

Alternative Medicine


Leej, Arthur - http://www.arthurleej.com/Violet.pdf - BENEFICIAL IONS - "A baking soda solution has been used to treat inflammatory swelling of the hands. A half teaspoonful of sodium bicarbonate is put into a jar filled with warm water, & the positive electrode is put into it. The other hand is put into a jar with the negative electrode. The current is gradually increased from zero to 10 ma. & maintained for 10-20 minutes.
After a few sittings, the hands are often greatly improved." 
(1st time one does this requires mentoring/oversight.)

Leej, Arthur - http://www.arthurleej.com/Violet.pdf - BENEFICIAL IONS - "Taking large amounts of magnesium orally will often get rid of multiple warts. Magnesium salts could be used to treat multiple warts or erysipelas. The back of a woman’s right hand covered with warts. A pad with a solution of 3% magnesium sulfate was applied (externally to the affected area), & the positive pole was connected to it. A current of 5 ma. was passed for 15 minutes. A week later, another treatment was given, & the mass of warts disappeared 2 weeks later."


Brett Castleberry was caught under the deck of a riding lawn mower resulting in horrific & life threatening injuries.
Clarice Fluitt - http://www.xpmedia.com/video/6570/supernatural-invasion - new finger -
Fluitt, Clarice - http://d3tnb2mam8l2qt.cloudfront.net/sites/default/files/IS845Transcript_Fluitt.pdf 2/2016 - "I said, 'I want a new finger. I want a new fingernail & a new thumb...
If this is a God of miracles...I want to know a supernatural God.
He said, 'You can’t make a deal with God.'
I said, 'Just made a deal.'  We got to the hospital.
The doctor says, 'Where’s the finger?'
Well it never occurred to us to get the finger. So I called my dad.
I said, 'Did you find Kathy’s little finger?'
He said, 'Oh honey, it was in the door.  I took & put it in a trash can. 
It had coffee grounds, cabbage leaves & everything.'
I said, 'Get it and put it in ice and bring it to the hospital.' 
Well by the time he got there, the doctor says. 'It’s too late. You can’t sew it on.'
Something came over me, & I said, 'You sew that finger on.'
He says, 'I’m not gonna sew it on.'
I said, 'Yes, you’re gonna sew it on.'
He says, 'If she moves, I’m not gonna do it. I’m not gonna give her any anesthetic.' 
He gave me all the reasons.
I said, 'Kathy, this man is going to sew your finger on. Don’t cry.'
She looked up at her daddy, and said, 'Daddy, you got the prettiest eyes.' 
She went to sleep, and never moved.  The doctor sewed the finger on.
3 days later we’re taking a bath.
The doctors had said, “It’s black.  There’s no blood. It can’t possibly take.'
My mother-in-law was given her a shower, the phone rang, & she left.
She said, “Kathy, don’t get your little hand wet.”
Now you tell a 3 year-old that, you know; they don’t quite grasp it.
She goes; when she comes back, Kathy’s tub is full, she’s swimming all over the place, & the bandage is floating in the tub.
My mother-in-law picked up the bandage, & there was Kathy’s finger.
She says, 'Oh honey, your little finger came off.'
She said, 'It’s all right, Grandmother. I got a new one, new bone, new finger, new fingernail.'”
Harbinson, Suzy - hands healed - 12/02 radio Suzy could not play violin for 15 years.  www.sidroth.org
Hunter, Frances - http://sidroth.org/television/tv-archives/guest-frances-hunter -12/25/2006 - A finger grew out during ministry.
Glenda Jackson - http://sidroth.org/television/tv-archives/glenda-jackson video -
transcript - http://d3tnb2mam8l2qt.cloudfront.net/sites/default/files/IS775Transcript_Jackson.pdf  radio http://sidroth.org/radio/radio-archives/glenda-jackson - "
Yes, it was in the '50s.
He was in a revival at night & in a lot of pain & red streaks started going up his arm.
My mom said, 'Maybe you should have not had it (severed finger) sewn on.' 
He goes, 'No, I serve God. He's the great physician & I know I'm going to get a miracle.'
My dad looked for miracles all the time. When we went to church, I was 8 years old, was going to the revival that night...His finger flew off, & immediately a brand new 1 appeared in its place...The (original) finger...just went & hit someone in a wheelchair...a paraplegic. 
It hit them, & they were healed instantly."
Kennedy, Sandra @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PzDshnnPjYU 5/6/2021 + 2019 - New Fingers, Toes, Lip. 
Nutt, Diane 10/25/2021 Transcript @  Microsoft Word - IS1122aTranscript_Nutt.docx (netdna-ssl.com) - DIANE: Yes, well, I had given that word of knowledge that God was growing someone's finger. I said, whoever it is, please write in & let us know. I think I shared this with you. I kept on checking your page to see because they wrote on your page. He said that his finger had been cut off & the doctors had to grind it down. It was just enough [remaining]. He said, but when you spoke that word, he said, go figure. He goes, I felt something & looked down.  My finger was the same length as my others.

Schambach, RW  www.schambach.org  During Schambach's ministry a missing hand grew out, per Worship DVD www.nhm.cc

Welchel, Tommy - Azusa Street - They Told Me Their Stories 
Chapter The Topeka Connection - shares the growing out of 2 missing fingers.
Carpenter who cut off his fingers builds a 'Robohand' - CNN - 1/5/2015