of Mental Health Illness Healings
Carothers, Merlin -
tract -
An Amazing Story - http://foundationofpraise.org
Marilyn, a psychiatric patient, was healed
when her parent praised God for her condition.
Chavda, Mahesh - The Hidden Power of Healing Prayer -
www.watchofthelord.com -
Chapter 8 Breaking the Enemy's Grip
shares that water baptism healed a
of madness and demonic oppression "in a land where many
people are deep into witchcraft religions; sometimes they lose their faculties."
Chavda, Mahesh - The Hidden Power of
Prayer and Fasting
Read Chapter One
http://media.maheshchavda.com/ -
Utterly awesome reading. You will be glad
you read it. Includes the
healing of throw away children on psychiatric wards.
Copeland, Kenneth - John G Lake -
www.kcm.org -
In chapter 25 Adventures in God Lake shares testimonies of
healing and translation. One such story is of a member of the Apostolic
Tabernacle, Johannesburg, South Africa who asked the congregation to pray for
his/her insane cousin in a Whales asylum. During prayer Lake's
spirit was transported to the asylum; he laid hands on the head
of the woman,
commanded in the Name of Jesus Christ Son of God that the demon possessing her
be cast out, and commanded in the Name of Jesus Christ Son of God
that she be
healed by God's power.
3 weeks later a letter arrived stating that at that
after 7 years in the asylum she had miraculously become well.
Throughout this book, but especially chapters 29 Science of Healing and
30 Results of Believing Prayer are sprinkled
testimonies presented to the Spokane Better Business Bureau.
Crouch, Jan (former mate of Jim
Baker) - No More Tears - 1973 healed of depression - 46 minutes -
Ana Mendez-Ferrell - Her Testimony DVD -
Also see biography on www.anamendez.org
or www.anamendez.nl
Ana landed up in a mental institution after delving into the occult in her
search for Jesus, Who came to her room when she was 18. When a pastor
visited her in the mental hospital, her mind was most of the time in another
world; she was seldom sane. However, as God foretold, the pastor had blue
eyes and the Holy Spirit. The pastor asked her to repent, covered her with the
blood of Christ, told the enemy to depart, and asked the Holy Spirit to fill
her. God did not forget her.
In 12 hours Ana was well.
Fisher, Dan - http://www.narpa.org/ Co-Director of the National Empowerment Center, Lawrence, Massachusetts, USA - http://www.narpa.org/fisher.htm "Dan is a person who has recovered from schizophrenia. He was hospitalized several times prior to becoming a (secular) psychiatrist. He is one of the few psychiatrists in the country who openly discusses his recovery from mental illness. He is a role model for others who are struggling to recover. His life dispels the myth that people do not recover from mental illness...Dr. Daniel Fisher is a staff psychiatrist at Riverside Community Mental Health Center in Wakefield, Massachusetts" He "lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts."
Hammond, Frank & Marzullo, Frank -
The Tales of 2 Franks - www.thechildrensbread.net
The 2 Franks share healing and deliverance stories from their joint
Harrington, Ken & Jeanne - Shift - Chapter 6 Sing at Your Troubles www.treasurechestministries.ca - The Harrington's relate a testimony identical to that of Marilyn by Merlin Carothers (ABOVE). God held a stop light at red until the father of a mental patient asked God, "What do You want from me?" The response was, "Thank Me for your daughter's condition." The light turned green when the dad obeyed. When he arrived at the mental institution, the daughter was well. (The very least we can do is thank God for what good He is doing in us, due to this family disaster. Be reminded that Joseph declared to his brothers that what the enemy had meant for evil, God had meant for good. Pearls are only formed/triggered/caused by sandy irritants!)
- inkle, Mary-Etta - Out of the Valley of Darkness - www.thechildrensbread.net - Mary shares how the Hammonds were instrumental in her deliverance from Schizophrenia. God revealed to Ida Mae that Mary had schizophrenia. Read Pigs in the Parlor chapter on schizophrenia. Once the 3 major evil roots (rejection, rebellion, and schizophrenic personality spirits) were bound and evicted, it was easier to get rid of the remaining 7 evil spirits over a 2 year period. God taught Mary to identify with Jesus (when she felt rejected in the future), plus to bind rejection or any other spirit (negative emotion), in the name of Jesus, Who would finish the job.Hope, Carlene - Recovery from the Hell of Schizophrenia - See book review in 1st quarter 2006 Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine www.orthomed.org Parents share the recovery/improvement of their son due to Doctor Hoffer. (Dr Hoffer has retired.)
Joiner-Bey, Herb - The Healing Power of Flax - www.thefreedompressonline.com - Chapter 6 Healing Mood Disorders shares the testimony of Debi Erin who was cured of schizophrenia by taking a daily regimen of 2 T flaxseed/linseed oil + a vitamin E supplement. It cured her sensation of worms in her muscles. It cured her visual and auditory hallucinations. It cured her intrusive thoughts. It cured her inappropriate behavior. Kevin was cured of agoraphobia. Marta was cured of severe anxiety attacks. Hilda was cured of unipolar depression. Ricardo's paranoid schizophrenia was helped with 1T flaxseed/linseed oil. His paranoia declined. His night terrors stopped. 2T triggered racing thoughts.
Lea, Larry - The Hearing Ear - Learning to Listen - Creation House - Charisma & Christian Life magazine 10/1988 editorial Do You Need a Spiritual Hearing Aid? - God visited 17 year old psychiatric patient Larry in 1968. "As he called upon the name of Jesus, a voice spoke within his spirit and said, 'Now you're My son. You will take My message to this generation.'" "10 years later... the Holy Spirit began to reveal" things that would help others. Larry included these things "in a tape series and a book titled Could You Not Tarry One Hour?" For instance, there are "5 basic hindrances to hearing God's voice: (1)unbelief, (2)an undeveloped spirit, (3)a spirit of deafness resulting from unforgiveness, (4)a calloused conscience, and (5)neglect of the Lord's presence and fellowship." Additionally, Larry recommends 2 hearing aids: (1)reading and meditating upon the Word of God and (2)speaking in tongues ("spirit to spirit communication with God that Adam and Eve had before the fall"). "In conclusion, he stresses the importance of obeying God's instructions."
McAll, Dr. Kenneth - (Catholic) psychiatrist (England) -
Healing the Family Tree
1984 1986 -
Sheldon Press www.marianland.com,
1-800-647-9882 Queenship Publishing -
McAll shares many testimonies of the healing of schizophrenia after
family members participated in a healing mass and repented for a current family
sin (such as incest)
or an ancestor's sin.
McNeal, Sam - 12/9/2011 - Bipolar healing - from Table Talk
To reduce Satan's badgering us, we need to forgive without strings attached
or expectations regarding person we have forgiven;
this frees us and them to
allow God to finish what He wants to do in and with us both.
Ruth, Peggy Joyce - Tormented - 8 Years and Back -
Healed of
mental illness. A testimony of emotional illness,
electrical shock, and deliverance.
Salem, Harry & Cheryl - It's Too Soon To Give Up - www.salemfamilyministries.org - An American Indian and a former Miss America, Cheryl shares her battle with clinical depression. She found help through psychiatric medicine plus trusting God for healing. God grew her short leg out before, but this time He used drugs plus His healing to treat her physical illness.
Slater, Lauren - Prozac Diary -
www.penguinputnam.com -
(secular autobiography of conventional prozac therapy -
mostly a story for
others to understand the workings of the bi-polar, depressed, and OCD mind)
Thompson, Robb - Breaking Free
http://www.familyharvestchurch.org -
"Do you feel as if your mind has become a battleground of distressing
thoughts and images? Do thoughts of worry, fear, inadequacy, and failure seem to
enter your mind, no matter how hard you try to break free? Having given his life
to Jesus Christ in a mental institution, Robb Thompson knows, firsthand,
how to break free and live a life of victory...
Breaking Free shows you how to take control of your life and live as God
intended for
you to live. You will learn how to identify God’s voice, the
necessary keys to access the promises of God, + the importance of trusting God’s
book and not your emotions."
Vitamin B-3 Schizophrenia: Discovery Recovery Controversy Book by: Canadian Abram Hoffer, (conventional) MD, PHD (retired) www.orthomed.org centre@orthomed.org - 1-416-733-2117 Dr Hoffer says the majority of his schizophrenia patients are healed through nutrition and supplements, at least to the extent that they can work and pay taxes. (Canada offers universal rather than private care. Hoffer never charged his patients.)
Copeland, Gloria -
Healing School # 027660 -
Copeland, Gloria -
Healing School # 030900 - CD
Copeland, Gloria -
Healing Confessions # 300603
Book + CD
Gloria reads scriptures that have been her basis for proclaiming God's healing
and staying healed and whole.
Leif Hetland 2011 - 5/9-13/11 Messianic radio - Healing the
Orphan (evil) spirit - - 5/10/11 broadcast shares
healings of bipolar illness
Dr. Larry Hutton - Messianic Vision radio archive 7/25-29/2011 - excellent - Internal Affairs and How to Live in Peace Book & CD - God taught Larry to speak TO his emotions & feelings. Book, CD, radio and TV share bipolar healings.
Mary Jenkins - May 2004 radio interview - www.sidroth/radio.org - Mary received the mantle of Smith Wigglesworth.Chris & Christine Spanbauer's - Healed from Mental Illness (aired 1/03) www.sidroth.org/radio
Dr Bree Keyton's testimony about her vision of Jesus' crucification: 23 Minutes in Hell
Dr Bree explains how Jesus' crown of thorns allows for the healing of our
minds. www.breekeytonministries.com
Chavda, Mahesh - The Hidden Power of Prayer and Fasting - Read Chapter One - http://media.maheshchavda.com/ Utterly awesome reading. You will be glad you read it. Includes the healing of throw away children on psychiatric wards.
Cheney, Terri
www.terricheney.com u-tube:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6tVbj5wmgE +
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94hmzoYkpkk&feature=related secular
autobiography = Manic
Copeland, Kenneth - Autism
healing due to Healing School audio - www.kcm.org
Desmond Oomen is healed of autism by his and
parents' listening to and
applying principles in Healing School tapes.
9/28/2007 TV broadcast with Kellie Copeland WATCH by
clicking onto TV archives.
Healing School # 027660 Gloria Copeland
Healing School # 030900 Gloria
Copeland Cassette
Healing Confessions # 300603
Book + CD -
Gloria reads scriptures that have
been her basis for proclaiming God's healing
power and staying healed and whole.
12/18-24/2006 Clark, Randy TV interview by
Sid Roth shares that teacher was present when Randy ministered to elementary
school children. Her hands got hot; she was frightened, but when explained
that it was the Holy Spirit, she was content.
school she went to
visit her hospitalized mentally ill daughter, who she prayed for.
Her daughter noted that her mom's hands were hot. Soon after, the daughter
was released to go home.
Watch TV
Player) |
(Windows Media)
(Real Player) |
(Windows Media)
Watch to pray with Randy Clark to receive an anointing
or order DVD/Video at
or go to Randy Clark's web address at Global Awakening,
Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, USA
Ferrell, Ana Mendez 11/2009
Regions of Deliverance Conference -
Houston, Texas, USA excellent -
- God reveals that there are prisons
and regions of spiritual
captivity. Souls can be broken/fragmented.
Ana Mendez-Ferrell - Her Testimony DVD -
Also see biography on www.anamendez.org
or www.anamendez.nl -
recommended - Ana landed up in a mental institution after delving into the occult in her
search for Jesus, Who came to her room when she was 18. When a pastor
visited her in the mental hospital, her mind was most of the time in another
world; she was seldom sane. However, as God foretold, the pastor had blue
eyes and the Holy Spirit. The pastor asked her to repent, covered her with the
blood of Christ, told the enemy to depart, and asked the Holy Spirit to fill
her. God did not forget her.
In 12 hours Ana was well.
Peter Horrobin - Forgiveness - video or transcript -
Hutton, Larry -
http://www.larryhuttonministries.org/shoppe/TeachingSeries/LFF.htm How
to Live Free from Every Negative Emotion (Feeling) -
Watch the 1st 3 lessons of this 10 lesson DVD series by clicking play at Adobe
Flash Player site at above link.
God showed Larry that, "The
Enemy's Attacks Are All Fakes, Facades and Falsehoods."
Jesus' fruit (HIS righteousness/peace/joy/happiness/gladness/contentment/love)
is NOT seasonal.
On the cross Jesus bore the
(medical/chemical/demonic/evil/hormonal) cause of every negative emotion.
The kingdom of God is in us 24/7, if we are born-again,
if we have repented and
asked Yeshua to be our Lord.
Part 2 has testimony of woman with bipolar for 40 years (parent also had
who during 3rd reading of book Internal Affairs recognized that
Jesus had already
borne the reason for her bipolar. She took that and her
healing began; now she is free.
She now recognizes and rejects all
negative/sabotaging emotions.
Part 3 address nightmares/night terrors.
Meyer, Joyce -
Your Mind Is the Battlefield - Part 1 -
excellent 1/22/2008 TV broadcast
http://www.joycemeyer.org/ -
Battlefield of the Mind package offer #1059
Tonya Geddes shares that, on the verge of being committed to a mental
while reading Battlefield of the
Mind OUT LOUD she discovered that
every thought that came into her mind was not her own and that she could
control/elect/reject/refuse thoughts/voices/screams and replace them with
positive/good/God's thoughts
which were higher in authority/power/help than
Satan's/doctor's/expert's words.
Tori Lee shares her recovery from depression and suicidal
Joyce Meyer shares that God impressed upon to her to first cast down
negative/wrong imaginations/thoughts and next to replace them with
positive/right/His thoughts/truths. Otherwise there would be a vacancy/room for
the old thoughts to come back to. She is most effective when she
contradicts wrong/unhelpful thoughts by speaking OUT LOUD Scripture that
contradicts her negative thoughts.
John -
http://sidroth.org/television/tv-archives/john-mcternan eradicate depression & loneliness & broken heart
John -
chrome’s disease
9/26/05 Phillips, Juretha shared healing from stroke,
HIV and drug addiction.
God told her to seek Him, the healer, and NOT healing.
9/27/05 Woods, Shandra author of Go Get Your Healing
testified of
God healing her of breast cancer & collapsed lung.
9/27/05 Snyder, Sam shared his healing of a head tumor by
claiming the blood of Jesus Christ.
Victory in Jesus TV broadcast 4/24/2006 from Alfred.spencer@victorytulsa.org - DVD - Victory Christian Center, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA - Santiago crusade DVD shows testimony of Allene Kornmueller (who was in the dance program), a mother who was healed of psychiatric problems/mental illness/depression.
Mahesh Chavda 2011
2/7-11/2011 Messianic Vision radio interview by Sid Roth -
Friday's testimony shares healing of institutionalized boy due to fasting and
prayer (tongues).
Cheney, Terri -
www.terricheney.com +
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94hmzoYkpkk&feature=related -
autobiography = Manic
12/18-24/2006 Clark, Randy TV interview by
Sid Roth shares that teacher was present when Randy ministered to elementary
school children. Her hands got hot; she was frightened, but when explained
that it was the Holy Spirit, she was content.
After school she went to
visit her hospitalized mentally ill daughter, who she prayed for.
Her daughter noted that her mom's hands were hot. Soon after, the daughter
was released to go home.
Watch TV
Player) |
(Windows Media) or
(Real Player) |
(Windows Media)
Pray with Randy Clark to receive an anointing. Archives @
Visit Randy Clark @ Global
Awakening, Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, USA
Copeland, Kellie - 9/28/2007 TV broadcast - WATCH by clicking onto TV archives. - www.kcm.org - Desmond Oomen is healed of autism by his and parents' listening to & applying principles in Kenneth & Gloria Copeland Healing School CDs.
Copeland, Kenneth -
of 3/20-26/2011
Healing Is Always God's Will For You or
http://www.kcm.org/media/webcast/gloria-copeland/110325-healing-is-always-gods-will-for-you from
archives -
3/25/2011 testimony of
aired last 7 minutes of Friday's TV broadcast
Dickow, Gregory -
Panic attacks -
Ferrell, Ana Mendez 11/2009
Regions of Deliverance Conference -
Houston, Texas, USA excellent -
God reveals that there are prisons and regions of spiritual
Souls can be broken/fragmented.
Peter Horrobin - Forgiveness - video or transcript -
Hutton, Larry -
http://www.larryhuttonministries.org/shoppe/TeachingSeries/LFF.htm How
to Live Free from Every Negative Emotion (Feeling) -
Watch the 1st 3 lessons of this 10 lesson DVD series by clicking play at Adobe
Flash Player site at above link.
God showed Larry that, "The
Enemy's Attacks Are All Fakes, Facades and Falsehoods!"
Jesus' fruit (HIS righteousness/peace/joy/happiness/gladness/contentment/love)
is NOT seasonal. On the cross Jesus bore the
(medical/chemical/demonic/evil/hormonal) cause of every negative emotion!
The kingdom of God is in us 24/7, if we are born-again,
if we have repented and
asked Yeshua to be our Lord.
Part 2 has testimony of woman with bipolar for 40 years (parent also had
bipolar), who during 3rd reading of book Internal Affairs recognized that
Jesus had already borne the reason for her bipolar. She took that and her
healing began; now she is free. She now recognizes and rejects all
negative/sabotaging emotions.
Part 3 address nightmares/night terrors.
Jakes, TD - 9/26/05 Phillips, Juretha shared healing from stroke,
HIV and drug addiction.
God told her to seek Him, the healer, and NOT healing.
Jakes, TD -
9/27/05 Woods, Shandra author of Go Get Your Healing
testified of
God healing her of breast cancer & collapsed lung.
Jakes, TD -
9/27/05 Snyder, Sam shared his healing of a head tumor by
claiming the blood of Jesus Christ.
Dr Bree Keyton's testimony about her vision of Jesus' crucification:
23 Minutes in Hell
Dr Bree explains how Jesus' crown of thorns allows for the healing of our
minds. www.breekeytonministries.com
Meyer, Joyce -
Your Mind Is the Battlefield - Part 1 -
1/22/2008 TV broadcast
http://www.joycemeyer.org/ -
Battlefield of the Mind package offer #1059
Tonya Geddes shares that, on the verge of being committed to a mental
while reading Battlefield of the
Mind OUT LOUD she discovered that
every thought that came into her mind was not her own and that she could
control/elect/reject/refuse thoughts/voices/screams and replace them with
positive/good/God's thoughts which were higher in authority/power/help than
Satan's/doctor's/expert's words.
Tori Lee shares her recovery from depression and suicidal
Joyce Meyer shares that God impressed upon to her to first cast down
negative/wrong imaginations/thoughts and next to replace them with
positive/right/His thoughts/truths. Otherwise there would be a vacancy/room for
the old thoughts to come back to. She is most effective when she
contradicts wrong/unhelpful thoughts by speaking OUT LOUD Scripture that
contradicts her negative thoughts.
McNeals, Sam - http://www.daystar.com/ondemand/joni-sam-mcneals-story-j701/ - Healed of bipolar -11/7/2011 post
Ramos, Barbara shared with Benny Hinn her healing of manic depression, weight loss (lost gradually 133 pounds) plus continual improved vision (was legally blind in one eye) www.bennyhinn.org - 5/4/2005 -http://www.endtimesnewsage.com/prayer/testimonies_of_mental_healings/
Alternative Medicine
Walmann, Irving -
http://www.tributes.com/show/Irving-George-Walmann-86160239 -
"Irving G.
Walmann, Gladstone,
MO, born January 22, 1927, Minneapolis, MN, passed away 6/12/2009...
Mental Illness for Caregivers -
Download PDF Mental Illness - Can it be Cured, Prevented -
Library -
recommended book
Author, parent of child diagnosed with schizophrenia, came to similar
conclusions of Canadian Psychiatrist Abram
www.orthomed.org -
Author is a proponent of L-tryptophan
+ vitamin B3, along with
other Hoffer protocols.
Hammond, Frank and Ida Mae - Pigs in the Parlor - www.thechildrensbread.net - God gave them revelation regarding the root issues of schizophrenia. Important Read
Orthomolecular Healings
Canadian Schizophrenia Foundations' Masks of Madness (bipolar healing) www.orthomed.org or https://isom.ca/ Video testimony of bi-polar healings including that of Margot Kidder (superman's wife Lois Lane). Orthomolecular approach to healing.
Vitamin B-3 Schizophrenia: Discovery Recovery Controversy Book by: Canadian Abram Hoffer, (conventional) MD, PHD (deceased) www.orthomed.org or https://isom.ca/ Dr Hoffer says the majority of his schizophrenia patients are healed, at least to the extent that they can work & pay taxes. (Canada offers universal rather than private care. Hoffer never charged his patients.)
Majority of above are OLD posts. Nowadays not only are soul/spiritual healings increasing, but also physical and mental, so our opportunity to receive scientific & miracle breakthroughs are awesome and many. Do NOT despair. Hope in G-d.
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