Demonic Designs
Eckhardt, John -
DeliveranceandSpiritualWarfareManualEckhardt.pdf or
Eckhardt, John -
DESIGNS - "A design is something conceived or planned out in the mind.
is a mental project or scheme in which means to an end are laid down.
A child
may be born with the traits of the opposite sex because a design was put upon
them before they were ever born.
The parent may have wanted a little girl, or if the child is a girl, perhaps the
parents wanted a little boy.
These parental designs influence the behavior of
the child.
This can in turn open the child up to allow perverse spirits to
A design can also be put on a person during rape, incest, or molestation.
This design can shape the character of an individual & is known as a physical
A mental or a psychic design can be placed upon a person through words
through concentration upon an individual in a lustful or perverse way.
When praying for some people it is sometimes necessary to break any designs that
have been placed upon them (homosexuality &
perversion) & cast the spirits
(From Homosexual and Perverse Spirits,
by Irene Parks)."
DESTRUCTION (Proverbs 21:15) is the goal of a DEMONIC DESIGN:
One Webster Dictionary defines destruction as 'the
action/process of destroying/ruining condition/thing'.
"The spirit
of Destruction works in many areas & has been identified as Osmodeus (Prince of Destruction).
Working with Osmodeus Asmodeus (Prince of Lust).
The Lord delivers us from destruction (Psalm 103:4). The spirit of Destruction
works with other (evil) spirits
to destroy every area of a person's life. This spirit
works with spirits of Poverty to destroy the finances,
with the spirit of
Mental Illness to destroy the mind, & with spirits of Ahab & Jezebel to destroy the
The spirit of Destruction also works through
curses of:
Destruction of Family Priesthood, Destruction of the Family, & Death and Destruction.
Ferrell, Ana Mendez -
Regions of Captivity -
Chapter 3 Heavenly and Infernal Places
The Holy Spirit showed Ana that demons pray the Lord's Prayer,
relevant words to fit their own designs, keeping their victim in captivity.
We are to do the opposite, praying into existence God's designs.
Chapter 6
The Different Regions of Captivity - shares
that Hitler aligned himself with hell to reproduce these demonic spiritual
regions on earth in his concentration camps. Often pain and suffering is a
manifestation of evil designs.
"A soul may belong to God, be saved &
redeemed, but...(with) fragments held captive...(in) a (dark)
spiritual place."
Capter 7
Setting the Captive Free - Anyone full of Hol
Spirit can set himself free:
1.Ask Jesus to show us our place
of captivity
2.See self/piece of soul trapped.
3.See self open door of
captivity & setting self free.
4.By faith cast out any opposing demon.
5.Break off any shakles/chains/ropes/ties.
6.Take self/soul layer/fragment
out of entrapment place.
7.Petition God to receive self into heavenly places.
8.Give God that self/soul fragment.
9.(Thank God and
10.request God's
ongoing/permanent restoration of that soul/fragment/layer.
11.Disallow with
angelic help the enemy to recapture/ensnare self.)
Ferrell, Emerson & Ana Mendez - Captivity - DVD -
One of the prayers goes something like this:
"Enemy river of _Adam's_ , (stolen finances), (insanity), ________ , dry up
right now.
In Jesus' name we war against the designs of the enemy.
We declare that the Son of Man was manifested to destroy all the works of
the enemy, all the way to this place of captivity in hell. All the
designs of the enemy be destroyed right now, in Jesus' name. Father God,
may Your will be done in ________ 's life as it is done in heaven.
Thanks. Amen."5.18.19
Ferrell, Ana Mendez -
In Spiritual Authority - 4 CD's
by refuter of Ana -
(Sometimes refuters give an
excellent overview of a ministry, even though author disbelieves God's work in
their lives.)
"3rd CD reveals that
there is a parallel underworld comparable to both the heavens and the earth.
There is sort of a carbon copy of the worldly: below & above. However, if
the heavenly is the real/original, then the other 2 are copies…since most
battles are spiritual, rather than worldly, our spirit may need to unite with
Holy Spirit & descend into hell, as Christ did (after dying but before rising
from the dead.) There in a place called captivity, He released captives
into heaven: those who accepted Him as Messiah. In hell we rescue the broken
pieces (fragments/layers) of the heart/soul (mind/emotions/ willpower) and
release them into the (3rd) heaven to be ministered to by God. If
instructed to do so, in hell and on earth, we minister life both spiritually &
physically to weakened individuals. We need (should) not go into hell
in spirit, unless instructed not to do so (by Holy Spirit); but we do need
to say aloud this prayer for each prisoner of Satan,
"I am
calling your soul (your God given personality) out of captivity. Come
forth in the name of Jesus Christ.
Postscript: Anna WARNS us
to NOT glibly travel/wader/do tourist walks, lest
we land in a pothole into the demonic underworld. Hawaii, in particular,
seems to be on that list of not to visit in ignorance.”
@ found under
deliverance. Ana's ministry
"teaches about going to hell for healing pieces and rescue, that there is a
parallel underworld."
Souza, Katie - 10/31/2016 - Demonic DNA - How did giants/DNA came to be subsequent to Noah's flood drowning all? Katie teaches that, "When the giants (Nephilim, who were the offspring of human women and angels) died during the flood, they became disembodied spirits. When Noah's son, Ham, sinned sexually against his father, Noah, this created an opening for the disembodied spirits of the giants to enter the human race once more...Katie's Bent series...explains this in detail."
Ferrell, Ana & Emmerson - @
Bill Wiese,
author of 23 Minutes in Hell,
says that we must be careful to guard our hearts from temptation.
The Bible shows us that
Satan primarily uses the eyes as a portal to
man's soul, but God primarily uses the ears.
What exactly does that mean
for all of us? Wiese explains from Scripture in this video:
Altars (Either Holy or Demonic copy/counterfeit)
Laura Gagnon
Dr. Francis Myles - Sid Roth – It’s Supernatural! |
10/11/2021 video or
Microsoft Word - IS1120Transcript_Myles.docx (
Dangerous Prayers From The Courts Of Heaven That
Destroy Evil Altars -
FRANCIS: God, in his genius, allows an
invisible legal entry point [for (evll or holy) spirits to enter] into the world
of men. If you find a spirit in the world of men, look for the man who allow
that spirit, whether it's of God or the devil to come into the world
(nation/state/county/city/family/DNA) of men...
FRANCIS: The devil does something Christians should do
more often. The devil is good at copying God...Satan realized, "If I can get men
to also agree with me, like they are agreeing with God, I can also bring my
(evil) spirits into the world of men." That (spiritual) entry point is
what the Bible calls an altar...No man has ever been used by God
without a (holy) altar. The devil has never used a man without an
(evil/unholy) altar. It's an invisible entry point (porthole)
that connects the world (human spirit/1st heaven) of men to the
world (realm/2nd evil heaven or 3rd holy heaven) of spirit.
I believe these invisible enty points addresses/helps to solve the mystery of
unanswered prayer.
2nd Invisible (unholy) entry points may be in the
(inherited) bloodlines of people, stealing breakthroughs.
SID: Invisible
(good &/or evil) spirits literally need our permission. We are either
giving permission to (holy) angels or unbeknownst us giving
permission to demons (spirits of deceased half-breed giants)
with our mouth?
FRANCIS: People in the satanic world pray to the
wrong God.
FRANCIS: God gave man authority, not power. Authority is of men.
Power of spirit. If you have authority over the earth to heal anybody or open
the blind eye, you're going to need God's power. To get His power, we have to
The same in the occult. The devil says, "You got authority over
your world, but if you need to do something supernatural, you also need my
power." Because (all supernatural) power belongs to the (invisible) realm of the
Authority belongs to the realm of men. Interfacing allows
authority & power to come together at a (spiritual intersection or) altar. That
was God's magnificent plan.
FRANCIS: It's a place of exchange:
(our natural for supernatual).
evil alter is essentially an invisible gate where an agreement that has
been made between Satan & a human being, who has been either deceived or maybe
consciously coming through to that place, because they're looking for something
from the devil. Now the devil has an entry point. That invisible
entry point creates a demonic altar that allows the devil to do with
men, the same thing God would do with partner with them to do holy
miracles, signs & wonders.
FRANCIS: Repairing the altar simply means
that you give attendance to the altar of the Lord in your life. Without
an altar, God can't interfere in the world of men legally. God is bound to his
own words. If you want God to move, you have to repair the
(spiritual) platform He needs to come into.
the courts of heaven the highest realm of prayer, because Jesus
presented the court of heaven as the last place of appeal for prayers that have
not been answered.
FRANCIS: The Lord spoke to me, "Francis, My children, the
devil keeps getting default judgments in the court of heaven because My people
don't show up for court. It's so important for us to show up in the
court of heaven so we can silence the accusations of the enemy, because
accusations is what gives the enemy legal right to even enter
the court of heaven in the 1st place. Just like in the world of men, unless you
are accused, the court system does not begin until there's an accusation. So
that's why it's important for believers to show up in the court of heaven &
because the court of heaven, unlike natural court is biased in our favor because
Jesus already paid the price.
FRANCIS: If/when the accuser in the court of,
knows his case weak, he hopes & prays we don't show up for court, because once
we show up, Christ's finished work kicks in.
The finished work in the
court of heaven is supported by the advocate Who died for us (to get judgment in
our favor).
SID: You called the blood of Jesus, the most powerful weapon in
the court of heaven.
FRANCIS: The blood has a voice...If the blood of Abel
had such a voice that the God of heaven could not rest until we judged the
situation. What about when the blood of his son who never sinned, who obeyed God
to the end. When that blood begins to speak, both God & the devil have to listen
to it. That's why it is the most powerful weapon any believer has in the court
of heaven.
FRANCIS: The cross is an altar. They are places of death &
sacrifice. Jesus sacrificed Himself for us on the cross making the cross
an altar. At the cross sinners can get delivered or healed because the cross is
an altar where we can exchange our unrighteousness for His righteousness, our
sicknesses for His healing.
SID: So whether an evil altar occurred several
generations ago or today, it can be dealt with in the courts of heaven. FRANCIS:
It can completely be destroyed.
Myles, Francis PRAYERS @
Myles, Francis PRAYERS @ Section 4
excerpt: "KEY POINTS • Every time you run to idols to fulfill your needs instead
of waiting on God, you are inviting a demonic presence to delay
your miracle even further. • 1 of the most powerful Kingdom principles for
capturing territory in the spirit world is the principle of binding the
strongman. • Soul wounds are generational & often passed down
to you while you are being formed in your mother’s
womb. • Excessive eating & drinking is a
sign of a wounded soul. • 2 powerful elements to heal the soul
are the blood of Jesus & communion. • Your soul is the
“in common” area you have with the devil. • Your born-again spirit
never sins & can never be harmed by any crisis or the stresses you face in life;
it is perfect in Christ."
Myles, Francis PRAYERS
Myles, Francis PRAYERS @
Myles, Francis PRAYERS @
Myles, Francis PRAYERS @
Myles, Francis PRAYERS @
Olukoya, Daniel @
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