Old Testament scripture
EXODUS 34:28 KJV - He (Moses)
was there with the Lord 40 days &
40 nights.
Neither did he eat bread
nor drink water.
18"I (Moses) fell
down before the Lord, as at the 1st, 40 days & 40 nights.
I neither
ate bread nor drank water, because of all your sin which you committed in
doing wickedly in the sight of the Lord, to provoke Him to anger.
19For I was afraid of the anger and
hot displeasure with which the Lord was angry with you, to destroy you.
But the Lord listened to me at that time also."
2nd SAMUEL 12:13-18,20 KJV David said to Nathan,
"I have sinned against the Lord." Nathan said to David, "The Lord has put
away your sin. You shall not die.
However, because by this
deed you have given great occasion to the enemies of the Lord to blaspheme, the
child that is born to you shall surely die." Nathan departed to his house.
The Lord struck the child that Uriah's wife bore to David. It was very
David besought God for the child, fasted, went in & lay all night upon
the earth. The elders of his house arose & went to him,
to raise him up from the earth.
He would not; neither did he eat bread
with them.
It came to pass on the 7th day that the child died...
Then David arose from the earth, washed, anointed himself, changed his apparel,
came to the house of the Lord & worshiped.
1st KINGS 13:8-9 KJV - (Elijah)
The man of God said to the king (Jeroboam),
"If you give me half of your house, I will not go in with you; neither
will I eat bread nor drink water in this place.
The Lord charged me
saying, "Eat no bread, nor drink water, nor turn a gain by the same way
that you came."
1st KINGS 19:8 KJV - The angel of the Lord came again the 2nd
time, touched him (Elijah) & said, "Arise and eat, because the
journey is too great for you.
He arose, drank, &
went in the strength of that meat 40 days & 40 nights to Horeb the
mountain of God.
1st KINGS 21:20-21,27-29 KJV - (King) Ahab said to Elijah, "Have you
found me, O my enemy?"
He (Elijah) answered, "I have found you."
(The Lord says), "Because you have sold yourself to work evil in the sight of
the Lord, I will bring evil upon you & will take away your posterity...."When Ahab heard those
words, he rent his clothes, put sackcloth upon his flesh, fasted, lay in
sackcloth, & went softly. The word of the Lord came to Elijah the
Tishbite, saying, "See how a Ahab humbles himself before Me? Because he
humbles himself before Me, I will not bring the evil in his days, but in his
son's days
will I bring evil upon his house. (Spiritual insight: clear
case study of generational sin.)
2nd CHRONICLES 7:13-14
(King) Jehoshaphat feared, set himself to seek the
Lord, & proclaimed a fast
throughout all Judah.
EZRA 8:21 KJV - Then I (Ezra) proclaimed a fast there, at the river of Ahava, that we might afflict ourselves before our God, to seek of Him a right way for us, & for our little ones (children), and for all our substance (possessions).
(Nehemiah) heard these words, I sat down, wept, mourned certain
days, fasted, & prayed before the God of heaven.
NEHEMIAH 9:1-3 KJV - In the 24th day of this month, the
children of Israel were assembled (in Jerusalem) with
fasting, sack clothes & earth upon them.
The seed (descendents)
of Israel separated themselves from all strangers and stood & confessed their
sins AND the sins of their fathers. They stood up in their place & read
in the book of the law of the Lord their God 1/4 part of the day.
4th part they confessed &
worshiped the Lord their God.
ESTER 4:15-16 KJV - Ester bid them
return Mordecai this answer, "Go. Gather together all the Jews that are
present in Shushan. Fast for me. Neither eat nor drink
3 days and 3 nights. I & my maidens will fast likewise.
will go in to the king, which is not according to the law. If I perish; I
ISAIAH 58:3-9,14 NIV - "Why have we
fasted," they say, "& You have not seen it?
Why have we
humbled ourselves & You have not noticed?"
(response) "On the day of your fasting, you do as you please & exploit
all your workers. Your fasting ends in quarreling and strife & in
striking each other with wicked fists.
You cannot fast as you do
today & expect your voice to be heard on high.
5Is this the kind of
fast I have chosen, only a day for a man to humble himself?
Is it only
for bowing one's head like a reed & for lying on sackcloth & ashes?
that what you call a fast, a day acceptable to the Lord?
6Is not
this the kind of fasting I have chosen:
to loose the chains of
injustice & untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free & break
every yoke?
7Is it not to share your food with the hungry
& to
provide the poor wanderer with shelter.
When you see the naked, to clothe him, &
not to turn away from your own flesh & blood?
8Then your light will break
forth like the dawn & your healing will quickly appear..." the mouth of
the Lord has spoken.
DANIEL 10:2-21 NIV - I, Daniel, mourned
for 3 weeks (21-23 days). I ate no choice (pleasant) food (bread).
No meat
(flesh) or wine touched my lips.
I used no lotions (anointing oil) at all until the 3 weeks were over.
4Now, on the 24'th day of the 1st month...
5I lifted my eyes and looked, and
behold a certain man clothed in linen, whose waist was girded with gold of Uphaz.
6His body was like beryl, His face like the appearance of lightning, His eyes
like torches of fire, His arms & feet like burnished bronze (brass) in color, & the sound of His words like the voice of a multitude...
9I heard the sound of His words; & while I heard the sound of His words, I was in a
deep sleep on my
face, with my face to the ground.
10 Suddenly, a hand
touched me, which made me tremble (lifted up) on (to) my knees & on the palms of my hands.
11He said to me, 'Oh Daniel, man greatly beloved, understand the words
that I speak to you & stand upright, for I have now been sent to you'...
said to me, 'Do not fear, Daniel, for from the 1st day that you set your heart
to understand, & to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard. I have come because of your words.
13But the prince of the kingdom of
Persia withstood me 21 days;
and behold, Michael, 1 of the chief
princes, came to help me, for I had been left alone there with the (evil) kings
(rulers) of Persia. 14Now I have come to make you understand'...
20Now I
must return to fight with the prince of Persia; & when I have gone
forth, indeed the prince of Greece will come. 21But I will tell you what
is noted in the Scripture of Truth.
[None upholds me against these (evil
spirits/demons/powers), except Michael your prince.]
(Spiritual insight: 21 days coming + 21 days back = 42 days.
God often
recommends either 21 or 40 day fasts.)
JOEL 1:14 KJVer - Sanctify you a fast; call a solemn assembly;
gather the elders & all the inhabitants of the land into the house of the Lord
your God & cry to the Lord.
JOEL 2:12 KJV - Now, says the Lord,
"Turn to Me with all your heart, with fasting,
weeping and mourning.
Rend your heart and not your garments.
Turn to the Lord your God, for He
is gracious, merciful, slow to anger and kind (to him who) repents of evil."
New Testament Scripture
Man does not live on
bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.
MATTHEW 6:6 - When you pray, go into your room, & when you have shut your door, pray to your Father Who is in the secret
place. Your Father Who sees (you) in secret will reward you openly.
MATTHEW 6:17-18 KJV -
When you fast, anoint your head & wash your face, that you appear not to men to fast, but in
secret to your Father.
Your Father, Who sees (you)
in secret shall reward you openly.
MATTHEW 15:32 TLB - Kwikscan - Jesus Called His disciples to Him & said, "I
pity thee people.
They've been here with Me for 3 days now & have nothing left to eat.
I don't
want to send them away hungry or they will faint along the road."
MATTHEW 17:14-16 KJV - There came to Him a certain man, kneeling down
to Him, saying, "Lord have mercy on my son, for he is a lunatic & sore vexed.
Often He falls into the fire & into the water.
I brought him to Your
disciples & they could not cure him."
MATTHEW 17:17 KJVer -
Jesus answered, "O faithless (unbelieving)
perverse (perverted)
generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I endure you?
Bring him here to Me."
MATTHEW 17:18 KJV Jesus rebuked the devil, who departed out
of him. The child was cured that very hour (moment).
MATTHEW 17:20-21 KJV - 20"(Because of your little faith,)" I
(Jesus) say to you,
"If you
(believe) have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you shall say
(speak aloud) to this
mountain, 'Remove here to yonder place'; & it shall remove.
shall be impossible to you. [21However this kind
does not go out, except by prayer & FASTING."
(This "kind" may refer to deliverance of
(specific/epilepsy) demons/exorcism &/or pertain to always being prepared via a lifestyle of fasting.)]
(Spiritual insight: Verse 21 was NOT in earliest manuscripts, per TPNT.
Ndifon www.christlove.org contends that
fasting is mainly to hear God better, rather than
for power; whereas Chavda
www.watchofthelord.com fasts frequently for power.)
LUKE 2:37 - This woman was a widow of
about 84 years who did not depart from the temple, but served God with fastings
and prayers night & day.
LUKE 4:2 KJV - Jesus, being full of the Holy Ghost, returned
from Jordan & was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, being
(at the end of - per TPNT footnote) 40
days tempted of the devil. In those days He did eat nothing.
When they were ended, He afterward hungered.
JOHN 4:31-34 KJVer - 31His disciples prayed (urged)
Him saying, "Master, eat."
He said to them, "I have meat to eat that you know not of."
33Therefore said the disciples one to
another, "Has any man brought Him anything to eat?"
says to them, "My meat (spiritual
nourishment/food) is to do the will of Him Who sent Me & to finish His work."
ACTS 10:30-31 KJV - Cornelius said, "4
days ago I was fasting until this hour. At the 9th hour I prayed in
my house. Behold, a man stood before me in bright clothing, & said,
'Cornelius, your prayer is heard.
Your alms are remembered in the sight of
ACTS 13:2-3 KJV - As they ministered to the Lord &
fasted, the Holy Ghost said, "Barnabas & Saul separate (unto)
Me for the work to which I have called them.
After they had
fasted & prayed, they laid hands on (commissioned) them & sent them away.
ACTS 14:23 KJV - When they had prayed with fasting, & had ordained the elders in every church, they commended them to
the Lord, on Whom they believed.
2nd CORINTHIANS 6:4-7 NIV - As servants of God we commend ourselves in every way: in great endurance, troubles, hardships, distress, beatings, imprisonment, riots, hard work, sleepless nights, & hunger (fasting=KJV).
Commentary #1
Corrie Ten Boom in Tramp for the Lord has a chapter
on Authority Over Demons.
The movie The Hiding Place is her autobiography of her internment during the holocaust.
She begins chapter
10 with Mark 16:17 "These signs shall follow them that believe; in My name
shall they cast out devils"
...At that time the Communists did not allow
people to speak about demons. However, God had told Corrie to use her
authority in the Name
of Jesus. Corrie was afraid of the
local authorities
but nonetheless willing to obey Mark 16:17.
She told the congregation that the
servants (demons) of Satan were keeping them in bondage (wanting to receive
Christ, but unable). Then she said aloud, "In the Name of Jesus I command all dark powers keeping people from the blessings of God to disappear.
Go away. Get out of the hearts of these people. Get out of this
church. Go to the place where God sends you."
Guess what? The
people were free at last to receive Christ into their hearts. Corrie went on to expound on missionaries who have given all but "not
all the boundless resources of God's promises. Many do not know about 2 precious
weapons: the power of the blood of Jesus & every Christian's legal right
to use the wonderful Name of Jesus to cast out demons." Corrie recommends fasting as part of armor of God.
In Ravensbruck when they were starved, she & her sister reversed the lack of food to a
FAST for
which resulted in their having power to cast tormenting demons out of their
Commentary #2
Fasting is often part of the protocol of doing ministry.
However, Christ was criticized for His disciples not fasting.
response was that they would fast after the bridegroom was gone...
Roberts Liardon - God's Generals -
www.robertsliardon.com Liardon
shares the lifestyle of 12 men who operated in God's healing anointing - Dowie,
Woodworth-Etter, Roberts, Parham, Seymour, Lake, Wigglesworth, Semple-McPherson,
Kuhlman, Branham, Coe, & Allen.
Some fasted daily due to
poverty and dedication to God's calling, but most fasted frequently, especially
before &
during ministry...
Fasting was what the Holy Spirit called Jesus to do for
40 days at the inception of His ministry...
The temptation by Satan of Jesus in the desert consisted of 3 tests: spirit,
mind, body.
The 1 regarding His body was intended to sabotage Jesus'
fast. Jesus won that battle...
The 1st temptation of mankind involved food, the forbidden fruit in the garden
of Eden.
Both Adam and Eve lost that battle.
One can begin to get a glimpse of the relationship between sin, spirit & body.
Spiritual wars have been won through fasting (not eating food or
not sinning) & lost through lack of fasting [giving in to hunger/appetite/desires/thoughts (our own or our
accepting the thoughts/deceptions of others)]...
We can abstain from food or we can abstain from (venial/mortal) sin (such as
gossip/tattling/ ratting/squealing/sharing confidences/family secrets).
Prayer lines can be gossip lines.
When sin is put under the blood,
then leave it there. Do not take it out & inspect it.
Do not
hang your own or another's dirty laundry out on the line for neighbors to see &
talk about. Compulsions are of the enemy. If we NEED an emotional
fix, it is not we but the enemy who is looking for attention. Satan is the
God is the forgiver. Satan is the 1 who wants to air the
dirty laundry.
Satan is the 1 who wants the alcohol, the drug, the pill,
the fix, the candy. Put/leave that impulse under the blood...
Tell the
temptation, "Go in the name of Jesus." Call a friend. Go to church.
Take a walk.
Do a good deed. This is war! Fasting is not a
holy day of obligation. Fasting is a life style.
Fasting is war
against the enemy in our life. Not a chess game. War.
Allen, AA - (1911-1970)
God's Guarantee to Heal You republished by
www.schambach.org -
Caption - Thus Saith the Lord, the God of
David thy Father, I have heard thy prayer; I have seen thy tears. Behold,
I will heal thee.
King James Version -
"Prayer and fasting should be an important part of your
preparations for healing.
Chapter 13 The Price of God's Miracle-Working Power - a
summary of book by same name When Allen, a Methodist turned Pentecostal, had his
wife lock him in a closet to pray & fast, God came to him & revealed 13 things blocking His
miracle working power in his ministry.
11 of those things he shares in his
Allen, AA - The Price of God's Miracle-Working Power
Chapter 2 The Disciple IS Not Above His Master "The Son of
God spent long hours alone with His Father in order to cast out demons. He
said, 'This kind goeth not out buy by prayer &
fasting' (Matthew 17:21).
So surely His disciple must also spend
hours in fasting & prayer, waiting upon God & learning to think & at in
unison with God, before he can expect to cast out such demons. Men ought
always to pray, & not faint (Luke 18:1).
Persistent habitual
prayer...is the cause - miracles the result...If the disciple could attain the
same results as Jesus did without paying the same price, the disciples would be
greater than his master...
The student of Jesus Christ CANNOT become greater than
his teacher.
He cannot learn anything Jesus does not know. He cannot
find a shortcut to power with God."
Almonte, Tommy - The God That I Know, A Journey to Intimacy -
www.creationhouse.com -
Almonte shares that he spent 1 hour each day in prayer, but that God asked him
AND his wife to spend one whole day each week also in prayer plus fasting. See
chapter 5.
Axe, Josh, & Rubin, Jordan @ https://www.amazon.com/Essential-Fasting-Discover-Radically-Transform/dp/0768454727 Chapter 1
Baker, Rolland and Heidi -
There Is Always Enough - www.irismin.org
- www.sovereign-world.com -
2005 edition delves into fasting at the end of the book. It is a
"lifestyle" for His purposes.
Baker, Rolland and Heidi -
The Hungry Always Get Fed -
This book is about spiritual hunger & how one needs to hunger after God.
It is about His accomplishing in us what He wants, rather than our fasting to
achieve/accomplish our goals.
Baker, Heidi - Compelled by Love -
www.irismin.org -
Chapter 6 Blessed Are the Pure in Heart
"I would never tell my kids
to go 3 weeks without eating before I would talk to them...
We fast to be more
hunger for Him, not to twist His arm" nor "gain more favor from God."
Bentley, Todd - The Reality of the Supernatural World - Exploring Heavenly Realms & Prophetic Experiences - www.soundoffire.com - Chapter 7 Ministering Under an Open Heaven reminds us to pray and fast.
Bevington, GC - This account from the life of a
Methodist minister G. C. Bevington in the 1800's -
http://www.clctx.org/notes/doctrine_HG_12.pdf -
"I was holding another meeting in Ohio, & was invited to another place.
So, when through with this meeting, I went to the woods to settle this call.
crawled into a hollow log, as it was quite chilly, in the fall; & there God told me to go, so I went.
I preached 3 nights, when I was notified that I could not preach any more in
the school-house.
Knowing well that God had told me to come, again I went
to the woods, & into another hollow-log.
I lay there 5 days, & then came a
puzzling circumstance.
I began to get hungry, which usually means that the fast
is called off; but I knew that I
did not have the victory I was praying for, so
I decided to remain in there until I heard from
Heaven, or died in the log. My hunger was increasing & I was feeling weak, both of which were usually good
evidences that the fast was called off, or that I was through.
I mention
this to show the danger of getting in ruts, as God works entirely apart from
ruts. The log was somewhat small, so that I was slightly cramped, &
occasionally stretched out as best I could, by extending my arms out in front of
While I had been telling the Lord that I was hungry & also that I was not
satisfied thus far, on the 2nd 24 hour watch after I began getting hungry, as I
stretched out my arm, my hand struck something unusual there.
I found more like it &, gathering them up, I concluded that they were
acorns, & was impressed to eat them.
Well, I never was fond of acorns; but, oh, they
tasted so good. But I said, 'How could acorns get in here?' as these
seemed fresh.
How long had they been in there, & how did it come that I had not felt them
as I had been extending my hand out that far for some time? These
questions came up & had to be met some way. Well, I ate the 6 acorns, & felt
refreshed. This was at 6PM. I struck a match to find out the time. I lay there
all night, & the next morning in stretching I found 6 more acorns. I felt all
around but could find only the 6. Now, I found 6 fresh acorns in that hollow log
3 times a day for 4 days, until I had prayed the matter through, making in all
10 days that I was in that log. Well it became quite a curiosity to me to
know how these 6 acorns got in there, so on the last day I crawled out of the
log, left my shoes at the entrance as a pretense that I was in there, & went
some distance to a hollow tree & there concealed myself.
At 11:45 there
came 6 large gray squirrels. Each 1 jumped up on that log &
dropped his acorn down a knot hole.
I said, 'Wonderful, wonderful, my God, here
Thou hast been feeding me through these 6 squirrels;' I just wept for joy to
think that He was so mindful of my needs as to have these dumb animals obey Him.
I said, 'Elijah isn't the only one who was fed by animals.' I crawled back in,
oh, so humble. I have often wished that I could live feeling as humble as I have
felt at times like this."
Bright, Bill - Steps to successful Fasting & Prayer - www.ifabooks.com
Brooks, Steven - book Working with Angels -
Subtitle - Flowing with God in the Supernatural Chapter
Reflections on Prayer and Fasting shares the apparition/vision of 2
angels + Jesus Christ inside a car where Steven was praying. It is
"spiritually productive & physically healthier to live a fasted lifestyle.
A fasted lifestyle is choosing to never eat all you want...Fasting does
not change God...Fasting changes us."
Steven Brooks 4/28/2008
Steven Brooks 2009 4/13/2009
Steven Brooks - Anointing 4/28/2010
Steven Brooks - Nuclear Power 4/30/2012 - Fasting Prayer -
"When you fast & pray...1 thing...that speeds up is God's going to work
on your behalf." We progress from waiting on, to waiting with the Lord,
before HE acts/manifests on behalf of us/others. Preceding certain
events/causes Steven dials "down...food intake to only eating almonds & cashews
while drinking just water & an occasional coffee."
Chapter 10 21 Day Fast Diary - John G Lake writes, "On the
night of the 6th day of this fast that the Lord had laid on me, while in
the act of washing my hands, the Spirit said, 'How long
have you been praying to cast out demons?'
I replied, 'Lord, a long
time.' The Spirit said, 'From henceforth, thou
shalt cast out demons.'
I arose & praised God... The following
Sunday...a violently insane man was brought to Lake, who commanded the demon to
come out of him in Jesus' name.
The man was instantly delivered, & 2
days later was released from the institution that he had been confined in."
Brown, Catherine - Confessions of a Fasting Housewife - http://www.glory-of-zion.org
Brown, Ruth - Destroying the Works of Witchcraft Through Fasting - http://www.lakehamiltonbiblecamp.com/books/deliverd.htm
Stanley - The Master Cleanser with Special Needs and Problems -
"I am
very much opposed to several days or weeks of water fasting...You may live an
active, normal life...while on the (10 day) lemonade diet (in book)...After one
has attained a clean, healthy body, & then desires to fast for purely
spiritual reasons, 30 or even 40 days
can cause no harm. 1st we must build
our physical bodies to their highest condition."
(Some of author's ideologies may lean toward occult.)
2 Tablespoon raw organic lemon/lime juice (approx 1/2 lemon)
2 Tablespoon organic maple syrup
1/10 Tablespoon organic cayenne pepper (or to taste)
Distilled/spring/pure warm water.
Combine juice, syrup & pepper in a 10 oz glass; will with water.
Consume 6-12 glasses during day for 10-40 days, 1-4 times a year, until toxins
are removed;
former coated and fuzzy tongue (showing evidence of toxins being discharged)
will become clear pink and clean looking, not coated.
Campbell, Wesley & Stacey - Praying the Bible - the Pathway to Spirituality -
Chapter 3 Pray Every Day "The Jews. They fast
on Monday & Thursday."
Thus Catholics were admonished to "fast on Wednesday & Friday," instead.
Chavda, Mahesh - The Hidden
Power of Prayer and Fasting -
read online chapter #1 What
Is the Answer for Stevie? (with Down's syndrome)
Mahesh did 1, 7, 13, 14, 21, & 40 days fasts, & continues to do them,
as the Lord leads.
His 1st fast began with 3 days of neither food nor water, followed by 13
days of water only.
Day 14 he was allowed to pray for Stevie, resulting in Stevie's healing from
Down's syndrome & self-mutilation.
[This 3 day fast might be looked upon as (1) Christ was buried in the
tomb 3 days/nights, (2) Jonah was in the belly of the giant fish 3 days, & (3)
there are 3 persons in the Trinity. (Sometimes to undo a curse, things need to
be done/said 3 times, to counteract the counterfeit activity of Satan.
Some prayers we need to repeat 3X in order to break curses or
linkages to evil that have been invoked 3X to blaspheme the Trinity.
We can pray to end a curse: in the name of the Father; repeat the prayer in the
name of the Son.
Repeat prayer again in the name of the Holy Spirit.
Otherwise, we can repeat the prayer 3x, each time ending with: in the name of
the Father, Son & Holy Ghost/Spirit.
Actually we can/should command "the curse" to be broken, rather than asking God
to do it.
"Curse, be broken, in the name of the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit"...
Regarding the 21 day fasts, one can refer to when Daniel sought the Lord and got
a message from an angel that he had been fighting his way to bring a message to
Daniel 10:12-14 - 12He said to me, "Fear
not, Daniel, for from the 1st day you set your heart to understand & chasten
(perhaps by fasting?)
yourself before God, your words were heard. I have come because of your
words (prayers).
13The prince
(strongman/evil-spirit/ Satan's representative) of the kingdom of
Persia withstood me 21 days...
Lo, Michael, 1 of the chief princes (holy angels) came to help me & I remained there with the kings
of Persia.
14Now I have come to make you understand."
Most know that Jesus was tempted by Satan after a 40 day fast.
Matthew, chapter 4.)]
Mahesh says, "For the first 19
(of 29 40-day fasts), I limited my intake to water only.
After that, the Lord allowed me to drink juices." (The quote does
not appear to mean water only for 19 days, followed by juice 21 days for a total
of 40 days.) (An aside, eating was part of the original road to sin by the
first people, Adam & Eve. Eating (pacifying one's emotions/appetite) may be a
giant vulnerability in the human race.
That may be part of the reason why
fasting is so effective in the spiritual world.)
Chavda, Mashesh - The Hidden Power of the Believer's
Chavda tells of a 40 year old mentally ill patient being delivered.
Chavda, Mashesh - Only Love Can Make a Miracle - When God's Power Takes Hold of a Man, It Can shake the World -
Chapter 9 By Prayer and Fasting shares that there is a "spirit of
mutilation," which
can be commanded out "in the name of Jesus" after one
fasts in addition to prayer. (Healing & deliverance are not the
same.) "When we pray for healing, we may not
always get the answer we want,
(the way we want or when we want), but we can
always trust Jesus.
We can release into His care the things that trouble us."
Chapter 13 The Sorcerer's Tree shares, "Prayer and fasting; it has
been the undergirding
of my ministry...
During my fasts, it is not uncommon for God to give me
special words of revelation & insight into
His mind - sometimes about situations that have stumped me...I have made it a
regular practice to go on two 40 day fasts each year...as well as two 21
day fasts...Often...the Lord would give me a special prayer assignment
for that fast."
Chapter 15 Set the Nations Free asks us to "Pay the
price of prayer &
Cho, David Yonggi - Successful Home Cell Groups -
www.bridgelogos.com publisher -
Chapter 12 Importance of Fellowship with the Holy Spirit shares that no
one should fast without a specific goal.
His congregation has
the habit of frequent 1 & 3 day fasts, especially at Prayer Mountain
retreat, Yoido Full Gospel Church, Seoul, Korea.
Colbin, AnneMarie - Food and Healing - www.amazon.com - Colbin addresses 4 fasts - (a) daily, (b) to the 9th hour, (c) 1+ days, (d) and 1+ weeks, plus 3 methods - (a) water, (2) juice and broth, and (c) mono-diet. She discourages fasting while on medication, because the body becomes supersensitive. Water only fasts are discouraged due to the high level of water contamination AND because the body fat releases stored poisons into the bloodstream during such a fast.
Contreras, Dr Francisco - Coming Cancer Cure - book -
www.oasisofhope.org - His dad (an MD) founded Oasis of Hope hospital
in Mexico on the California border. Father & son are oncologists.
Patients are evaluated for spiritual, physical & psychiatric/emotional
problems, are introduced to Christ, & are prayed for. Clinic uses
methods that are not FDA approved & has a high recovery rate.
Francisco believes that 1% of cancer is demonic. He believes the
bulk of cancer is from environment, clothing, & processed foods (sodas,
bottled water, artificial sweeteners that cause brain damage, etc).
terminal patients they are able to cure by conventional & alternative
methods. If the patient comes to them on his death bed with all
immunity gone due to chemo-therapy, etc, then the last resort is only
prayer & fasting by the staff for the patient.
Amazingly, the results are often miraculous.
Francisco says that one's
prayers are answered according to one's expectations.
Copeland, Kenneth - John G Lake -
www.kcm.org - Lake shares in chapter
31 The Power of Divine Healing that his co-worker
in S Africa prayed & fasted for days under a thorn tree for the end to a fever epidemic that had killed a quarter of the population in 1
month in an area of 350 miles. That man prayed until he at
last needed prayer support.
They witnessed a flock of demons, which
his prayer partner cursed back to where they had come from.
Immediately the epidemic stopped.
Dickow, Gregory - From the Inside Out
- A Revolutionary 40-day Fast From Wrong Thinking -
Dickow, Gregory - Revolution - from the Inside Out -
"Revolution - Day #1 - Today we’re
fasting from the thought
that says, 'I Can’t Change.'
We’ve all felt at times like we can’t change a certain (bad/negative
attitude, behavior, feeling, reaction,) habit, or a characteristic about
ourselves...That’s what this fast from wrong thinking is all about. As
we change our thought patterns and mindsets, ANYTHING can change. And
changing our mindsets is simply a process of replacing defective
thoughts with biblical mindsets. So, if you’ve felt like you can’t
change, you CAN...CHANGE IT TODAY:
1. Believe that the power to change is
a GIFT. 2 Timothy 2:25 says God grants ‘repentance’, or
‘the power to change’, as a gift.
The ability to experience lasting
change in any area of our life is a gift from God.
2. Receive the gift of repentance or
'the gift to change', by FAITH.
Believe that every good gift
comes from the Father (James 1:17).
3. All change begins by believing you
are loved by God.
Romans 2:4b says, Don't you realize
that it is God's loving kindness that is trying to
lead you to Him and
change the way you think and act? (God’s Word Translation).
4. Notice in that verse His love &
kindness changes the way we think;
THEN it changes the way we act.
All lasting change begins by
surrendering my thought life to the Word of God (Romans 12:2).
5. Believe in the process that leads
to progress. Don’t worry if it doesn’t happen right away.
touched the blind man once, than touched him again, before he was
completely healed (Mark 8:22-26).
6. Re-define yourself ONLY as what God
says about you. Disconnect from past definition of your habits,
traits & limitations. You are being changed into His image. (2
Corinthians 3:18)
THINK & SAY IT (out loud): 'God has given me the gift to change.
I can change my habits, emotions
and life by changing the way I think.
I submit to the process of
renewing my mind. I expect
divine progress & supernatural change. I believe the love that
God has for me, & that produces change in me. I refuse to accept past
definitions & limitations of myself.
As I
embrace God’s view of me through the mirror of His Word, I am
being changed into His image, in Jesus’ Name.' In His Great Love,
Gregory Dickow."
Dickow, Gregory -
NEWSLETTERS containing some of the 40 day fast daily manna
Duggan, Dorman with Hammond, Frank -
The Strong Man of Unbelief - Whose Report Will You Believe? -
www.thechildrensbread.net -
Authors contend that neither the Greek nor the NIV translation of the Bible
report Jesus requiring His disciples to fast in difficult cases. [MATTHEW 17:21 KJV
However this kind does not go out, except by prayer & FASTING."] Fasting
is often an excellent thing to do, but in this instance the root issue seems to
be the LACK of BELIEF. We all agree, that mental illness & epilepsy, in
addition to demonization, can be very very intimidating.
The authors
suggest that rather than the disciples being failures, it was the failure of the
Nazareth citizens: the failure to BELIEVE. [Mark 6:1,4- KJV] 1He went out
from there & came into His own country. His disciples
followed Him...
4Jesus said,
"A prophet is not without honor, but
(except) in His own country, among His own kin, & in His
own house."
5He could do NO mighty work, save that He laid His
hands upon a few sick folk & healed them.
6He marveled because of their
Matthew 17:19-20 KJVer Jesus' disciples came apart & said, "Why
could we not cast him out?"
Jesus said, "Because of your UNBELIEF.
Verily I say to you, If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you shall say
to this mountain, 'Move (from) here to yonder,' & it shall
move. Nothing shall be impossible to you."
Either the
disciples' or the community's, UNBELIEF may have been the key handicap.
Eckhardt, John -
Demons -
- http://www.impactnetwork.net
- "Marine spirits are strong & some will only be defeated through
Marine spirits are a different kind of demon...
mind-binding & mind-controlling spirits...have the form of a squid or an
These spirits have tentacles that wrap around the minds of people
hindering them from thinking clearly.
These spirits cause much confusion & help blind people from seeing
the truth."
Ferrell, Ana Mendez - Regions of Captivity -
www.thevoiceofthelight.com -
"Fasting"...sensitizes us to the spiritual world in order to hear & see" into
the supernatural & helps us to pray "effectively under a prophetic anointing
to deliver persons being held captive."
Ferrell, L. Emerson - Quantum Fasting - Food for Thought -
www.thevoiceofthelight.com -
Aggressive fasting + keeping one's focus on the Trinity opens the portholes
of heaven.
The impression given to the reader that is that no one is truly
born-again until he enters this porthole on a regular basis, somewhat like the
marriage where one needs to consummate his marriage to have intimacy that is not
legally/spiritually available during engagement or dating.
Chapter 4 Purposes and Benefits of Fasting -
"Take authority over physical appetites and...recapture territory previously
stolen...Experience freedom from those prisons.
Fasting is the
quickest & most powerful way to break open doors holding you captive in your
mind &
Fasting is THE principal tool to display your determination to retake
what you have surrendered through ignorance...fasting is a lifestyle...The
heavens will remain open in your life & mind. For those who fast, the
atmosphere created by the Holy Spirit...is the portal by which revelation enters
our life & changes our consciousness...
(It) is the absolute necessity to fast in
order to change one's current condition...
Every revelation of Christ we uncover
unlocks treasures designed for our personal development & destiny."
Chapter 5 Quantum Fasting & the Supernatural - "Adam fell by
opening his mouth to eat...
Be fed by the Holy Spirit...Eternity does NOT
begin when we die...Christ is eternity & those who taste Him never die... Spiritual
surgery (is) conducted by the Holy Spirit through fasting."
Chapter 7 Our Spirit Is His Key - "God smells a
sweet aroma from our flesh 'burning' on the altar of fasting...
That condition
creates a scent &
a different frequency in our bodies...& becomes the vehicle for (better)
understanding the spiritual nature of God."
chapter 9 Stones to Bread - "The eldest of Isaac, Esau, sold
his covenant birthright
(to Jacob) for food...
The Tempter came & said (to Jesus during His 40 day fast), 'If You are the Son
of God, command these stones to turn into loaves'" (Satan said this in an
attempt to derail God's pan to redeem mankind.)
Chapter 14 Old Wine Skins -
"The original design of the body was
created to live for 1,000's of years free from disease."
Chapter 15 Fasting Is Medicine - "Fasting is
God's natural detoxification treatment...is medicine...no side effects...
blood was designed by God to supply both physical life & spiritual DNA.
The devil
knows the power of blood, because it is what defeated him...
God required
the Israelites to eat (& omit) certain foods to protect their blood as well as
to provide proper nutrition."
Chapter 16 Fasting and Physiology - "Pharmaceutical drugs kill
more people every year
than are killed in traffic accidents... Over 75% of ADRs
(adverse drug reactions) were dose-dependent...due to inherent toxicity of the
drugs rather than to allergic reactions."
Chapter 18 Fasting Births Prophets -
"Our physical world consists of material from the invisible realm.
spiritual world is invisible to our naked eye, because of the (faster) speed in
which it moves...Foods are not just protein & carbohydrates but physical
matter that...vibrate at different frequencies...(+) influence our...blood
and cells."
Fluitt, Clarice - Chapter 1 @
Chapter 9 Moving Your Boundaries - "He said, 'I
know somebody in the body of Christ has been fasting.
We are 1
body, so come on up & take their fast.'
I thought, 'Can
you do that?'
I had to move my religious boundaries."
Franklin, Jentezen -
Fasting - book #S 155
Heflin, Ruth Ward -
free download
Chapter 2 Lifted Up for Revival
squandering all your prayer time on things that will pass away & start believing God for
things that will last forever.
Some of us are guilty of fasting &
praying to keep the very things God wants us to let go."
Heflin, Ruth Ward Harvest Glory - 1999 autobiography -
www.revivalglory.org -
God told Heflin that He would deal with her "in 7s and 8s...I want you to
fast 7 days & eat on the 8th, fast 7 more days & eat on the 8th, & do
it for 7 weeks & eat (resume without a fast) on the 8th week."
Hickey, Marilyn -
Fasting and Prayer - www.mhmin.org
Hickey, Marilyn -
Power of Prayer and Fasting - www.mhmin.org
Marilyn - Your Pathway
to Miracles - Chapter 7
Miracles from the Prayer Closet
"When my mother was 40 years old, she reached out to God to receive the
baptism of the Holy Spirit out of desperation concerning my father's mental
illness. Because he was mentally broken, he'd become verbally &
physically abusive...
Shortly after this, my father was admitted to a mental
hospital, &d the doctors said he would never come out again.
Yet my
mother began to pray & fast, &, within 1 year, my father was
She lived to be 90 years of age & prayed intensely for everything."
Marilyn -
Shattered Mind NOT
Demon Possessed -
http://www.marilynandsarah.org/2012/03/jewish-feasts-part-1/ -
Testimony begins at end approx 23:23
where Marilyn shares that William Branham
told her mom to place her tear stained handkerchief on her husband to
allow God to heal him, that he was NOT demon possessed but rather had
shattered mind.
[Charles Capps was given similar
revelation regarding ministry to some with mental issues.]
Hinn, Benny - The Miraculous Power Released Through Prayer & Fasting - www.bennyhinn.org
Hogan, David -
David has 8 booklets available from Sid Roth's Messianic Vision & includes
How to Raise the Dead -
The series includes his typical dietary regime: 3
days fast from all food & liquids, then 3 days of eating, as a lifestyle.
Other links one might like:
https://www.hopefaithprayer.com/word-of-faith/river-god-david-hogan/ or
http://www.insightsofgod.com/index.html (Good resource for many
autobiographies & biographies)
Irabor, George B - Dimensions of Fasting - Oct-Dec/2007
Grace Envoy magazine editorial -
Dedham, Massachusetts, USA -
"If you fast at least 1 day a week, at the end of a year you will have fated
for 52 days. You will have tithed more than 10 % of your days to
CONSISTENCY in fasting helps to prepare you for the greater things in
God's kingdom...
1-3 day fast aid in subduing fleshly problems...3-10 day fast aids in breaking
yokes in your family...10-21 day fast aids in breaking...yokes over cites &
nations...When fasting for long periods of time, it is prudent to let a
spiritual authority or mentor know...to pray...you through any unforeseen
physical or spiritual difficulties...When God has a burden, He looks for a man
to SPEAK it & to birth it into existence." Mention is also made of our not
offending others by refusing to eat in their presence. Use wisdom, mercy &
kindness in dealing with others & self regarding whether or not to
break or alter a fast.
Kelley, Earthquake -
book #1122 "Bound to Lose, Destined to Win" -
http://earthquakekelleyministries.org/books/ - Chapter 4 A Trip to Hell
- Earthquake attended the Utopian Temple Church of God in Christ & was mentored
under Pastor Joe Lee & Lucy Hughes who taught him about deliverance
& empowered him to overcome demonic spirits.
Pastor Lee "went on
long fasts & cast demons out of people" including those who would
rededicate their "life to Christ & backslide again." Wisdom
without power is of NO use.
Kunneman, Brenda - The Supernatural
You - Living from the Well of God's Spirit within You
www.ovm.org -
www.lohchurch.org - chapter 5
Supernatural Equipment Is in Your House -
Matthew 17:14-21 "Jesus wasn't saying that every time you meet up with
this kind of demon you need to...go out & fast & pray 1st. He was saying
that by making a habit of prayer & fasting, you position yourself to
walk in the kind of faith needed."
Lim, Jim – Chapter 8 on Fasting - http://www.jesushealsmi.com/Books/FAP_E/FAP%20Ch8.pdf
Lowery, TL - Walking in the Supernatural - book - www.tllowery.org/ - Web interview: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3330728582264121859 - www.deeperliving.com - At end of a 40 day water fast, a healing cloud manifested over those congregants who were subsequently healed & delivered.
Oyedepo, David - Nigeria - Satan Get Lost - excellent http://www.planetfreebook.com/Classic_collection/classic_books_author_NO_PDF_edited_
Mendez-Ferrell, Ana - Eat My Flesh, Drink My Blood -
www.voiceofthelight.com -
Chapter 3 How Does This Great Mystery Occur? -
"My husband fasts...He has fasted more than 200 days. On extended
fasts that lasted
40-50 days, angels have descended to feed him with a
meal of light, after receiving Communion."
Ferrell, Emerson The
Power of Fasting #1 live TV
http://www.vimeo.com/1107660 -
The power of fasting Vol.2 live TV -
Prince, Derek -
Shaping History Through Prayer and Fasting -
www.derekprince.com -
Christian Growth Ministries, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, 33302 USA. (Prince was born in Bangalore, India.)
Book preface reminds us that American President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a
national day of prayer & fasting to be celebrated 4/30/1863 &
thereafter annually.
Likewise, the God ordered Moses/Israel to "afflict
your souls by a statue of fasting forever," which the Jews interpret as a requirement to
observe an annual day of fasting/ repentance. See Leviticus 16:31.
This same Acts 27:9 Day of Atonement is called Yom Kippur in Hebrew.
Such fasting can be for repentance of personal or national sins.
Combined with prayer it can affect the outcome of war & national elections.
Chapter 5 I Have Seen History Shaped Through Prayer shares some of such
testimonies. This is called spiritual warfare.
Prince, Derek - Fasting - booklet
Free upon written request from
Rodgers, Bob - America Fasting for Revival
www.americafastingforrevival.us - Chapter 5 - The Sin of Prayerlessness -
I Samuel Chapter 31: Having buried their
bones, they "fasted
7 days"...so as to also bury the curses triggered by their king.
"Where close relatives are under a generational curse...(&) 1 of those
family members dies. The demons who have driven them, now look for members
of the same blood line to dwell in. Those evil spirits feel they have a
right to a family for 4 generations. Sometimes...200 years or
longer...When those family members die, you go on a fast to stop the curse...
The length of fasting is very important. If one fasts 1-3 days this
generally affects a situation that is pressing at that moment...A longer fast
such as a 21-40 day fast is a life changer... Discipline is doing what you
don't want to do everyday to get good at what you want to do... Worse than being
hungry is Satan holding back what God has promised you & your family... Many
will never reach that (great destiny) level, if they don't add fasting to their
discipline with God....
Tommy Osborn fasted all food & water 3 days, as he sought God's presence.
The Lord spoke: 'As I've been with others, so I will be with you.
Wherever you go,
I will give you the land for your possession. No: demon, disease or power
stand before you all the days of your life, IF you get the people to believe My
Word'...(In scripture) without fasting Daniel would have been a statistic
& not a
history maker...been eaten by the lions & never accomplished what God had for
him to do.
Many times Satan will withhold the promises God has for you. You can NOT
be passive."
Roberson, Dave - The Walk of the Spirit - The Walk of Power
- Subtitle
The Vial Role of Praying in Tongues -
Chapter 13 Prayer & Fasting - The Power Twins
Towns, Elmer L. @
Teaching Small Groups -
1. The Fasts God Chooses -
Putting the issue of fasting into biblical perspective
2. The Disciple’s
Fast - Fasting for freedom from addiction
3. The Ezra Fast - Fasting to
solve problems
4. The Samuel Fast - Fasting to win people to Christ
The Elijah Fast - Fasting to overcome negative emotions and habits
6. The
Widow’s Fast - Fasting to provide for the needy
7. The Saint Paul Fast -
Fasting for decision making
8. The Daniel Fast - Fasting for influential
9. The John the Baptist Fast - Fasting for influential testimony
10. The Esther Fast - Fasting for protection from the evil one
Choosing the Fast - God Chooses for You Selecting the appropriate fast
Valentine, Gemma - How to Become Single after Divorce - Oct-Dec/2007 Grace Envoy magazine - www.foundationofgracebos.org "Abstinence is for the body to be cleansed from spirits that were transferred during sexual activity outside of the covenant of marriage, or due to infidelity during marriage, or for a period of purification & consecration of the body before marriage...For a person to remarry after divorce, the (minimum) accepted sabbatical rest is one year...The healing process may take longer." Sexual strongholds need to be broken; then "there will be no sexual fantasies. You could look at...the opposite sex or the same sex & don't feel anything (immoral/seductive/forbidden/ selfish)."
Wallis, Arthur - God's Chosen Fast - http://www.amazon.com/Gods-Chosen-Fast-Arthur-Wallis/dp/0875085547#reader_B004RIHBWG - read online -
Williams, Dave - The Miracle Results of Fasting - booklet -
www.mounthopechurch.org -
Chapter 9 Defeating Leviathan reveals that Leviathan is
an invisible spiritual "demonic being that is sometimes loosed against the
children of God & the ministries of God," requiring a lifestyle of prayer and fasting.
He notes that the mouth of the creature does
a shaking, but be forewarned that
the tail does a last sweep. "You may recall in the book of Revelation how
the tail of the dragon knocked the stars out of heaven.
He dragged down 1/3 of them with his tail."
"God said to me, 'As a result of this fasting, I am
advancing your ministry by 10 years.'" "DL Moody, Charles Finney, & Charles Spurgeon...all practiced fasting
"Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine...said...
'Our food should be our
our medicine should be our food, but to eat when you're sick is to
feed your sickness.'"
"Dr Dean Ornish says that after fasting just 12 hours toxins will begin to
"Fasting does for us mentally what it does for us physically.
It removes
toxic thoughts from our minds."
"When we fast, we put our spirit in charge of our minds."
George McCluskey fasted every lunch time, 1st for his children, then for his
grandchildren, & then for his great grand-children.
"A 70 year old man...on an extended supervised fast...after 6 days, his enlarged
prostate had shrunk to the size of a young man's.
Then his sinuses cleared
up. His breathing became normal.
On the 36th day a miracle
occurred when he regained permanent hearing in his deaf ear.
A few
days later he found that his sex drive had returned, & he was no longer impotent."
Wommack, Andrew - www.awmi.net - Andrew presently teaches that what Jesus Christ did for us YESTERDAY is sufficient, that all we need to do is to appropriate it, & that fasting & such is for our own character building rather than to move God, Who already moved 2,000 years ago through His Son Jesus. August 2010
Yun, Brother with Hattaway, Paul - The Heavenly Man - www.asiaharvest.org - Chapter Through the Valley of Death shares fasting deliverance prayer, "Spirit of hunger, leave me now, in the name of Jesus Christ."
Allen, Bruce -
"In Malaysia
they take children from 4 years old up to teenagers, they go on week-end
retreats, they are fasting & prayer retreats. Not little Bible school, let’s go have fun & games retreats.
They’re fasting and praying, do you know who they’re fasting &
praying for?...You. I kid you not. They’re praying for America; they’re weeping
for America.
This little boy went because his parents made him go. He was very sad &
dejected & as he’s laying on his face praying, or trying to pray…wham! He’s
caught up into the 3rd heaven for over an hour. He has an experience with
God that radically changed & transformed his life so much so that he came back
from that week-end; in those schools over there you test out of every grade it’s
a national thing. He took his test & was the 3rd
highest in all the schools.
It’s not that
he didn’t study, whatever came on him, he just wasn’t retaining…but God…
came back & can quote the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. He preaches like
nobody you’ve ever known.
He’s just a kid, you can play & have fun, but when you
start talking about God it’s like this mantle of the wisdom of the ages comes on
him. He said this, 'He’s coming back sooner than you think.'
Every 1 of those little kids we’ve ever heard about has this same theme,
matter what their experience.
He’s coming back sooner than you think. It’s the parousia:
A sign to
us, this ever increasing presence of God that shortly now, it’s finished. You have a
profound destiny in God.
You’re destiny is NOT (cocky)
'blessed assurance, this seat is mine', oh what a foretaste of death on the
Alston, Venner - 40 Day Fast
(Perhaps one could fast 6PM-6AM instead of 6AM-6PM or even 2 days on & 2
days off, which Alston practices.)
Alston, Venner -
Alston, Venner -
12/30/2019 @
- "We began to notice is that after I became
a believer, I started noticing that because I had a cycle of prayer. I'd pray 2
days, I'd fast 2 days. I'd eat. Then I'd fast 2 days & I'd eat.
Well, what I discovered is that sometimes when people would walk up to me, I
knew what they were going to say before they said it.
I didn't have a language
grid so I didn't know how I knew that so I kind of started, kept that quiet.
But as I began to emerge & God began to restore prophetic language back to the
body of Christ, I then had language that was a descriptor of what it was I was
Then I could just continue to hear the voice of God & declare
what I heard Him say in the spirit."
3/9/-4/30/2011 USA Catholic Missalette - Communal Anointing
of the Sick "This sacrament gives the grace of the Holy Spirit to
those who are sick: by this grace the whole person is helped (body, mind
and spirit) & saved (from death, disease, damnation, demons & defect)... The word 'quarantine'
literally means '40' days.
The 40 Days of Lent are for the Church a kind of healing retreat, a
quarantine. The Lenten disciplines of prayer, fasting & almsgiving have been called the 'medicines'
that make the Church healthy." Quarantine per Webster's (1979) New Universal Unabridged Dictionary -
"1.A period of 40
days...In English law...40 days during which the widow of a man seized of land
had the privilege of remaining in her husband's mansion house, & during which
time her dower was to be assigned.
2.A period, originally of
40 days, during which a vessel
arriving from an infected port, or being suspected of carrying a contagious
disease on board, is detained in port in strict isolation."
Chavda, Mahesh -
http://www.theremnant.com/January2008on-line.pdf - Deliverance of
Stevie a self-mutilator who had downs syndrome. Mahesh was not allowed
to eat or drink water for 3 days & food for 14 days (but only to pray in
tongues). After, when he was with Stevie, he commanded the evil "spirit of
'In the name of Jesus you foul spirit of mutilations, come out of him
now.'", setting Stevie free - at long last. Praise God.
Copeland, Kenneth -
Fasting and Prayer -
(1) Decide the purpose of the fast.
(2) Proclaim the fast before the Lord.
(3) Believe you receive.
(4) Minister to the Lord.
(5) Minister to others. Always minister to others AFTER the fast. You
need to use the spiritual power within you to meet the needs of people. If you
fast according to the Word of God, you will be spiritually built up. Minister to
others during the fast only as you are
led of the Father to do so."
Finney, Charles - "When asked the secret to his success in the ministry,
Finney simply said, 'The secret is prayer.
I always get up at 4:00 in the
morning, & I
pray from 4:00 to 8:00 every morning...
I found myself quoting scripture after
scripture to the Lord, reminding Him of His promises...
Finney pled his case with God for revival in the cities
where he would be
preaching based on the promises in God's Word...
There isn't one account given that Finney ever pulled down demonic strongholds,
prayed against devils, or dealt with ruling princes over cities, yet whole town
were won to the Lord where Finney preached."
Father Nash preceded Finney to each city where he fasted and
prayed for days at a time...
Regarding the Texas region, Mother Howard is cited for preparing the
soil. "Mother Howard began praying, taking 1 town at a tie and continuing
to pray until a Full Gospel church was raised up in the town she was
praying for.
She'd pray from 10 AM until mid-afternoon.
Then after
supper, she'd begin praying again & continue until midnight or later, depending on how the Holy
Spirit led her. Mother Howard was praying for souls."
editorial Timeless Teaching of Kenneth E Hagin - Praying for the Harvest
Word of Faith magazine.
Hall, Franklin
1/1946 -
"Many miracles of
healing were performed by Holy Spirit in the Name of Jesus. Demons were cast
out, lunatics healed, cancers disappeared, the blind saw, the crippled walked,
stomach ulcers disappeared, palsy was quieted, tuberculosis healed, asthma,
bronchitis, the smoking and drinking habits were given up & many more sicknesses vanished.
Scores of folk were baptized at the altars."
"1 day while in deep consecration the Spirit spoke (to T.L. Osborn) thus: 'My
son, as I was with Price, Wigglesworth & others, so will I be with thee. They
are dead, but now it is time for you to arise, to go & do like-wise. You can cast out devils; YOU heal the
sick; YOU raise
the dead; YOU cleanse the lepers. Behold I give you power over all the power of
the enemy.
Be not afraid. Be strong. Be of good courage. I am with thee, as I was with them.
No evil power
shall be able to stand before THEE all the days of thy life, as you get the
people to believe my Word. I used those men in their day.
Now I desire to use THEE'...In a single campaign which we conducted,
as many as 125 deaf-mutes, 90 totally blind, & 100's of other equally miraculous
deliverances have resulted. Happy & joyful conversions have numbered as many as
9,000 in 1 revival."
Box 4231, Tulsa 9, Oklahoma...
"This latent power is FASTING & PRAYER. This is a prayer that is prayed under
the influence of fasting. Our spiritual progress will be like supersonic
speed...FASTING & PRAYER make it far easier to DELIGHT OURSELVES IN THE LORD,
it will give us the light ON THIS POWER. SPACE & TIME TO GOD WILL SHRINK &
DISTANCE WILL CEASE TO BE, when one receives the potential light & puts it into practice...
The power of the Spirit is developed to a high degree by many through the use of
the most powerful agent known to man, fasting & prayer. Without fasting, prayer
becomes ineffectual. Fasting restores & amplifies prayer power.
A 21-40 day
prayer & fast will most assuredly hasten the Christian to such a deep & wonderful experience with God that 21 days will equal 21 years. 40 days will
equal 40 years...Fasting is the most potent power of the universe, &
is placed at the disposal of every believer...The Roman historian, Plutarch,
said, 'Instead of
using medicine, fast a day'...
'We compare "FASTING AND PRAYING" with the power of the atomic bomb, because, to
Christian, fasting will truly bring atomic spiritual power'...The
spiritual atomic power with God,
that lies available to every Christian. The scientist can now use and harness
the power of the
material atom, but the Christian can use and harness the dynamic power of the
great Creator of
the atom. As the Creator is greater than that which He has created, so is the
power wielded by
the Christian, through fasting and prayer, greater than that wielded by the
atomic scientist...
A complete fast is a fast from the time hunger leaves, until the time hunger
Such a fast may continue from 21-40, depending on the individual, and also
on the amount of time it takes you to get your prayers through to Heaven.
Fasting & Starvation
are also 2
entirely different things.
In about 2 weeks, more or less, the average individual will
have most of the wastes, poisons,
toxins, fecal materials, etc., eliminated. That is, unless this individual has a
deep-seated functional
ailment. Even if this be the case, this should be relieved and healed if the
fast is continued...
Anyone can fast for long periods of time, but only the Judeo-Christian can expect
supernatural results...
Jesus is not criticizing the eating to live. But He is
greatly condemning the 'living to eat'...
The lack of fasting explains the great 'falling away,' the 'losing their 1st
love,' because man cares more for his 'desire-nature,' than for the
fortification of his soul. People have failed to follow the complete pattern of
the faith formula of Christ, given in Matthew, chapter 17, or Mark 9:29. They
not only failed to have power to do the impossible, but after the days of the
apostles the church became powerless, & eventually began to say that the days of
healing were over; that the miracles were not for them anymore; the Holy Spirit,
after the Bible pattern, was forsaken, & the power of the apostolic age was
lost. Many splits soon divided the church of Jesus Christ. The men of old that
had fasted & prayed, & who had power
with God to
perform miracles of healing, had either died, or had been martyred.
The younger generations discontinued the use of fasting...
Many, if not all, the American Indian tribes sought revelation of the Great
Spirit through Prayer & Fasting.
When they had famines, food shortages, lack of
rain, etc., the Great Spirit was sought through prayer & fasting, & their
prayers were answered. In certain tribes nearly all Indian children who came to
the age of puberty were set aside in prayer CHILDREN FAST and a fast of 7-10
days, to burn out, so to speak, the evil sex desires, so that they would have
high moral thoughts, & live a high spiritual life. As they grew & developed into
manhood or
womanhood the practice of fasting was continued...
From questionnaires sent to 55,000 children of school age, that 16,000 of
them had never heard of the 10 Commandments, let alone quote the Lord’s prayer...
Fasting is beneficial to children. When a child becomes ill, very
often several meals, or several days fasting, will fix up everything. Many
children as they grow and eat rich foods, develop a pimpled complexion. The
source of the condition is in the stomach. The stomach tries to unload its
poisonous material in the blood, & to some extent through the skin.
Only a
few days of
fasting will eradicate all traces of the symptoms...
Babies quite
frequently suffer from over-feeding rather than under-feeding...
The 'colic,
gases in the stomach, belching, vomiting, diarrhea,’ & many other baby disturbances can be quickly eliminated by a fast
of 1 or more meals...Fasting was
part & parcel of the very life of Christ.
Yet this very essential part of
life has been ignored by many Christians as if it were an unsolved mystery.
was never meant
to be hidden, and should never have been so overlooked...
Surely such a
stupendous truth cannot
continue to be a secret hidden in plain sight for
over 1,900 years...
Try this
truth that gives such a
treasure-house of riches and strength.
We do not fast to merit favor from God or
as a penance...
Would we not do well to follow our Lord’s example, & avail ourselves of this mighty weapon with which to meet & overcome him 'who goes about as a roaring lion, seeking
whom he may devour'...
The great revelation of why He fasted, was shown when He healed this lunatic
boy, & answered
the question that the disciples had asked Him: "Why could not we cast him out?"
Matt. 17:19...
Then the secret of Jesus’ fast was revealed. He showed to them & to us what
'Super-Atomic Power' one can have...'by prayer & fasting.' Matt. 17:20-21...
Our Lord teaches here the big difference between prayer alone, & prayer,
combined with fasting...
The disuse of fasting is in direct opposition to the practice, example, &
of Christ...
Christ could not have been tempted by something He did not need. But we read
that 'when He had fasted 40 days & 40 nights, He was afterward an hungered.'
Now, Jesus could turn these stones into bread and yield to an appetite similar
to the one Eve yielded to in the Garden of Eden. The answer that Jesus gave was
not only an answer to Satan, but throws a challenge to all humanity: 'Man shall
not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of
God.' Matt. 4:4. Jesus received the Holy Spirit, but this did not seem
sufficient. It requires fasting and prayer to operate the Holy Ghost.
Jesus, at 30 years of age, only after praying and fasting 40 days & 40 nights,
began to manifest Himself as the Son of God with all power, signs, & wonders.
There was such an awakening. Fasting is the most powerful means at the disposal
of every child of God. Fasting literally becomes prayer to the praying
Christian, prayer that is as different as an atomic bomb compared to an ordinary
bomb. Prayer alone is like the ordinary bomb, &
the fast with prayer, is comparable to the Super-Atomic Bomb...
Usually, the 1st few days of a fast
are the most difficult time to pray, because the weakness of the body has not
gone, & the body has not been cleansed. Pray as much as possible, as long as
possible, and as fervently as possible, regardless of lack of strength, &
when you get over
'the hump,' it becomes easier to fast and pray.
Generally speaking, you get
stronger physically...
Years ago, a shoe cobbler did this very thing. He was living in Denver,
After fasting & praying for 40 days, the power of God became so
real & precious, that he gave up his shoe business, started preaching on the
street corners, & blessing sick people through the healing ministry of Christ.
Hundreds of sick people were prayed for daily, & many miraculously healed. Blind
eyes were opened; deaf ears were un-stopped; deaf & dumb spoke; ulcers, cancers,
arthritis, & tuberculosis cases, were gloriously healed.
The lame leaped for
joy. Wheel chairs, beds, crutches & braces were left ,behind by the ones that
were healed in Jesus’ name. All this in answer to the prayers of an individual
who caught a revelation through prayer & fasting 40 days...
After several days of the fast have passed, the hunger appetite #2 actually
If the fast is prolonged, in a few days, possibly a week or 10 days
more, the weakness leaves, & the average
individual feels even stronger than he did before he began the fast...
The next thing that is noticed, and this is noticeable during the first of the
fast, is that appetite, #3, sex desire, leaves. Then, finally, as the one who is
fasting proceeds to pray & commune with God, & earnestly seeks the God of
Heaven, the greed appetite #4, or the appetite that is the over anxious driving
force which causes man to work hard at his job, & worry over his home affairs &
his business, be. comes so diminished that it seems insignificant. It usually
requires many days of fasting before the greed appetite diminishes. This
explains why a long fast is sometimes necessary.
The chief interest now is in
seeking God in prayer & fasting. One becomes indifferent to natural things.
is wonderful when one is glorifying God in his whole body, soul & spirit, with all his
members focused toward
As Sister Mary Sommerville writes, 'It was so wonderful I never wanted
to eat again.
The unspeakable glories of heaven were all around me; I felt as if I were
sailing all the time.' So glorious an ecstasy is this marvelous
experience, that our every faculty can at last be extended toward heaven for the
glory of Jesus Christ.
The precious Holy Spirit may at last have His way with
our lives in every way & detail. We hear His voice, as our spirit is attuned
to heavenly things...
Fasting will be a heavy, burdensome experience, because Satan does not want you
to obtain the
great 'FAITH' that is promised to one who fasts.
You will be fighting against
spiritual forces of darkness...
Spiritually, one will feel as if the demons of hell are turned against him.
is doubtful if you will ever have such trials as the strange ones that show up
while fasting, or at the close of the fasting period. The trials encountered at
this time are numerous; naturally, the Devil will fight to prevent a child of
God making headway toward FAITH. It simply means defeat for Satan. Jesus’
greatest testing came after He had fasted 40 days & 40 nights. Before HE PERFORMED a SINGLE MIRACLE, HE fasted.
Starvation begins after most of the body weight is lost. It usually starts after
true hunger returns, which is seldom less than 21 days, & may be as long as 40, or even 60 days...
Avicenna, the great Arabian physician, clearly sensed the value of fasting,
since he often prescribed as long as a 3-week fast for his patients,
especially for syphilis &
Dr. Isaac Jennings,
as early as 1822, employed fasting successfully as an aid in almost every kind
of ailment...
Many incurable diseases in man are caused by demons. Demons cannot be cured.
They must be cast out.
It often requires prayer & fasting to do so...Most
folk would be far better off if they would pray & fast at least 1 day a week,
they would be stronger physically, & deeper
Most of the early churches, especially the Methodists, had at least
1 fast day a week...
I have personally seen pessimism, gloom, discouragement, anger, grudges, fear,
morbidity, despondency, worry, fussiness, mental tensions, perversions, vile &
depraved thoughts, excitability, other forms of mental conditions, & bad habits
disappear completely after the bodily purification is accomplished. Bodily
purification leads to spiritual purification.
Demons often feed on food
filth & carnality; many times fasting unlooses them & makes a person free from
demons & disease...
Your regular diet should not commence, until at least the number of days have
elapsed, equal to the number of days that you have fasted. For instance, if you
have fasted 28 days, you should have a gradual breaking-in period of 28 days
before you resume a regular diet.
You should start out with fruit juices several
days, then fresh fruit for 2-3 days more, then light soups, not too milky, for
another 2-3 days, & then green vegetables for a further period. Gradually,
little by little,
break into the regular diet...
Hall, Franklin - God's "atomic power" cited
by Allen, Bruce D -
Leaf, Dr. Caroline - http://drleaf.com/blog/fasting-for-the-spirit-soul-and-body/ - 11/23/2016 @ Blog or http://drleaf.com/blog/
Kellyann Petrucci -
Fox News -
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHfdHVtHfAk 5/2/2015 -
Ms Petrucci suggests one can fast 2 days a week via bone broth.
Rogers, Bob - Excellent
overview -
http://www.theremnant.com/January2008on-line.pdf - "He said, 'I’m
drinking water right out of the tap.' I said, 'That is your problem. The
chlorine in the water will kill you.' I told him he had to drink bottled
water & it is better to drink (reverse osmosis) distilled
water than spring water...Begin your fast with water only.
Then as you go on
into the fast, if you see that you are having difficulty, add juices to your
fast." "Humility before God, ask forgiveness of sins. If you enter into
this fast with unforgiveness against someone or you are praying against someone
for revenge, then you are opening yourself up to a wrong spirit to come and get
ahold of you...You are to forgive all people & release them unto God. If you
don’t, the enemy will come & try to destroy you. When Jesus fasted, who
appeared to
Him? Was it the angel Gabriel, or Moses, or Abraham, or God the Father?
No, the
devil appeared to Him.
The devil came to tempt Him. Jesus went through
the greatest temptation
of His life while he was on that fast...
The victory came
for Jesus not while He was ON the fast,
but after He completed His fast.
The devil will attack many...You have power over all the works
of the devil. You
have power over all the demons, over all evil spirits. You bind those
spirits & you rebuke
them in Jesus’ Name & they WILL flee from
you. Luke 4:14."
Rogers, Bob -
Rogers, Bob -
good mentoring -
Rogers, Bob -
"During a fast your prayers
need to be specific.
I encourage you to write down your greatest
needs and pray specifically
each need during this time of fasting.
As God impresses you
with direction and guidance, jot down
what God speaks. Victory often comes after the fast is over.
When Jesus fasted,
He was tempted by
the devil.
The power of the Holy Spirit came upon Christ after the fast."
Rogers, Bob - Miracles shared -
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8uqz7seWVo 1/15/206 - German candy cane was
reconfigured in USA to represent J for Jesus & striped
with red to represent His blood & white to represent His purification.
Rogers, Bob -
The Fasting Power - 1/8/2016
Rogers, Bob -
N316 - 6/21/2014
Rogers, Bob -
awesome USA history overview pertaining to fasting:
Book America, Fasting for Revival + 25 Years of Fasting and Praying
Smith, Maurice - Not by Bread Alone - http://www.parousianetwork.org/PDF_FIles/Not%20By%20Bread%20Alone.pdf
& a friend had been about to pray for some ongoing family problems we had, but
the Lord immediately told me that we were only to pray for a prayer
strategy instead.
He gave me a vision showing that if we prayed in normal fashion that we would be
like lone people trying to break thru a huge stone demonic fortress wall (like
Jericho) with a single bow & arrow, but I saw that with God’s strategy there
would be many dozens of angels standing behind us & attacking with us.
we prayed for guidance & strategy, & the next morning I was woken by the voice
of the Lord saying
day fast'
(Not food. Dont panic). He
then immediately dictated this declaration/ decree/prayer to be spoken daily for
the next 40 days & then at times afterwards until total breakthrough.
Within days I started hearing answers."
Ayres, Mel & Desiree have a Hollywood ministry based on
An autobiography 7/28-8/1/2003 or teachings may be obtained on
Steven Brooks - 3/12-16/2012 Messianic RADIO broadcast -
Listen to Wednesday's program on fasting.
In a crunch/emergency a 3 day Ruth fast or a half hour (minimum) night time
adoration/worshiping of God may be just what you need.
Brown, Ruth - Destroying the
Works of Witchcraft through Fasting and Prayer -
Deliverance Prayer
Carothers, Meriln - Fasting - CD - www.foundationofpraise.org
Dickow, Gregory - From the Inside Out - Fasting From Wrong Thinking - CD - www.changinglives.org
Ferrell, Emerson -
DVD - D4003 #3 - Majors on fasting.
Ferrell, Emerson & Ana Mendez - Experiences in Heaven -
CD - www.voiceofthelight.com
Emerson tempts us into the chocolate kingdom of God through the door of
Salvation saves our spirit, but not our mind/soul nor
body, for all practical purposes.
The baptism of the Holy Spirit (the
sacrament of confirmation) takes us
one step further,
but that is only the threshold into the chocolate kingdom of
When we actually enter into the heavenly places, the angels will feed
us/our bodies if necessary.
For those who are very hungry for God, this CD is an
absolute must.
- The Battle of the Mind -
8/7-11/2006 RADIO archives @ www.sidroth.org/radio.htm
Tuesday audio discusses how Fox did a sleep fast, which
resulted in a cloud entering her room with a hand coming out to anoint her hands
for ministry.
A sleep fast is where/when/ how she gave up part of
her regular sleep time (2-7AM) to pray, read scripture, etc.
Hayes, Norvel - How to Make the Devil Leave You Alone CD
www.nhm.org -
4th CD expounds on story where follower of Satan was delivered after 40
individuals surrounded her and prayed in tongues throughout the evening.
(Here again we see the evidence where 40 is a significant number to God in the
spiritual world.)
Hickey, Marilyn - Prayer & Fasting I&II
- CDs - www.mhmin.org
Hickey, Marilyn -
The Power of Prayer & Fasting -
audio - www.sidroth.org - 3/20-25/2006 Radio interview with Sid Roth.
Marilyn shares how her dad had a nervous breakdown & was not expected to
recover & how her mom did a 21 day fast, resulting in her dad's healing.
Hickey, Marilyn - TV
interview with Sid Roth about mental illness of her own father and brothers
healed by God through her mother's fasting. Order the video online (DIS372)
Order the DVD online (DVD372)
Watch online:
(Real Player)
Media) Download:
(Real Player) |
(Windows Media)
Additionally she shares meeting S. Korean Pastor Cho's mother who moves
mountains through prayer and fasting.
She shares how her husband prayed
& fasted 1 meal & his friend Russell was discharged from a mental hospital.
She shares how God impressed upon her to do 7 meals a week fast (any
way that is convenient-not necessarily daily) as a lifestyle. (Her
grandfather also had mental issues.)
Hickey, Marilyn - Prayer &
Fasting - The Ultimate Breakthrough video -
www.mhmin.org - (Marilyn on a Joni Lamb TV
3/2006 broadcast (not the 1 above) shares how a pastor went into a hospital & delivered a woman from severe mental
illness from which no priest/MD could rescue her. This was done through
fasting and prayer.
[Perhaps Marilyn is referring t:
True story of Clarita Villanueva
- A 17 year old girl bitten by
devils in Bilibid Prison, Manila, Philippines -
The Fascinating Case of Clarita
Villanueva -
www.reptilianagenda.com/exp/e100799c.shtml -
Lester Sumrall was the pastor who fasted
and then prayed for Clarita & allowed God to deliver her.
to May 1951 story are the Manila police, attending physician Dr. Marianna Lana,
Mayor Arsenio Lascon, 2 local constables & several newspaper
Also see A Look Through Secret Doors By John Mackim, 1969, Ace Publishing
Marilyn's point is that when we need a breakthrough
or when get to a brick wall,
we need to fast.
If we have fasted, then we need to do it again.
If we have
fasted 1 meal a week, then we need to do 2. If we have fasted 1
week, then we need to do 2 weeks.
King David fasted & prayed
days before his breakthrough arrived. Additionally, fasting needs
to be a lifestyle.]
Hogan, David & Debbie -
A finger pointing critic's world view gives the bold Christian some good
insights into what the Holy Spirit is doing in this generation.
http://www.pfo.org/exploits.htm -
Family fasts every other day. Audio sermons on the internet -
(2019 or recent fasts that work for the Hogan ministry is 3 days without & 3
days with food & liquid.)
Glenda Jackson
– 10/20/2014
nice -
Transcript -
Radio -
http://sidroth.org/radio/radio-archives/glenda-jackson 9/22/2014
own mate of insanity:
SID: She marries. Her husband has epilepsy. He's insane. There's
no hope.
She goes on a 40-day fast. What happened, Glenda?
GLENDA: Well he had 27 grand mal seizures, lost his mind. That night they
put him in the hospital.
They had him tied in bed & he was incontinent,
couldn't keep clothes on him, & he was, looked like a wild man.
doctors wanted to commit him. I said, "I'm going to go home & pray.
I'll be back tomorrow." Well when I went home, I could smell the
sawdust of my dad's tent revivals. I said, if my dad was here, he would
know what to do. I began to call churches in town to see if they could cast
the devil out of my husband. They said, commit him, every one of them.
I'm glad they did say that or I wouldn't have the faith I've got today.
God will
put you in a situation where you have to use your faith.
So I went, Jesus
said, "Go back, check him out
(of hospital/institution), tell him that you got a
new doctor and you're going to commit him to Me." So that's it, & I
said, "Well I have no car." Like He didn't know. He said, "I
already got a ride coming to get you at 10 in the morning." 10 o'clock, a
car showed up. A woman showed up saying, "God told me to come pick you
up." We went to the hospital. I went in. They had the
papers, & they pushed them to me.
The doctors did, & said, "Are you ready to commit him?" I said, "Yes."
They said, "Good."
I said, "But not to you. I found a new
doctor." They said, "Who is this doctor that you found?" I
said, "Jesus Christ of Nazareth." They started cussing, "We're going
to go over your head, get power of attorney, & commit him." I said, "Go
right ahead 'cause He's my attorney, too." They were so mad.
He said, "Get him & get out of here, & don't ever come
I did & he told me, "He's going to kill you & your children.
You don't realize how bad he is." So I took him home & was fasting. I'll never forget.
On the last night of the fast, an angel came in, the
biggest angel I've ever seen in my life. He said, "You've
been given the authority to use the name of Jesus.
Everybody doesn't have that authority."
I said, "What?"
He said,
"Only believers do.
is not a believer that says they are.
signs shall follow them that believe."
He handed me a sword. So I went there & laid it on my husband & the
angel disappeared.
SID: You're telling me the angel gave you a sword & you put this sword on
your husband?
GLENDA: Yes...He told me that sword was the sword of the Spirit, the word of
Almighty God. As soon as I did, those things started coming out of him, all
kinds of creature looking things, naming themselves. One came
out & said, "I'm insanity."
They would just go out naming themselves. The last 1 that came
out, it just looked terrible, well they all were just creatures. My
husband sat up, just as though he had come from the dead, not knowing what had happened. He said, "I'm hungry."
I thought,
everybody Jesus touches that's dead, or this or that, they're always hungry
they come back.
Rogers, Bob - video archives - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtY6L-grf_L4MpAPGwgOhew
Stone, Perry - Fasting - The Key to the Impossible -
Perry shares the stage with 90 year
old Rusty (Thea Carter) who fasted 3 days a week most of his life. -
CD #2CT219 - Also see
Secrets of Paradise CD & Journey to the Underworld #JU-50 DVD.
Ten Boom, Corrie - (deceased) - Tramp for the Lord - Chapter Authority Over Demons recommends fasting as part of the armor of God. In Ravensbruck when they were starved, she and her sister reversed the lack of food to a fast for God, which resulted in their having power to cast tormenting demons out of their barracks.
Wallis, Arthur - God's Chosen Fast -
publisher Christian Literature Crusade
Includes The Normal Fast, The Absolute Fast & The
Partial Fast plus a summary of one 21 day fast.
Walters, Kathie - Columba - The Celtic Dove -
Part 2 - Miracles -
Irish Catholic Saint Columba was beseeched by a Rechrean island peasant to pray
for his marriage, as the wife would not consent to being intimate with him.
Columba entreated the wife, "Why, woman, do you try to drive your own flesh away
from you, when the Lord says, 'They 2 shall be one
flesh?'...That (legal/physical/sexual separation of) which you
speak cannot rightly be done,
for you are bound by the law
(marriage/religious contracts you signed) to your husband
as long
as he lives. For those whom God has lawfully joined, it is a sin to
separate.' Having said this, he added, 'This day let us 3 pray and
fast to the Lord.'"
Subsequently she testified, "'Your prayer
to God for me is heard, for him whom
I hated yesterday, I love today, for my
heart this night past has been changed.'"
Part 3 - Angels - In Iona woodlands praying alone
Columba was assaulted all day by demons. "It was revealed by the Spirit,
they wished to invade his monastery with their firey darts in order to kill many
of the brethren...Nor was he alone strong enough to drive them from his island
until the angels of God came to his aid." The demons fled "from the
boundaries of this territory & have gone to the Ethican land (Tiree)" to
"'attack the monasteries of the brethren & bring
about diseases, the virulence of which many shall be attacked and die'"...Subsequently, "Columba said by revelation the the Spirit, 'Baithene has, by
God's help, managed to defend the congregation of the church over which he
presides in the Plain of Lunge (Tiree). He has by fastings
& prayers kept away the invasion of the demons, for none except the 1
already dead will die this time.'"
Walters, Kathie - Georgia - Celtic
Flames -
Short spiritual biographies of Patrick, Brendan, Brigid, Cuthbert, Columba,
Kieran, and Comgall -
"Patrick went to a high mountain...in order to seek God & to fast
& pray. For 40 days he fasted with watching and prayer &
travail. Toward the end of the fast, the mountain was surrounded by
many demons in the form of large black birds, screaming & giving off a foul
Patrick continued singing psalms & hymns to no avail.
Finally Patrick threw his bell at the birds & commanded them to leave.
They left & immediately he was surrounded by an angelic choir. Also the angel who
was always Patrick's companion, Victor, came & said,
Everything you select shall be yours; every land - both hills & valleys, glens & woods.
Every petition shall be granted."
King Aengus, having become a Christian, had Kieran tell him what had
become of his missing harpists. Going to the location & after fasting
all day, "the (lake) water (permanently) drew back & revealed the bodies of the harpers.
In the Name of Christ, Kieran commanded them to arise, &, seeming to awake
after a sleep, they took their harps down from the tree & began to play sweet
music...The (dry) lake was
afterwards named, Loch na Cruitireadh, 'Lake of the Harpers.' "
Wright, Henry, who heads up a Georgia, USA
healing/deliverance ministry,
has a CD called - Insights into
Fasting - which can be obtained at www.pleasantvalleychurch.net
- Wright believes that most stubborn diseases & negative thoughts/ emotions have
evil spirits as their root cause. He teaches
discernment/insight/recognition need to come prior to binding and casting out.
Web Sites
Michael Boldea Jr. - 9/2003 -
The Angel said,"This is the Church...."
- "That night as I went to sleep the dream started again, the same as before.
looked at the woman, she smiled, the sadness overwhelmed me, but I didn't wake
up. The door to the room opened.
A man dressed in a white smock walked in
holding a clipboard.
Before he could say anything I began asking a barrage of
questions. 'Who are you? Why am I here? Who is she?
Why have I been
dreaming this for almost a week?'
'Because you waited almost a week to FAST,' he said.
He must have
noticed the stunned expression on my face, because his eyebrows arched
'I am a friend,' he continued, 'I was sent with a message: Be at peace
servant, all will be revealed in due time.'
'How do I know you're a friend,' I asked. 'Because, Jesus is Lord,' he
Then he smiled, & I recognized him. I had seen that smile
Suddenly I was 8 years old again, sleeping in the top
bunk of the bed I shared with my grandparents, on a cold winter night in
Romania. I will remember that night for as long as I live. I had woken up to
go to the restroom, but before I could get out of bed I heard talking below
me. My grandfather was talking to someone, I went to peer over the edge, to see
who it was, & found my-self face to face with this same man. He'd smiled at me,
& I'd instantly
gone back to sleep.
'I know you, don't I?'
'Yes we've met once before, but I see you often,' he answered.
'Why am I here?' I asked.
'Because you murmur, because you have said in your heart that you
are on a fool's quest, because you think none hears, (& you think)
that the message is falling on deaf ears. It is not for you to judge
the success the message has in the hearts of others, you were called to be a
servant, to serve. I was sent to rekindle the fire of compassion in your heart. Compassion
for the wayward & the lost,
compassion for her,' he said pointing to the woman
in the bed.
'Who is she?'
"She is the church,' he answered me. 'Content only with the things of this
of spiritual strength. She is the reason you & others
like you were called to forfeit your lives. The sadness you feel when
you behold her is nothing compared to the sadness the Father feels for her
If she is to stand in the fire, if she is to be
victorious she must be strengthened."
Calbom, Cherie - The Juice Lady’s Guide to Fasting 2/20/2017 -
Chavda, Mahesh -
The Hidden Power of
Prayer and Fasting
Read Chapter One Utterly awesome reading. See above link under
reading resources.
You will be glad
you read it. Includes the
healing of throw away children on psychiatric wards.
Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda Apr 2011 -
transcript - 4/4/10/2011 -
Gregory - 40 day wrong thinking fast -
Refrain/abstain from negative thinking.
Rather think on Him Who is your:
medicine, husband, doctor.
Book From
the Inside Out: 40 Day Fast from Wrong Thinking
Dickow, Gregory -
Shrinking From Thinking
8/23/2009 Proverbs 23:7, "As a Man Thinks, so is He.
Dickow, Gregory -
The Gateway to Living Right - Take a fast from wrong thinking.
Dunn, James -
http://www.revivalschool.com/healing.html - "James Dunn was 1 of those men
of God (a little different from Smith Wigglesworth) - who believed in the
absolute necessity of regular FASTING for the continued effectiveness of his
'Fasting keeps the spirit strong & tends to keep the spirit, &
give it control over the body. When a person fasts, & brings their body into
travail before God, their spirit becomes stronger, & in harmony with God. So I
find that in fasting, it gives me greater power to pray with people, or for
diseases. It gives me greater power with God to preach the word, & the revivals
are a greater success. I feel that if a man should ever quit fasting, he is
losing out in his ministry & life for God. 'When you are weak then you are
strong.' This is a separated life. God showed me at the very beginning of this
ministry, that it was a separated life, that I must spend many hours fasting,
praying, meditating & staying before the Lord.'"
Dunn, Sign Gift Ministry by W.V. Grant Sr).
Lou Engle - Ancient Paths - http://www.thecall.com/Group/Group.aspx?ID=1000080303
Fasting - Site shares some of negative side physical affects of fasting. http://www.falconblanco.com/health/fasting.htm
Franklin, Jentezen -
The Power of Prayer and Fasting -
2/2/2007 -
http://www.bennyhinn.org -
TB broadcast with Pastor Jentezen Franklin, Free Chapel in Gainesville,
Franklin, Jentezen -
Fasting - The Door to Power #1 -
WATCH 1/21/2008
For some, fasting is the door/method/weapon that breaks strongholds in our & other's lives.
Franklin, Jentezen -
Fasting - The Door to Power #2 -
WATCH 1/22/2008
Franklin, Jentezen - Putting Jesus First -
WATCH 1/23/2008
Franklin, Jentezen - radio -
Franklin, Jentezen - The Fasting Edge book
Ferrell, Emmerson - Jejum Fasting #4 (English/Spanish)
Ferrell, Emmerson - The Lord Is Speaking
"The Lord...woke me this morning 11/6/2008 to write down the following:
'I have produced the fruit from the seed that was planted
40 years ago by the United
States. What seed you ask?
The seed was the death of Martin Luther King, whom
this country murdered.
Martyrdom always gets my attention & produces a
future harvest in the land of the act.
Barack Obama is that fruit & America is
that land. There have been countless tragic murders in the United States
including those of the Kennedy’s, but they were not martyrs in My eyes.'"
Nicholas (1417-1487) of Flue, Switzerland - http://magnificat.ca/cal/engl/03-31.htm -
http://www.ewtn.com/library/MARY/NICHFLU.HTM - "He was 50 years old when an interior voice said to him:W.V. Grant Sr. - Chapter 3 from -
- http://www.revivalschool.com/healing.html
- "(Isaiah 35:5)...
John said in Luke 3:16, 'He shall Baptize you with the
Holy Spirit & with FIRE'...
It was 14 years after I received the Holy Ghost &
tongues before I received the Holy Ghost & power." (Pg 13).
"If God has called you into a full time ministry of healing the sick and casting
out devils
He usually gives you time to give yourselves to fasting & prayer...Then 1
night to my surprise the Lord appeared to me & told me to go
on a 7 day fast, which I was willing to do. After the fast was
over the Lord appeared to me. I heard the angels singing a song I had never
heard. I wrote it down. It was beautiful, like heaven. Then an angel just
above my head spoke these words, 'In My name shall ye cast
out devils, ye shall lay hands on the sick & they shall recover.' As I
began to eat I felt something like an electric current run out at the ends of my
fingers & down to the bottom of my feet. The fire of God was all through my
body." (W.V. Grant Sr, 'Must I Fast for 40 Days', pg's 20, 36, 37):-
"But on the last day just about break of day, the Holy Spirit began to speak to
Mark 16:17-18 - 'These signs shall follow them that
believe. In My name shall you cast out devils,
they shall take up serpents,
if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt
them, they shall lay hands on the sick,
& they shall recover'...I got up & walked. My
feet were burning like they were connected to a high voltage wire. The Holy
Spirit & Fire was running all through my whole body from my head to my toes. It
seemed like all my strength had been drained out of me, & the strength of Christ
had taken its place. For several years since, devil's have been cast out &
people healed. "I had the Holy Spirit for years, but it seemed that now, I was
not only filled, but baptized with zeal, compassion, & with the divine nature of
Jesus, with virtue & with the fire... If you feel like the Lord has called you into a
special ministry of casting out devils, then remember this:
There are many more
things which are just as necessary as fasting. Fasting within itself
will not be sufficient... But when I was called to fast, it was just
as real as being called to preach. I was conscious of the fast, that it
was the Lord's doing & not my own...
It takes a longer fast for 1 man
to be brought to the place where he is yielded to the Lord enough to receive
certain gifts in his life than it does for other men.
It took a certain amount
of days for me to fast & to become so yielded to the Lord.
It seemed that
all my strength left my body, & the Lord's strength came into its place. Then I
felt the virtue & divine nature, & the fire of the Holy Ghost dwelling in my
body, which gave me power to meet devils & to cast them out.
"But I still have
to be led by the Lord when & how to do it. It is not myself that doeth the works
but the Father that dwelleth in me. God will not trust you with a ministry if
you do not know the leading of the Spirit. I have talked personally to several
evangelists whom God has called into a supernatural ministry. None of them went
on 40 day fasts without any food. Since God has given other people ministries of
deliverance without a long fast, you can take courage & believe for
a ministry without fasting 40 days."
Heflin, Ruth Ward -
cynical biography - http://www.pfo.org/goldgirl.htm
"'1 night in the great government conference center, she told of a
Japanese chicken farmer who was losing all his chickens to sickness. She told
him to have the chickens
fast for 2-3 days & when the chickens
fasted, they were all healed...
It was the chickens fasting for their own healing'...The great chicken healing
feat was supposedly done by David Yonggi Cho’s mother-in-law, whom Heflin
nicknamed 'Hallelujah Mama.'"
David -
Freedom Ministries (PO Box 838,
Raymondsville, TX 78580), a pioneering mission among remote Mexican mountain
We've had over 200 people raised from the
dead in our work. 11/1996 Renewal Journal
Revival among mountain
tribes in Mexico
4/6/1998 Joel
"I got together with my pastors and we
made a covenant to do a month's fast in September 1995.
This was as well
as the 3 days on and 3 days off
fast that we had been doing that year
anyway, so we were ready for whatever God wanted to do.
That year every day at
least 365 people were fasting.
God hit me on the 3rd day of that month of fasting, but I continued the
fast & on the 7th day he hit me again greater than I've ever been hit
in my life up to that point.
But we continued fasting for the whole month.
The minute you think you are accomplishing something is the minute you should
Every sick person at the meeting was healed: the blind, cancerous, lupus,
tumors, epilepsy, demon possession. Nobody touched them but Jesus. My legs
wouldn't work...When some people tried to get up, they would go flying. It
was awesome...The 3 of us were inside something like a force field of
energy. Anybody who tried to come into it was knocked out. It was scary.
The pastor said, 'He's got a list, Brother David.' He started reading out
aloud from the list. I was looking around.
As he was reading
from the list people went flying through the air, getting healed & delivered. It was
phenomenal, what God was doing.
He's done it in every service in our work
that I've been in since then.
It's been over a year.
It's amazing. Wonderful."
Also watch
2019 www.sidroth.org
Dr Len -
http://www.drlenhorowitz.com/freq_asked_questions.htm Fast
using: "'cayenne-spiked lemonade.' This consists of 6-8 large lemons
juiced, preferably organic; Grade B or C maple syrup for sweet flavor (1/2 a
cup); & 3-5 teaspoons of 40,000-60,000 HU cayenne pepper (as hot as/if you can
comfortably tolerate it), all placed in a galloon jug filled with distilled
water. Consume nothing but this beverage & additional pure distilled water for 3-to-9
When you break your fast, consume steamed vegetables, vegetable broth with
or raw fruits for the 1st 12 hours. Gradually incorporate grains & legumes after that...
It is imperative that your bowels move regularly while you are fasting.
If you are in the least bit constipated during the 3 days, take an herbal
laxative, a psyllium based colon cleansing product (such as
OxyAdvantage) or cold-pressed organic aloe vera juice combined with
oxygenating herbs. This will move your stool naturally and effectively restoring
normal bowel function. Following your fast use
G.I. Flora Pro (or) a very high quality probiotic to repopulate your gut
with 'good' nutrient-processing soil-based bacteria. (G.I.
Flora Pro is far superior to standard Lactobacillus & Strep
organisms for good digestion.)"
Add daily exercise. preferably outdoors.
Howell, Rees -
http://www.wellofoath.com/home.asp?pg=Newsletter&toc=November+2004 - from
Rees Howells, Intercessor - "He had to learn how to keep his body
under subjection.
God began to deal with his appetite and love for food. The
Lord called him to a day of prayer &
fasting, but he was used to 4 meals a day. The thought came, what if the
Lord asked this of him every day? He became agitated.
The 'agitation was proof
of the grip his own appetite had on me. Until then, I didn’t realize there was
such a lust in me.' When his mother called for lunch, he smelled the aroma
of her cooking. He gave in, & came down to eat.
After the meal he returned to
his room, but there was no getting back into the presence of God.
'I felt
like the man in the garden of Eden. I went out to the mountains & walked for miles
cursing that "old man" within me.' To some, there might seem little to it, but
if you expect to be God’s channel, then on no account can you disobey Him, or
bring in your own ideas.
Rees felt if God were to take lunch away for the rest
of my days, He would be justified in doing it. After many tears, fellowship was
restored. For many days after, rather than taking dinner, he spent the hour with
God in prayer. In referring to this incident, he later said, 'The moment I got
victory in it, it wasn’t a very big thing to do; it was merely a stepping stone
to His next call on me. It is while you still want a thing that you can’t get
your mind off it.
When you have risen above it, He may then give it back to you,
but then you are out of it.'”
Jakes, TD - 9/1/2011 - T.D. Jakes hosts Dr. Cindy Trimm, Pastor Sheryl Brady, Pastor Paula White - 56k - 100k - 300k video
Jewish fast - some insights - Qetoret and Prayer http://www.oller.net/asutton16.htm
Jewish fasting and fast days
(print this article) (Notice by adding an e fast
become feast.)
Dr Caroline - Thought Life
"A habit takes 21 days to
Today is the 1st day of that 21."
Lowery, TL - T L Lowery Global
Foundation -
40 Day Fast Miracle [HQ]
Passing the Torch
40 day fast - some
good basics pages 7-11 -
/resources/resource_files/40Days_Adult_Trial.pdf -
For beginners, "in fasting we are not trying to get
something from God,
but rather seeking to realign our hearts' affections with
Fasting, once we choose/find one we can live with (omitting one
dessert/meal/sugar/coffee/TV each day/week) can become a life style.
40 day fast & prayers -
"He found it very interesting, and so do I, not surprising at all either, that
during a prayer for someone who is being tempted by demons, a horde of flies
came out of nowhere and descended upon this couple. Gazowsky says that he
found the 'weakness' or vulnerability, relates to the life span of flies.
Pretty much any species reproductive cycles range from one day to 40 days.
That is why in order to exterminate a infestation of flies from a crop, you have
to spray pesticides for 40 consecutive days in order to utterly destroy them.
If you stop short of 40 days, you only destroy the existing generation, but the
next generation will live on.
This is a good point when it comes to generational
curse & breaking them also. You may be free of a sin, say addiction, that has
been a history in your family, & even though you are free, you see it happening
in your children. This leads one to think that a 40 day fast is necessary
to break generational curses off your family once & for all. Throughout
the Bible, 40 days represents cleansing and purifying. The flood in Noah's time
cleansed the earth of wickedness for 40 days & nights. Moses life could be
divided up into 3 different seasons of 40. He spent 40 years in Egypt. He spent
40 years in the desert & 40 years bringing & delivering the Israelites to the
Promised Land. He also fasted for 40 days 2 different times, once receiving the
10 Commandments & once interceding for the sin of the Israelites
& God spared them. When Jonah went to Nineveh, he gave the inhabitants 40
days to repent of expect judgment, & the king of Nineveh called a fast for the
entire land, of which they were awarded with mercy instead of judgment.
Elijah fasted for 40 days in the desert. During that time he spoke with
God & received new direction. Remember the valley of the dry bones &
prophesying. This is when it occurred. The word Elijah received during
that 40 day fast also affected the next generation. There
is a prophetic release that occurs in & individual who fasts continually for 40
days. This does not necessarily have to be from food either, it could be from
TV, or the computer, or anything unproductive to the Kingdom of God. Wonder what
kind of cleansing would occur & glory would be released if we fasted an additional
hour of every day for 40 days to spend in prayer with the Lord (meaning
dedicating without fail 1 hour daily for 40 days to prayer). Flies
represent demons in the Word, as do other animals. If you could see into the
spirit world, many demons resemble animals. Do some of
you remember me telling you about when I blessed my house when my husband went
out, the last time when he was in captivity to 7 demons, & within 24 hours these
silvery very shiny winged fly looking creatures who could only hop came up out
of the bathroom floor, through the carpeting, & literally covered the dining
room floor as they marched, hopped that is, towards the side porch door. There
were millions of them, & within a hour there was not a single 1 to be seen, they
went under the door of the side porch & on out. I
called my pastor hysterically. He advised me I was such a skeptic about demon
possession that God showed me the manifestation of the demons that were still in
my home leaving when the house was blessed.
These demon spirits attach
themselves to our lives, they carry off our spouses in captivity, into adultery,
or addictions.
They are generational curses,
mental illnesses, bondages, strongholds of the mind, lust, perversion, & addictions of every kind, they
are divorce. The problem with most churches is that they just swat at flies for
a few days when they are right in their faces, then they go away for awhile, but
they keep coming back. Its time to clean house.
It is
time for a scriptural season of cleansing. With cleansing, devils will start
dropping like flies. Whoo Hoo! Not only in your life, in your generation
& in the future generations of
demons that are passed down to your children.
Solomon wrote, 'Dead
flies putrefy the perfumers ointment, & cause it to give off a foul odor.' Eccl. 10:1.
Flies would get into the special anointing oil, they'd get stuck in it, die, &
spoil the fragrance. Flies hinder the anointing in our lives. Worship gets
polluted by flies of fleshly desires, & draws one away from God & into
captivity. This is their job folks.
It is time to get rid of the flies with 40
days of fasting. It may be time for you to cast out demons from your spouses
with 40 days of fasting & praying."
Mendez, Emerson 11/6/2008 prophecy regarding the number 40 The Lord Is
http://voiceofthelight.com/VOTLM_us/PropheticWords.html -
have produced the fruit from the seed that was planted 40 years ago by
the United States. What seed you ask? The seed was the death of Martin Luther
King, whom this country murdered. Martyrdom always gets My attention
and produces a future harvest in the land of the act.
Barack Obama is
that fruit and America is that land. There have been countless tragic murders in
the United States including those of the Kennedy’s,
but they were not martyrs in
My eyes...
Where were those voices 40 years ago warning of the consequences of
the killing of My prophets?"
Rogers, Bob - archives @
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtY6L-grf_L4MpAPGwgOhew/videos @
Silvoso, Ed - Harvest Evangelism -
Swatting the
Fly as revealed by God @ Paul Cox's
"The pastor found that the life cycle of the adult fly is
21 days in the summer.
The larva stage of the fly is a few days & the pupa stage is 3-7 days.
The truth then became clear. If you can get rid of a fly & its offspring,
then the
cycle of the fly’s generation is broken and you will be rid of all flies.
The Lord the told him to proclaim truth for
40 days.
Specifically He told the
pastor to take an area of your life in which you want freedom.
Find 40
key biblical verses in that area and proclaim them as truth for
40 days."
Swatting the Fly of Anger
Swatting the Fly of Curses
Swatting the Fly of Depression
Swatting the Fly of Doubt
Swatting the Fly of Fear
Swatting the Fly of Lust
Swatting the Fly of Pride
Swatting the Fly of Rejection
Swatting the Fly of Shame
Swatting the Fly of Waste
Stone, Perry
Stone, Perry Stone, PerrySumrall, David @ https://www.daystar.tv/videos/dave-sumrall 11/19/2020 Lester Sumrall needed to fast TWICE in order to be able to obey God & deliver the girl in the Phillipines. (REMINDER: What we tolerate, will NOT be removed/defeated.)
Trimm, Cindy - Breakthrough 2008 -
Trimm, Cindy - 9/1/2011 - T.D. Jakes hosts Dr. Cindy Trimm,
Pastor Sheryl Brady,
Pastor Paula White -
56k -
100k -
U Tube - How to fast Properly -Christians - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAllT177o1o&feature=related
White, Paula -
Fasting Made Simple
God erases the past as well as the future strongholds. Fasting helps.
White, Paula - Fasting Made
Simple -
White, Paula - on some of her telecasts shares how when she is on the
verge of a relapse/regression/responding inappropriately to life as an immature
child due to past life issues the Lord will nudge her to pray & fast, so that
she can be revived/renewed (in His nest under His wings). Paula teaches
that the Jewish annual day of atonement (in September) covered the subsequent
year rather than the prior year. Paula encourages
Christians/Messianic-Jews to take the blood of Jesus to cover both (all our
yesterdays & all our tomorrows) at the time of this annual feast day.
Bishop, Darlene - http://vodpod.com/watch/5403926-darlene-bishop-giving-birth-to-your-desires
Genesis 3:13 NKJV - The woman said, "The serpent deceived me, & I ate" (& for all practical purposes, Adam & Eve by eating the apple deeded the earth over to Satan).
Matthew 4:2-3 NKJV
2When He had (already) fasted 40 days and 40 nights, AFTER-ward He was (very)
3Now when (then) the tempter came , he said, "If You are the Son of God, command
that these stones become bread."
Hebrews 12:16 NKJV Esau, who for one morsel of food sold his birthright.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catherine_of_Siena - "Over the years Catherine had eaten less & less, claiming that she found no nourishment in earthly food. Instead she received the Holy Communion virtually on a daily basis. This extreme fasting appeared unhealthy in the eyes of the clergy & her own sisterhood, & her confessor, Raymond of Capua, ordered her to eat properly. But Catherine claimed that she was unable to, describing her inability to eat as an infermita, illness. She would throw up what she swallowed, & suffered severe stomach pains, which she bore with patience as another penance."
Wommack, Andrew -
Hardness of Heart
http://s3.awmi.net/downloads/tv/2015/05may/awm_tv20150529.wmv 5/29/2015
For the believer, fasting will strengthen the heart muscle towards God.
Isaiah 58:6 Is not
this (the most excellent) kind of FASTing
I have chosen:
to loose the chains of injustice &
(to) untie the cords of the yoke
to set the oppressed free &
(to) break every yoke?
MATTHEW 17:14-16 KJV - There
came to Him a certain man, kneeling down to Him, saying, "Lord have mercy on my
son, for he is a lunatic & sore vexed. Often He falls into the fire & into the water.
brought him to Your disciples & they could not cure him."
[Many pastors tell congregations NOT to go from place to place seeking God to
heal/liberate them.
People do this because God's
apostles/pastors/ministers/rabbis often fail to loose their sheep from enemy
captivity, even after professing they can & will do so,
in Jesus' name.
Many times anyone, especially if he/she has already taken Jesus as savior, can
rely on the Bible by taking it literally. However at other times one needs
to rely on the rhema or revelation word of God, such as for Holy Spirit release
and timing to walk on water and to discontinue meds.
(At such time the scripture becomes impregnated with God's Holy Spirit, making
His word come alive to our spirit - a personal yes, as/like the time the words
of God spoken by the angel became a physical reality, became Jesus, in Mary's
[The end of this long video clarifies this for us:
Maoz Israel Ministries "Watch a special video about fasting & why it does not provide atonement for our sins (as the rabbis today teach), & say a prayer for our (Jewish) people - that they will be awakened to the love of God, who gave His Only Begotten Son (Jesus/Yeshua) as an atonement for all mankind, so that we can have an everlasting life with Him (citizenship in His kingdom, & spiritual clout beginning NOW)."
Fasting as a Lifestyle
Food Ideas
1. Skip/fast 1 meal a day.
2. Eat half meals.
3. No snacks between meals.
4. No sweets. No desserts.
5. No added butter/margarine/jelly/jam.
6. No fast foods (drive-through
quick/processed/fried/unhealthy meals).
7. No fried foods.
8. No factory farmed meat or poultry.
9. No canned food and beverages (soda/beer).
10. No caffeinated beverages (coffee/tea)
11. No alcohol (excepting communion/wine)
12. No 2nd helpings.
13. Leave the table a wee bit hungry - not
14. When shopping reduce quantity. Buy
1 instead of 2, etc.
15. No fast (drive through) food. No
junk food.
16. Eat primarily live/raw
(plants), organic, non GM (genetically modified), wild (fish), free range meat
17. Drink milk that is primarily organic,
raw, Jersey &/or goat
18. No carbonated beverages.
19. No gluten (wheat protein).
Redude/eliminate breads/pastry/pasta.
Fast from being a a "couch potato". Exercise more, such as using stairs instead
of elevator.
[One reason Adam & Eve could NOT resist Satan is because they
were NOT fasting,
but rather eating.
Remember Jesus in the wilderness fasting 40 days & 40 nights?
Certainly the fasting helped Him then to resist Satan.
See Matthew 4.]
Horowitz, Leonard, D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H
- 6/1999
#1 Detoxification - for health
and wellness -
"Do a
It says in the Bible that fasting is not only beneficial to your health, but it
is also spiritually beneficial.
On the 1st day, you are going to get really
hungry. That stomach of yours that is used to eating periodically is going to
announce that it doesn't like what you are doing.
Every time you get a hunger
pang, pick up the jug & drink 8-9 ounces of the lemon drink.
guarantee your hunger pangs will go away.
The 2nd day you won't feel so hungry
any more. You are kind of getting used to the heat of this thing.
3rd day,
you are wondering how you ever ate like you did. You don't need food, you are
feeling really great & energized. Day 4, you are looking at yourself in the
mirror & all of a sudden your skin is starting to clear up.
You are looking
younger & the wrinkles are going away. You feel 'Wow, I feel great.' Olympic
class athletes come & tell me that although they didn’t think they were going to
make it; on the 4th & 5th day, they go out & run triathlons. Don’t fast
any more than 9-10 days maximum. If you are really busy, it is hard to maintain
Fast for 3-4 days, & then begin to gently break your
fast with steamed rice & steamed vegetables & freshly squeezed carrot juice
& beet juice."
Kerr, Kat -
4 Corners Conference Part 1 3/22/2014 with Joan Hunter
https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=LLfOfqjJO6g @
Kat eats once
a day, at midnight (just before her 4 hr prayer time with the Trinity).
About 5 PM she goes to bed for a short nap, before working full time &
caring for her husband & children.
Kerr, Kat - 1/9/2016 - Joan Hunter Conference -
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDqpl8rUB7Y #2
The fast for this spiritual season is called a Royal Fast, where one
relinquishes/omits one's
favorite (food/TV/clothing) during the time frame which God impresses upon
Kat has been on this fast for 5 months (perhaps since August 2015).
The King's Feast (lifestyle)
is the opposite of the King's Fast.
Medical & Nutritional Considerations
FOR BEGINNERS, we humans have a body and the body will react to fasting in many ways.Fasting to remediate
Biological Warfare including viruses & vaccines such as COVID
FLCCC_Webinar_June-1.pdf (covid19criticalcare.com) 2022
Valter Longo - https://news.usc.edu/63669/fasting-triggers-stem-cell-regeneration-of-damaged-old-immune-system/ 6/5/2014 - "Cycles of prolonged fasting not only protect against immune system damage, a major side effect of chemotherapy, but also induce immune system regeneration, shifting stem cells from a dormant state to a state of self-renewal."
Michalsen, Andreas -
8/1/2019 -
advise patients to omit either dinner or breakfast, so that they don’t ingest
any food for at least 14 hours at a stretch. That makes lunch the most important
meal of the day...to lenghen "the period devoted to cleansing & restoring the
body’s cells"
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