Scripture from
New Testament
Apocrypha - (from secular non Jewish/Christian web source)
"Jewish writings from the 2nd Temple Period which were excluded from the Tanakh;
these are known as the Apocrypha and the Pseudepigrapha."
Jewish Holy Scriptures: Table of Contents
The 'New Testament' Apocrypha are
generally NOT accepted by
though the
Ethiopian Orthodox Church recognizes
Shepherd of Hermas,
1 Clement,
Acts of
Paul, & several
Old Testament
Lake (as summarized by Kenneth Copeland in
John G Lake www.kcm.org ) brings our
attention in chapter 41 Development of Christian Consciousness to the New
Testament apocrypha's book of Nicodemus (also called the "Acts of
Pilate") which contends that just prior to Jesus' crucifixion, Satan &
Beelzebub (Regions of Death keeper) argue about their ability to keep Jesus in
hell/the underworld, due to the fact that Jesus had just raised Lazarus.
Lake continues to encourage us that nothing can hold Jesus back from defeating
any enemy in our lives.
(Do NOT allow the enemy to steal our health or mental wellbeing with his lies.
Resist & he will flee.
Not only that, the enemy is already
defeated. Our monster is toothless. Wake up. Fight back.
Use the name and power of Jesus Christ. Blessings.)
Laodiceans from
The Deuterocanonical
Books of the Bible
"With 1 exception, all of these (Deutero-canonical) books are considered 'Old
The apocryphal New Testament 'Letter of Paul to the Laodiceans', was once
incorporated in many versions of the Bible.
However Laodiceans is now considered just a pastiche of other Epistles,
and is (often) omitted from contemporary Bibles."
1st Maccabees (Catholic) -
1 Maccabees - Chapter 1 -
Bible - Catholic Online
1st Maccabees (Catholic) -
http://www.sacredbible.org/catholic/OT-45_1-Maccabees.htm Public Domain
1st Maccabees (Catholic) -
Book of Maccabees from
2nd Maccabees (Catholic) -
2 Maccabees
2nd Maccabees (Catholic) -
http://www.sacredbible.org/catholic/OT-46_2-Maccabees.htm Public Domain
2nd Maccabees (Catholic) -
Book of Maccabees
Regarding Maccabees omission from non-Catholic Bibles:
there was no Bible. The books existed individually, but were not compiled into
one giant book.
For over 300 years it was this way, and as squabbles over
exactly what should be considered scripture and what shouldn't increased, the
Church sat down in a few early councils and decided exactly what should &
should not belong. Believe it or not, but if you dig around enough, you can find
translations of documents written during these councils, complete with a list of
73 books considered valid scripture.
Note that it was an inclusive list made,
not an exclusive one, which means that more could potentially be added later,
but none could be removed. (the Orthodox church has done just that, too - added
a few books since then).
For another 1,200 years, these 73 books were considered scripture (except in
10xx, where the Great schism occurred. This is about where the (Greek/Russian)
Orthodox decided more books belonged (I think). About then, there became
increasing dissent on exactly what belonged in the bible. Martin Luther wanted
not just the 7 books called 'deutero-canon' (or apocrypha to
people who don't consider it scripture) removed, but also Daniel & Revelation.
Somewhere in there, the (Roman Catholic) Church held another council where it
officially declared & settled the matter on what belonged in the bible & what
didn't. The (Roman Catholic) Church tends to avoid officially settling an issue
unless there is increasing dissent on it. But in this case, there was, &
so they made the 73 books officially official. (though remember, they were
accepted just fine until this point) This occurred at the council of Trent
(I think), which is an argument point for people who don't like those 7 extra
They seem to think that since it was officially declared then, that the
books were only added then. but like I said, find an ancient transcript of some
of the 1st (Roman Catholic Church) councils, and those books are included.
For a time afterward even, those 7 books were still included in the Bible - even
Protestant ones - in a separate section labeled 'apocrypha'. Even the
1611 King James versions included it.
Only in the last couple of centuries were
those books left out entirely."
Other Uninspired
New Testament Scripture
(not inspired by the Holy Spirit)
(mostly Gnostic versions)
Gospel of Thomas, Gospel of Mary, Gospel of
Truth, Secret Book of John,
2nd Discourse of Great Seth, Gospel of Judas
Also see 5/2006 The Judas Gospel editorial -
Gnostic scripture/teachings/cults were popular in 180 AD when Irenaeus,
Bishop of Lyon, wrote the treatise called Against Heresies.
Gnostics often taught an inferior God and an inferior human body, which/who could
become equal to the spirit/mind/soul of Christ by obtaining a divine spark
directly from God, without needing a priest to intercede for him. Mystics
could obtain this superior divinity, until the Gnostic books became outlawed by
the church. The Ebionites contended that Christians should obey all Jewish
religious laws, whereas the Christian Marcionites rejected Jewish religious
Some groups said Jesus was 100% divine, while other
groups contended that Jesus was 100% human.
It is rumored that the
Carpocratians endorsed ritual spouse swapping. (Note: Satan will
do anything to pollute the Word of God.)
http://www.orthodox.cn/patristics/apostolicfathers/didache_en.htm -
The Didache, or Teaching of the
This revision
into modern English is based on the translation of J.B. Lightfoot, which
can be accessed at the Index by clicking on 'Seraphim's Recommended
Websites,' then 'The Church Fathers.' - The Didache (from a Greek word related
to "doctrine," "didactic," etc.), which was revised over time into varying forms
at various places, seems to have been a sort of church manual for primitive
Christians, probably in rural areas dependent mostly on itinerant ministers. The
only known complete Didache in Greek is the Codex Hierosolymitanus,
which was 1st published by Bryennios in 1883. The Greek Oxyrhynchus Papyrus
No. 1782, dating from the late 4th century, contained fragments of a codex
that preserved Didache 1:3b-4a and 2:7b to 3:2a in slightly variant and expanded
form. A Coptic fragment from the 5th century contains Didache 10:3b through
12:1b,2a, & appends a prayer for oil at 10:8. A 19th-century manuscript
preserved at Constantinople contains a complete Georgian version of the Didache,
the translation of which may be as early as the 5th century. It lacks Didache
1:5-6 & 13:5-7. The title includes the words 'written in the year 90 or 100
after the Lord Christ.'
Although never published, readings were made
available in 1931. The Greek 'Apostolic Constitutions' has many references to
the Didache, re-worked with additional Scriptures and other traditions, as does
the Ethiopic 'Ecclesiastical Canons of the Apostles.' Arabic versions both add & subtract
from the Didache." (Good read of spiritual bylaws
of Messianic forefathers in this editorial.)
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