Deformed/Disabled/Missing/Paralyzed Limbs

(Courtesy of Mehmet Aslan)
                                   ‘Hardship of Life’: Powerful Photo Helps Change the Lives of Syrian War Refugee Family (                                                         8/8/2022 (Photo is Courtesy of Mehmet Aslan)                                                               



Fluitt, Clarice - 2/2016 -
"I said, 'I want a new finger. I want a new fingernail & a new thumb,
I just want to get, if this is a God of miracles; that’s what I know.
I want to know a supernatural God.
He said, 'You can’t make a deal with God.'
I said, 'Just made a deal.' We got to the hospital.
The doctor comes in and he says, 'Where’s the finger?'
Well it never occurred to us to get the finger. So I called my dad.
I said, 'Did you find Kathy’s little finger?'
He said, 'Oh honey, it was in the door.  I took it and put it in a trash can. 
It had coffee grounds, cabbage leaves & everything.'
I said, 'Get, put it in ice & bring it to the hospital.' 
Well by the time he got there, the doctor says. 'It’s too late. You can’t sew it on.'
Something came over me. I said, 'You sew that finger on.'
He says, 'I’m not gonna sew it on.'
I said, 'Yes, you’re gonna sew it on.'
He says, 'If she moves, I’m not gonna do it. I’m not gonna give her any anesthetic.' 
He gave me all the reasons.
I said, 'Kathy, this man is going to sew your finger on. Don’t cry.'
She looked up at her daddy, & said, 'Daddy, you got the prettiest eyes.' 
She went to sleep, and never moved.  The doctor sewed the finger on.
3 days later we’re taking a bath.
The doctors had said, “It’s black.  There’s no blood. It can’t possibly take.'
My mother-in-law was given her a shower, the phone rang, & she left.
She said, “Kathy, don’t get your little hand wet.”
Now you tell a 3 year-old that, you know; they don’t quite grasp it.
She goes; when she comes back, Kathy’s tub is full, she’s swimming all over the place, & the bandage is floating in the tub. My mother-in-law picked up the bandage, & there was Kathy’s finger.
She says, 'Oh honey, your little finger came off.'
She said, 'It’s all right, Grandmother. I got a new: 1, bone, finger, fingernail.'”

Hayes, Norvel - Training Camp for the Army of God The Betty Baxter Story  Betty was born as a twisted cripple who was fed intravenously for 14 years, during which her mom dared to stand on (believe) God's promise in Scripture.  Both the Old & New Testament state that by His stripes on the cross we are/were healed.  Sure enough, God did come through with a miraculous healing. 
Hayes, Norvel  How to Live and NOT Die - Chapter 9 Confession Brings You Possession 
"Look at your crooked legs and call them straight.  Talk to them.  Tell them what you mean.  You can have what you say.  Your confession brings possession.  Don't say your legs are crooked.  Call them straight.  Romans 4:17 says that God calls those things which be not as though they were.  So, call your crooked legs straight.  You do it (yourself).  Call your crooked legs straight."  Problems are often rooted in the minds. Reprogram your mind.  A wheelchair bound man finally obeyed and spoke to his crooked legs, which obeyed & straightened!  remember to command your body parts, in the name of Jesus. 
Remember to thank Him, too, when He performs that miracle operation on you.
Heflin, Ruth Ward - free online - REVIVAL GLORY (495KB) - -
Chapter 8 What to Expect from Revival - "At the Brownsville church in Pensacola, Florida...
Jimmy Smith prayed for a girl who was born as a Thalidomide baby in Ireland. 
Those who were affected by that widely-prescribed drug were often born with partially formed limbs. 
This young lady had 1 small hand that seemed to dangle from her shoulder...
He laid hands on her in the service; she fell out under the power (of the Holy Spirit)...
By the time she  got up off the floor, her arm was a normal length."
Hickey, Marilyn - 4/6/2015 Broken Be Made Whole - Part 1 - Testimony of Oriental man who took God's word literally & joined in with another person, speaking to his limbs, resulting in physical healing.
Hinn, Benny 5/18-19/2007 Uganda Mandela National Stadium crusade 6/4/7 -  6/5/7 - 6/6/7 - 6/7/76/8/76/11/7   6/12/7   6/13/7   6/14/7  6/15/7   webcast (highlighted in red) shares person crippled from birth now able to walk.
Hinn, Benny - Miracle Centre Cathedral, Kampala, Uganda, Africa
Koch, Chris - spends his spring, summer and fall working on a farm near Torquay Saskatchewan, Canada. -
Chris is from
Nanton, Alberta, Canada.
Luna, Cash - Guatemala
Pastor Cash Luna
 brief biography
 Per 2015 DayStar TV broadcast, Cash noted that receiving one's healing is like building
with Lego's,  one piece at a time, one confession at a time, until the project is completed.   
When Cash was ministering to seniors, there was a youth with twisted feet.   
The lad said to his feet, this message is for you, whereas his feet received their healing.   
Now youth is an athlete.
Reid, Tommy - 7/15/2014 Testimony
Walden, Franklin (senior) 
The Unmistakable, Visible Anointing- Following God's Calling for over One-Half Century
Chapter 7 full Time Ministry Leroy Jenkins ministered to a youth with a short, withered leg, foot & toes. 
Leroy demanded, "In the name of Jesus, devil, take your hands off this child." 
The leg grew 8 inches & became normal along with the foot and toes. 
Welchel, Tommy  Azusa Street - They Told Me Their Stories  Chapter Found Faithful shares adventures of Sister Goldie where God healed thousands of disfigurements/deformities/tumors by her declarations, such as, "I take all authority over you and I command you in the Name of Jesus, straighten out."
Wyatt, Ryan - 5/23/2011 How to Bring Heaven to Earth in Your Life #1176 - Messianic Radio broadcast - + - 9/9/2010 - God restored an atrophied leg.
Brother Yun, Paul Hattaway - The heavenly man: the remarkable true story of Chinese Christian ... - Google - or snippet at - "The moment I started to pedal the bicycle was the 1st time I realized the Lord had healed my feet & legs. My mind had been so focused on obeying the Lord & preparing to be shot that I never even noticed that God had healed me. I never felt any healing power. From the time my legs were smashed with a baton until the day I escaped, my legs had remained completely black & unusable. I couldn’t even stand up, let alone walk. The most I could do was crawl a short distance by grabbing hold of the wall.  Brother Musheng told me later that when he passed me on the 3rd floor I was walking normally, so it seems the Lord must have healed my legs while I was still in the prison cell.
As I rode along on the bicycle I was reminded of God’s Word, “Make level paths for your feet, so that the lame may not be disabled, but rather healed.” Hebrews 12:13."


Baxter, Betty - or Spanish/Español Translation or 日本語版
Japanese Translation or Betty Baxter Homepage 
King, Patricia - 1/1/20202 - (edited) - PATRICIA: "We were in Africa.
I was staying at a mission home.  A father brought his little girl in his arms.  She was about 4-5 years of age.
Her legs & were all twisted and she had never been able to walk because she was born like that. I'm going to be honest with you, I struggle to have the faith to see them straight, but he was just so desperate for his little girl. But I did know that God could do it. I just wasn't sure he could do it through me. I laid hands on her & was just obedient to the word. It says, Lord, you say, "Lay hands on the sick. They shall recover. You're a miracle working God. We need one now." She started to wiggle. Honestly, I didn't think a miracle was even taking place yet, but the father started showing delight in his face. He put his little girl down and all of a sudden she's walking perfectly. It just felt so natural and there she was running around and walking.  Her father was weeping.
Now to that family, no money value can be put on that miracle. That was true riches in heaven."
Kostelnik, Joseph - 1/2009 - -
After I preached she told me of her back pains. Suddenly I asked, “Do you have a short leg?” She assured me she didn’t. The impression remained. I questioned her again.  I think she was getting a little agitated with me but she eventually sat down, back against the chair, & saw her 1 leg was fully 1¼ inch shorter than the other.
The Lord was endeavoring to give her her daily bread. As I looked at her feet I said, “Spine, get in line.” It did. The following morning, the same scenario was repeated as a young man watched his 1 leg move out ¼ inch as all back pain left.  A middle-aged man, deaf in 1 ear, also experienced healing.
Maldonado, Guillermo @ +
Apostle shares that God regrew an amputated leg.
Maloney, James - LISTEN to Monday's Radio broadcast of entire limb (arm) growing out 3/3/2003


After being paralyzed for the past 20 years, Radi Kaiof began to walk down a street in Israel to the sound of a dim mechanical hum. That was the sound of an electronic exoskeleton, developed by a small Israeli high-tech company, propelling the 41 year old paraplegic down the street with a proud expression on his face.
The device, called ReWalk, is the brain child of engineer Amit Goffer, founder of Argo Medical Technologies.08/26/2008 @ 6/26/2014 -


Psalm 42:10-11 TNAB  10"I go about mourning with the enemy oppressing me." 
11It shatters my bones, when my adversaries reproach me.  They say to me daily, "Where is your God?"
(Spiritual insight = This can be an apt illustration of demons and/or disease/illness as well as individuals. 
In the name of Jesus we can reject, rejection.)
Isaiah 53:5 + 1st Peter 2:24  With His stripes we ARE healed.
Mark 9:23 TPNT -
Jesus said to him, "If you would be able to believe, ALL things are possible to the one who believes."
Acts 14:8-10 KJVer  8There sat a certain man at Lystra, impotent (weak) in his feet, being a cripple from his mother's womb, who never had walked. 
9The same heard Paul speak, who steadfastly beholding him & perceiving (by the Holy Spirit) that he had faith to be healed, 10said with a loud voice, "Stand upright on your feet."  He leaped (leapt up) and walked.
Hagin, Kenneth (& Roberts, Oral) mentors @ Living Life in the Faith Lane | Kenneth Copeland Ministries (
2/10/2022 Reversal of paralysis
Hickey, Marilyn - Your Pathway to Miracles - Chapter 5 Expecting Your Miracle - Marilyn shares her ministering to a man in a wheelchair and aggressively commanded him to walk, only to find out the man had no legs. 
The Lord later reminded her of Daniel 3:17-18 & told her to continue on in her tenacity & expectedness regarding His ability & willingness to do wonders.  (Often it is the recipient's lack of trust in God that blocks His healing. 
Sometimes the healing would be better kept if received at a later date. 
Sometimes it is an inner healing or a deliverance that is needed, rather than or prior to a physical healing. 
Sometimes it is a need for salvation or baptism in the Holy Spirit, prior to or immediately following the healing. 
Here we see the need for a miracle, rather than a healing, a need for new legs to grow out.)


Bricker, Jen -  Gymnast born without legs. chapter #1
Bricker, Jen – gymnast with no legs - Thursday, September 15, 2016 + Tuesday, September 20, 2016 or
Jen Bricker - Born Without Legs But Still Became A Gymnast!

Callahan, Paul - Sail to Prevail - - - -

Hughes, Patrick Henry - I Am Potential - autobiography - 10/2/2008 - - Patrick Henry Hughes was born with a rare genetic disorder that left him without eyes and physically disabled. But he was also blessed with exceptional musical talent—able to play the piano as a toddler and age 19, a nationally known pianist, singer, and trumpeter who has performed at the Grand Ole Opry and the Kennedy Center. Currently he’s a member of his college marching band, playing while his devoted father pushes him in his wheelchair...
Now, for the first time, Hughes & his father share the full account of his extraordinary journey.
In I Am Potential, Hughes recounts 8 critical lessons he has learned that are at the heart of his success, including When Life Gives You Lemons, Accept Them and Be Grateful & Do All You Can to Change What You Can.” At age 20. - cool theme of being "blessed" by God with a special needs child - However, the bottom line is that in most cases, the root cause of family "curses" is 1 or more demons, unforgiven/unconfessed ancestral/family iniquity/sin &/or unbroken evil spells/proclamations by/from occult practitioners. 
Kovac, Sarah - - Monday, December 2, 2013
Lautzenheiser, Will - - 3 yr old golfer. 2015
Robison, John - -
Vujicic, Nick - Life Without Limbs -  watch  - excellent  or watch
Saturday, August 23, 2014 + Monday, August 25, 2014 + Many other wonderful internet linksavailable. J


Warning - Donald Crosby MD observed that a woman's deformed offspring resembled deformed offspring of a calf born from a cow which had grazed in a field containing toxic lupines.  The mother had drunk milk from a goat who grazed in a field of toxic lupines. + Also see gardening web links discussing the beautiful Karner blue butterfly which is an endangered species, only surviving on blue lupine. 1/28/2021 @ - That next degeneration is already gestating—people who want healthy limbs amputated or other normal body functions disabled. Known as Body Integrity Identity Disorder (BIID), able-bodied people with this (still) mental illness obsess that their “true” self is disabled...Doctors should never be allowed to remove healthy limbs or snip spinal cords, which would be, by definition, to cause harm in contravention of the Hippocratic Oath...The concept of “harm” is becoming increasingly malleable; witness the transforming of euthanasia/assisted suicide from a crime into a “medical treatment.” Moreover, BIID sufferers have learned from the triumph of transgender advocacy & now often refer to their condition as “trans-abled.”
Hayes, Norvel - -
2014 @
John Alexander - Possession testimony of premature death due to parent trying to protect disabled speechless child from emotional trauma of deliverance exorcism of voodoo spirits originating from watching TV.
Olukoyo, Daniel - - "People curse themselves everyday without knowing it.
A woman used to say, 'My poor legs, my poor legs.'  Eventually those legs developed problems.
Negative words directed at oneself is a curse."