915&m=7442947 or http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=7442915 2/15/2007 -
http://www.nbcnews.com/id/3077738/ns/technology_and_science-space/t/black-hole-sings-deepest-b-flat/ -

Ferrell, L Emerson - Quantum Fasting - Food for Thought -
Chapter 5 Quantum Fasting and the Supernatural - www.voiceofthelight.com -
"The (invisible) spiritual realm is what science (and some occultist practitioners often) call energy...
The invisible world of energy materializes into the physical through a phenomenon known as a 'collapsed wave function'...
Science has determined that energy becomes matter after the cloud or energy surrounding the atom encounters a frequency or vibration that alters its electromagnetic field...
The VOICE of Christ is the...frequency uniting all (visible) things in the material world. 
The SOUND of His Word creates energy and forms (visible) matter...
he SOUND of His VOICE is the (highest/healthiest/fastest) frequency of life, both visible and invisible."

Pastor Kong drew on a powerful example of a recent scientific discovery of a “God particle” (also known as the Higgs Boson), to illustrate the sound of faith. Scientists found that the “God particle”, which is the building block within an atom, has data that, when mapped to musical notes, produces a melodious tune, lending proof to the powerful truth that not everything in the universe is random, but is spoken purposefully into existence by God.  Pastor Kong declared, “If you want to change the scenery in your life, speak it into existence.”
Throughout the Bible, there was no physical description of Jesus, but the only thing that was said of Jesus is this: No one spoke like Him, with great grace, power & authority.
The words of Jesus carried such authority that the fig tree died when He spoke the words. 
“The most amazing thing is, Jesus said anyone can do this. 
This means that whatever we say will also come to pass.”
Sonification of the Higgs Boson - The Higgs Boson Song - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dX3Q7FKNUnc
God particle signal is simulated as sound - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdaF4WuD_Js

David Herzog 2012 7/2-6/2012 Messianic radio broadcast. 
Thursday July 5th David shares how God's Holy Spirit joined up with sound to create matter. 
Also shares his 1st spiritual transportation.

Hormann, Dr Aiko - https://vimeo.com/aikohormann/videos/ - excellent -

Horowitz, Dr Leonard & Puleo, Joseph (see below) - http://www.relfe.com/bible_codes.html - www.Relfe.com - "The new Bible codes, found in the Book of Numbers, include a mathematical electromagnetic frequency code for 'miracles' that experts say has already been shown to help repair damaged DNA, life's genetic blueprint." 
DETAILED INFORMATION OF THE 6 FREQUENCIES HERE or http://www.relfe.com/solfeggio.html -
"These bible codes are totally different from any previously written about & certainly don't need a computer to decode them (as previously discovered codes were supposed to). 
According to the documentation & analyses provided in Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse principal investigator Dr. Joseph Puleo was intuitively guided to find the pattern of 6 repeating codes in the Book of Numbers, Chapter 7, verses 12 through 83. When deciphered using the ancient Pythagorean method of reducing the verse numbers to their single digit integers, the codes revealed a series of 6 electromagnetic sound frequencies that correspond to the 6 missing tones of the ancient Solfeggio scale.
These original sound frequencies were apparently used in the great hymn to St. John the Baptist that, along with many Gregorian chants, were lost centuries ago according to church officials.
The chants & their special tones were believed to impart special spiritual blessings when sung in harmony.
Dr. Puleo, a naturopathic physician & minister of the gospel, & lead author, Dr. Leonard Horowitz-who holds a masters degree in public health from Harvard-spent 3 years researching the 6 tones that physicists & musicians alike recognize as 'an extremely unique interrelated series of mathematical & electromagnetic sound frequencies that include harmonic sequences similar to those found in the 'wedding march.'
Additionally, the entire series appears to relate to the '144,000' predicted in the Book of Revelation to be gathered by God to sing a special song heralding the Messianic age.
The 1st note, 'UT-quent laxis,' is defined in Webster's Dictionary as 'the Gamut of dramatic emotion from grief to joy,' & 'the whole series of recognized musical notes.' It has a frequency of 396 cycles per second & is also associated with a 'magnetic field strength equal to 105 power gauss,' or 100,000.
The 2nd tone, 'RE', short for 'resonare fibris' or resonance, also correlates mathematically to 144,000.
The 3rd note, frequency 528, relates to the note 'MI' on the scale & derives from the phrase 'MI-ra gestorum' in Latin meaning 'miracle.'
Stunningly, this is the exact frequency used by genetic biochemists to repair damaged DNA the genetic blueprint upon which life is based.
The authors speculate these 6 tones may have been played by the ancient priests during the miraculous shattering of Jericho's great wall in 6 days before falling on the 7th, & the creation of the universe in 6 days after which God is believed to have rested on the 7th. Bible scholars believe both events occurred as a result of sounds being spoken or played." 
Scott Mowry is the primary voice and writer of www.MiraclesandInspiration.com ...
1 of the most important discoveries that Scott has made was information that gave him direct insight into his purpose, his destiny & his mission on planet Earth. Thanks to the amazing work of author & (considered to be occult) past-life regressionist
Dolores Cannon, Scott was able to identify himself as 1 of the 'first wave souls' on planet Earth."  http://www.drlenhorowitz.com/Hollywood_and_Horowitz.htm )

Leaf, Dr. Caroline - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7iN40ARWKE - Sid Roth interview -

Puleo, Joseph - http://www.irisdemauro.com/prologue/ - PAST LIFE REGRESSION - Be Informed - Test the spirits (potentially/definitely an occult experience/DANGER) - Prologue to Healing Codes -
I met Ken Page a “past life regression” therapist, who directed me in such a session.
Again, all my friends called to urge me to see him. I told them,  “Hell NO. I ain’t going to no channeler.
No nonsense. No hocus-pocus. No “past life” regressions. I don’t even want psychotherapy.” 
But again, through a bizarre series of events, I ended up going to see Mr. Page. 
He told me that the chronic pain in my neck had stemmed from the time that I had “walked with Jesus as Joseph of Arimathea, the uncle, teacher & confidant of the beloved Jesus.”
During Page’s session, although he hypnotized me, I remained aware of my surroundings. 
I couldn’t open my eyes, but I could hear Page’s instructions.


In Jesus' name

Numerous instances in the New Testament show where Jesus or the disciples tell the spirits in the mentally ill to keep quiet. 
Likewise, with authority, discipline, respect & quietly we can instruct any evil spirit to be silent, in the Name of Jesus, preferably explaining first to the patient, that we are NOT addressing him personally. 
This sometimes may be necessary when we are caretakers/guardians of mentally ill people, that have not yet been delivered/healed. 
It is a useful tool when we are praying long distance for individuals living/dealing/working with relatives/patients who are mentally ill/insane/out of their senses (minds).


Mark 1:23-25 TPNT + Like 4:31-37  23In their synagogue was a man with an unclean spirit & he cried out 24 saying, "What has this to do with You, Jesus of Nazareth?  Did You come to destroy us? 
I know Who You are, the Holy One of God." 
25Jesus rebuked him (the spirit) saying, "You (unclean spirit) must now hold your peace & you must come out of him at once."

Children's Resources

Sandford, John & Paula - The Word Garden @ Children and Teens

Turner, Ann - Dear America - The Girl Who Chased Away Sorrow - The Diary of Sarah Nita, a Navajo (Dine) Girl, New Mexico, 1864 - book During the Long Walk...'to Fort Summer...Hweeldi, a place of suffering in the Starving Time...the Day of Burning, for when the soldiers came...in the Time of the parting of the Seasons...October 1864."  "I put my hands over my ears.  I do not want to be rude, but if I can just keep those words outside my head, they will not harm us.  Words can hurt - words can kill.  They can cure sickness, or they can bring sickness down on you.  Don't you know that?  I want to shout.  If you talk about those ad white people, your words will pull them here."

You or your children may want to create a
spreadsheet in order to help recognize WHO is
speaking and to help equip self to respond

Problem Name - Body Symptoms - Emotions  My Thoughts - Enemy Thoughts - God Thoughts - Bible Address - Plan of Action - Problem: Toothache Pain; infection - Wrong Response: Ouch, I should have. - Idiot; stupid. -
Right Response: U R healed by My stripes.  
Isaiah 53:5 - Declare, "His stripes heal" me.
Say Amos 4:6 I have made your teeth clean, when brushing teeth.


Visualize a bathtub/shower/sink faucet system where there is a hot water knob, a cold water knob & a spicket for hot, cold, or mixed water emission.  The spicket spews forth whatever is turned on. 
Likewise the tongue or mouth operates the same way.  Whatever words are spoken are what our ears hear. 
Not only do our ears hear, but also the ears of angels.
(We might also be surprised to know that our ancestors in heaven, & everything in our atmosphere (air/home/pets/DNA) all also hear what we say out loud. Good angels perform our good words (primarily if they echo God's words in scripture), whereas listening demons perform our negative/evil/harmful (cold) words which result in harm to us and others. 
Mixed words, like warm water, either dilute or cancel the intended purpose.  We are NOT to parrot the doctor & then recite scripture.  That is a contradiction.  God spoke all good things into existence. 
The mouth can be the sword of the Holy Spirit or the hatchet of demons.  Our choice. 
Sometimes people say that they are in hot water, meaning trouble or that a person is cold meaning icy. 
Depending on the meaning of our intent, we can spew out ammunition for good or for evil.
Lord help us not to sabotage ourselves and others.  Thank You.  Amen.

God's spiritual realm is controlled in large part by God's written words spoken, so whisper, shout & sing out His words to enforce His dominion, facilitating His kingdom to descend onto the earth, right NOW.

Also, remember that each of us has his own autobiography/biography written by God BEFORE we were conceived/born.
Thus we each have our own awesome destiny in Him.  Lord, help us to become increasingly aware of our purpose on earth & to increasingly pursue Your passion for us, empowered by Your Holy Spirit.  We invite You Jesus to become our saviour & Holy Spirit baptizer, so that Holy Spirit might endwell us, giving us Your DNA, citizenship, geanology, love.  We also invite Your host to become our army, so that we can have the pirvilege & honor of partnering with them to make You famous in our family & tribe here on earth.   Double thanks.  Amen.

Command NOT Tell

https://www.govictory.com/episode/jesse-duplantis-ministries-2/ - 7/2/2023 - God told Jessee NOT to TELL Him His Words, bur rather to Command Him His Words.  That seems to be similar to Kat Kerr telling us to command our army host. (We also can speak to/COMMAND our DNA to align with God's 3rd heaven, in Jesus' name.
Additionally, we need to speak to the negatives, including demons to depart, in Jesus' name.)

Prophesy/Speak NOT

Campbell, Kathy - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URGV4tEJr9o&feature=player_embedded -
It's a New Season, a New Day
Never repeat curses, but change into blessings, such as stating aloud the terrific 2's instead of the terrible 2's.

Thompson, Steve - You May All Prophesy - www.morningstarministries.org -
"Avoid prophesying '2nd heaven (demonic realm) revelations... If...the Lord is revealing to us what the enemy has planned & not what is currently happening...not the purpose of God... We should not automatically assume that the person is desiring to walk in this sin (evil/trouble), but rather that the enemy is laying a trap for them...
The Lord will show us the enemy's plan, so that we can nullify it, not help it come to pass by prophesying it. 
One of Satan's greatest tactics is to communicate his lie as God's truth... Be discerning (& silent)...
While other peoples' words may not hurt us, we can kill with ours, because of the power God has put behind them."

Lest u be the next martyr - http://shoebat.com/videos/notTerrorist.php 5/9/2011 -
"Finnish Pastor persecuted by his own government & church for speaking the truth & calling terrorists 'terrorists.'"
www.Shoebat.com -
Sleeping Beauty, arise out of your sleep - DVD trailers:
http://shoebat.com/products/3xTerrorists.php + http://shoebat.com/videos/atomicJihad.php +
Geert Wilder's Fitna in English from Dutch  
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EV9aGCjxZ74&feature=fvwrel + http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMm_5TOHDwI&feature=related +
4/6/2008  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49MVNPet6fQ&feature=related 
Sort out for yourself which internet link sequence to follow.
Reminder, the anti-Islam textbook Protocols of the Elders of Zion was written to incite Muslims & slaughter Jews.
It never was written to instruct/indoctrinate Jews with hate for Islam.
The Horseman TV series are ani-Semetic & thus adapt the anti-Islamic Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

Wommack, Andrew -
http://www.awmi.net/download-file.php?downloads/tv/2017/03mar/awm_tv20170313.wmv - We TAKE evil/bait/poison into our soul, when we speak/repeat out loud (&/or act on) Satan's whispers/thoughts in our mind/emotions. 3/13/2017


are most effective when they SPEAK into a person's destiny/future rather than overreact negatively to the now circumstance/malady.  Father God knows the last chapter of the book of our destiny, the reason for which we each were created and put onto this earth. 
Each of us has an autobiography/biography written by Father God BEFORE we were conceived/born. 
It seems that our guardian angel has already read our book & is eager to align us with it. 
Holy Spirit, help us to hear & quickly obey Your whispers in our heart, rather than be on autopilot & be a spokes person for a spiritual enemy or for the same old same old habits, failing to steer both ourselves & our charges towards precious awesome possibilities available to each of us in this family & generation. 
Let us remember, the majority of Jesus' generation failed to notice their messiah & failed to receive their healing/ deliverance, because they did NOT recognize/notice/believe or take advantage of the free blessing at their door.

Demonic Designs

Dying nasa scientist reveals truth about life on mars #2 - 11/22/2003 posted on 7/25/2008 -
youtube.com/watch?v=uSPsTvPdyQg&feature=related FIRST cover self with blood of Jesus, before watching.  This program clarifies how demons (disguised as aliens) infest/infect the brain. 
(Other related internet videos
may be too spiritually dangerous/ distorted/defective/contaminating to view.) 
Aliens (demons) can transmutate into a cluster of negative thought forms known as a psych nest. 
Aliens (demons) exist in (unholy) ideas.  They can travel through (spoken) language.  Some negative thought forms that you currently have may be a parasitic form of inter-dimensional life.  Many major television (and radio) stations, transfer these (demonic) beings, by encoding programs with specific frequencies through which the aliens can travel.  Humans can be contaminated by nesting clusters of aliens (demons).

Deliverance 7: The Doppelganger Curse and Renunciation - PRAYER -
http://newbreedmovement.wordpress.com/deliverance-7-the-doppelganger-curse-and-renunciation/ (edited)
"Father God, in Jesus name:
I acknowledge that my (our) ancestors (on both sides) have used divination & witchcraft to control & manipulate others that their presence would follow people & that they would want these people to make choices based on what they spoke over them.
I ask You to open the generational books of my (our) ancestry to every point where this doppelg-anger curse came (originated).  Erase that (each) curse with Your blood Jesus Christ.
I acknowledge that I (we) deserve the punishment of never fulfilling...&...seeing my (our) destiny.
By the blood of Jesus Christ I know it (this curse) will be erased.
I apply Your Son's blood to my (our) generational (blood) lines (on both sides).
I wipe out any double person activity of the demonic.
I (we) ask that Your Son's blood cleanse me (us) & my (our) children to 1,000 generations from this iniquity & these demonic forces.
I say to you demonic, 'You have no more authority to cause me to be swayed by your activities.
I (we) renounce partnering with you.  I (we) command you to leave (us).  Go to outer darkness & never return.' Amen."

Ferrell, Ana Mendez - In one of her books she shares that demons pray the Lord's prayer, esp. over patients in hospitals; only they speak TO Satan, "May thy kingdom come, may thy will be done on earth as it is in HELL."

Kerr, Kat - The Unseen @ http://www.katkerr.com/category/videos-showtime/ -
The invisible supernatural realm contains both holy & unholy entities.  Beware. 
Only go to healthy holy places.  Only watch holy healthy things.  Place a guard over your 5 senses, for the benefit of you/family/work.  What we do affects & infects, for better or worse.  Let us repent & reverse our direction.

Demonic/Occult Spiritual Insight, Glimpses, Hints, Half Truths

Vitale, Joe with Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len Zero Limits (http://hooponopono-zerolimits.com/) http://www.eternalkeys.ca/DictionaryNotes2.html (edited)     
http://www.eternalkeys.ca/DictionaryL4.html#dr_ihaleakala_hew_len @ http://www.eternalkeys.ca/BeliefNotes.html
"2 years ago, I heard about a therapist in Hawaii who cured a complete ward of criminally insane patients without ever seeing any of them. The psychologist would study an inmate's chart & then look within himself to see how he created that person's illness. As he improved himself, the patient improved.
When I 1st heard this story, I thought it was an urban legend. How could anyone heal anyone else by (1st) healing himself?   How could even the best self-improvement master cure the criminally insane?  It didn't make any sense.

It wasn't
logical, so I dismissed the story.  However, I heard it again 1 year later. I heard that the therapist had used a Hawaiian healing process called 'Ho oponopono'.(Ho o po no po no). I had never heard of it, yet I couldn't let it leave my mind. If the story was at all true, I had to know more. I had always understood 'total responsibility' to mean that I am responsible for what I think and do.(we often don't see that God is behind events in our lives). Beyond that, it's out of my hands. I think that most people think of total responsibility that way. We're responsible for what we do, not what anyone else does. The Hawaiian therapist who healed those mentally ill people would teach me an advanced new perspective about total responsibility. 
His name is
Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len.(
e hal e ack ala). We probably spent 1 hour talking on our 1st phone call.
I asked him to tell me the complete story of his work as a therapist. He explained that he worked at Hawaii State Hospital for 4 years. That ward where they kept the criminally insane was dangerous. Psychologists quit on a monthly basis. The staff called in sick a lot or simply quit. People would walk through that ward with their backs against the wall, afraid of being attacked by patients. It was not a pleasant place to live, work, or visit. 
Dr. Len told me that he never saw patients. He agreed to have an office & to review their files. While he looked at those files, he would work on himself
. He would say to himself, 'I'm sorry for creating you by seeing you as ill.  (What he did affected the mass consciousness of mankind reflecting back as negativity in those susceptible).
I love you
' As he worked on himself, patients began to heal
'After a few months, patients that had to be shackled were being allowed to walk freely.' he told me. 'Others who had to be heavily medicated were getting off their medications & those who had no chance of ever being released were being freed.'  I was in awe. 
'Not only that' he went on 'but the staff began to enjoy coming to work. Absenteeism & turnover disappeared.
We ended up with more staff than we needed, because patients were being released & all the staff was showing up to work. Today, that ward is closed.'   This is where I had to ask the million dollar question:
'What were you doing within yourself that caused those people to change?' 
'I was simply healing the part of me that created them. (
he understood the truth),
'He said, "I didn't understand. Principle is that we heal the world simply by changing our mind about the world.
The world you see is simply
a projection of
your thoughts about it, strange as this may sound, but it has to do with the fact eternity has no past and future .
Eternity is always in the present. Past & future exist only in our: minds,
memories, expectations, plans, dreams & hopes.  You exist in eternity. The base of eternity is in the silence.
You go there (spiritually) when you
meditate (as an occult practitioner or preferably pray)...
any are not spiritual. Attention is elsewhere..Experiences & decisions were haphazardly made along their way of life... Much of life turns out to be just the 'spinning of wheels'. 
The Soul
has no limits. It's only the ego that allows itself to believe in limitation, drawing these beliefs from the mass consciousness. Belief in limitation is the cause of all troubles in the world.(*). The Soul produces but never runs out of the stuff.(energy).that enables it to produce. Herein we see free energy for use for mankind & devices which register thought forms. The things of the spirit are always available & never run out.
All is spirit, such as is
water, electricity & matter
"Look at your soul & see that everything has been available there for a long time."
(guru non-Christian) Grigori Grabovoi a
"This (spiritual half truth) is at 1st difficult, to say the least, for many to understand.
How can the world simply be
a projection of thought & your thought only? This is nuts.
But hey, we have much to yet
comprehend about the fantastic world of invisibility:.1Corinthians 13:12; 2:9.
How can all you see, all you experience be caused by you, but it is.
We live in & individually are,
parallel universes.(heavens: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, for beginners, in addition to dimensions.)
I later attended a 'Ho oponopono' workshop run by Dr. Len.
He's now 70 years old, considered a grandfatherly (occult)
shaman & is somewhat
He praised my book The Attractor Factor
Dr. Len's complete prayer is:
"I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I love you, Thank you. The Great Infinite One is blessing you now."
Long version from Morna Simeon (Dr. Len's teacher) is: "Divine (Trinity) creator, father, mother, son as one...
If I, my family, relatives and ancestors have offended You, Your family, relatives & ancestors in thoughts, words, deeds & actions from the beginning of our creation to the present, we ask Your forgiveness...
Let this cleanse, purify, release, cut all the negative memories, blocks, energies & vibrations &
transmute these unwanted energies to pure light. It is done.'
Another version
:. “I’m sorry I have caused this in you. I love you & will fix it.".
How? 2 ways: Using what Dr. Len says.
(''I'm sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you.') Looking at your own dark side focuses attention on darkness in you. Attention with love is (God's dynamos resurrection) light which dissipates the darkness, thereby cleaning you up; this is change. Change from the darkness & into the light.
"Dr. Len explained that total responsibility for our life means that everything in our life, simply because it is in our life, is our responsibility. In a literal sense the entire world is your creation.".
Ok, let's
assume this is all true for now and see if we can do anything for us & the world.
This is tough to swallow. Being responsible for what I say or do is one thing.
Being responsible for what everyone
in my life says or does is quite another. Yet, the truth is this:
if you take complete responsibility for your life, then everything you see, hear, taste, touch, or in any way experience is your responsibility because it is in your life." 
[So here we see some of the spiritual principles/laws related to what God showed Henry Gruber:
http://www.pdxprays.com/uploads/3/9/1/6/39160377/prayer_walking_handbook_-_henry_gruver.pdf ]
[2nd be reminded that Satan is a counterfeiter of all good modalities + that Satan is aware of all spiritual laws (which both good & bad angels &/or people have access to) Don't Take it Personally + Re
mitting Sins ]https://martinhajohansson.wordpress.com/2012/02/24/dr-hew-len-and-the-story-that-made-hooponopono-famous/ @ http://jugo.be/hooponopono/?p=39&lang=en Len worked at hospital part time 1984 to 1987 (3 years).

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