Indigestion |
Alternative Medicine |
Fermented vegetables help digestion. Try sauerkraut with each meal. vol 7, #11 The Doctors' Prescription for Healthy Living |
Fuller, DicQie Digestion Remedies for Folks Over 40 Schweiz Health, 653 W Station, Kankakee, Illinois, USA "Immune cells contain large amounts of enzymes, so they can break down the foods...But if immune cells are digesting foods, they can't properly protect your body...One solution is to eat only (organic/live) raw foods complete with their own supply of digestive enzymes. But...there are only enough enzymes contained in the raw food to digest that particular food." Thus a good full spectrum enzyme supplement may be extremely beneficial. For beginners, each food category needs it's own enzyme: fat enzyme, protein enzyme, and carbohydrate enzyme, plus milk enzyme. |
Probiotic supplement brands are rated by Consumer Lab. |
Roex Founder Rod Burreson has radio broadcasts/podcasts. Coconut oil is added to some baby formulas and especially to hospital feedings for infants/elderly who have problems assimilating nutrients. It is best to use fresh coconut oil or unrefined/white/virgin processed coconut oil. Tap small air hole in bottom of coconut. Then at eye of coconut shell, create larger hole from which to pour out oil. Rod buys his coconuts from the Philippines. |
Black Box Warnings |