 Decline, Deficiency &/or Improvement


Alternative Medicine

7-Keto DHEA may increase neutrophils, the 1st white blood cells to respond to infection. 5/2005 Life Extension
2 six oz cranberry juice daily provides helpful hippuric acid, which inhibits bacteria growth per Leo Galland MD and DV Moen MD. Rodale Press The Prevention Total Health System - Aging Slowly
Colostrum -  
original source of item and source of ingredients not cited in ad  
Colostrum is a medicine replacement or adjunct 3/22/2012 - "Newborn calves should receive colostrum from the cow’s 1st milking; the quality of the colostrum halves between the 1st & 2nd milking... Colostrum from heifers (first lactation animals) is of poorer quality than colostrum obtained from older cows (second lactation upwards). The highest quality colostrum was obtained from cows in their 5th lactation. The colostrum collected from cows that had calved more than 15 hours before milking was of poor quality. Results indicate that colostrum quality is maximized when cows are milked within 6 hours of calving... It is best practice also to feed this colostrum to the calf as soon as possible after it is born, because the older the calf gets, the fewer antibodies it absorbs. Length of the dry period also has an effect on the quality, which is lowered when the dry period is less than 8 weeks, & greater than 16 weeks.
Thus, a dry period of between 8-16 weeks appears to improve quality. In general, higher yielding cows also tend to have poorer quality colostrum, due to the dilution of immuno-globulins or antibodies."
Related Irish articles @
Copper - One may want to consider utilizing copper bed frames.  Some hospitals do.
Silver - In addition of utilizing silver in lotions & by mouth in supplements, etc. one may want to consider using old fashioned dinnerware (forks/spoons/knives) containing silver, which is antibiotic.

Conventional Medicine

Mercola, Dr. Joseph - 7/5/2016
Click HERE watch full interview, read Transcript or Visit the Mercola Video Library


Philip M Tierno in The Secret Life of Germs - Observations and Lessons from a Microbe Hunter cites the successful genetic therapy by a French research team who fixed 3 "bubble babies" with a SCID-X1 acquired immune system defective gene. Bone marrow stem cells (carrying a defective gene) were mixed with a virus (acting as a vector + carrying a healthy gene) & transplanted back into the children. 


Joel 3:21 KNV "I will cleanse their blood that I have not cleansed."
Sepsis -  

"Dr. Paul Marik’s protocol of intravenous (IV) vitamin C with hydrocortisone & thiamine (vitamin B1) has been shown to dramatically improve chances of survival in patients with sepsis.16 
His retrospective before-after clinical study
17,18 showed giving patients 200 mg of thiamine every 12 hours, 1,500 mg of ascorbic acid every 6 hours, & 50 mg of hydrocortisone every 6 hours for 2 days reduced mortality from 40% to 8.5%. Importantly, the treatment has no side effects & is inexpensive, readily available & simple to administer, so there’s virtually no risk involved. 
Marik’s sepsis protocol can be a lifesaver, so you’d be wise to discuss it with your doctor any time you’re hospitalized, especially if you or someone you love is diagnosed with COVID-19, considering how common sepsis is in those with more severe disease. 
Sepsis is also often the result of a secondary infection contracted while in the hospital, & they’re now finding hospitals are primary vectors of disease, so it’s prudent to be prepared. 

This way, should you develop sepsis while you’re admitted, your medical team already knows your wishes & can act swiftly. According to Marik, the best results are obtained when the concoction is administered within the 1st 6 hours of presentation of symptoms.
The longer you delay treatment, the less likely it will be successful. If your doctor refuses to consider it offhand, convince him or her to review the studies cited here.