Conventional Medicine
Bobgan, Martin & Deidre - http://www.psychoheresy-aware.org/images/Pro1_21.pdf  - 1989 - chapter 21 by secular/scientific couple who seem to refute the Bible &/or Judeo-Christian counselors, but on non-religious issues.
Tanzi, Rudolph - Interesting Thought – Can Super Brain Help With Eating Disorders? - 12/9/12 - http://bullimiaddict.com/tag/rudolph-tanzi/ -
“Cells that are wired together, fire together”. He spoke to when you are angry to think of something that made you happy in life and the endorphins will kick in and change your attitude.
He spoke to ''STOP S= Stop, T=Take 3 deep breathes and smile, O= Observe what is happening and P=Proceed with awareness and kindness'...
What you should do every day to change your mind set. They were (to ask) 'What am I feeling right now?' and (ask) 'Is that feeling good for me?' followed by thinking often of what is your meaning (goal/purpose/destiny/reason for being born) in life."
http://dms.hms.harvard.edu/neuroscience/fac/tanzi.php -

Alternative Medicine

Blum, Cull & Miller (Psychiatric Genetic Press)To Binge or Not to Binge? - Overeating and the Addictive Brain.
Chromium increases insulin secretion and tryptophan penetration into the brain.
Davidson, Kimberly - Ms Jekyl, Monster Hyde editorial/autobiography - spring 2006 Psychology for Living  www.ncfliving.org Arcadia, California - www.kim-davidson.com  www.olivebranchoutreach.com  Portland, Oregon, USA
Potassium is found in abundance in raw fresh coconut milk. www.aimmedia.com
Amazing Wellness
magazine - summer 2010 - editorial Cukoo for Coconut Water
8 oz fresh coconut water provides 660 mg potassium, plus magnesium and calcium.
Potassium is found in abundance in bananas.  Try organic.  One a day.
Zinc is recommended in Nutrition and Mental Illness -Sampling of the Current Scientific Literature part 2
by Gary Null and Martin Feldman MD


John Hampsch in Healing Your Family Tree talks about a spirit of self-starvation. pg 272 & encourages us to "claim", especially at communion, John 6:32 "I (Jesus) am the bread of life.  He who comes to Me will never go hungry and he who believes in Me will never be thirsty." www.claretiantapeministry.org
Kenneth McAll MD in Healing The Haunted relates how bulimic patients have been healed through doing a family tree (medical genealogy) and a subsequent healing mass. www.marianland.com
Morrow, Zona Hayes Cornelison -  Avenge Me of My Adversary  autobiography - Chapter 1 Avenge Me of My Adversary - Healed of anorexia and bulimia (due to insufficient potassium).  Interview TRANSCRIPT: (edited) http://www.sidroth.ws/2014/07/08/our-guest-zona-hayes-morrow/
I was talking to Zona Hayes-Morrow who is Norvel Hayes daughter.  She had a problem.  Her husband wrote her a Dear John letter when he was in the military and divorced her. A great miracle happened they got remarried... But all of a sudden she’s got a chemical imbalance: really low potassium.  She couldn’t even walk.  They went into the Dairy Queen.  He literally had to carry her in.
Zona: While I was laying in the bed, I said “Okay devil you’re a liar.  I’m going to walk by the end of this day, I’m going to walk in Jesus’ Name.  My arms are going to move in the Name of Jesus.” And...I found a banana and I found a cardboard box of orange juice which has potassium in it. So...I got enough strength to feed myself the banana and drink that orange juice that was on that counter.  My legs still didn’t work, but the (food allowed) enough potassium to get into my arms, so...that I could pull myself into the kitchen.
Zona:  I wasn’t going to let my body rule me; I have authority over anything that’s not victory. My legs weren’t working and that wasn’t victory...I’m the type of person that I don’t never give up ever. I don’t count myself a failure in anything; I don’t let failure come into my vocabulary on anything that I’ve ever pursued in my whole life...“Nope the devil is not going to win in my life, I will not let the devil win;” and because of taking authority over the enemy's strategy, Sid, using the weapon of the (spoken) Word (of God) and combining with natural banana and orange juice I started walking against all odds.  [Add to DAILY diet an organic egg.]  Obituary www.nhm.cc http://www.fikefh.com/memsol.cgi?user_id=1709916


Bisutti, Kylie - http://www.lightsource.com/ministry/life-today/video-player/kylie-bisutti-im-no-angel-363481.html