ANOREXIA nervosa


Alternative Medicine

Erdman in The Amino Revolution suggests the following evening supplements: tryptophan (5htp), glutamine, arginine (or orthinine for herpes), asparagine, zinc, calcium, iodine, magnesium, vitamins E & C.  Take B6 AM.
Potassium is found in abundance in raw fresh coconut milk. Amazing Wellness magazine - summer 2010 - editorial Cukoo for Coconut Water - 8 oz fresh coconut water provides 660 mg potassium, plus magnesium and calcium.
Potassium is found in abundance in bananas.  Try organic.  One a day.
Zinc may help per Nutrition and Mental Illness - Sampling of the Current Scientific Literature part 2 by Gary Null and Martin Feldman MD


Clark, Randy -
and/or 7/13/2015
RANDY: It was like a goliath taunting Israel's army because I had a young man with schizophrenia in my church.
We were seeing a lot of physical healing, but we weren't seeing any mental healing.
I said, according to Psalms 2:3, it says, "Praise the Lord O my soul, forget not all his benefit who forgives us all of sin and heals all our diseases."
So I said, "Lord, it says all, it doesn't just say just physical. That includes mental illness as well as physical." So we worked and prayed for that.
There was a man, he heard the Lord speak to him and he goes and gets his daughter who he doesn't bring her because she was paranoid schizophrenic. She had obsessive compulsive disorder and anorexia. And when he brought her, a friend of mine, an engineer by trade was starting a new church there, reached over and just said, "I bless you in Jesus' name," and she fell out.
Then that night when she went home she heard the Lord speak to her and say, "I anoint your head with oil," and she did,
"I anoint your whole body with oil," and she did.
She was knocked to the floor and stuck to the floor like electricity going through her body until morning.
When she got up she was mentally normal and healthy.
Heather A. shares her testimony in 7/2005 Enjoying Everyday Life magazine.
Hamon, Jane  Dreams and Visions chapter 11 Dreams, Visions and Spiritual Warfare shares healing of anorexia in 2 generations.  Root cause was a Creek Indian annual Green Corn Ceremony.
John Hampsch in Healing Your Family Tree talks about a spirit of self-starvation. pg 272 & encourages us to claim, especially at communion, John 6:32 "I (Jesus) am the bread of life.  He who comes to Me will never go hungry and he who believes in Me will never be thirsty."
Kenneth McAll MD in Healing The Haunted relates how anorexic patients have been healed through doing a family tree and a subsequent healing mass.
Morrow, Zona Hayes Cornelison -  Avenge Me of My Adversary  autobiography - Chapter 1 Avenge Me of My Adversary - Healed of anorexia and bulimia (due to insufficient potassium).


Bisutti, Kylie -
Brim, Billy - Tapping into the Dunamis Power of God  4/30/2010  The Blood and the Glory book  You plead your legal case with the blood and name of Jesus against the designs, works and thoughts of the devil.  Anorexia is always the case of demons.  excellent video
Hinson, Michael  To Heal the Heart  Hinson classifies one frequent root cause of anorexia and/or bulimia as rebellion.  He classifies "consequences of attitude/actions as symptoms" of rebellion.  He bases his anorexia/bulimia theory on Psalm 107:17-18. Chapter 13 Addictions & Other Problems of the Heart, section on Anorexia and Bulimia shares the healing testimony of Sandra.  Typically Hinson begins ministry by asking, "When did you start suffering from this problem?" and "What happened at that time in your life right before your difficulty/problem/disease/infirmity started?"
Lyons, Rebekah - 5/22/2014 Thursday, May 22, 2014 recommended for women
Lyons, Rebekah - Jesus on Broadway Thursday, May 22, 2014
Lyons, Rebekah - or Tuesday, December 2, 2014 -


Psalm 107:17-18 NIV  Some become fools through their rebellious ways and suffered affliction because of their iniquities. 
They loathed all food and drew near the gates of death.

Eating Disorders NEWS

Anorexia & bulimia  Perfect Illusions: Eating Disorders and the Family
While some blame demons, psychologist Ms Shan Guisinger blames biology. 12/30/03


 DSM-IV-TR guidebook - Google - Michael B. First, Allen Frances, Harold Alan Pincus - 2004 - Medical - "In extreme cases, the individual may be so emaciated as to resemble a concentration camp."