The Person of Holy Spirit & His Fruit, Gifts, Roles
Do not get bogged down in your
mind trying to comprehed. Just allow the Holy Spirit to minister His
truths to your own spirit.
His God Spirit to our human spirit. God functions or manifests Himself in
may ways: as the Trinity (Dad, Son, Holy Spirit), lover, husband, judge, etc.
His/the Holy Spirit operates in 7 significant ways, according to scripture & according to Todd Bentley in The Reality of the Supernatural
World chapter 9The Seven Spirits of God. According to
the 7 Spirits are 7 mantles/personalities/attributesrather than 9 gifts.
The 7 Spirits/mantles/personalities/persons/individuals rested and remained on
Jesus during His earthly ministry (see Revelation 1:4-5 below); whereas our 9 tangible gifts/anointings of the Holy
Spirit come down & go up as the need
arises. In Revelation 1:4 the 7 Spirits exist in front of God's
throne. A capital S in the word Spirit indicates a personage as well as
part of the Godhead, whereas a lower case s in the word spirit indicates a
thing. In
Proverbs 4 some of the 7 Spirits present themselves as a female (a she).
The 9 gifts of the spirit are things not persons. The 9 temporary gifts we do not take to heaven with us. Only
the fruit of our work will be noticed by God at the end of our life, not the
gifts. Benny Hinn says that the most his healing anointing lasts is 5 hours.
Then it lifts off, back up to heaven. It is His/God's work, not ours/Benny's!
cites 4 types of Holy Spirit power: dunamis, ischus, kratos, & exousia (delegated authority).
Old Testament Scripture
Isaiah 9:6 KJVer
For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given; the government
shall be upon His shoulder & His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor,
Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.
(Luke 2:11) Isaiah 11:1-2 TNAB -
1.A shoot (Rod) shall sprout from the stump
of Jessee; from his roots a bud (Branch) shall blossom.
2The Spirit of the Lord shall
rest upon Him: a Spirit of Wisdom and of
Understanding (spiritual revelation/insight),
a Spirit of Counsel and of Strength (might/power/signs & wonders),
a Spirit of Knowledge & of Fear of the Lord. Isaiah 42:1 Isaiah 54:13
(divine revelation) Isaiah 61:1
Jeremiah 31:34
(divine revelation)
Genesis 20:3 (prophetic revelation)
Exodus 7:8-9 ((Spirit of Might/Signs/Wonders) Exodus 20:18 (Spirit of the Fear of the Lord) Exodus 20:20 (Spirit of the Fear of the Lord)
Deuteronomy 34:9
Joshua 6:3-5 (Spirit of Counsel)
1st Kings 18:20-40 (Spirit of
2nd Chronicles 1:7, 10-12
2nd Chronicles 16:9
Job 33:14-16 (prophetic revelation)
Psalm 32:8
Proverbs 1:1-7 TNAB Purpose of the
Proverbs of Solomon -1The proverbs of Solomon, son of David, king of Israel
- 2That men may appreciate WISDOM and discipline, may UNDERSTAND words of
intelligence, 3may receive training in wise conduct, in what is right, just and
honest, 4that resourcefulness may be imparted to the simple, to the young man
KNOWLEDGE and discretion. 5A wise man by hearing them will advance in
learning, an intelligent man will gain sound guidance (COUNSEL), 6that he may
comprehend proverb & parable, the words of the wide & their riddles. 7The
FEAR of the LORD is the beginning of KNOWLEDGE. WISDOM and instruction
fools despise. Proverbs 1:20-23
Proverbs 1:33
Proverbs 2:10-13
Proverbs 3:13-19
Proverbs 3:21-24 Proverbs 4:5-10 TNAB Wisdom - the Supreme Guide of Men
4He taught me and said to me,
your heart hold fast My words; keep My commands, that you may live!
get UNDERSTANDING! Do not forget or turn aside from the words I utter.
6Forsake HER not, & SHE will preserve you; love HER an SHE will safeguard you.
7At the cost
of all you have, get UNDERSTANDING.
8Extoll HER, and SHE
will exalt you; SHE will bring you honors, if you embrace HER. 9SHE will put on your
head a graceful diadem; a glorious crown will SHE bestow on you. 10.Hear,
oh my son. Receive my sayigs and the years of your life whall be many." Proverbs 7:4-5
Proverbs 8:6
Proverbs 8:15
Proverbs 8:32-34
Proverbs 24:3-6
Hosea 6:3 (Spirit of Knowledge)
Zechariah 3:8-9
Zechariah 4:10
New Testament Scripture
Luke 4:22
Luke 21:14-15 KJV 14Settle
it therefore in your hearts, not to meditate before what ye shall answer, 15for I will give you a mouth
(persuasion) and Wisdom, which all your adversaries shall not be
able to gainsay (speak against) nor resist (oppose).
Acts 10:38
Galatians 1:11-12 (divine revelation)
Ephesians 1:11 (Spirit of Counsel) Ephesians 1:17-19 (both prophetic and divine revelation) Ephesians 3:3 (divine revelation)
2nd Timothy 1:6 TPNT - I
am reminding you to rekindle the gift of God, which is in you through the
laying on of my hands.
Hebrews 4:12-14 (Spirit of Might)
Revelation 1:4-5,8 TNAB - 4John, to the 7 churches in Asia:
Grace to you and peace from Him Who is and Who was and Who is to come & from
the 7 spirits before His throne, 5and
from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead &
ruler of the kings of the earth. To Him Who loves us & has freed us from our sins
by His blood... 8"I am the Alpha & Omega," says the Lord God, "the
One Who is & Who was & Who is to come, the Almighty." Revelation 4:5 TNAB - From the throne came flashes of lightning,
rumblings, & peals of thunder.
flaming torches burned in front of the throne,
which are the 7 spirits of God. Revelation 4:8
Revelation 5:6 Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj
Transfiguration -
10/19/2009 "A short clip from the 4th CD in the set
entitled The 7 Spirits of the Lord by Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj, a modern
Christian mystic from India. There is a strong anointing on the prayer at the
end as he releases an anointing for healings."
Personhood of the
Holy Spirit
Kuhlman, Kathryn @
The Greatest Power in the World ( (edited excerpt)
DOD 2/20/1976 Foreword - "Beloved, if you
are a (born-again/saved) Christian, an heir of God & a joint-heir with Christ
Jesus, then that glorious experience of being filled with the Holy Spirit is for
you. It is a part of your inheritance." Chapter #1 - "'In
speaking of the “day of Pentecost,' I am not talking about only 1 experience
that they had in the upper room when the Holy Spirit came. We are living
in the day of Pentecost. This day of Pentecost will
continue until that moment when the Holy Spirit leaves this earth even as Jesus
left. When He leaves, the Holy Spirit will take with Him the Church
made up of believers who have been born into the Body of Christ... Holy
Spirit has been in existence always...He was present at the time of
creation... It was 1 of the greatest revelations I’ve ever received...The Bible
is the Word of God. Its author is the Holy Spirit. In its entirety,
it is the revelation of Jesus Christ...I believe this (fall & evicition of Adam
& Eve from the garden) prompted God to call for a conference in Heaven where the
three Persons of the Godhead met: the Father, Son & Holy Spirit to discuss the
sacrifice that must be provided for man’s redemption. Around that conference
table these 3 gathered, each with a distinct personality, but always working in
perfect harmony...Jesus turned to the Father & offered Himself, through the Holy
Spirit, to be given for man’s salvation...Holy Spirit, Who is the power of the
Trinity, must have turned to Jesus & vowed, 'I will do my part in fulfilling the
plan. If You go, I will take care of Your ‘press.’ I will be Your promotion
man'...He did not wait until Jesus came in form of a babe that 1st Christmas
morning. He began to reveal Jesus to the hearts of men & women immediately.
Let me remind you that whenever the words “the Spirit of God” are used in the
Bible, they always refer to the Holy Spirit. They do not refer to God the
Father, neither do they refer to Jesus Christ the Son. Whether in the Old or the
New Testament, the words “the Spirit of God” refer to the Holy Spirit. It was
the same Holy Spirit who gave the Old & New Testament prophets all of the
revelations that they received. It was the Holy Spirit who revealed to John all
that is recorded in the last book of the New Testament. At the very outset of
Revelation, John says: “I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day” (Revelation
1:10). All that John received in prophecy regarding these last days, we are
seeing literally fulfilled before our very eyes. That which was prophesied and
looked for with expectation for generations is now quickly becoming history. The
most up-to-date book that we have today is the last book of the New Testament:
The Revelation of Jesus Christ. All these things were given by revelation of
the Holy Spirit in exactly the same way the Holy Spirit gave revelations to the
Old Testament prophets." Chapter #2
- It is most difficult for a Spirit-filled person to work in perfect
harmony & oneness of purpose with someone who is NOT Spirit-filled. I have found
that there are some people that I would find impossible to work with day in &
day out in the Lord’s work. They would be no help to me whatsoever, although
they are born-again Christians. You see, there is a difference when the Holy
Spirit has taken over the life of an individual, has taken his mind, his body,
fills him completely & has given him the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16).
It is then that it is not 2 or 3 minds, not several minds, but all minds
working as 1 because it is the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 1:10)" Chapter #3 - "The 1st step
downward is always when one refuses to obey the Lord. Remember, the power in the
life of Samson that enabled him to do what he did, was the power of the Holy
Spirit. When Samson obeyed God, the Holy Spirit came upon him. But when he
turned from obeying God, the mighty power of the Holy Spirit was taken from
him..(Sadly) Samson was NOT aware of the fact that the Holy Spirit had departed. Chapter #4 - "Holy
Spirit...came upon a few selected individuals during the Old Testament era...But
all were a sovereign act of God...It is God’s plan & purpose that all who are
born again should be filled with the Spirit; but it was not so in Old
Testament times. Neither: Moses, Joseph, Gideon, nor Samson were filled with the
Spirit because of some special thing within themselves. They did NOT do
something to merit the Holy Spirit’s presence. God gave them that gift
sovereignly. They had nothing to do with it, nor could they receive the gift by
asking. God chose & made them His instruments. The 1st important distinction to
observe then is that the Holy Spirit’s indwelling in the Old Testament was not
universal for all believers. But it is today, in this the day of Pentecost. The
2nd thing that we must observe is that the Holy Spirit came upon (Old Testament)
men to empower them for some special service...Holy Spirit departed & Saul was
left without His presence & power. The presence of the Holy Spirit was not
something that was permanent with Saul. He came upon (NOT within) him only at
intervals... David, fearing lest the same marvelous power & Spirit be taken
from him, cried out: 'Cast me not away from Thy presence & take not Thy Holy
Spirit from me.'” Chapter5
- "All (spiritual) revelation is given by the Holy Spirit...the same mighty 3rd
Person of the Trinity... You cannot go to school to obtain. You receive the
Holy Spirit on your knees. His revelations must come straight from Him...The
Holy Bible...dares to write out in advance the future history of this
world... Prophecy did not originate in the mind of the author who did the
writing. The one who did the writing only supplied the: vessel, body, flesh, as
a stenographer (on behalf of the revelator, Holy Spirit). Chapter6 - "As a means of
identification to the death angel, the Israelites were commanded to place the
blood of a sacrificial lamb on the side posts & top of their doors. God promised
that when the death angel saw the covering of the blood of a spotless lamb over
and around the door, it would be a sign to him to 'pass over' that home & death
would not strike there. From that time forward, the Passover was observed every
year as a memorial to God’s great deliverance & God’s protection...We can see
that that which took place in the Old Testament was in anticipation of an event
in the New Testament. The Lord Jesus Christ, as the Son of God, shed His blood
that we might come under the covering of His blood & that He might hover over us
to protect us as His own. Jesus is the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of
the world. By the sprinkling of the blood of the lamb without spot &
blemish at that Passover in Egypt, we see a type & a shadow of the One who was
to come in the future (represented via Feast of Trumpets & Day of Atonement):
the very (resurected) Son of the Living God... Christians, commemorate the
Passover celebration every time we receive communion & partake of the broken
bread & wine at the Lord’s Supper...In the Old Testament you have Christ
crucified (Passover/Good Friday) & Christ resurrected (2nd Feast of Unleavened
Bread/Easter), as represented in these 2 feasts. The (4th) Feast of
Pentecost is next, following 50 days after the (3rd) Feast of Firstfruits...
It makes no difference whether we are Jew or Gentile, whether we are Catholic or
Protestant. It makes no difference where we have our church membership or
what may be our nationality. The thing that makes all the difference in the
world is this experience of being born again, that we have accepted the very Son
of the Living God in the forgiveness of our sins. It is the blood (of Jesus')
that makes an atonement for the soul... (To replace Jesus Who left to become
our High Priest in heaven) Holy Spirit would come & take up His residence here
on earth to complete His assignment (to reveal & glorify Jesus). Chapter7 - "He (Jesus) knew
He would have to have the Holy Spirit (baptism) as His wonderful Strengthener in
order to withstand the temptations of Satan...(At water baptism) the 3 Persons
are again united... He (Holy Spirit) would be His Strengthener for the work
He had to do as He represented the Father in person. As Jesus walked this
earth, He was literally & in reality God in the flesh walking this earth...
He (Holy Spirit)...literally filled that vessel with Himself & His power...'Ye
(too) shall receive power, after Holy Ghost is come upon you' (Acts 1:8)...It
was never in Jesus’ plan that anyone of His own, that any Christian, should live
a life of defeat...We need to appropriate that which is ours today as members of
His Body... In Genesis 1:26, God said to the Son & Holy Spirit: 'Let Us make
man in Our image, after Our likeness.' You & I, products of God’s creation,
are made in the image & likeness of God. Therefore, I believe...that God has a
body, face, hands...Holy Spirit is not just an: attribute, a great influence, a
mystical force... (Holy Spirit is a) strong, glorious invisible
person...vitally important to the life of every one of God’s children... 'I
(Jesus) will pray the Father & He shall give you another Comforter...(to) abide
with you forever' (John 14:16) ...I go away because I have another
position...of great High Priest. I cannot stay with you here...I must leave...
Jesus continues, 'But ye know Him: for (now) He dwelleth with you &
(subsequently) shall be in you' (John 14:17) (via the Holy
Spirit baptism, often evidenced via speaking in tongues)...Holy Spirit is
with every born-again Christian. If you have had that new birth
experience, He is with you...'He shall be in you,' Jesus said
(if you invite Him in)...'Why?' It is because time is running out. The Holy
Spirit is about to leave. We are coming to the end of this dispensation. Even as
Jesus left, 1 of these days the Holy Spirit is going back to heaven again & He
knows His time is short. He knows that very soon now the Church will be raptured
& He is literally working overtime...Jesus said, “He [the Holy Spirit] shall
teach you all things & bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever I have
said unto you” (John 14:26).' Chapter9 - "1 of the great differences between the Old & New
Testaments is the changed relationship between Holy Spirit & God’s people.
Jesus’ disciples were in training with Him for 3 years, but not until the Day of
Pentecost were they endued with power from on high...In the spiritual world the
seed [the (spoken) Word of God] must be vitalized by the Holy Spirit, otherwise
it is barren...The baptism of the Holy Spirit is an occupancy... If you are a
Christian & born again, this 2nd experience, the infilling of the Holy Spirit,
is important (vital)... Holy Spirit fills that which you surrender unto Him.
All that He wants is you." Chapter
10 - "You & I are saved on facts, not on emotion. Those who live
by their emotions waver & vacillate when the winds of controversy blow & the
storms of life come. Because they live by their emotions, you will find them up
one day & down the next day. 1 day they think they’re saved & the next day
they’re not sure if they are. You find them steeped in unbelief & every time
there’s a new doctrine preached they go for it hook, line & sinker. In the final
analysis, they don’t know what they believe. But give me a man or a woman who
has accepted Jesus Christ on bare facts & it is literally the greatest
transaction that a human being can know. That person is saved on facts, facts
that he accepts by faith. When that person knows what & why he believes & can
point to the Word of God & say, 'It is right here in the Bible,' you will never
find that one wavering. He is solid & knows that his salvation is real...(Most)
cannot take all that God has for him at once. The experience of being filled
with the Holy Spirit is as definite as the new birth experience & this infilling
of the Spirit has nothing to do with a person’s salvation. Please note that the
filling of the Holy Spirit is given for an entirely different purpose than the
salvation of the soul. When a person is born again, that person accepts the work
that Jesus did for him on the Cross by faith. When (physical) death comes, the
soul (mind/emotions/willpower) goes all the way from earth to glory, leaving
this old body of clay & the (human) spirit is present with the Lord. This 2nd
experience, being filled with the Holy Spirit, has nothing to do with salvation.
It is for the purpose of service...I often liken our hearts to a compartment
having many separate rooms. At the time of our conversion, we accept that pardon
& we open the door of 1 of the rooms of our heart. We say, 'Come in, dear
Jesus.' Then the blood of Jesus Christ, God’s Son, cleanses us from all
sin. Conversion is instantaneous, but the Christ-life is a spiritual growth.
You do not receive everything there is as a result of 1 experience. But after
you have opened the 1st door to Jesus, you soon find that you are opening the
door of another room of your heart, then another. As you continue to
consecrate & walk in the light as Jesus is in the light, there comes a time in
this spiritual growth that you look up & literally & honestly say, 'None of
self, but all of Thee, Lord.' Finally, after you have surrendered everything to
Him, it is then that the Holy Spirit comes in & you experience the baptismof the
Holy Spirit...(The) Word of God...literally is the spiritual person’s food for
growth...There can be no growth until 1st the man himself has been born again.
When there is the (101%) surrender to Christ of body, soul & spirit, then that
person receives this glorious infilling of the Holy Spirit...'Repent & be
baptized everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins &
ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost' (Acts 2:38)... Chapter11 - "He promised,
“Ye shall receive power” (Acts 1:8). In other words, Jesus was saying, “I give
you the same power that was manifested in My life on earth, the same power that
was manifested in My ministry... What are you doing in the world today with
the Holy Spirit..the greatest gift that was possible for Jesus to give?
Thousands of God’s professing children are living defeated, powerless
lives...almost bringing a reproach on the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ...What
are you doing with this gift...Only those who have received the baptism of the
Holy Spirit & have been filled with the Holy Spirit have a true knowledge of the
Holy Spirit. It is a communion that is constant...Holy Spirit is not only the
mighty Comforter. He also lifts up a standard against your enemy & NOT
1 of God’s children need be defeated on a single score: When the enemy
shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord
shall lift up a standard against him” (Isaiah 59:19)...You
do not fight your own battles. I do not fight my own battles. The Spirit of the
Lord, the Holy Ghost, fights our battles for us."
Chapter13 - "The Bible tells us that there is a sin for
which there is no forgiveness. It’s a sin not against God the Father nor
against Jesus Christ the Son, but against the person of the Holy Spirit. That
fact makes Him a very important person. A sin committed against God the Father
can be forgiven. Any sin committed against Jesus Christ the Son will be
forgiven. But the sin against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven in this world
or in the world to come. That’s how important and sacred He is. (Matthew
12:31-32)... As long as you are in God’s perfect will, you will know peace,
even when the waters are deep & the storms rage. I’ll admit that when you walk
by the will of God, there will not always be sunshine. The will of God may not
always bring you material prosperity or lead in the paths where it is easy.
Sometimes God’s guiding hand will direct you through deep waters.
Sometimes you may feel those waters are about to overflow. The will of God may
steer you through dark nights, where you cannot see His face and where you can
scarcely hear His voice. You may feel alone like John on the Isle of
Patmos...1 thing I can assure you of: When you are in God’s perfect will, there
will be peace (in your soul: emotions/mind/willpower). You will have power &
later the glory... He (God) gave them their request; but sent leanness into their
soul. (Psalm106:9-15) God gave the children of Israel their request, but in
granting their request that was NOT His perfect will for them, it brought
leanness to their souls. Their request was only God’s 2nd best for them, His
permissive but not His perfect will, for they refused to pay the price for His
perfect will. (In a delimma) what do I do? 1st of all, at the very
beginning I seek to get my heart into such a state that it has NO will of its
own about a given matter... We have our likes...our dislikes. But we can
never know God’s perfect will until we get our hearts & minds in such a state
that we have NO will of our own in regard to a given matter. I have learned that
9/10 of our troubles are just here: 9/10 of our difficulties are overcome when
our hearts are ready to do God’s will whatever it may be. When one is truly in
this state, it is usually but a little way to the knowledge of what His will
is...If your decisions are based on feelings or simple
impressions or emotions, you will make yourself liable to great
delusions...Next? Seek the will of the Spirit of God through the
Word of God, for His will for you will never be contrary to His Word... (Then)
surrender yourself to the Spirit, He will present you & your need before the
Father’s throne... Holy Spirit prays through you. Until you know
God’s perfect will, do absolutely nothing. Make NO decision whatsoever. Be quiet & let the Holy Spirit intercede for you before the throne of God.
He will not fail you. Chapter14
- "Had every person who passed by him given him (the beggar) everything they
possessed, it still would NOT have solved his problem, for it was not solely 1
of money but 1 of (physical & emotional) defeat... Sometimes people who have
been long imprisoned, though they think they hate their chains & pray for
freedom, really do not have the courage to be free." Chapter15 - "How is it
possible for me to have a personal fellowship & communion with Holy Spirit...
Holy Spirit is a person. 2nd, let us see that the Holy Spirit is God...You
cannot have fellowship with someone who is not a real person to you...Michael,
the archangel, did not have sufficient power of himself to argue with Satan. He
had to call upon the power of God to defeat Satan in his desire to claim the
body of Moses. If the archangel did not have power to stand against Satan,
how can we expect to stand against him? Satan possesses a supernatural
power, a power above that which is possessed by men. He is an unseen
adversary. He does not appear against us in the form of flesh & blood. The
Apostle Paul wrote, 'We wrestle not against flesh & blood' (Ephesians 6-12). If
we were wrestling against another human, we would know the weak points of our
adversary. But we are wrestling 'against principalities, against powers, against
the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high
places'... (But, it is written in) Isaiah 59:19: 'When the enemy shall come
in like a flood [when Satan, your adversary, the devil, comes in like a flood],
the (Holy) Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a (superior) standard against
him'... There is a person: Holy Spirit & we need never go down in defeat...
He stands ready to be your defense & strength as well." Chapter16 - "There are only
2 forces in the world: the force of evil & of righteousness. There
is a mighty warfare that has gone on for generations—the war between God and
Satan. Once I was asked this question when I spoke before some young people: Why
did God make the devil? My answer to themwas this, God never made the devil. Let
me explain. In Isaiah 14, we see that Lucifer was once 1 of the most beautiful
and wisest of all created beings. Angels, as you know, are created beings.
Before God ever created man, He created legions of angels. In His creation of
angels, He gave 3 angels: Michael, Gabriel & Lucifer greater power than any of
the other angels. Lucifer, in the Word of God, is called the Son of the Morning.
He was given a position of authority over 1/3 of all of the angels that God had
created. 1 day it became evident that he was jealous (& covetous) of God, of His
authority & power & worship. He said, “I will be like the Most High” (Isaiah
14:14) & he began to ascend into heaven to dethrone God. Thus, the 1st sins of
which we have any record are the sins of jealousy & coveting.
Then something happened. In wrath, God threw Lucifer to the earth, not taking
away from him his power, but leaving him a disembodied spirit...Our adversary,
Satan or the devil, is a prince who has authority in his own realm. There is
only One who has greater power than Satan & that is God. It’s no small thing
when you contend with the devil. It’s no small thing when you talk about Satan &
his power. In 2 Corinthians 4:4, Satan is referred to as the god of this
world or this age. 'In whom the (invisible) god of this world hath blinded the
minds of them who believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ,
Who is the image of God, should shine unto (enlighten) them'...Satan does not
want you or any human being to believe in God (Who can defeat him). Therefore,
he has the power to literally 'blind the minds of them who believe not, lest the
light (enlightment/comprehension) of the glorious gospel of Christ, Who is the
image of God, should shine unto them (giving discernment & revelation)...(Be
reminded, later Jesus DID descend into hell to remove the keys for reigning on
the earth, but many do NOT realize that now Jesus has all the master keys)...
He (satan) wants you to be religious, but there is a great difference between
being religious & a born-again Christian. It’s significant that those who
worship Satan do not necessarily become irreligious nor do enemies of
religion... Satan does not care if you talk about Jesus...&...look to Jesus as a
wonderful example of a mere man &/or the greatest of men that ever lived...But
he does care when one accepts the Son of the Living God as his personal Savior.
That’s what makes all the difference...If you knew that he was the deceiver of
the truth, then you would be on guard. But 1st satan must blind your mind to the
fact that he is the great deceiver, so that you don’t recognize the fact of his
deception...You & I need the power of God, for only 1 power & 1 person is
greater than the(Trojan horse) power of Satan. That power is the power of the
Lord Jesus Christ through the person of (the indwelling) Holy Spirit. You
do NOT have to be defeated on a single score
if you have accepted Christ as your Savior, for you & I 'are more than
conquerors through him [Christ] that loved us'.”
Chapter17 - "What is my full inheritance in
Christ Jesus...(Romans 8:37)...Scripture clearly teaches that every
human being, from the 1st Adam to the last one who will ever be born in the
flesh, was in the beginning predestined in the: mind, plan & heart of God to be
His heir & joint-heir with His only begotten Son. In other words, every human
being in the mind of God was predestined to be born again. But all human beings
are not born-again Christians...Hell was never made for humanity. Hell was made
for fallen angels, never for mankind... Then the day came when I had a choice
to make...I exercised my will & chose Jesus as my Savior. I made that choice,
not for a day, not for 6 months, but forever...It is God’s will that you be born
again. He has predestined that you be born again, but you & I...must make our
own choices: to either accept or reject the pardon... When Jesus died on the
Cross & cried, “It is finished,” a pardon was perfected (& available) for all
humanity... The very minute that you accept that pardon, something happens.
We are born again...You cannot describe' anyone else what you spiritually
experienced in being: born again or being filled with Holy Spirit. But each
is a definite (spiritual) transaction. In each moment it is something more
than passing from death unto (eternal) life, it is something more than just
having our past covered with the blood & more than the forgiveness of one’s
sins. Up until that time, God had been our mighty Creator, but AFTER accepting
Christ as our Savior, God became our Heavenly Father...Only then are we
(immediately) adopted by Him." Chapter18 - "That wonderful born-again experience is just the
beginning of a new life... I think that few of us realize our full
inheritance as 1 of the King’s children & that is exactly what we are. It
grieves me that some of God’s children live such defeated lives...Ephesians
1:14...'In Whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed
with that Holy Spirit of promise, Which is the earnest of our
inheritance (engagement ring/deposit) until the redemption of the
purchased possession, unto the praise of His glory'... That moment when you
accept Christ as your Savior, all 3 Persons of the Trinity are active... At
the same time, Holy Spirit places His seal upon the individual,
confirming the transaction, the Seal of the Spirit. 'After that ye
believed, ye were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise'... There are times
that we feel so independent, so self-sufficient & then in awe of our
self-sufficiency we get ourselves into serious trouble. Some of the smartest
people I know can get themselves into the most stupid messes because they are
using their own wisdom."
Questions - "We have all 3 persons
of the Trinity. It was God who gave Jesus the anointing,
but it was the power of the Holy Spirit that performed
the miracles & did the healing...Ephesians 1:3-14..."
GIFTSof the Holy Spirit
Old Testament Scripture
Exodus 35:30-35 TNAB -
30Moses said to the Israelites,
"See, the Lord has chosen Bezalel, son of Uri, son of Hur, of the
tribe of Judah, 31& has filled him
with aDivine Spirit of Skill, Understanding, & Knowledge
in every craft: 32in the production of embroidery, in making thing of gold,
silver or brinze, 33in cutting & mounting precious stones, in carving wood, and
in every other craft. 34He has also given both him & Oholiab, son of
Alisamach, of the tribe of Dan, the ability to teach others. 35He has
endowed them with skill to execute all types of work: engraving, embroidering,
the making of variegated cloth of violet, purple and scarlet yarn & fine
linen thread, weaving, & all other arts & crafts. Exodus 36:1 TNAB - 1Bezalel, therefore, will set to work with Oholiab and
with all the experts whom the Lord has endowed with skill & understanding in
knowing how to execute all the work for the service of the sanctuary, just as
the Lord has commanded," 2Moses then called Bezalel and Oholiab & all the other experts whom the Lord had endowed with skill, men
whose hearts moved them to come and take part in the work. Exodus 38:22-23 TNAB - 22It was Bezalel, son of Uri, son of
Hur, of the tribe of Judah, who made all that the Lord commanded Moses,
23and he was assisted by Oholiab, son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan, who was
an engraver, embroiderer, weaver of variegated cloth of violet, purple &
scarlet yarn & of fine linen. (Let us pray for the Divine Spirit of
Skill to instruct those we love! Let us not only ask, but also receive on
their behalf, from the heavenly storehouses! Yes, thank You, thank You,
thank You, Holy Trinity.)
New Testament Scripture
1st Corinthians 12:4-11 TNAB - 4There
are different kinds of spiritual gifts, but the same Spirit; 5there are different forms of service but
the same Lord; 6there are different
workings but the same God Who produces all of them in everyone. 7To each individual the manifestation of
the Spirit is given for some benefit. 8To
one is given through the Spirit the expression of wisdom;
to another the expression of knowledge according to the same Spirit;
9to another faith by the same
to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit;
10to another mighty deeds;
to another varieties of tongues;
to another interpretation of tongues.
11One and the same Spirit produces
all of these, distributing them individually to each person as He wishes. Books
Holy Spirit Gifts
Bentley, Todd - The Reality of the Supernatural World - Chapter 12
The Transfer of Revelatory Anointing -
provides a prayer from
Bentley to readers and from readers to God. The personal prayer contains
some of the following, "Father (God) let me see into
the...realm You live in...
I want this anointing transferred onto my life...I
don't want to wait until I die to see Your lovely face. I believe."
Bentley also shares numerous tantalizing testimonies of transferred anointing
due to hands being laid on for impartation and activation of our spiritual
senses. Your spiritual eyes will be opened, because God is personally
speaking/tutoring/ mentoring individuals. Carter,
Howard - "founded England's 1st Pentecostal Bible School and helped to establish
a major denomination in that country...'The highlight of my entire life probably
was the time I spent traveling & in
ministry with Howard Carter,' Dr. Lester Sumrall, Pioneers of Faith."
Cho, David Yonggi - The Holy Spirit My Senior Partner - publisher
Subtitle Understanding the Holy Spirit & His Gifts - including author's
personal testimony Introduction. "The Holy Spirit spoke to my heart, 'If
you want your church to grow, you must develop a greater communion &
fellowship with Me. Don't preach about the Holy Spirit as an experience
only. He is an awesome person. Preach about the person.
Develop a communion and fellowship by waiting in My presence after prayer.
I want to talk to you also'...Since my conversion, I would say meeting
the Holy Spirit & learning to know Him in an intimate way has been the greatest
experience of my life. My senior partner & I...fellowship every day."
Benny Hinn has a book Good Morning Holy Spirit.
Likewise, David Cho says, "Hello" & "Goodnight" each day to God's Holy Spirit,
his senior partner in life & in business.
Chapter 2WHO Is the Holy Spirit shares that each
person of the Trinity (Father God, Jesus Son, Holy Spirit) has its own personality, acting individually as would a
human with its own mind, thoughts, voice, emotions, feelings, aspirations, etc.
Chapter 3NAMES & SYMBOLS of the Holy Spirit -
"Each name has to do with a particular office"
1-"It's by the Spirit of holiness that we can distinguish the spirit that
belongs to God from the spirit that belongs to Satan."
2-"It is appropriate that the Holy Spirit be called the Spirit of God, as
the spirit is sent by God."
3-"The Spirit of Christ is the same as the Holy Spirit" Who comes
when when we are born again & "when we are baptized by the Holy Spirit." (Refer to
book for clarification)
"It seems evident that Jesus considered Himself the1st Comforter, because He
describes the Holy Spirit, Who would take His place and work in His name, as
'another' Comforter...Although the Holy Spirit is a different person from
Jesus, He is the same kind of Comforter, of the same divine nature & with the
same purpose as Jesus.
He glorifies the name of Jesus, instead of Himself, & works in the place of Jesus." Symbols/metaphors also illustrate/illuminate the Holy Spirit's
The Chinese place great significance upon water, fire & wind.
1-In John 3:5-6 NIV Jesus answered, "I tell you the
truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water(baptism + God's Word/Jesus Christ)
& the (Holy)
Flesh gives birth to flesh but the Spirit gives
birth to spirit."
Cho explains that we need to continuously
drink/consume/thirst after the Holy Spirit.
Additionally we need the Holy
Spirit to expose/shower/wash away our sins. John 13:8 NIVJesus answered, "Unless I
wash you, you have no part with Me." John 15:3 KJV "Now ye are clean through the
Word which I have spoken unto you." Ephesians 5:26 KJV He might sanctify and cleanse it
(the church) with the washing of water by the Word.
2- Matthew 3:11 NIV "I (John the baptizer) baptize you with
water for repentance (spiritual regeneration); but after me will come One Who is more powerful
than I.
He will baptize you with the (fullness
of the) Holy Spirit &
with fire (power/ audacity/vitality/boldness)."
3-"Literally translated the Holy Spirit is the 'Holy Wind.'" 1st Samuel 16:13 "Samuel took the horn of oil & anointed him
(with oil) in the midst of his brethren. The Spirit of
the Lord came upon David from that day forward." "Anointed (things,)
places & persons are holy, set apart
unto God."
4-James 5:7 "Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the
Lord...until he receive the early & latter rain."
"In Palestine farmers expect rain twice during each growing season.
1st rain falls in late autumn & is called the 'early rain'...When springtime
returns...the rain falls again... The Palestinian farmers call this springtime
rain the 'latter rain.'"
5-John 1:32 "John bare record, saying, 'I saw the Spirit descending
from heaven like a dove & it abode upon Him.'"
6-Ephesians 5:18 "Be not drunk with wine, wherein its excess, but
be filled with the Spirit." God's "wine " unusual oldness
that causes people to take arrogant, wild, unrestrained actions" for Him.
7-Ephesians 1:13 "After that ye believed, ye were sealed with
that holy Spirit of promise." "If anyone dares oppose or injure the
anointed people of God, that person infringes on the ownership of God & brings
God's wrath upon himself."
8-2nd Corinthians 1:22 KJV " God, Who hath also sealed us &
given the earnest (down payment/money/surety/guarantee/
security/collateral) of the Spirit in our hearts."
Chapter 9Gifts of the Holy Spirit
1-revelation gifts a. wisdom
b. knowledge
c. spirit discernment
2-vocal gifts a. tongues
+ b. tongues interpretation + c. prophecy
3-power gifts a. faith (boldness)
+ b. healing
c. miracles
"The Holy Spirit, Who occupies man and fills him, uses that person
and manifests the gifts through him according to His own will, time & situation."
ALWAYS humble oneself "continually before the presence of God,"
dedicate oneself "as a pure vessel" & lastly "wait for the Holy Spirit to manifest the gifts through"
oneself, "at a time & place He chooses." "1 thing that makes me tremble with carefulness is the thought that I
might resist the Holy Spirit or that when He does move through me to
manifest the many gifts to edify His church. I might be misunderstood to be
speaking on my own." Holy Spirit is easily grieved & will cease operating through
those who use His "gifts as if the Holy Spirit were a personal servant."
"We discern the spirits by the manifestation of the Holy Spirit, judging
whether the spirit is from God, or if someone is speaking by the spirit of man,
or by the spirit of Satan." 1st John 4:1 KJV - Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the
spirits (to see) whether they are of God.
Hagin, Kenneth E - Tongues
- Beyond the Upper Part 2 Chapter 13 More Scriptural Purposes for Speaking in Other Tongues -
Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity,
I am
become a sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal. 1st Corinthians 13:1
"Paul was saying in essence, 'You have spiritual gifts (from the Holy Spirit),
but the (Holy Spirit) gifts are for power, (whereas) the (9) fruit
(of the recreated human spirit) is for holiness & character.'"
"Spiritual babes can have spiritual gifts." Part 3 Chapter 14 Five Common Misconceptions about Speaking in Tongues
"In 1st Corinthians 12:1-11 he's (Paul is) talking about ministry gifts
NOT gifts of the Spirit.
Ministry gifts are people who are
called to the 5 fold ministry & equipped with the gifts of the Spirit
(Ephesians 4:11-12). For example, an apostle is a ministry gift.
prophet is a ministry gift. Evangelists, pastors, and teachers are
ministry gifts" to bless others. In 1st Corinthians 12:28 Paul in
citing "'miracles, then gifts of healings'
is really referring to the office
of the evangelist...Finally Paul mentions another ministry
(public) diversities of tongues (using tongues with the gift of interpretation & of knowledge) (not to be confused with speaking in tongues as evidence
of the Holy Spirit baptism nor confused with the daily speaking in tongues for
spiritual purposes)."
Heflin, Ruth Ward -
Chapter 16 - Letting the Glory Flow
- "Get into this move of the Holy Ghost. The enemy
will try every way he can to paralyze you so that you cannot be moved by the
Spirit. But if you will resist everything that he tries to do, you will be
victorious. Resist him in the name of the Lord. Say to the enemy, 'I am
determined to be moved by the Spirit of God. You cannot hold me back'...
Every gift of the Spirit should be as speaking in tongues is: totally
spontaneous. God is causing His excellence to come forth in us. Not
only is the cream rising to the top, but you can make butter from it. Normally,
all the bad of our lives floats to the top and has to be scooped off, but now it
is time for all the good to rise, the excellence of the Spirit to dominate.
Most of us are already flowing in the things of the Spirit, but what God wants
is more and more spontaneity. The great things that God will do in this
hour will not require forethought on our part. The wind of the Spirit will come
in and we will have to respond to it that very moment, without having prepared
ourselves in any way, other than being in the Spirit. When God gives us a
full sentence of what He wants to say through us in prophecy so that we will
have courage to stand up and give the rest, self tries to get into the picture & improve on
the sentence God is giving us.
God doesn’t say things like we might say them on our own. When the spontaneous
flow comes, we sometimes don’t know what we have said or why we have said it."
Kunneman, Brenda - The Supernatural You
- Living from the Well of God's Spirit within You - -
Chapter 5
Supernatural Equipment Is in Your House -
"The FULL supply of (tools &) equipment you received when you were baptized
with the Holy Spirit...are also known as His gifts...of anointing...for other
but they are also useful for you...Yes, you can prophesy to yourself."
Walters, Kathie -
Parenting by the Holy Spirit - booklet -
Chapter 9The Gifts of the Spirit - for Parents -
the Holy Spirit knows all things, it is very important that we keep tuned
in to Him. The gifts of the spirit are really just manifestations
of our 'tuning in.' A 'word of knowledge' as mentioned in 1st
Corinthians 12 means that Holy Spirit imparts to you His knowledge
about someone or a situation that you could not know with the natural mind.
Winder, Delores with Keith, Bill -
Joy Comes in the Morning -
Fellowship Foundation, Shreveport, Louisiana, USA -
Chapter 4Rise and Be Healed - "Through the gift of knowledge,
he (Dr. Owellen) often knew when someone in the audience was being healed.
God would lead him directly to that person."
Carrin, Charles - -
January 2011 Newsletter -
"The Sign of the Covenant goes far
beyond Noah's rainbow, Abraham's circumcision, William Cowper's
encouragement, or our struggling against the seeming unfairness of life. In
a remarkable way, the Holy Spirit's miraculous gifts to the church are also
revealed through their Covenant-purpose and meaning. I Corinthians 12-14.
Believers who find themselves powerless and insufficient should be
encouraged to know that the gifts of the Spirit are Covenant-provisions
which Jesus gladly imparts to all.
We have a beautiful example of this
spiritual-gifting in the Old Testament. Specifically: It
came to pass, as the camels had done drinking, that the man took a golden
earring of half a shekel weight, and two bracelets for her hands of 10 shekels weight of gold. Genesis 24:22.
Here is an important point: The sign of
the Covenant is revealed through the charismatic gifts of the Spirit. I
Corinthians 12. This truth is seldom seen-but is absolutely magnificent
once we grasp it. We can best understand the principle through a parabolic
example in the Old Testament. t is this: Abraham sent his servant to get a
bride for his son Isaac. The young woman chosen for this honor was Rebekah.
In Scriptural typology, Abraham represents God the Father, the servant
represents the Holy Spirit, Isaac represents Jesus the Son. Rebekah
symbolizes the Church. Her name means 'circles' or 'loops of a rope.' The
imagery of the rope suggests her being 'inside the circle' of God's
providence and grace. This is a true concept of Covenant. In keeping
with the Covenant-tradition, as soon as the servant identified Rebekah as
God's chosen one, he presented her with golden 'rings.' Genesis 24:22.
The shape of these gifts, circles, conveyed an important message which she
understood. They were like binding-loops that encircled her engagement to
Hear this point carefully: These
bracelets & rings were not wedding gifts. They were 'engagement' gifts.
Even today, brides frequently receive 2 rings, 1 before the wedding; the
other at the wedding. So it was with Rebekah. 1st came the engagement
gift; these were followed with wedding gifts. In a similar way, Jesus sends
'engagement' gifts to the Church in advance of her receiving the wedding
gifts. The Church's wedding gifts, which are beyond human comprehension,
will not be given until the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Revelation
19:9. But, please hear me carefully about gifts which come in advance of
the Wedding: The charismatic gifts which the Church is now receiving,
Acts 1:5,8, by which she 'tastes the powers of the age to come,'
Hebrews 6:5, Ephesians 1:21, are engagement gifts. Through them,
the Groom is showing the Bride the 'glories of His Father's house.' This
parallel of Rebekah & the Church is exact. While Rebekah's gifts spoke of
Isaac's love, they also revealed Abraham's great wealth. In the same way
Rebekah had never met the man to whom she was engaged, so the Church has yet
to meet her Royal Bridegroom. The gifts Jesus is now sending through the
Holy Spirit correspond to the rings and bracelets given Rebekah by Abraham's
servant...I spoke at a Baptist Church where many members were still opposed
to spiritual gifts. They did not understand the miraculous operations of God
& drew back from them.
I explained that
Christians who reject the gifts of the Spirit, I Corinthians 12:1-11,
are actually telling the Heavenly Servant, 'I don't like that bracelet. Put
it back in your box. I won't wear it.' Rebekah's acting in such ugliness is
unthinkable. Not so with modern, self-centered Christians. Many become
irate, incensed, at the mere suggestion of their experiencing the Holy
Spirit's miraculous gifts. The gift of tongues is the primary offender
because it is the only 1 of the grace-gifts that is deliberately designed to
attack man's ego and pride. Many in that Baptist congregation saw the
ugliness of their having rejected spiritual gifts & came forward, repentant,
saying, 'I don't fully understand the Holy Spirit’s gifting-but I want
whatever bracelet God has for me. Pray that I will receive it.'
Upon its hem (the robe of the
High Priest) you shall make pomegranates ... and bells of gold: a
golden bell and a pomegranate, a golden bell & a pomegranate, upon the hem of the
robe all around. Exodus 28:33,34...Finally, it is important that
you understand the Covenant-meaning of the golden bells & pomegranates
decorating the hem of the High Priests garment. Jesus is the High Priest
portrayed in Israel's Tabernacle worship. Hebrews 3:1. The
pomegranates and bells on his garment symbolize the fruit of the Spirit, Galatians 5:22, Ephesians 5:9, and the gifts of the Spirit. I
Corinthians 12:4-11. As Jesus bears both fruit and gifts, so those
who would be like Him must bear the same. Christians who reject any of the
gifts are ripping them off the garment of Jesus. Don't do it. When
viewed from the bottom, the bell is a perfectly round ring. It is through
that circular opening (the gift in operation) that the music of the Spirit
is heard. When Scripture says, Blessed are the people who know the joyful
sound, Psalm 89:15, it speaks of those who have seen the circle
of God's Covenant and rejoiced in the sound ringing from it. That ring is
as wide as the rainbow or as small as the scar on a man's body...1 of the great hymn writers said, All
nature sings and round me rings, the music of the spheres.' Receive
the gifts. Wear the bracelets. Accept the message of the rainbow. See
the revelation of the pomegranates, golden bells, & circumcision. Its all
Cooke, Tracy - 12/14/2020 @
Microsoft Word - Sid Roth 1079 Cooke.docx - Edited Excerpt - TRACY:
The apostle Peter said, "I perceive that God is no respecter of
persons"...(God's gifts are) not just for the prophet...apostle or past
evangelist teacher. It's (for) the ordinary individual.
They is crying out saying, "Lord, can You use...flow through me?" God
died...sent His only begotten son for every single one of us. We all have
purpose. We are purpose people. The only difference between me & others (is
that) they have to accept that purpose, obey the calling. A
mandate, mission, mantle falls on your shoulders & you walk it out in
obedience... Any individual hungry for Holy Ghost, who desires spiritual
gifts to operate through you, identify what gift is in your ministry or
individual life... Realize, we're imperfect channels. The more Holy
Spirit uses His gift through us, the more we exercise our faith,
because it takes more faith to speak it than it does to see
it... Everybody don't have the same measure of faith, but this end time
harvest is not going to be drawn around 1 certain group or...individual,
because God is going to get all the glory...all the honor... Now, if it's
the gifts of healing, which is the only gift that's poured
out of the 9 gifts, that means it's a progress of recovery.
BUT if it's a gift for working of miracles, they have to
activate their faith to the place of receiving the
Instinct -
"As Christians, born again and filled
with the Holy Spirit, our spiritual instincts should always be stronger than
our natural instincts. This instinct distinguishes what we WANT to
do from what we OUGHT to do as directed by the Word of God & the Spirit of God within us.
Each of us needs to do whatever is necessary to ensure our spiritual
instincts remain sharp & that when we sense God prompting us in a
particular direction, we are willing & yielded to do what He requires of
us to do irrespective of how we feel."
#189) Kat
Kerr - A Place
Called Creation Lab – from Heaven
Invasion Tour - Alive_Again,
Dec 23, 2012 - -
“1 of my most favorite (heavenly)
places to talk about is Creation Lab.
There’s a reason why they call it a lab. You
know what you do in a laboratory. What do
you do? You experiment. God has plans for
you on the new earth. He’s shown me before I
was taken to Heaven, He’s shown me through
the move of God, through the millennial
reign, before He ever took me to Heaven.
He’s shown me ages to come. You actually
get to go in this place called Creation Lab.
1 of the things they do in there is,
there’s this huge big room, a massive room. I’m sure more things get created. You
have to create the door to get in. Don’t
think you’re not going to use your faith.
You might not be using it to be healed, to
get your rent paid, or for God to fulfill
the vision, but you’ll still have to use it,
use faith to create, now on this earth.
Everything you get is by faith from God...He
is moved by the faith of people, & you get
to a level where you go from believing (in
your head) to having faith (to act on your
knowledge). There is a level where
you cross over, & you go, ‘I’ve been saying
it. I’ve been saying it.’ You say you’re
believing it, but when something happens in
here, then your spirit, something clicks & it doesn’t matter what anyone
says to you, no one’s ever going to steal it
from you, you’re in faith. That’s the
difference. But
it’s important to declare
things, because it builds it.
When you
declare what God said,
that’s still the Word of God. Faith cometh
by hearing & hearing
by the spoken Word of God. If it’s you
speaking His Word, it’s still building
If you don’t having anything else, get the
Bible out & start declaring things
He’s said about you. Really. But you have to
have faith to create the door to get in
Creation Lab, or you’re never getting in
there.: #190) Kat Kerr -
Creation Lab from Heaven Invasion II
Disc 2 - Alive_Again,
Dec 23, 2012 - “1 of the places in Heaven I went
to, it’s absolutely amazing. It still
actually mystifies me. there is a place in
Heaven where you are taught to create,
because we are sons and daughters. Our Father wants us to learn what He does. We are supposed to be like our Father. So
there is a place called Creation Lab. When
you go up to this place, there are no
entrances to it. You
have to use your faith
to get in there. So people who thought you’d
never have to use your faith again, you’re
wrong. I went up there several times.
couldn’t get in. I didn’t know what was
wrong. I wanted to know if God was mad at
me, which was ridiculous. So finally the
Holy Spirit said, ‘You have to
just ask.’ I
asked Him what He meant, He said, ‘Just
believe that you can enter into that place.’
I said, ‘There’s no door!’ He said, ‘You
make the door’. Remember? It’s
Creation Lab. So you’re trained before you
ever get in there. You have to use your
faith. So I just walked up to
it the next
time, I go, ‘Father, I believe that I can
enter into that place.’ A doorway appeared.
There were no handles on it. So I had the
door, but I still didn’t have any way to get
in there. I thought, ‘Should I go up there
and knock?’ I’m telling you, the
laugh hysterically at me all of the time. I
know they record everything I do, because
they show it over for reruns. So now I’m
standing in front of this, I’m like, I
believed I could get in, and there’s the
door. He said, ‘You believed you could get
in, but you (also) have to believe that you will
enter in’ So you’re like right there. How
many things in our lives does that happen to
us? We kind of believe God, but we never take that next step.
You have to USE faith. It blesses the
Father. He responds to your faith, not your
need. I know that might sound harsh, but
He wants you to use faith. He exists.
He wants to help you. So then I walked up to
it and said, ‘Father, I believe I can enter
in.’ From out of nowhere, that door
split down the middle and opened up.
So now I go to go in! So when I was inside,
I didn’t know what else to do next.
But as it is written, Eye hath not
seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered
into the heart of man, the things which God
hath prepared for them that love him.
1 Corinthians 2:9 Alive_Again,Dec
23, 2012 #191) Kat
Kerr -
Creation Lab from Divine Encounter II
Disc 1 - "The 1st time He took me
there, I was so totally blown away, there
wasn’t even a door to get into the
place…Cause you’re going to have to
use your faith, not because of battles & trials, but because
He’s training you. Because you see, when He
speaks, He knows it’s going to happen. He
will train you even to get into this place.
You have to believe that you can enter in.
That’s what He told me when I 1st saw this
beautiful building. It’s an emerald green
building, it’s fantastic. There’s this
light that emanates from it and it’s a green
color you’ve never seen in your life. Green
represents life. I wanted to get in.
I’m standing there going. ‘I can’t get in
Lord!’ He goes,
‘You have to believe
that you can get in!’ So I go up to
this wall with no entrance,
if He tells me to do something, I’m going to
go do it. So
I stand outside this place. I’m going, ‘I
believe I can enter in’, but
nothing happens. I said, ‘Well, Lord,
I tried to enter in.’ He said, ‘No
you didn’t, You were just saying something.
You have to say it
from here.’ So, I stood there and went, ‘I believe I can get into this place’
and a doorway appeared. I was shocked! I was
standing there, I walked right up thinking
it was going to open. I run into it.
I went, ‘Well there’s the door, but it
didn’t open.’ You’ve got to BELIEVE that you
can enter in, not just get in. So I’m
ready now, I walk up and go, ‘I BELIEVE I
can enter in.’ It opens all by itself. So I
run in there & don’t have any idea
what I’m going to do next. I’m trying to
look at everything at the same time.
#224) Kat
Kerr - The Thing You’re
Most Passionate About
@ Jubilee Church Audio Pod cast -
Revealing Heaven -
- Alive_Again, Dec 29, 2012
- “The
Word says That your gifts are irrevocable
& without repentance. Without
repentance means you should know what it
is. Because it is the thing you are the
most passionate about. It’s the thing that
if you could use & make a living doing it,
you would do it.
It’s probably your hobby. It’s what if you
have a little money, you’re going to spend
it on that thing. How many people know their
*gift? I’ll tell you what the Father said about the
Body, He said, ‘The
world has no problem identifying their
children’s gifts, and being trained and
raised up in it and release them in the
world, but the Body comes to church and sits
on the seat, trying to figure out what their
spiritual gift is so they can use it for God.’” Yet they’d probably be one of the
greatest florists ever. Yet they think it’s
not good enough because it’s not a spiritual
gift. Yet God didn’t make a mistake when He
made you. Hair designers.
They have salons
in Heaven. Why? Because, guess what? Someone
has that gift."
*[Do not confuse with spiritual/supernatural
fruit of Holy Spirit
or His gifts (teaching/pastoring/etc. per 1st
Corinthians 12: 7 Now to each one the
manifestation of the Spirit is given for
common good. 8
To one there is given through the
Spirit a message of wisdom,
another a message of knowledge by
means of the same Spirit, 9 to another
faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts
of healing by that 1 Spirit, 10 to another
miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another
between spirits, to another speaking in
different kinds of tongues,[a]
& to still another the interpretation
of tongues.[b] 11 All these
are the work of one & the same Spirit, &
he distributes them to each 1, just as he
)] Kat Kerr -
Promise Church - Use Your Gift -
10, 2013 @
(edited) - "Every single 1 of us has a gift. The
Word says in Ephesians, 'He gave gifts to men.' Some were the 5-fold, but
all the rest of them are what most of us have.
I'm not even talking
about spiritual gifts.
"I have a whole brandnew
revelation called 'gifted', that means it's who you are. What is
your gift? Stop sitting in church trying to figure out what your spiritual gift
is. That gift is so important. People don't
even get it. God made you that way for a
reason. If He put a gift in you to train
horses & do barrel racing, or floristry, or design with different colors, or bake
the most yummy stuff...that's your natural gift, because
He put
it in you before He sent you here. That's what you're actually supposed
to release into the world. Most believers sit in church
every Sunday thinking; waiting for years...for the gift? Am
I an intercessor? Am I going to be in hospitality...a pastor? Let me
tell you, if you're in the 5-fold ministry, you won't have to try to figure
it out. You'll know that you know that you know. You were called to that.
Even they (also) have a natural gift. God said: 'Even
the disciples had a (natural) gift'. Peter,
every time I've seen him in Heaven, is fishing in the Crystal Sea. He's
still using his gift... He loved it. Half of them were fishermen. They
all fish in the Crystal Sea, right now. As you are sitting there, they're up
there fishing (because that's their natural gift). God said, 'I
even gave My Son a gift. It was carpentry.' Do you know that Jesus still does
build things in Heaven'?You probably have something in your
(heavenly) mansion He made for you. Did you
ever think of that? Your gifts are
irrevocable. They were so important to God,
He individually made everybody different, & put a (unique) gift in
each of us before He sent us here....He
made each of us special.
I'll give you a clue: Jesus was not poor! He was in a highly skilled
profession...very much demand in His city. You will notice in the Word, how
many people said, He was a carpenter. I promise you, if He was a lousy
carpenter, the Bible would have never said He was a carpenter."
Kilby, Myles video
9/20/2021 (edited) SID: Tell me the encounter you had with
the (7) eyes of God. MYLES: This was 1
of the most powerful encounters, I've ever
experienced & during this encounter I was
doing a live broadcast...teaching on the
7 spirits
of God or more specifically, the 7 eyes of
the Holy Spirit. Many
people don't realize or understand that
there are 7 eyes in the
prophetic realm: 7 eyes of the spirit, which
equals perfect perspective or perfect
prophecy. MYLES: I'm
teaching. Suddenly from my right side
I feel a wind. The spirit of God comes
upon & rests down upon me. My eyes
start burning with intense fire...burning
like nothing I'd ever experienced before.
eyes began to water. MYLES: The Lord
began to speak to me during this
manifestation, "I
am imparting the eyes of fire to you, My vision. I'm purifying your vision.
You're going to begin to see from My see people with great see them like I see them."
MYLES: (Audience) just receive
this...same fire upon your eyes. Father,
I release a supernatural impartation for the
eyes of fire (in Your name
Father). Father, I release (the
impartation for the eyes of fire)
in Your name, Jesus. Father, I release
the impartation for the eyes of fire
(in Your name Holy Spirit). Receive it right now. Many
of you, your eyes, you're going to begin to
feel a burning sensation come upon your
eyes. MYLES: The Lord is going to begin to
manifest that, just receive it right now
where you're at. I release that upon you
now. God is healing many people's eyes that
even in the natural you wear glasses &/or
contacts. You're not going to need them any
more. Someone with a detached retina...on
your right eye... God's Holy Spirit is
healing right now. MYLES: There's people
that need God to clear blurry vision, maybe
cataracts over your eyes. God's breaking
that off now. But His (supernatural
spiritual) fire is going to begin to burn.
You're going to feel the burning sensation
come upon your eyes like nothing you've ever
experienced before. But the Lord says, "I'm
imparting the eyes of fire to you now."
Now I release the
of God to come upon & fill you (in
Your name Father). I release an
impartation for the
of Jesus to be released upon
you (in Your name, Jesus.) I release
that impartation of the
compassion (of the Trinity, in
Your name Holy Spirit). Receive
it right now, in Jesus name.9.20.21
Kathie - In Jesus editorial - Kicking the dogs from the door of your
Destiny - 8/14/2013 - "When you acknowledge the gift & calling in
someone you cause it to be brought forth & activated. 'That was a great word you gave.'
When you tell someone that, what happens? They are encouraged. It makes
them want to do that again. If you criticize, then they shut down.
Audio/CD/DVD - Holy Spirit Gifts
Hinn, Benny - Toronto Training for Ministry -
CD set -
8/2006 TV presentation of Toronto, Canada training for ministry (& impartation/commissioning) -
Excellent teaching on the difference between the Presence & the Power of God.
Hinn explains that God's Presence is/shows His
attributes/glory/justice/name/nature/heart, whereas God's Power is/shows His
acts. It is His presence which changes/converts the heart & not
necessarily His power or anointing. His anointing comes & goes. It
does not stay overnight (for an extended period). It is a visitor, not a
tenant. When the Holy Spirit comes ON someone, He visits & brings gifts, but He does not move in. This
is the baptism of the Holy Spirit with His 9 gifts. He gets an earthly job
done (to teach, minister, preach, heal, raise the dead, etc.). These
spiritual gifts do not go to heaven with us. We are not judged
on the
gift. Rather, we are judged on the fruit. (For instance, if our boss gives
a car to use to get our job done, we have to return the car when we leave the
Our next employer would not rate us on the car, but on our
accomplishments.) However when the Holy Spirit is IN you, He is there permanently. It is a
part of Him,
a foretaste, an engagement ring, a betrothal, your salvation, your
key to heaven's door, your wedding invitation.
Internet - Holy Spirit Gifts
Brown, Tom - "The High priest wore a robe with
pomegranates wrapped around the hem of his garment. In between the pomegranates
were bells of pure gold that made noise whenever the priest moved. These bells
alternated with the pomegranates. This robe speaks of the Holy Spirit & the pomegranates symbolizes the fruit of the Spirit while the
bells represents the gifts
of the Spirit. The priest was to wear both
the fruit & the gifts of the Spirit. (see Exodus 39:22-26)."
(Recognize this when you hear the bells ring during a Catholic mass.)...
Paul...wrote, 'If I speak in tongues [have the gifts] but have not love [the
fruit] then I am only a making noise.' He is saying that being a priest means
for you to be clothed with both the fruit & gifts of the Spirit.
Now what does this have to do with the apparent (scarcity of the visible
operation of the Holy Spirit) disappearance of the gifts of the Spirit
from the Church until recently when the gifts were restored at the beginning
of the last century...Why did the gifts disappear (seem to be in hibernation)
during the 4th century up until the beginning of this century?... Jesus is our High Priest. He wore the garments of the fruit &
gifts of the Spirit... When Jesus ascended to carry on the work of High Priest, He could be heard
through the bells. In other words, the way Christ makes Himself known is through
the gifts of the Spirit...
Go back to the foreshadowing of Christ’ priestly ministry. The Old Testament
High Priest would sacrifice the lamb & carry its blood into the temple. The
temple contains 2 rooms: 1 was the called the Holy Place & the other was called
the Most Holy Place. He would go behind close doors and minister before the Lord
in the 1st room. The only way the people outside knew that everything was all
right was by the bells they heard. As long as the bells were heard, they knew
the priest was alive & still ministering, However, the scary moment occurred
when the priest would enter the 2nd room called the Most Holy Place. This place
was a little room behind a very thick curtain. When the priest went into that
room, the thick curtain absorbed the sound of the bells, so that the bells could
not be heard anymore, even though the priest was alive. Everyone would hold
their breath. 'Was the priest still alive and ministering in our behalf
before the Lord, or was he dead?' They all simply waited until he would
come out again. After he finished his work the priest would leave the Most Holy
Place & be back into the 1st room where the people could hear the bells again.
This let them know that the priest was alive & was almost finished his job. It was only a matter of a few minutes
before the priest would make his exit from the temple to be seen by the people.
How did the disciples know for sure that Christ was indeed alive at God’s right
hand? Simply because they could experience the gifts of the Spirit. The gifts
were simply the noise of the bells that Christ made in heaven. This let
all the people know that Christ was alive and ministering before the Lord in our
behalf. However, just as the earthly priest went behind the curtain
into the Most Holy Place, so also Christ would enter the Most Holy Place where
the bells could be heard no more, at least until He was ready to come out from
the Temple. So for nearly 1,500 years (4th century to the 18 century) Christ’
bells (the gifts) could not be heard. So by faith Christians believed that
Christ was indeed alive & ministering in our behalf as High Priest, though they had no supernatural
manifestations to prove it, except for an occasional miracle.
But something has happened in this century. In 1906, a small group of hungry
believers in Azusa, California experienced the baptism in the Holy Spirit
with the evidence of speaking in tongues. People around the world flocked to
that little mission to receive the baptism of the Spirit, & hundreds of
thousands did. Since then, hundreds of millions of believers world-wide have
received the baptism in the Spirit with the manifestations of the Spirit. This
movement known as "Pentecostalism" & sometimes termed 'charismatic' has been
the fastest growing religious movement in the world. A little more than a
century ago, you could not find 10 people who spoke in tongues. Now, you find
them all over the place. More & more believers are
being baptized
in the Holy Spirit than ever before. What is happening?
Could it be that our High Priest, Jesus, has made His exit from the Most Holy
so that the bells can be heard again? In just a short time, He
will make His exit from the Temple to be seen by all. I believe this fresh, new outpouring of the Spirit is the final sign of the
return of Jesus Christ...
The final sign was this: 'And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the
whole world as a testimony to all nations, & then the end will come.' (Matt
24:14). The last sign is a world-wide, miracle revival.
Notice, He said that this gospel would be preached as a (with) 'testimony' or
'witness'. A testimony or witness is proof with undeniable evidence.
Jesus said, 'You will be my witnesses when the Holy Spirit
comes on you.' Another way of saying it is, 'You will have supernatural
proof that I’m alive when the Holy Spirit comes on you.' The supernatural proof
is the gifts of the Spirit (in full demonstration before unbelievers)." [In
other words, many will both witness & experience Godly supernatural miracles,
wonders, healings, deliverances, resurrections &/or provisions due to the
operation of Jesus in individuals (including children) who have been baptized in
the Holy Spirit.]
Cox, Paul L - Yada and the Gift of Discernment - - -
Hebrew thought, each letter of the alphabet has a meaning, and each letter even
has a numerical value...Opinions vary widely on the correct way to
but the context is always of utmost importance. Yada is used 944
times in the Bible. It is a root word used in every stem, & it expresses a multitude of shades of
knowledge gained by the senses (see Hebrews 5:14). Its closest synonyms are 'to
discern' and 'to recognize'...Strong's concordance includes knowledge at all
levels, including the senses. Baker's Evangelical Dictionary states that yada
is...'to apprehend & experience reality. Knowledge is not the possession of
information but rather, its exercise or actualization'...
Understanding that Yada has to do with knowing through the 5 physical
senses (common in the SEER & prophetic gifts)...The Lord desires that we know
Him, not only intellectually but also with our physical senses."
Hinn, Benny - 5/18-19/2007
Uganda Mandela National Stadium crusade
6/15/7 webcast
At African crusade
(highlighted in red) the Holy Spirit prompted Benny Hinn to have the audience pray for the
Baptism of
the Holy Spiritafter praying for salvation, due to the spiritual
hunger of the crowd, & due to the necessity of having extra Holy Spirit power to deal with
life issues that one in his own human power can never accomplish. Hinn, Benny - The Gifts of the Holy Spirit
#1 - 7/21/2008 Hinn, Benny - Benny Hinn & You -
The wonderful Gift of the precious Holy Spirit + the 9 gifts of the Spirit - Sunday telecasts at 11:30am CDT/12:30pm EDT on TBN Acts 2:38 "Repent, & be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus
Christ for the remission of sins,
and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost."
Hormann- Let There Be Light #1 - - The Holy
Spirit has 7 major/significant natures/attributes & after the primary Jehovah
aspect/attribute, they come/operate/work in pairs as illustrated by the menorah:
wisdom & understanding, counsel & might, + knowledge & fear/awe of the Lord. significant
John Paul Jackson 2010 - 10/8/2010 radio broadcast shares that we do
not get many spiritual gifts due to our spiritual immaturity/inability to
deflect praise from self to God. important
audio at
Saint Antony -
"38. 'It is not fitting to boast at the casting forth
of the demons, nor to be uplifted by the healing of diseases: nor is it
fitting that he who casts out devils should alone be highly esteemed,
while he who casts them not out should be considered nought. But let a man learn
the discipline of each one & either imitate, rival, or correct it. For the
working of signs is not ours but the Saviour's work: & so He said to His
disciples: 'Rejoice not that the demons are subject to
you, but that your names are written in the heavens [18].' For the fact
that our names are written in heaven is a proof of our virtuous life, but
to cast out demons is a favor of the Savior who granted it. Wherefore to those
who boasted in signs but not in virtue, and said: 'Lord, in Thy name did we not
cast out demons, and in Thy name did many mighty works [19]?' He answered, 'Verily
I say unto you, I know you not;' for the Lord knoweth not the ways of the
wicked. But we ought always to pray, as I said above, that we may receive the
gift of discerning spirits; that, as it is written [20], we may not believe
every spirit."
"62. And concerning those who came to him, he often
foretold some days or sometimes a month beforehand what was the cause of
their coming. For some came only for the sake of seeing him, others through
sickness, & others suffering from evil spirits. All thought the labour of
the journey neither trouble nor loss. For each one returned aware that he
had received benefit. But though saying such things & beholding such sights, he
used to ask that none should wonder at him for this;
but should rather marvel
at the Lord for having granted to us men to know Him as far as our powers
extended." 75 "Why when you make mention of the Cross are you silent about the dead
who were raised, the blind who received their sight, the paralytics who were
healed, the lepers who were cleansed, the walking upon the sea, & the rest of
the signs and wonders, which shew that Christ is no longer a man but God? To me
you seem to do yourselves much injustice and not to have carefully read our
Scriptures. But read & see that the deeds of Christ prove Him to be God
come upon earth for the salvation of men."
Matthew 7:20 TNAB 20You
can tell a tree by its fruit (love/peace/kindness/mercy). 21None
of those who cry out, "Lord, Lord," will will enter the kingdom of God, but only
the one who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22When
that day comes, may will plead with Me, "Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in
Your name? Have we not exorcised demons by
its power? Did we not do many miracles in Your name as well?
23Then I will declare to them solemnly, "I never knew you.
Out of My sight, You evildoers!"
Hinn, Benny -
David L. Lawrence Convention Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA - Ministry
Training Fruit of the Holy Spirit -
WATCH 12/10/2007 -
WATCH 12/11/2007 -
WATCH 12/12/2007
The Fruit of the Spirit CD #cd091-
Free from Benny Hinn Ministries - by requesting in "writing".
Dunn, James - (edited) Chapter 5
- (James Dunn was another mightily anointed evangelist from the
middle of last century) "I (James Dunn) pastored the Pentecostal Holiness
church there for 2 years before this ministry came to me. I had been fasting,
praying, &
reminding God.
I believe God wants us to remind Him about the promises He has
made to us, to call his attention to them. So I was reminding God that
when I was employed in a responsible position for the government, we gave our
men the best tools on earth possible to work with, so that they could do their
job right. I told God that if we as mere human beings could give good tools to
our laborers, how much better tools could He give us to work for the Kingdom of
Christ. I continued praying in that way, & begging God for the gifts. Just
imagine. I would cry: the tears rolling down my face. I would fast
clothes hung on me like a sack...
"One day...I was asking Him again to give me the gifts of the Spirit. A voice
spoke to me & said, 'Just a minute.' I stopped, & a voice spoke again,
& said, 'DON'T BEG for the GIFTS of the SPIRIT,
PRAY to BE MORE LIKE ME.' I said, Why Jesus, I had
never thought of it in that manner, what do you mean, pray to be more like you?
The voice said to me, 'THE GIFTS of the SPIRIT WILL
So I began to pray that I would be just exactly like Jesus. "It wasn't
long after that my wife saw a golden ball floating down the hall into the door,
& just as she woke me up, it disappeared. Shortly after that, 1 night
I was in a state of prayer, my wife was asleep, it was
about 11:00 o'clock. I said, 'God,
I am ready to die if it takes that, to have a
better ministry of Jesus Christ. I am not able to do the job properly.'" (W.V
Grant Sr, Gifts of the Spirit in the Home, Pg. 24-25: 'Experience of Rev.
James Dunn of Princeton, West Virginia'). "Then 1 night while I was
lying in bed & my wife was asleep, something happened. I was meditating on the
glories & graciousness of God, & upon the
things I needed from Him. All at once, the Great Presence of God began to
flood into the room. He came in such a supernatural way that the room was
filled with His Glory. A great feeling of ecstasy & glory swept over me, &
saturated my very body, mind & soul.
I began to get afraid, because when you get that close to God, something
happens to you. I began to draw back from this Wonderful Force, & when I did it
left. Then I realized I had made a mistake in drawing back. The next few
days, I began to pray as I had never prayed. In about 3-4 nights I was lying in
the bed again meditating, praising the Lord & asking Him for help and power in
my life. All at once, this great feeling began to come into the room
again. "The very room and atmosphere lighted up. There didn't seem to be
any room for me there any longer, because God so completely filled the place. As
I lay there, I lost all movement of my body other than my eyes. The Great Force
of God moved down across my bed, over-shadowed me. I felt the strangest, most
wonderful feeling. From my very fingertips, it began to move into my hands, and
up my arms. I felt as if I were holding 220 volts in each hand. It
began to surge back & forth through my body. Then & there in that room, while this was
taking place the old me was leaving, & the new me was coming in... "From that night on my life was different. Many remarked how completely my
ministry had changed. I had a positive message that had fire in it.
God talked to me, and told me that if I would preach the message of
deliverance, He would heal the sicj abd give me the Power to
cast out devils. As I listened to this COMMISSION from the Lord, His power
surged through me, my arm happened to touch my wife's body & almost caused
her to jump completely out of the bed. That night God began doing things.
He revealed to me the people's conditions & diseases through the mighty
Spirit of discernment. I found I was a different individual. God showed me
things that I thought were impossible for a person to see or understand. He
would show me the individual that was suffering, what they had. He would
direct me to them. After I had prayed for them, they would be healed of every
3 different times...angels appeared unto me to do the Lord's bidding... After my
call into this particular type of ministry... I was taken up by the Lord into
a high place. I looked out across a deep blue, beautiful sea of water. I saw 2
great eagles flying toward me in the distance. As they approached closer,
I marveled at their size. Finally they got close & were flying so fast, I said,
'My, I didn't think anything could fly that fast. Why those aren't eagles, those
are angels of God.' They got close to me & began to dive like 2 great airplanes,
1 after the other. They just folded their wings, & dived
down, down, down toward that blue sea. Oh, it was the most beautiful thing I
have ever seen. They dived into this sea to catch fish there. A voice spoke to
me, and said these were the angels that would go with me into the world, into
all portions of the world, to gather the fish (or to gather men), that he would
make me a fisher of men. Angels would help, protect &
keep me from the evil one;
they would help me win the souls of men for Jesus
Christ's Kingdom. Many times in our meetings across the nation people have seen
these angels beside me."
(James Dunn, Sign Gift Ministry by W.V. Grant Sr). Durham, James A -
There are (independent & overlapping) 7 levels of holy glory, 7 Spirits & 7
works of God. The 7th level of glory includes 7 parts, usually
progressive: indwelling, empowering, gifting, joy, shalom, intimacy & unity.
Chapter 14 The Shalom Glory shares that there are 7 Spirits (or works) of
the Spirits of:
(1) wisdom and revelation, (2) Life, (3) Truth, (4)
holiness, (5) son-ship, (6) grace.
Kerr, Kat - 2016 audio -
People will be judged/rewarded according to their fruit rather than their gifts.
Spiritual gifts
will pass away as there is NO need for healing/deliverance/medical miracles in
Rogers, Eddie - Supernatural - Living Under an Open Heaven - -
Never "deny oneself the practical experience of that (rediscovered scriptural)
truth. (Biblical)
knowledge without the experience (of salvation, healing,
deliverance, miracles such
as raising the dead) is fruitless
(unprofitable/dead/without power/useless on earth)."
God the Father has flesh/Christ/the Word and a spirit, the Holy
Spirit. His bride the church/individuals likewise is dead like a beloved
mate/corpse in the casket, unless she has life/blood/spirit surging through her
flesh on earth. That is why tongues seems to be so important. It
is His breath surging through our lungs & out our mouths. Sort of like
the Bible being a dead man without a living Spirit. Both the Bible &
individuals are dead flesh without His life/Spirit surging through us. To
bless us individually but also to bless others.
Kat Kerr: What ‘Holy’ Is. October 5, 2014, in Memphis,
@ - Being
HOLY is a place in God where not only do we NOT do evil, we do NOT tolerate it
inside of us, to the degree that it is repented of & evicted (from
our soul, by an act of our will), even before it comes near.
Lord, this day I choose to begin to become holy. As I daily feed on Your
Word, make it come
alive with Your revelation.
Many are called, but few are chosen, because we do not nominate
ourselves, as we
should/could. Holy hurts hell & destroys home atmosphere junk.
Holy is NOT a job, but a lifestyle that craves God's presence.
Holy is
when our spirit man rather than our flesh rules.
Holy is being concerned
more about God's opinion than other's opinions of others' opinion you.