Decree A Thing As A King, My Child by Deborah Waldron Fry

Kingdom of God

The Spiritual Kingdom of God is many things.
For beginners it is like the engagement ring to Jesus our groom.
Just a tiny window into His awesomeness

His Kingdom is a theological PLACE on which we stand with our mind when our bodies are hospitalized.
His Kingdom is an ATMOSPHERE, a spiritual bubble, a womb, a cloud, where God works through us. 
His atmosphere affects everything when He passes through,
like the seasons that pass through the years,
like the storms that affect the calm, like the calm that affects the storm,
like the snow that covers,
like the sun that raises the bulbs from the dead & the green leaves that were not, &
like the clouds that give water to thirsty rivers, seas, fish & crops.
His Kingdom is a LEGAL STANDING, a spiritual "passport/green card/license to operate" in the invisible realms to affect the visible realm.
His Kingdom is His POWER to forgive, to reconcile, to heal, to deliver, & to do miracles - with or without me.
Jesus purchased for His bride God's Kingdom with His death, His resurrection, descent into hell, return to heaven, & Holy Spirit baptism. 
To walk in His authority, power & shoes is our spiritual INHERITANCE right now, for those who contend for it.

2 ministries who understand this & can help mentor are: &


 Deuteronomy 29:5
During the 40 years I led you in the wilderness, neither your clothes nor the sandals on your feet wore out.

genesis/1-26.htm -
Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them (have dominion) rule over the fish of the sea & over the birds of the sky & over the cattle & over all the earth, & over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth."
27God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male & female.

psalms/139-16.htm - 15My frame was not hidden from You, When I was made in secret,
& skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth;
16Your eyes have seen my unformed substance; in Your book were all written the days that were ordained for me (to accomplish in this time/family/generation/age/season) When as yet there was not  of them.
17How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God. How vast is the sum of them.

daniel/12-4.htm - Michael's Deliverance and the End Times
3"Those who have insight will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of heaven. 
Those who lead the many to righteousness, like the stars forever & ever.
4"But as for you, Daniel, conceal these words & seal up the book until the end of time;
many will go back and forth, & knowledge will increase."

Matthew 6:9, Luke 11:2-4 NKJV -
the Lord's Prayer   
 9"In this manner, therefore, pray, 'Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. 
10 Your kingdom come.  Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. 
11 Give us this day our daily bread
12 & forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.  
13 Do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one;
for Yours is the kingdom, the power & the glory, forever.  Amen
1 He replied, You are permitted to understand the secrets[a] of the Kingdom of Heaven, but others are not...
Now listen to the explanation of the parable about the farmer planting seeds:

The seed that fell on the footpath represents those who hear the message about the Kingdom & don’t understand it. Then the evil one comes & snatches away the seed that was planted in their hearts.

The seed on the rocky soil represents those who hear the message & immediately receive it with joy.

But since they don’t have deep roots, they don’t last long.
They fall away as soon as they have problems or are persecuted for believing God’s word

The seed that fell among the thorns represents those who hear God’s word, but all too quickly the message is crowded out by the worries of this life & the lure of wealth, so no fruit is produced.

The seed that fell on good soil represents those who truly hear & understand God’s word
& produce a harvest of 30, 30, or even 100 times as much as had been planted
37 Jesus replied, The Son of Man[d] is the farmer who plants the good seed.
The field is the world & the good seed represents the people of the Kingdom.
The weeds are the people who belong to the evil one

The enemy who planted the weeds among the wheat is the devil.
The harvest is the end of the world
[e] & the harvesters are the angels.

Just as the weeds are sorted out and burned in the fire, so it will be at the end of the world.

The Son of Man will send his angels to remove from his Kingdom everything that causes sin & all who do evil.

The angels will throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be weeping & gnashing of teeth.

Then the righteous will shine like the sun in their Father’s Kingdom.
Anyone with ears to hear should listen & understand!

[Many interpret above as those who have NOT been born-again/saved or are NOT in alignment with their church doctrine.
However above can also pertain to those who have NOT matured to the next spiritual level in God's kingdom such as those who are saved but NOT sanctified/baptized in the Holy Spirit/living in daily victory.

Luke 10:19 - Look, I have given you authority over all the power of the enemy, so you can walk among snakes & scorpions and crush them. No thing will injure you.

2_corinthians/10-4.htm 3Though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh,
the weapons of our warfare are not physical, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds (eg. via LOOSING God's Host)
We are destroying speculations (demonic accusations) & every lofty thing (evil litigation) raised up against the knowledge of God, & we are taking every thought (contrary to God's Truth) captive to the obedience of Christ.

Hebrews 6:5
4For in the case of those who have once been enlightened & have tasted of the heavenly gift & have been made partakers of the Holy Spirit,
5and have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the (kingdom) age to come.

revelation/22-10.htm - 10He said to me, "Do NOT seal up the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is near."  


Kevin Basconi with Paul Cox  -

Durham, James A - Beyond the Ancient Door -
Chapter 1 The Vision - During worship "I...found myself asking God to come down in power...when I distinctly heard from Heaven, 'NO. YOU COME UP HERE'...I heard the Lord say, 'My people keep asking Me to come down there & fix things.  I've already done that.  Now, it is time for them to comp up here...COME UP HERE...
Tell My people  to come up here [to spiritually & physically rule & reign with Him (as our Head from heaven)].
 It is time for them to come up & be filled with kingdom authority & kingdom principles. 
I want them to come here, be filled with the kingdom & then take it back with them to Earth.
They are to take the kingdom to Earth, just as My Son did before.  Then My kingdom can come on Earth, as it is in Heaven & My will can be done on Earth, as it is in Heaven.  It's your time to be carriers of the kingdom. 
But you need to come up to this place & be filled with it, so you can go back & release it throughout the world. 
Now, go back & invite My people to come up here
Chapter 6 Getting a Vertical Perspective - This chapter shares author's not having to abandon heaven to return to earth.  He was shown that he could "have his cake & it too" an idiom meaning he could have both at the same time, according to his focus on the heavenly. 
"The spiritual realm is actually more real than the natural & will last much longer."

Eckhardt, John - - Prayers that Rout Demons - Prayers for defeating Demons and Overthrowing the Power of Darkness - Section 5 Experiencing Deliverance and Release 
"The word salvation means deliverance...1 of the greatest revelations is the revelation of self-deliverance. 
We can loose ourselves from any control in darkness (Isaiah 52:2) 
We can exercise power & authority for our own lives. 
Jesus told us to cast out the beam from our own eye (Luke 6:42). 
The term cast out is the same word used in reference to casting out demons (ekballo)."
Eckhardt, John -

"Ferrell, Ana Mendez - Seated in Heavenly Places - Ruling from the Heaven - -
Chapter 1 God Is a God of Designs - section 2nd Design - the Union of the Heavens and the Earth -
"God is choosing in this new reformation those who will govern with Him now (on earth) & forever...
Many around the world are being caught up to the 3rd heaven...where God has been training them."
"Believers on earth are releasing power, so that the heavens are made to descent.
From the heavens God is raising believers & bringing the earth towards Himself. 
Between the 2 realms, the 2nd heaven will be smashed."
'There is a heaven on earth DISPENSATION.'  God...said to me...
'The heavens and the earth are one in Me in this dispensation.  I am choosing those who will govern at My side."
Chapter 5 - The Invisible Dimension of His Kingdom -
"The 2 dimensions (heaven and earth) coming together...will not happen in your life overnight...
Learn that in the (extended) silence with the Lord, something wonderful begins...
1st it will be a delicate radiance or a strong presence....
The radiance will become clearer & sharper until you begin to see His face...
You begin to know Him truly as a Person (a mate).  This (revelation/relationship/encounter) is the promise of God for your life, & (but) you have to appropriate it for yourself, no matter what the cost."
Section Jesus Came to Manifest the Kingdom of God -
"This is a spiritual dimension that even dominates all matter (well illustrated with Peter's walking on water)." 
The kingdom of God is "not for when we die & go to heaven, but (for) now & here."
"In the kingdom (dimension), everything can be multiplied...created or restored."
When Jesus raised fish & bread into this "dimension of the kingdom...the bread & the fish stopped being only a part of the natural realm.  The kingdom (of God) began to impregnate them. 
Heaven & earth were united in that food... multiplying...every particle of matter." 
"The kingdom...activates the will of God in the heavens.
Then His will descends & manifests itself upon the earth.  Focus 1st of all in exalting the Father."
2nd (When His kingdom is entered & established, the heavens & the earth can be made one.)
3rd (According to Matthew 11:12) the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence (at the hands of Satan) & the violent (in Christ Jesus) take it (back) by force (right NOW, today, in Jesus' name)...
"The kingdom of God is not in word (sermons/ instruction), but in power" (performance) per 1 Corinthians 4:20.
Chapter 6 Understanding the Prophetic Realm
Section The Spiritual Man - "The invisible realm...spiritual reality must be experienced
in order to be able to move within it...It is worthless to intellectually know...if we cannot truly possess."
Section Being Caught Away -
"The Lord won the battle for us...but...positions of authority & revelation...we must take possession of...
We govern with Him from the heavens, while we live here on the earth...
There are visions & revelations that cannot be given to the servants of God on the earth, but that they must be spiritually transported TO heavenly places in order to receive what God wants to give them...
The heavenly places are places to which we are taken and where we are established."
There may be kingdom levels of spiritual maturity
"It is at this (3rd) level in which heaven and earth are united...
Hebrews 6:4-5" according to the Lord's prayer & according to the dimension in which Adam & Eve walked with God before they sinned.
Chapter 9 Christ the Apostle Revealed -
"The image of God is Christ seen in man...the ability to live in 2 dimensions (visible & invisible) at the same time, with all of the supernatural characteristics of Christ."
Chapter 10 The Governing Church -
"The Church of the 21st century, the sons of the kingdom...have never been & will never again be in any other generation...cannot be defeated...even if they fall upon a sword...This generation" precedes "His coming."
"The generation of 'the man child' conquers with the power of the blood...of the Lamb...with the light that proceeds from the blood...Love is the power that destroys the devil."
Section Buy from Me God Tried in the Fire -
"Salvation is free through faith; taking possession in places of government with Christ is NOT...
Gold refers to celestial wisdom...levels of (extended Holy Spirit) fire that consume (deceptive) veils...that do NOT permit us to see God with open face."
Section Buy from Me White Raiment -
The bride of Christ  is to "be clothed with the dwelling or abode of God...This celestial habitation is formed in us...Once you enter into the kingdom of God, it begins to grow in you.  Jesus said that the kingdom is like a grain of mustard seed... planted."  Our body is the TEMPLE housing God Himself.  God inhabits us.  His invisible Holy Spirit uses our visible tangible human body to do His work, in the same manner that Jesus operated on earth. 
(So from a practical matter, our heavenly home or mansion is inside us right NOW & NOT up there in the sky after we die.  Yes, our eventual home is heaven, but God's kingdom begins TODAY right here on earth, inside us, & NOT tomorrow after we die.
Sort of like we are a ship which God sails during our lifetime, when we invite him to be our captain.)
2nd our "clothes of salvation" is also our our dwelling "manufactured in & upon us...
It is the very presence of God that clothes the sons of the kingdom." 
[This substance (woven of pulsating light) clothed and housed Adam in paradise.] 
 "This celestial habitation is formed in us in the measure that we look at the glory of God with open face...
Once you enter into the kingdom of God, it begins to grow in you."
Chapter 11 The Restoration of the Temple
section The Temple of God in the Believer vs the Temple within the 4 Walls -
"The design of God for our lives is that we truly be the temple of God upon the earth, His dwelling place." 
The measuring cited in Revelation 11:1 pertains to "different levels with different grades of revelation" & "setting boundaries between...what is consecrated to Him & what cannot be touched by the enemy...
The principle that the temple of God must be built IN us is very important, since God will NOT establish His dwelling if there is NO temple or if there are only ruins...
His true worship, with hunger & thirst of finding Him...To worship is to become 1 with Him."

Hagin, Kenneth E -
- Ruling and Reigning - Booklet -

Kolenda, Daniel - Your Kingdom Come - Unlocking the Miraculous through Faith + Prayer
(intercession) - (understudy of Reinhard Bonnke)
Daniel Kolenda - It's Supernatural TV - 3/5-9/2012 - transcript - Radio @
Kolenda, Daniel -
Healing in the Glory - CD

Maldonado, Guillermo - How to Walk in the Supernatural Power of God -
Chapter 10 Jesus Manifesting His Supernatural Power through the Believer -
"Jesus...depends on us to operate in this (earthly) dimension. 
When Jesus came to earth, He Himself needed a body to carry out His Father's will...
He has delegated His gospel, (kingdom) authority & (super) power to His body (church/congregation/bride, with Him as the head.)
Furthermore, since the kingdom is within us, this makes us extremely valuable...
To operate His body (is) the requirement of interdependence."

Mostert, Orlando - 6/2012 - @,%20the%20Spirit%20is%20Moving.pdf

Murray, Andrew - The Holiest of All - Exposition of letter to the Hebrews - read online -
5th section is unique study on Melchizedek the priest king predecessor/shadow/type of priest king Yeshua. 
This is a spiritual office/heavenly office as compared to that of Aaron who functioned in the physical/human role of priest.  Christ would walk in both, as He needed to pour out His blood on the altar.

Walker, Dennis - - Catching the Initiatives of Heaven -
The Key to Accessing the Power of Heaven for Every Need on Earth

Chapter 2 5 Steps to Walking in the Initiatives -
"Salvation is simply the entrance (door) into the kingdom of heaven...
Jesus...could do NO thing of Himself apart from what He saw the Father do. 
He had absolute need of the Father & the...Holy Spirit (indwelling/baptism)."
Chapter 3 The Tent - a New Beginning section Intimacy with God Releases Power -
Matthew 7:21
"Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but (only) he who does the will of My Father in heaven."  "All of our activity & service TO the Lord must flow from a relationship of knowing Him.  Otherwise, it is a religious activity & NOT a love relationship."
section Increase Your Connection - "You can increase your connection to Jesus & the Father by being baptized in the Holy Spirit...Jesus connected with heaven AFTER He was baptized in water & the Holy Spirit."
Chapter 5 Hindrances to Spiritual Senses -
"The very purpose for His coming to earth was for the rejoining of heaven & earth," cited in the Lord's prayer.
Chapter 6 The Rejoining of Heaven and Earth -
"Adam himself was a joining of heaven and earth."  After Adam sinned God "split heaven & earth apart...
Jesus was the 1st person since Adam who was born with a living spirit...
He was born of (a hu)man & born of God, re-uniting heaven & earth...Jesus was the connector of heaven & earth." 
section Heaven Comes to Earth - "When heaven comes to earth...things are overcome." 
Our answers to prayer are "birthed in heaven & brought to earth."
section Heaven Trumps Earth -
"God's...directives & thoughts...are birthed out of His order to bring them to earth." 
On earth we are his mouth.
section Earth & Heaven - Created to Overlap -
"Ephesians 1:10 says, 'That in the dispensation of the fullness of times He might gather together in 1 all things in Christ, both which are in heaven & which are on earth.'"
section Jesus - Bi-Dimensional in Heaven and Earth -
"The heavenly ascension occurred when He (Jesus) was baptized in water AND the Spirit came on Him in the form of a dove. 
He was BOTH water & Holy Spirit baptized at once...& began living in heaven & on earth at the same time."
section We Are Bi-Dimensional -
"We (Christians) are to live out of our 'spirit man' which is already in heaven...saved & perfect...
Our soul is still being worked on...daily...
So if we are seated with Christ in heavenly places (Col 3) & our bodies are here on earth, then we are bi-dimensional."
Chapter 7 The Rejoining of Heaven and Earth - section How to Do Kingdom Works -
", not out of His divinity, but as a man." John 5:19... the pattern Son (for us to follow)..."Jesus...said, 'I only do what I see the Father do'... We must activate (& daily exercise) our spiritual senses that were birthed in us when we gave our lives to Jesus Christ."


Chappell, John - Warfare against Territorial Spirits - -  3/18/2014 -
"God’s Kingdom Company will consist of overcomers.
With no other agenda, their uppermost goal will be to assure that Christ Jesus receives the glory due His name.

Clarice Fluitt - The Appearing of Christ - - 8/30/2013 -
Matthew 26:63-64 - 'But Jesus held His peace.
The high priest answered & said unto him, I adjure thee by the living God, that thou tell us whether thou be the Christ, the Son of God. Jesus saith unto him,'
Thou hast said: nevertheless I say unto you, Hereafter shall ye see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, & coming in the clouds of heaven.' 
The word hereafter in Matthew 26:64 related to His coming is actually translated in the Greek as from this moment forward.
This is NOT a specific future event that could be experienced by direct observation. Clouds represent the glory of God and the vehicle through which He is coming.
Jesus was declaring to the High Priest that '(there after),' from now on you will see Me coming in clouds of heaven. This ongoing event can only be interpreted figuratively.  This means: Jesus has been coming (in and) out of heaven for 2,000 years.
We will see that the clouds of heaven in which Jesus arrives is actually a glory cloud.
This is the coming of Jesus in a person.
As we see the glory of God's presence on a person, we are seeing Christ coming into the earth. Selah.
  The Book of Revelation will show us that this process will become so profound in the end time that a whole generation will personally experience Christ coming in them & then the corporate appearing of Christ in clouds of glory.  Christ in you the hope of glory is the mystery that the Holy Spirit is unveiling.
Christ as you is the manifestation of glory. Selah."
for Patricia King @

Hall, Franklin - -
"Satan was badly defeated. 
Satan did have it in his power, then & now, to offer Christ the kingdoms of this world, because now he is 'the god of this world.' But Satan is a usurper. His power will not last for long In Revelation 5:7, we see Jesus rising from the right hand of the Father, & taking the title deed to the world, the 'book.' 
Soon Satan will be evicted from the heavens and the earth, then Jesus’ throne will be set up."

by Dr. Henderson, Robert -
In Corinthians 15:23-28 "The Apostle Paul is speaking of the day of resurrection that is to come...
(Now) Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father 'waiting' till all His enemies are made His footstool.
This means that it is the delegated responsibility of the church (congregation) to subdue every (spiritual) enemy of (God's spiritual) kingdom rule under the authority of the seated Lord...
He will defeat the
last enemy that is (physical) death. Up until that time we are dealing with the other (spiritual & thus resultant physical) enemies of God’s kingdom rule as the ecclesia (church) of God: systemic poverty, crime, sexual dysfunction & other social ills..We are seeking to establish a kingdom culture in every nation.
I am not espousing that we will create a perfect world or utopia.
I am saying that as the ecclesia does its appointed job there will be sheep nations that have kingdom cultures that look a whole lot more like heaven than hell at (before) Jesus’ (2nd) coming.
(Matthew 25:31–32) The sheep nations will be the ones that the ecclesia has discipled while the goat nations will be those who were not discipled as a result of their resistance or the lack of the ecclesia fulfilling its job...
My definition of the ecclesia (church) is that which legislates in the (Holy) spirit and then implements into the natural
. If we as the ecclesia legislate, but have no apostolic strategy to implement, we forfeit most of the victories that we do win. Victories won in the realm of the (Holy) spirit must have practical implementation (on earth)."
Exodus 23:28-30 says, "
I will send hornets (army angels) before you, which shall drive out the Hivite, the Canaanite & the Hittite from before you.
I will not drive them out from before you in 1 year, lest the land become desolate and the beasts of the field become too numerous for you. Little by little I will drive them out from before you, until you have increased & you inherit the land." 
The Lord said He would not give them (quick temporary) victories they could not implement into the natural or they would simply exchange 1 enemy for another. They would have swapped the Hivites, Canaanites, & Hittites for the beast of the field that would have overrun the land because they could not implement into the natural the spiritual victories they were winning. (Their successors/descendants also needed to learn & weild spiritual truths.) This is why we must not only be a legislative, but also an implementing force ...
If we don’t add this equipping (every generation) dimension to the function of the ecclesia we will keep winning victories but never get the benefit...In fact, we can lose ground - Jesus said if we remove demonic influence & do not replace it with something of kingdom, that the evil comes back 7 times stronger than before.
(Matthew 12:43–45) This has been one of the biggest challenges of the ecclesia...
The job of the ecclesia is to duplicate heaven into earth as His governmental representative...
This is NOT about getting people to heaven but getting a heavenly culture functioning in societal realms...
The court system of the synagogue was called the Beit Din which had absolute jurisdiction within the region...
The Beit Din was patterned after the court of heaven itself...When Jesus said He would build the ecclesia, the Beit Din was the (spiritual) blueprint that He would use to build His governmental people in the earth...
Exodus 25:40 shows the Lord speaking this to Moses: 'See to it that you make them according to the pattern which was shown you on the mountain.'  Moses built everything just like He saw it in heaven including the tabernacle. When the tabernacle was comple...the same glory of the one in heaven filled the one that Moses made. Exodus 40:33-35 tells us that the glory that filled this duplicate tabernacle was so weighty that Moses...couldn’t enter this now finished tabernacle...
The principle is that when we get things built from the right pattern, the same glory & authority that fills the heavenly will fill the one that represents heaven in the earth. The pattern is very important...
The Beit Din court system seen by Moses in the heavens...while he was in the Mount....The Beit Din was made  up of 3, 7 & 70. The 3 (trinity) were the chief justices if you will. They each had to have at least 21 years of education before they could occupy these seats or thrones of the Beit Din which speaks of the maturity & seasoning that they had in their lives. The 7 were the next level of government that had varying levels of authority in society, while the 70 were the Sanhedrin or the elders of Israel. These all made up the court system that had authority in a region. Whatever they legislated & decreed in that region was established & done.
I believe the ecclesia that Jesus would build is regional in nature. We need congregations that shepherd people, but these congregations should be willing to come together to be the Beit Din of regions.
It is significant that synagogues ruled regions.
This pattern for the ecclesia will allow the government of God to enter earth on regional 
What needs to be bound will be bound & what needs to be loosed will be loosed
. Heaven will enter earth & regions will develop kingdom cultures. Remember the job of the ecclesia is to bring heaven into earth. (Matthew 6: 10) When we become the ecclesia of God through the Beit Din model...The model of the Beit Din that Moses saw is in heaven. The 1st place we see this is in I Kings 22:19-23...that reveals the operation of the heavenly Bet Din...
The prophet is seeing into the courtroom of heavenly Beit Din. The Lord is asking counsel of the court on how they are going to bring Ahab to his demise...The end result was that what the court of heaven decided & decreed became a reality in the earth. This is the power of the Beit Din. 
It is a glimpse into the operation of the court of heaven.
Another place where we see this court is found in Daniel 7:9-10. Please notice that thrones (plural) are set up as the court of heaven meets to consider issues on the earth. There are thrones because there are the 3, the 7 & the 70...The Beit Din court of heaven was seated & (heaven's) books were open. The books are the expressed will & intent of God in the earth over individuals, cities, states, regions & nations.
This Beit Din’s purpose is to bring into place what is written in the books. I believe that when prophecies are released in the earth, they are simply the rehearsing of that which is written in the books of heaven.
The prophets speak from the books. Jesus is spoken of in the volume of Hebrews 10:7. He was recorded in the books before time began. Our destinies are also written in the books of heaven. (See) Psalms 139:16.  The predestined thought out purpose of God for our lives is in these (holy) books.
A book of remembrance is also written concerning us (in) Malachi 3:16...
(Angels also read our books from time to time.)
The Beit Din of heaven rules on the basis of what is in the books.
This is why once the court was seated & the books were open.
The job of the ecclesia based on the Beit Din model is to legislate into earth what is in the books of heaven.
This is why it is appropriate to take the prophetic of God & legislate with it until it becomes reality.
The way that it should operate, is that the apostles & prophets get the revelation of what is in the books. 
We as His ecclesia after the model of the Beit Din of heaven put it into place across the earth...
Another place where we see the court of heaven is in Revelation 4:1-5...Notice that a throne is set in heaven.
This means a court is about to take place. Also notice that there is a throne.
There are also 24 thrones with 24 elders on their thrones. In other words, we are seeing a court setting.
There are also 7 spirits before the throne. If you read further you would see also beasts and thousands of angels. In others words, the Beit Din of heaven is being pictured...The court system of heaven is real. The ecclesia is meant by the Lord to be His heavenly court system in the earth patterned after the Beit Din. There is a very interesting account of a court system in operation and our part in it as the Beit Din of heaven in Zechariah 3:1-7...
The house speaks of that which is earthly. Having charge of My courts speaks of the heavenly Beit Din.
In other words, Joshua is being granted the right to be a part of the heavenly court that governs the earth.
This is why Paul tells us that we are seated together with Him in heavenly places.
Being seated speaks of a seat of government from which we rule the earth & establish kingdom rule.
To me it is apparent that as we build the Beit Din model of the ecclesia in a region, state or nation that we can then step up into being a part of the heavenly Beit Din that effects the planet...Once we get the right model, the full authority of the heavenly court will fill it...The proper pattern in place will result in the ability to legislate (&) then implement from a kingdom perspective and a kingdom heart...
A (spiritual) court system for a(an earthly) region has the power to legislate the kingdom (of God) into its spheres... The (1st) apostles...weren’t there to get ready for heaven.
They were there to bring heaven into the earth & its nations
Everything was...filled with the passion of Jesus to reclaim the earth back to God & His purposes.
The reason God begins everything with apostles is because they are the peg that the Lord sets in a region to develop the ecclesia that can rule a region...A clear picture of this is Isaiah 22:22-23...
The whole process of a peg becoming a throne is the process Jesus implied when He said He would build His church. What the Lord is doing in this day is moving us from a polluted view of what Jesus said He would build into a new perspective of the true ecclesia of God that rules regions, territories & nations. This governing group that legislates in the (Holy) Spirit & implements in(to) the natural is the plan of God for...the earth." may not have been answered

Intrater, Asher - Israel and the Church - 4/2014 - "The Church is not the kingdom of God. 
Israel is not the kingdom of God. 
But when you put Israel and the Church together, God’s will shall be done on earth as it is in heaven. 
The Kingdom of God will be established on this earth...
Yeshua...said, 'I want to teach you about the Kingdom of God.'
They heard, 'the kingdom of Israel.'  He said, 'the Kingdom of God.'  They said, 'the kingdom of Israel.' 
He said, 'You don’t get it.' 
He said, 'You need to be baptized in the Holy Spirit. You need to preach the Gospel to the whole world. 
Then we will bring the Kingdom of God.'
Because the Kingdom of God is made of 2 halves: the restoration of the kingdom of Israel, that’s half.
But it’s made of another half, which is the international Church being filled with the glory of God
Can you believe that those disciples only heard half of the message? Yes.
Well, why is it that the Church today hears only the other half of the message?
You see, it’s not just about the kingdom restored to Israel. It’s not just about the international Church.
You put these 2 together, & you get the Kingdom of God...We can’t do it without 1 another.
Just as a man cannot birth a baby by himself.  A woman cannot birth a baby by herself. 
The Church cannot bring the Kingdom of God. Israel cannot bring the Kingdom of God.
But when you put the fullness of the Church & the restoration of Israel, you get the Kingdom of God. 
When Yeshua was raised from the dead, He talked with His disciples for 40 days & gave them a goal.
That goal is to establish the Kingdom of God upon the earth."

#166) Kat Kerr - Establish the Kingdom in Every Area of Society - Bethel Valparaiso
10/21/2011 - Alive_Again - Dec 22, 2012 @ (edited) - "There will come a time on the earth, when God will have such divine protection over His people (family/church/citizens).  In the past they gave their lives (as martyrs); in the future sometime that's going to happen again. But for the (spiritual) season (era/age) that we're in (beginning) right now on this earth, there will be a supernatural divine protection put over God's people, especially those who want to go forward with Him & take the kingdom (for Him).  (We in Jesus' name & power are to) actually establish God's kingdom everywhere, in every area of society. It isn't just for the church (to do)...
We (God's kingdom citizens) are supposed to save the take dominion, rule in the (physical & spiritual) world, in: business, medical, political, entertainment, every arena... 
It's really our fault that the world's in the shape it's in...
Believers haven't been standing up, taking authority & pushing back darkness. But just wait...
Your assignment as a supernatural child of God is to take dominion
over this very earth itself. I'm talking about: the weather, the way the plants grow & the way the animals & stuff respond to us in this world that was given to Adam, who gave it away; but we got it all back. Christ didn't let anything move Him. He moved things. We're entering into a time on this earth where we will move things for God...& establish them on the earth...
Before this whole thing is over...believers will be some of the greatest CEOs on this earth...walking in the supernatural, handling God's finances, setting the Body of Christ free from debt, lifting oppression from around this world, & establishing His authority on the earth."
#252) Kat Kerr - The Kingdom Age Part 1 - Kingdom Age Part 1 - Alive_Again -
Feb 23, 2013 -
#107 @ (edited) - "Because he was cast down when the dinosaurs were here...When you go to Heaven, you get to see all of that (historical/archeological truth). People give me questions all of the time...
'Why did you say, there
was a Creation Lab where God created the Universe from the lab. Why would He have to practice to do  that'... Creation Lab is for you when you go there.  You go in this beautiful building (that looks) like a huge emerald.
You stand on the platform in 1 of the rooms; it comes up & a hologram, so real you could touch it, comes around.  You see (watch)God creating the: planets, solar system, heavens. 
(You) watch Him make planet earth, exactly how He made it. 
You see Him make it in the beginning in the 'Creation Age'.
Genesis 1:1 was the 'Creation Age'.  Then there was another age called the 'Ice Age'. 
Then God melted that when He blew on it.  Then comes 'Man's Age' in Genesis 1:2.
There were millions of years before that happened.
People try to prove it's (the earth/universe is) only 6,000 years old.
God did not say the earth was 6,000 years old in the Bible?
This is a new time (spiritual era beginning Easter 2012) that never existed on the earth before, called the 'Kingdom Age'.
So there was: the original 'Creation Age', 'Ice Age', there was 'mankind's age'.  We could just go on.
There was like (what we call) the 'Middle Age', the 'Dark Age'.  Then there was (what we call) the 'industrial Age'. Right? The 'Age of Aquarius'.  I love how people use God's terminology. 
He operates in ages, talks about it in the Word of God. 
Then there are of course (other popular so-called ages:) the 'Space Age', the 'New Age'. 
Now we're on God's time on this earth.
It's called the 'glory days', the days of greater glory (in alignment with) Joel 2, you call it what you want to.
It is God's 'Kingdom Age', because He said in His word, He was going to have man (reign) on this earth; to have dominion over this earth & we've never done the way He (originally) meant us to do it (at the time He placed Adam on this earth). His own Son said pray this way? 
You don't really think about what you're saying, but now you will because this is the time He was telling you to pray for was right now."
"Let's all say (pray/declare) it together: 'Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.'
What is the kingdom? His will being done on earth as it is in Heaven. So you need to know how it's done in Heaven.
Is that true? Because if you don't know how it's done down here, you don't know how to do it down here.
Is that right?"  "That's why I'm here! I'm not the only person He's given revelation to. I happen to be 1.  My job is to share with you everything I see; whether it's in the: spirit realm, future, past, Heaven, wherever.  He's given me over the last 15 years (worth of information/mentoring) to share with you.
This is the 'Kingdom Age', the days when the Heaven Invasion will take place.
They're not coming for a revival, or a visitation. They're coming for a habitation. There is a huge difference.
A big difference.  Everything that has happened before now have been revivals & visitations.
This is a new age on the earth. The 'Kingdom Age'. It will be established & operated the way God wants it to.
We will conform to the image of His Son, which is required in order to be a leader in the kingdom.
You must conform to the image of His Son?"
#273) Kat Kerr - Activity around the Throne - The Gathering Place (edited)
Alive_Again - Mar 10, 2013 @ -
"When you go home to Heaven, there's something you get to do beside sit on a cloud?
You are in the Throne Room. You don't just sit there & bow all of the time.
You dance; you have pizza parties; you play games with God.
He sits on the throne and tells all His kids wonderful stories. He still loves to do that. You're in awe of Him.
Lightning begins to shoot out of Him; waves of love come up. It's like you're all drowning in a sea of love; because it happens in the Throne Room. Sometimes you're on your face. You don't care if you ever get up.
Sometimes Jesus comes off the throne & starts dancing with all of His people.
I've seen: line dancing...hora Jewish dancing...Jazz...hip-hop...wild jumping up and down like you're in a 'mosh pit'. I have seen all of it.  It belongs to God. There's many ways to worship Him in Heaven.
Many times you're dancing off the floor in the air.  "It's just not what we thought it was.  It's way beyond. 
Like Corinthians says, 'Eye has not seen, eccept it be revealed by His Spirit.'
If God chooses to do it, then the Holy Spirit's going to do it.
Is that right?  He is catching up (translating) thousands of people up to Heaven.
How many people 50 years ago? You were hardly hearing that, were you? It's everywhere right now.
So many people were caught up to Heaven; even in the Bible. You don't have a clue. It may not say exactly that, but they would not have known the things they talked about, if they had not been shown them (by Father God).
I'm a child of God. People go: 'What is your title?' Child of God!? Daughter of the Most High.
That's my title. You don't get called. 'Prophet & Bishop so-&-so'.
In Heaven you're called by your 1st name, unless God uses your nickname.
You know that beautiful white stone you're going to get with your name, only He knows. It's a nickname.
That white stone is a white diamond. It's not a river rock? It's a white diamond God takes from His heart, writes your nickname on it & gives it to you. You just don't know how much He loves you.
You get a wardrobe in Heaven.  Some of it makes music & some of it changes color, because you can't make up your mind about what color you want. So you choose that.  It changes color as you go across Heaven.
Someone sees you 3 times and every time that outfit's a different color.  You probably know who you are."
#274) Kat Kerr � The New Earth -The Gathering Place Alive_Again, - ar 10, 2013 @ (edited) - "Heaven is, right now, the most fantastic place that exists. However, I have seen glimpses of the new earth. Heaven is a shadow of the new earth. The Holy Ghost went right over me the 1st time I said that the Earth right now, is a shadow of Heaven & that Heaven is a shadow of the new earth.
How about that from your (heavenly) Daddy?
I mean Heaven is fantastic, wonderful & amazing, But He's going to make all things new. 
The new earth will be massive...bigger than our universe.
Why are there so many planets out there? What is God going to do with those planets?
Why are they all out there vacant? There is no alien race. News flash from Heaven.
He didn't practice & then abandon them.
There are us, the human beings & then there are the created beings, which are the spiritual beings.
There is nothing else, ok.  God just loved planets and stars & galaxies.
I call all of the nebulas: space art. They call it: space dust. Have you ever seen that butterfly out there?
That's a hundred million light years across from 1 wingspan to another; a perfectly formed butterfly out in space; a perfectly formed eyeball; a blue eyeball out in space; probably the size of our galaxy.
There are things you've never seen with your eyes; not even the Hubble has found it. Isn't that fantastic?
Yet, with all of the vastness that's out there, His whole heart, focus, love, is on 1 speck in all of the universe (known and unknown): planet earth.
That's where His kids are. He desires so much for them to know that He made all of that.
But none of that means anything compared to what you mean to Him.
Yet (some) people think there's an angry God out there right now with a big stick wanting to beat, to judge me all of the time.  His Son's love changed everything.
Even the wrath that's going to get poured out on the earth is not for you, but for those who chose Satan.
It's (Satan, Satan's angels), Satan's people; Satan's kids. There are places in the Word where it says, 'Your father the devil, because that's who they chose & didn't want Him (as parent/boss, at least initially, before they repented). The wrath that's coming is not for you. It's not for His body.
He has great things planned for you: on this earth (and the next earth & before that) in Heaven, that your (predeceased) loved ones are enjoying & being blessed with, beyond your wildest dreams."

Kerr, Kat - 2014 - 2:17 Hangout Video interview with Kat Kerr (compilation)
It seems that
Melchizedek was not created & is God's high priest. - Aramaic Bible in Plain English -
For He (God) testified about Him (Messiah), “You are The Priest for eternity in the image (order) of Melchizedek.”
Father, "I purposely invite You to be part of my/our home/life/encounter-room." (edited)
Write it down: ENCOUNTER ROOM. 
"I invite
/decree/declare/establish you royal guard, hosts of heaven, the 7 spirits of God
(into your holy assignment regarding the bride of Christ, God's family & my/our family)."   
"I take authority over all the demonic attacking _______. 
I (bind and  command them to go from (leave) ________ in Jesus' name. 
I cancel their (evil) assignment regarding ______. 
I establish the life of God in ____ . 
I send the (resurrection) life of ______  God into his/her body. 
I command _________ 's body to come into alignment with the way (You) God designed his/her/their body to operate." 
I release verbal spiritual power around _______  wherever he/she is. 
I LOOSE you Host of Heaven to begin to drop deposits of God into him/her/ _______. 
He/she/ _______ will begin to declare: heaven BE on earth, as it is in heaven. 
It is the beginning of a 24/7 relationship, wherever he/she/ _____ is (in Jesus' name). 
[It is also 1 method how one begins to pursue God. 
You will begin to see more spiritual images in the sky, as clouds act as a camouflage.
I invite and expect holy angels to invade my/our territory/home]
"Father, I receive Your impartation.  I am excited.  It's going to change my/our life.  I'm ready. 
God, I receive Your Life, Love, Friends, Invasion, knowledge, teaching, wisdom, power, destiny, reign in this Kingdom AgeAll demonic be broken off of our lives.
We receive Your healing, blood covering, wholeness & freedom, in Jesus' name
Kerr, Kat
Let's terrorize the terrorizer.
Kat Kerr - March 22 at 7:10am
The Father told me: "Oh, how terrified is Hell that their perpetual plan for bondage of America & her people is being ripped from their evil hands.
Can you see now, the web that has been woven behind your backs to steal your freedom & destroy your hope for a bright future; but I AM changing that & nothing will stop My plans.
This is My time on the earth to EXPOSE in great detail the plans of Satan & those who serve him; for I Am shaking everything that can be shaken; many will fall and flee from
the shaking.
I will not refuse My true sons and daughters (those who do not hate, trash or devour others with their words) who have prayed and asked for help from Heaven.
I Am touching EVERYTHING and Nothing will remain the same.
Things must both be uprooted and pulled down for permanent change to happen
and those who do not agree with My plans and My ways are best to remain silent
until I Am done, for I Am not just setting America up for another Revival
but for a HABITATION of My presence and the GLORY...

For those who...will trust Me & continue to declare Life, Peace, Freedom, Justice &
Righteousness for this country; you will see the hand of your God change your Nation
that will then release a shockwave in the spirit realm that will touch Nations.
Pray for those still living in deception, that the blinders will be struck from their eyes & their souls will be restored.
Prepare to be catapulted into this Kingdom Age where you will witness the IMPOSSIBLE, experience the UNFATHOMABLE & actually begin to LIVE, when you operate in the UNSPEAKABLE Power & Glory of the Most High God creating Regions of Light where no darkness can remain.
The very earth cries out for you My sons & daughters around this world, to see who you ARE, say YES & allow Me to position you to begin to Manifest. That time is NOW
," says your Father.
The Kat Kerr - 2016
5/2/2016 - 2nd repost from 2/1/2016 (with graphic) -
"Release Hope, Power & Faith through reporting the Father's plans for us to
push back darkness by taking power over ALL the power of the demonic enemy,
releasing the Hosts of Heaven to pull down strongholds & ruling with Christ
You must understand that our enemies have become the enemies of our God…
start declaring in faith that you choose to believe the Good reports & God's plans.
There will be those who will be GREAT in the earth for their God.
There will be those who only read about it.  
RULE every day of your life
.  You will not only see the hand of your God move on your behalf, but He will allow you to help Him move it for others…
The army of Heaven moves faster than the speed of light in hundreds of thousands of orbs which leave shockwaves of power in the spirit realm as they head to do battle.
They are 1 of our weapons sent from Heaven by the Lord of Hosts to war for you & I: 
(Prophecy) Spoken from the Father through by Kat Kerr." 

Maria de Lange, Susanna Francina - -
Chapter 3 Kingdom Analysis Undergirded by the Apostolic & Prophetic -
2. KINGDOM ANALYSIS - "Jesus Christ came in the fullness of time...
The Kingdom of God is the rule of God over Israel and worldwide...The 'rule' would be spiritual."
2.1 A KINGDOM DEFINED - "Kingdom (of G-d) citizens (are) born from above...

The Kingdom of God can only be established in a person’s life, when there is a direct confrontation with (& overthrow of) the unholy one.
1 of the main strategies Satan used in the war against humanity is sin [the fruit of (inherited) iniquity (sin) not yet uprooted/repented of].
In a progressive way, man (family/citizens) can became dominated (polluted) by sin.8
"Satan sought to extend his evil rule & authority to the realm of the earth & was looking just for an opportunity to lure Adam & Eve into independency.
The moment rebellion originated in the heart of Satan, evil divided God's Kingdom into  Kingdoms.
"The locality of the origin of sin is found in the HEART.
1st it originates in Lucifer’s heart & when evil came earthly, it came to earth in the being of the tempter, Satan...

Lucifer & his angels were the 1st & original sinners.
 Sin therefore began in heaven among the angelic order.”15 
(Lucifer,) thou was perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee.
Ezekiel 28:15 KJV
Dr Méndez-Ferrel wrote: 'Just as faith is the substance of what is believed, that is, the power that activates the invisible world of heaven, this twisted thought derived by the archangel a spiritual substance, which was the origin of evil.'16"
"According to Brand, the 5 'I-will’s' not only describe the nature of Satan’s aspiration & intentions, it also reveals the nature of his program.  The sin nature of man originates from the 'pattern-forming evil nature' of Satan.
The fact that Satan’s sin is pattern-forming has become his actual conspiracy/plan. 
Lucifer exalted himself to the place of proclaiming to be God. This self-assertion or pride turned Lucifer into a devil, which turned the free-will God gave him against God’s will... Different stages of rebellion...'A (repetitious) DEED (meaning an action)'...a rebellious pattern-forming action or character when a habit is rooted (becomes ingrained):
1.I will ascend (climb) into heaven” implying Satan’s 'self-Ascension'.
Hampton explains Satan’s self-ascension referring to Satan who wants the seat of God’s authority.
2.I will ascend above the heights of the clouds” implying to Satan’s 'self-Dependence', trusting in his own power & understanding.  The reference to clouds is associated with the glory & presence of God in the Bible
& therefore implies that Satan wants to take the (Shekinah) glory of God for himself.
3.I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, pertaining to Satan’s 'self-Exaltation'.
This most likely refers to Satan’s desire to rule over the angelic Kingdom of God.
4.I will sit alone upon the mount of the congregation in the sides of the north, referring to Satan’s 'self-Enthronement' concerning his desire of adoration. 
Satan desires the right to rule over the affairs of the entire universe.
Mountains refer to the right to rule over kingdoms.
5.I will be like the Most High God, involving Satan 'self-Deification' to be God."
The moment that Man made the wrong choice: to be independent of God & seeks to draw on his own understanding, evil came earthly.
Satan deceived Adam & Eve because he wanted the authority God assigned to them.
He realized that authority is a legally based reality, so he went to Adam & Eve & tempted them to sign over their authority to him.20  
Through sin & disobedience to God, the 1st human beings transferred their authority to Satan.
Satan can thus influence & rule the world, but can only do it to the degree that man chooses to sin (or as a born-again individual relinquishes his/her role &/or sits by passively, allowing others to reign in his/her stead, through spiritual ignorance &/or lack of sufficient spiritual muscle/backbone/ resistance)."
In Theology, the concept of 'original sin' is known as 'total depravity'.*22 -
Scriptural evidence provides basis for what has been commonly know as the DOCTRINE OF TOTAL DEPRAVITY.
The English word DEPRAVITY means perverted or crooked.
It is not used in the translation of the King James Version, but some modern translations do use it, to translate 'adokimos' in Romans 1:28."
*22(Total depravity or total inability implies the unmeritedness of man in the sight of God...the result of Adam’s fall.
The doctrine of Total Depravity
is a Theological doctrine that derives from the Augustine (Catholic) concept of Original Sin.  It is the teaching that, as a consequence of the Fall of Man, every person born into the world is enslaved to the service of sin & apart from the efficacious or preeminent grace of God, is utterly unable to choose to follow God or choose to accept salvation as it is freely offered (Genesis 6:5; Job 15:14).
This doctrine is advocated to various degrees by the (fundamentalist) Protestant confessions of faith & catechisms, including those of Lutheranism, Methodism, Armenians & Calvinism.  Calvinists hold that Adam’s sin was immediately imputed to the whole race, with the result that not only is the entire human family depraved, but it is also guilty of Adam’s sin by participation (Rom 5:12).  The Armenian view declares that the primary effect of Adam’s sin on the race was to give man a proneness to sin without implying guilt. The Pelargian view attributes inherent goodness to man, which opens to man the possibility of living in a state free from sin, if he so wills (free will.) However, the Bible teaches the fact & universality of sin (1Kgs 8:46; Prov 20:9; Eccl 7:20; Rom 3:23; 5:12,19; Eph 2:1 – 3; Jas 3:2; 1 Jn 1:8,10)...
Adam & Eve were made by God to know Him with their minds, love him with their hearts & choose God with their wills.  Man was given authority to rule and to reign, not independently but through fellowship with God...
From the beginning of time, Satan sought to extend his rule & authority to the realm of the earth & was looking just for an opportunity to lure Adam & Eve into independency. The moment that Man made the wrong choice: to be independent of God & seek to draw on his own understanding, evil came earthly."
The moment a person is regenerated by the seed of the incorruptible Word of God, God converts the person from the Kingdom of Darkness to the Kingdom of Light...
Many (born-again) believers experience it as 2 indistinct experiences:
(1) renewal of a person’s heart and (2) filling of the renewed heart with God’s Holy Spirit."
"Anna Mendez-Ferrell wrote: 'Both (holy & evil) Kingdoms function by designs established in the spiritual world & manifested in our lives. God’s designs originate in heavenly places & Satan’s designs come from infernal place. Understanding these designs is crucial to comprehend why certain things happens on earth'...
The devil has made plans in the kingdom of darkness against each believer & his servants of the underworld are establishing it through curses & witchcraft.
A sorcerer needs something that represents the person or projects to be harmed.
Whatever the witch does on earth, the devil reproduces in hell & vice versa.  
From hell, the demons keep the design alive so that it manifests in the life of the person
(In other words, demons declare the diabolical opposite of the Lord's prayer.)
Demonic "Structures, with different levels of demonic power in the heavenly regions:
(1) Principalities, (2) Powers (3) Rulers of darkness, (4) hosts of wickedness in high places;
(5) Thrones; (6) Dominions; & (7) Demons.  For we wrestle not against flesh & blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12."
Genesis 3:15 mentions that both the serpent and the women were to have 'seed' and a 'seed line'.55 
Modern Theology teaches that the 'seed of the woman' was the promised Messiah, Jesus Christ, but fails to admit (clarify) that the serpent also had a literal progeny...
This is one reason why the book of Enoch was cast out of the canon.56"
"Experts from the Master Degree of Prof Dr Connie Brand on Kingdom Theology declare:131
(Brand, Connie MJ Prof Dr (2005) Masters Degree: An Exposition of Biblical Warfare Central to Christian Involvement in a Theodicy Considered from Philosophic-Theological Perspective. Lynnwood-Ridge, Gauteng: Unpublished, pp.39-41.)
"Genesis 3 reveals that there is a fallen creature (Lucifer/Satan) whose singular purpose is to prevent God from establishing His Kingdom order in the earth.  He does this by challenging man’s right to represent the Creator.  When man sinned, he not only lost his relationship with God, he lost his spiritual dominion as well.
Instead of having dominion, man became dominated by sin, by himself & by Satan. Instead of remaining representatives of God’s Kingdom, human persons became (becomes) subjects of the kingdom of darkness," (until the time each receives back the resurrection of his human spirit by accepting God's Son as Messiah & receiving God's Holy Spirit baptism).
5.3.1 THE 1ST SIGN of the KINGDOM: the PRESENCE of the KING -
"Little by little the close followers of Jesus detect His true secret: there was someone living inside Him."
5.3.2 THE 2ND SIGN: the RULE / REIGN of the KING - "The great commission is a re-commissioning to represent the authority of the Kingdom on earth in every aspect of life."
5.3.3 THE 3RD SIGN: the POWER of the KINGDOM
"The 3RD SIGN of a Kingdom is that a kingdom is not in word but in power.150" PENTECOST THE SIGN OF THE POWER OF GOD’S HOLY SPIRIT
"Pentecost was the sign that the kingdom was arriving. Israel was waiting for this outpouring.
This was the fulfillment of Joel’s prophecy.151...
According to the standard of the New Covenant, the greatest sin is DISBELIEF...
Although God’s Standard is impossible for men, it is not impossible for God, Who works in the believer to will & to do by His mighty Holy Spirit...
R.A. Torrey revealed more insight on the baptism with God’s Holy Spirit:152 God’s Holy Spirit is given in answer to definite prayer; the believer however has to ask.153...After the baptism with God’s Holy Spirit, the believer needs repeated refilling with God’s Spirit,156 to increase the power of God in his life."

Kendall, RJ -
6722e4b0c6494ab146c1/1449092898078/WEEK+1+-+WITH+KINGDOM+EYES.pdf -
"The Spirit of God is the key. Kendall explains that, 'he spoke of the kingdom in a manner that only made sense by the Holy Spirit' (21)-(Matthew 4:17, Luke 17:21).  He goes on to say, 'There was simply no way the kingdom of heaven could make sense to the disciples until the Holy Spirit came down' (Kendall 21). Holy Spirit comes through new birth or being 'born again.' The process of being “born again” or coming to a place where you put your faith & confidence in the finished work of Jesus Christ makes your dead soul come alive.
Being 'born again' isn’t about making a person better.  It is about making the dead come alive: spiritually.
When a person Is 'born again,' they are not only now alive, but able to live life abundantly both now & forever.
They now have citizenship to another kingdom, an imperishable kingdom, a spiritual kingdom of heaven."
[Be reminded that is is our inviting & permitting Holy Spirit to baptize us, that enables us to walk out our spiritual destiny for which we were created by Father God.  This is typically a 2nd sacrament/experience/invitation following our salvation/born-again experience (giving us passport/citizenship/title-deed in heaven and family/legal membership/adoption/inheritance to God's DNA/blessings. 
An heir needs to proceed to execute his legal rights, in order for them to be manifested.)]

, Kathi - The Power of Agreement by Kathi
- 11/2015 -
"My husband & I spent many years doing foster care.
Most of our foster kids were teenage boys who had been neglected, abused & abandoned. 
As horrible as many of the events were in these boys' pasts, there was an even more tragic event that permeated their lives. The day they came into agreement with the voices of evil that pursued them is where their lives took the most tragic turn. 
On more than 1 occasion when 1 of our boys had been 'triggered' (upset emotionally by some word or deed)' causing them to rage against their existence, I would put my arms around them & repeat over & over, 'This is not who you are! This is not who you are.  'Somewhere deep inside they knew that the message of being worthless was not true, yet life had beaten that demonic message into the fabric of their identity.
The enemy had used the events in their lives as proof of the lie, creating agreement between them & the demonic agenda that was being played out.
1 of the enemy's greatest strategies is to get 1 of God's amazing creations to agree with an identity, that is different than the 1 that He gave to them.
The enemy takes great pleasure in setting up scenarios that give proof to his lies.
Demons love to hang out with hurting and disillusioned people to speak lies about their identity.
If he can get them to agree with his lies, then power is released creating legal authority to validate this lie as truth in their life...
There is good news,  if you have agreed with the enemy about your life or the life of someone else.
It is not too late to change the course of your life & remove every legal right that this agreement has secured.  You can go before the Righteous Judge and ask forgiveness for this agreement, renounce the agreement, break the power of the legal right & then come into agreement with truth & justice on your behalf & on behalf of others...
Isaiah 30:1-5 , Isaiah 30:18 , Isaiah 30:23-26 , Jeremiah 29:11
When you agree with the (scriptural) truth of the Lord, it releases the power of the (Holy) Spirit.
You agree with the legal right of Heaven to come to Earth. 
When you bring another (person &/or the Holy Spirit) into this agreement along with you, it releases even more power.  I encourage you today to break all alliances & agreements with lies & to enter into truth. 
Wait for the Lord, for He will restore all things, as you (daily/consistently) come into agreement with His truth & walk in it."

Ryle, James- Living in the Overlap of Two Worlds by James Ryle -
Luke 11:2
"Thy Kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven."
"'So, Moses, are you saying that we will never sin again?' a guy from the group asked. 
'No,' Moses kindly answered, 'I am saying that Jesus will never sin. 
He is now living in you & will show Himself through you
as you stand in Grace'...
We live in the overlap of 2 worlds.
One is the fallen world which resulted when sin entered; & with sin, death came.
The other is the risen world, which came about when Jesus conquered sin & death & included us in His conquest. 

We now live in both worlds at the same time.  That is why we have experiences that seem to contradict one another."

Dutch Sheets and Tim Sheets: "The Gears Are Beginning to Grind" ( 8/26/2022 edited excerpt – Tim Sheets:
Holy Spirit recently spoke this to me: "Now begins the merger of Christ's spiritual Kingdom in the earth realm with the Kingdom of Heaven in the spirit realm, in ways & levels never seen before. This merger will accelerate a 'new era' Pentecost. Power & Kingdom authority will be seen on the earth as never before"…
Holy Spirit says that these 2 realms are now merging.  He [God] continued, "
Glory presence will now fill prepared territories, regions & nations. The Ekklesias are getting traction in these places with surge after surge of the King's manifest presence spawning sudden miracles." (This is the season we are in right now.)  "
The enemies of the Kingdom will be disoriented & fight each other, resulting in freedoms decreed by King Jesus & His Ekklesia.
It will be assisted by My angel armies, for I will surely release My mighty ones to labor with you.
My mighty angels are moving into the earth realm
Something is happening in the spirit realm & the "mighty ones" are referred to as high-ranking authorities (angels). Yes, Hell has principalities & powers, but we do too (spiritual help). Ours are bigger & stronger. 
I've been pondering, What is this merger now of these high-ranking angels partnering with the Ekklesia (spirit filled obedient citizens/kings/proests of heaven) in certain (earth) regions & territories? 
I believe this is where the glory of God is going to amp up in such a way that it will spawn miracles & breakthroughs throughout regions. 
I believe we are moving now (not years from now) into a season of suddenlies, sudden strikes of high-ranking authority angels, under Holy Spirit's supervision, that are fueled by the decrees of a functioning Ekklesia. The Ekklesia is so powerful when you understand what Christ said.
For years, we didn't understand.  It was just a concept we taught & wondered. When are we going to get this? 
But something now is beginning to happen.
The remnant is picking this up & starting to function as an actual functioning Ekklesia. 
As this happens, different things can be done by Holy Spirit. He will add angels.  We really don't understand just how powerful they (or we) are. But He is now saying that He is going to bring these angels into the earth realm.
I don't understand all of this, but I know Holy Spirit has plans for His Ekklesia to win some major victories.
We are NOT going to lose. He is going to lead & guide us. 
I believe a few of these angels are some of the mighty ones we see in the Bible. 

Audio Visual

Brim, Billye - 6/2/2015 - summary
"God needs a body in the earth, speaking words that He can clothe with reality.
Just like we see the law of creation at work in Genesis 1:2 when the Holy Spirit was hovering, waiting for God’s words, the Holy Spirit is hovering over us, waiting for us to speak God’s words so He can bring about His will in the earth.  God has called us to set aside a time every day to pray in the Spirit.
We each have a body, a badge of authority & our part is to present that to Him.
The Holy Spirit gives us the utterance, we use our tongues to speak it & then He will bring it about.
If we’re going to pray in the end of days, we need to know about the authority that we have in prayer.
When Jesus was raised, we were raised with Him, seated at the right hand of the Father & given all *authority in the earth. As members of the body of Christ who have the privilege of living in the end of days, God needs us to take that authority & say what God has for us to say."  *(We receive our spiritual inheritance when we become of age: repent, acknowledge Jesus as savior, Lord & baptizer in Holy Spirit + begin to enforce our spiritual legal rights, in Jesus' name. 
God's power is not so much what we believe, but rather what we DO with & ACT on what we believe.)

Ferrell, Emerson and Ana - Kingdom Authority 7/2008 DVD -
God's kingdom is inside of us & NOT out there or up there.  Not when we die or after the rapture. 
Right NOW, for those (water and Holy Spirit) baptized believers in Jesus Messiah. 
Remember, Jesus instructed His disciples to pray, "Father, Thy kingdom come."
, Kat - AUDIO -
Kat Kerr May 18, 2014
When we invite Jesus to be our savior & Lord, we exchange pieces of ourselves. 
(The Holy Spirit gives us a layer of Himself.  His layer is 101% God, whereas our layer is only part of us regarding our soul's wholeness, but a whole as it pertains to God.) 
1 layer of our soul is taken to heaven & seated with Christ in heavenly places. 
When we are commissioned, that soul layer is brought into the commissioning throne room where Father God places a mantle on it.
Kerr, Kat - Kingdom Age - 2014 CD#1 -
Each time we pray "the Lord's Prayer"
9"Pray, then, in this way: 'Our Father who is in heaven, Hallowed be Your name.
10'Your kingdom come. Your will be done, On earth as it is in heaven.
e are calling forth God's kingdom to come upon the earth. (That kingdom age began in 2012.) 
Thus with God's resources, we are to begin to overrule/override spiritual evil & replace it with spiritual good. 
We are to begin to reign supernaturally as spiritual priests & spiritual kings.
jeremiah/29-11.htm - 11'I know the plans that I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans for welfare & not for calamity to give you a future & a hope.
mark/13-8.htm -
8"For nation will rise up against nation & (God's spiritual) kingdom against (Satan's spiritual) kingdom. Mark 13 is a time line of sorts showing that the generation that manifests God's glory most fully on earth, will precede the Millennial kingdom. 
This is the beginning of the Kingdom Age when God's glory will increasingly manifest on earth.
mark/13-29.htm -
28"Learn the parable from the fig tree:
When its branch has already become tender & puts forth its leaves, you know that summer is near.
(Fruit/figs come in the fall.  Is is NOW the springtime of God's Kingdom Age.)

 29"Even so, you too, when you see these things happening, recognize that He is near, right at the door.
30"Truly I say to you, this generation (kingdom age) will not pass away until all these things take place...
Oppression will be lifted from the earth via God's kids manifesting His glory & terrorizing demons. 
There will be restoration of earthly relationships & provision. 
We need to declare/plant/seed/establish our/His future glory in our/His family.
Kerr, Kat - Kingdom Age - 2014 CD #2
We go from glory to glory (priest to lord to king), receiving/increasing in power/authority/dominion/love.
In Jesus' name we release/send/declare His resurrection life/anointing & angels ahead of us to heal/demilitarize water/land/air/schools/storms & bind/nullify/disallow/dismantle demons.  BEWARE: If we ignore or fail to resist/confront Satan, we give him legal permission.  We must be offensive & NOT passive. 
This Kingdom age (beginning 2012) arrived/arrives after a time of travail/transition/birth-pangs. 
This is NOT the Perilous time coming later.  1st God's glory, His kingdom on earth, must manifest itself, to greater contrast/expose the difference between the 2 kingdoms, so that there is NO grey area of ignorance/indecision. 
We are in an accelerated time frame/season., the spring time of the Kingdom age.
We are to practice/exercise/release the power/anointing of the Trinity in us. 
When we are born-again God places a diamond from His heart into our human spirit. 
When we invite God to Holy Spirit baptize us, a Holy Spirit layer is deposited into us. 
Our whole spiritual DNA is changed/charged/empowered/turned-on. 
His kingdom is being revealed, but next it will be manifested.  Best not to watch/listen to bad reports unless you take the time to intervene: cancel/reverse/rectify/redeem it, in Jesus' name. 
We believers are to take control/authority over the demonic in individuals, rather than to have empathy with victims/plights.  Forbid the demonic to use/operate through individuals, in Jesus' name.  We rule, create a habitation for heaven to operate in.  Every unhealthy channel we turn-on/tune-into opens a bad portal. 
Beware, especially as guardian/ household-head. 
You trigger war between siblings and eventually parents, when you allow Pokémon into your house. 
Beware.  It originated and evolved in Japan to where kids choose demons as pets. 
Harry Potter
witchcraft is intoxicating and toxic to the soul.  Vampire media likewise causes God's light to become grey due to Satan's darkness.  Let us repent & loose all contamination and replace with God's holiness.
What parents watch they allow into home & kids' bedrooms.
Ministry on track #4 of CD.
Kerr, Kat - AUDIO - Kat Kerr – The Kings – June 2014 (significant)
"Kings are spiritual levels of authority in the kingdom which Jesus desires we walk in." 
The Kingdom Age in God's Timeline began Resurrection Day (Passover/Easter) 2012.
[Kat eats once daily, at midnight, prays 4 hrs, then sleeps 4 hrs, before beginning her 8 hrs with family & 8 hrs at work. Her conception was timed; she was birthed into a lineage that had paid a price for Him.  Saved at age 4-5 with subsequent ability to see into spirit realm.  (age 14) 1st holy encounter. 1996 1st visit to heaven (age 44). 
2005 1st commission (age 54).]  Spiritual priesthood precedes kingship. 
We minister TO Him.  During the (1,000 yr) Millennial age, the heavenly holy angels will be functioning on earth with the Trinity from Jerusalem.
We mentor correctly by sharing both the awe of our holy potential during our lifetime and the consequences of bad choices we make and/or bad places we visit (movies/TV/internet/cities/dives).
Father, we request for Your bride encouraging/inspiring prophetic dreams, visions and translations.
There will be sin free regions, in the near future. Hooray and thanks, Father God.
There will be public schools based on the spiritual doctrine/deity to which the parents adhere, where the Jesus' students will excel.  To declare and decree is to pray.
Kat Kerr @ 4 Corners Conference – Part 1 – 22nd of March 2014 You might also like.
Kerr, Kat - Revealing Heaven on the Heavenly Cruise 3. (November 16-23, 2014 Kat Kerr)
The keys to ruling the kingdom of God are mainly binding & loosing.
Kat Kerr – The Kings – June 2014
@ -
We are to ask/invite/choose and then welcome/receive to indwell our lives, heaven:
God's Jesus, Holy Spirit, holy angels, angelic beings, host & individual spirits.
Father, we ask for & receive Your revelation. 
The spirit of revelation is welcome in our home/family/business/ministry.
Holy Spirit, You are welcome in our home.  The Host of Heaven are welcome in our home. 
We want to operate/manifest for You in this earth. 
We give You permission this day that our lives will never be the same again.
We will speak words of life.  We will devour/meditate on Your Word. 
We will devote time to You Jesus to know You better.
We give You permission to process us, but request lots of fun. 
Please expedite swiftly but safely, to get the job done.

Any commission God ordains in His time via His process is neither convenient nor comfortable.
This is perfect season to apply Matthew 6:33 and matthew/6-9.htm to every need.
33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
9"Pray, then, in this way: 'Our Father who is in heaven, Hallowed be Your name.
10'Your kingdom come. Your will be done, On earth as it is in heaven
2 Kings 7:2  1 Timothy 6:15   Revelation 17:14   Revelation 19:16  scripture 'King of kings and lord of lords' reveals that there ar
e spiritual levels of spiritual authority that God wants us to walk in.  Father God, since our spirit and soul do not sleep, make deposits to them when we play the Bible &/or hymns 27/4 even while our body sleeps.
Revealing Heaven on TN Radio (Kat Kerr) 1/2/2015 - AUDIO  Father, may we awake & realize who we are in You.  May we have an ever increasing revelation of Your love & Who You are. 
In Jesus' name, fear leave & destiny, purpose & authority be loosed, that we may make a difference in this world.
Kerr, Kat 2015 CD @ Redeeming Word CCI - NOW - Scrolls of Time Open -
Transition is over.  Positioning starts now.  The (angelic holy) host are ready (to do our warfare on God's behalf) as we recognize/receive God's power/authority to reign/pull down strongholds, as we loose a designated angelic army in our assigned spiritual kingdom.  Priests, lords & kings are increasing authority dominion levels in current kingdom age.  Kings/lords are to know/execute their generational assignment, plans & weapons.
2 Corinthians 10:4 
The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds
1 of our weapons is the holy angelic host.  As we are intolerant of the enemy, he will flee. 
Placing words after a comma 1st in front of a sentence can help one to assume his authority: 
No thing will injure you (when you) take your given authority and power: luke/10-19.htm -
18He said to them, "I was watching Satan fall from heaven like lightning.
19"Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents & scorpions & over all the power of the enemy & no thing will injure you (as we Your kings loose Your angels to rout the demonic, in Jesus' name).
20"Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are recorded in heaven."
colossians/3-1.htm -
1Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.  Colossians 2:12 - buried with him in baptism, in which you were also raised with Him through your faith in the working of God, who raised Him from the dead.
Satan mainly attacks those who are a threat to him.  If you obey God, all will be OK.
This is the kingdom age, not the perilous times.  In trouble, take authority over it.  Work with God's host.
Declaring scripture is a weapon.  Words are seeds.  Become dangerous to demons.

Whether kids or students we are to give (1) affection (2) correction (3) instruction.
Kat Kerr Alignment, All Things Restored 2/21/15 - Duration: 44:05 -
Kerr, Kat - AUDIO - 8/24/2015 - Get Aligned With Heaven - God's Priority List - good -
2_corinthians/10-4.htm 3For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh,
4for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses (spiritual strongholds).
5We are destroying speculations & every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God.
We are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ
#1 Do NOT tolerate darkness.  I am becoming daily more dangerous to God's enemy.
We terrorize, torment & strip the enemy of his power to operate in realms & regions.
29They cried out...Son of God? Have You come here to torment us before the time?"  
#2 I choose with my will to align with (step into) what You want, God.
#3 I operate as part of God's family/team. 
#4 I obey You God, as You help me via Your glory, holy angelic host of heaven, revelations.
#5 I do exploits as You SHOW off Yourself via Your light & fire.
Karr, Kat - Alignment 10/24/2015 (repeat of above link) or 
Kerr, Kat - 2/2016 post (Paraphrased)
Hosts of Heaven are now part of our holy team, who continually worked on the behalf of & with Israel. 
Now is the spring season of God's Kingdom of Heaven on Earth age...
Most correct prophetic messages of doom & gloom, in large part, are future rather than current events.
In addition majority are Satan's plans rather than God's permissive plans.
Cancel & come against unholy designs, in Jesus' name.  Change things in Jesus' name: 
verbally take God's power over all the demonic power of the enemy. 
enlist/LOOSE God's holy host on the demonic army to pull down those evil strongholds/powers.

LUKE 10:19 KJV
17The 70 returned again with joy, saying, Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through Thy name.
18He said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.
19Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents, scorpions & over all the power of the enemy.  Nothing shall, by any means hurt you.
20Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven.
21In that hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit, and said, I thank Thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that Thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes: even so, Father; for so it seemed good in Thy sight.
Deuteronomy 11:24 - Every place whereon the soles of your feet shall tread shall be yours: from the wilderness & Lebanon, from the river Euphrates, even unto the uttermost sea shall your coast be.
Joshua 1:3 Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you, as I said unto Moses.
Malachi 4:3 Ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet  in the day that I shall do this, saith the LORD of hosts.

Maldonado, Guillermo - DVD - Understanding Kingdom Supernatural Power - - Guest speaker for
Munroe, Myles - Bahamas Faith Ministry Fellowship International, Bahamas
Ministry and impartation training for congregation and pastors.  recommended -


Brim, Billy - The Blood and the Glory - - 7/18/2016 - Important
Draw a blood line around family/territory/ministry/business/endeavors/vehicles:
BILLYE: The blood has to do with authority, the authority of the believer.
1st, I pray the prayer in Ephesians, which tells me I’m seated up there

Then I
say, O Father, I’m so thankful. I’m so thankful to You for this seat you have given me here.  You told me to rule & reign over darkness.  You told me in Colossians that you translated out of the authority of darkness.
So now, Father, for your glory, I’m going to turn to the darkness. I do this every morning, 1st thing.
I say, "Kingdom of darkness you listen up; it is written that I’ve been translated out of your authority.
It is written
that I’m seated at the right hand of the Father, the seat of power of all creation.
It is written
that I’m to rule and reign over you, & here’s how I’m ruling & reigning over you right now.
I plead the blood of Jesus between you & me. I plead the blood of Jesus over my: spirit, soul & body...
4 children. I name them. Their mates, I name them. I plead the blood of Jesus over my 10 grandchildren, their mates. I plead the blood of Jesus over my 3 great grandchildren, 2 unborn. Don’t you touch them today. They’re off limits to you. I’m ruling & reigning over: you...all the good works that God has ordained that I should walk in, Prayer Mountain in the Ozarks, church in Collinsville, & everything, I name it.
You’re not striking _______ where I live. You’re not having any terrorist activity come to pass today here.
You’re not doing it in Oklahoma & Collinsville.  You’re not doing it.  I name all the places he’s not doing it.
You’re not touching my partners...our monies. 
I rule  reign over him each day in the morning. 
Then when I go to bed at night I cry out for the blood of Jesus to be upon me (us, in Jesus' name).

Eckhardt, John -  + +

Ferrell, Ana - How To Reach His kingdom (Como alcanzar tú Reinado) - - Ruling and Reigning
1st you need to enter into the Spirit world where the Kingdom of God dwells inside of you with His Holy Spirit.
Ferrell, Ana & Emerson -
A Message for the Church in America - -
It is the responsibility for the church to spiritually govern & not depend on our elected representatives.

John Paul Jackson – The Mystery of the Kingdom 4/2/2014
Jackson, John Paul - audio -
video-search engine/video/c7gtQoz9t48&feature=youtube_gdata/

Neville Johnson | Episode 18 @ 11/11/2020 -
Leaving Church Age & entering Kingdom Age/day/dispensation.  A major shift begins on 12/31/2020. 
Persecution is catalyst of this.  Many denominations will collapse into 1 people of believers on earth.
This generation is here to show earth what heaven is like.  Born-again Christians may die during
upcoming world-wide turmoil, unless they have a talking/working RELATIONSHIP with the Trinity.
The fruit of the spirit, rather than the gifts, is a passport to heaven/rapture.  Christians left behind
may not have Holy Spirit baptism or may be immature/unprepared to be a martyr or to war for God.
[On the Hebrew calendar this is year 5781, leaving 219 years before Jesus' 1,000 year reign on earth
but Neville contends we are at the END of the 6,000 years & the BEGINNING of the 7,000 years. 
He speaks of Noah being allowed 7 days to enter the ark, perhaps representing the 3.5+3.5 or 7 year
peace treaty time window.]

Kennedy, Sandra - -
9/23-27/2013 - inspiring & mentoring -
"I heard the word of the Lord say, 'Tell your mama.' He quoted the 1st part of the Lord's
Prayer, 'Our Father which art in Heaven hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come,
Thy will be done on Earth as it is Heaven
.  Tell her there is NO sickness in Heaven.'"
Radio - 9/2-6/2013

Kerr, Kat - 7 hours of Kat Kerr describing Heaven, from her many trips (Comp#2)
@ - There is a heaven in heaven & a heaven on earth. 
We are to participate (with the Trinity) in the heaven on earth. 
It begins when there is NO THING (dark deposits remaining) in(side) us (our soul)
which the enemy can use against us.
John 14 AMP - Bible Gateway -
the prince (evil genius, ruler) of the world is coming. He has no claim on Me.
[He has nothing in common with Me; there is nothing in Me that belongs to him.
Thus, he has no evil power over Me.]

5th hour - Praying the Lord's Prayer beckons the Kingdom Age, which began 4/8/2012
God's time-line is etched on His throne room floor.  God uses the Hebrew/Jewish calendar.
Kerr, Kat - Everything you need to know about Heaven (Kat Kerr Compilation #3) 8 Hours
@ - 4/8/2012 resurrection morning in Kansas, USA, Kat and hu
sband woke to a 3' lighted exclamation mark on their wall & the Holy Spirit saying, "He's risen; He rules & that's it." 
This was the beginning of an accelerated Father's Kingdom Age on earth. (Refer to the Hebrew calendar.)
"Father, You gave us dominion in this earth, so we declare & decree that our land America belongs to You & NOT the enemy. 
We declare, Your will be done in our: government, schools, finances, home as it is in heaven.  That's it.  Amen.'" 
Declarations, prayer, worship suck the atmosphere away from the enemy.  We need to create:
 'NO fly zones' in our home; if the enemy trespasses, the Host will take him down. 
(Lord, this includes mosquitoes, viruses, plagues, parasites, bacteria, in Jesus' name.)
The spiritual Kingdom of God is within us, especially on display during this Kingdom Age.

God's greater works include commanding the spirit of the deceased to reenter the cremated
body + reversing tsunami, volcano, or earthquake damage + reversing/reviving desserts +
reversing gender-change operations + reversing airplane crashes, in Jesus' name & power.
"I love You so much.  Thank You for making me.  I am wonderfully & perfectly made. 
My birth was NOT a mistake.  You have wonderful plans for me. 
You wrote every wonderful day of my life in a book before I began to breathe. 
You knew me before I was knit together in my mother's womb, because I was with You (as a spirit). 
You chose when to send me, when You would need me.  Please use me, take me, let my life count for You. 
Let me help You write 1 of the greatest things You will do on this earth.  You said they will sing in eternity about these days of greater glory, because the darkness will NEVER be greater than the Light.  Christ in me is the hope of glory this world needs.  May my life & everything in it bring You glory.  This is NOT about me, the body.
This is about You, the price You paid, that made a way to the Father for all eternity.  This life is a vapor compared to eternity; but I thank You with everything in me, that I (and my family) will live in the Kingdom Age. 
May Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  Amen.  Halleluiah."
The fig tree in Matthew & Mark 13 is NOT Israel but is the Kingdom Age. - Impartation/commissioning some times is via laying of hand/hands on shoulder, a sign of authority.  As believers we have dominion over air, water, ground (earthquakes/regions), but we need to begin to exercise that over the 1st & 2nd heaven. 
We are priests & kings unto our God. 
As we receive the word, "manifest, in Jesus' name" we & our children will begin to receive that empowerment & boldness to operate for Him.

Kerr, Kat (12/27/2021 post) @ WEDNESDAYS WITH KAT AND STEVE - Episode 57 - YouTube -
The Kingdom age began 2012 to be followed by Millelium Age when/where God Himself reigns on earth. 
The Kingdom Age is when God's kids increasingly reign/rule on eath in power & in locations where sin/disease/death increasingly can NOT exist.  (Approx 200 years remaining free of the "antichrist" person.)

Kat Kerr – March 2013 Kansas Resurrection Sunday
testimony on & about 4/8/2012 Easter resurrection morning in Kansas, USA
Kat & husband woke to a 3' lighted exclamation mark on their wall & the Holy Spirit saying, "He's risen; He rules & post that's it." 
This was the beginning of an accelerated Father's Kingdom Age on earth. (Refer to the Hebrew calendar.)
"Father, You gave us dominion in this earth, so we declare & decree that our land America belongs to You & NOT the enemy. 
We declare, Your will be done
in our: government, schools, finances, home, as it is in heaven.  That's it.  Amen.'" 
Declarations, prayer, worship suck (vacuum) the atmosphere away from the enemy. 
We need to create 'NO fly zones' in our home; if the enemy trespasses, the Host will take him down. 
(Lord, this includes mosquitoes, viruses, plagues, parasites, bacteria in Jesus' name.)
The spiritual Kingdom of God is within us, especially on display during this Kingdom Age.

God's greater works include commanding the spirit of the deceased to reenter the cremated body + reversing tsunami, volcano, or earthquake damage + reversing/reviving desserts + reversing gender-change operations + reversing airplane crashes, in Jesus' name & power.
"I love You so much.  Thank You for making me.  I am wonderfully & perfectly made. 
My birth was NOT a mistake.  You have wonderful plans for me. 
You wrote every wonderful day of my life in a book, before I began to breathe. 
You knew me before I was knit together in my mother's womb, because I was with(in) You (in the 3rd heaven, as a spirit). 
You chose when to send me, when You would need me.  Please use me, take me, let my life count for You. 
Let me help You write one of the greatest things You will do on this earth. 
You said they will sing in eternity about these days of greater glory, because darkness will NEVER be greater than Light. 
Christ in me is the hope of glory this world needs.  May my life & everything in it bring You glory. 
This is NOT about me, the body; this is about You, the price You paid, that made a way to the Father for all eternity. 
This life is a vapor compared to eternity.
But I thank You with everything in me, that I (& my family) will live in the Kingdom Age. 
May Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  Amen.  Halleluiah."
The fig tree in Matthew & Mark 13 is NOT Israel but is the Kingdom Age:
matthew/24-32.htm (Olive tree represents Israel)
Impartation/commissioning sometimes is via laying of hand/hands on shoulder, a sign of authority. 
As believers we have dominion over air, water, ground (earth-quakes/regions), but we need to begin to exercise that (authority) over the 1st & 2nd heaven.  We are priests and kings unto our God
As we receive the word, "manifest, in Jesus' name" we & our children will begin to receive that empowerment & boldness to operate for Him.
Matthew 6:9-13 calls in the Kingdom Age
Kat Kerr -Heaven & The Kingdom Age (6.10.2014)
@ recommended -

Kat Kerr – River of life, Ruling over Darkness, Mark 13 Kingdom Age - 12/23/2014 -
@ - We are to manifest NOW according to Romans 8.
Kat Kerr – The Kings – June 2014 AUDIO - The Hebrews 6:5 age to come is NOW here where begin to taste what will occur during Millennial reign when even angels will dwell
on earth
.  Regarding Luke 10:19 we take authority BEFORE we go anywhere.
Kerr, Kat - 1/9/2016 - #2
Every King has a kingdom and an army.  The Host of Heaven oversee
the demolishing of demonic strongholds by the holy heavenly angels.
(#1 )
Kat Kerr Sermons - Subscribe for more:
Kerr, Kat - Life of Heaven on Earth - - 2/4/2016 posted - Now that the Kingdom age has begun (Easter 2012), we are being emboldened, strengthened & empowered from the knowledge & access to God's army of heavenly host, who at our invitation & decree fight demonic armies & bring destruction to enemy plans.  Citizens of God's kingdom have an army now assigned to them. 
Let's deploy them.  We have not been using them.  They have been sent to defend us, as currently there is little or no need to defend the 3rd heaven.  It seems God's kids have been using only half of it's spiritual team available to them. Where there is a kingdom, there is an army.
Kerr, Kat - - video archives
Kerr, Kat - (official/authorized by Kat)
Follow online videos: most current at top.
Kerr, Kat - Q&A Spirit Realm BootCamp (2. March 26, 2016) @ Princess or
After Yeshua ascended to sit at right side of father God, Holy Spirit moved his operations to earth.
Kerr, Kat - 4/15/2016 post.
EASTSIDE FAITH CENTER, Wichita Falls, Texas -
Kat contends we are no longer beginning to operate as humans but super humans. 
(If so, then we ought to expect the counterfeit via Satan & technology.) 
We are to do maneuvers with the Host of Heaven. 
No need to be concerned right now regarding nephilium or aliens.

Guillermo Maldonado - Healing 2/6-10/2012 Listen to Friday's radio broadcast. 
The 3 realms of God which can operate NOW on earth are KINGDOM (government),
POWER (demonstration or manifestation) & GLORY (atmosphere). - 2/22/2012 - significant -
(And the Holy Spirit leaps in our womb/temple-of-God inside us.)
"The Holy Spirit told me this. 'God is preparing us for that Kingdom which is coming.
This is the year
when the Kingdom of God comes to Earth. (4/2012 Passover/Easter
per Kat Kerr) There will be a collision like never before between the Kingdom & Earth.'
What does this have to do with us?  We must prepare for when that sky comes to Earth, we can receive all that it brings; in order for us all to have a little heaven in our home, in our business."
(We must allow on earth only what is in heaven & disallow on earth what is not in heaven - cancer/depression/illness/poverty/financial recession, in Jesus' name.) - "There is no king without a territory.
We are called kings & priests, which means that each of us has received a territory. 
All spiritual territories that I have received I had to fight for them. If you want your marriage back, fight.
If you want your children to return home, fight. If you want your business to be saved, fight...
The Kingdom is a king taking dominion over a territory. The sky was never made for man to live in it. 
The sky was made to bring it to the earth, from the very beginning. 
God exported His Kingdom to Earth with Adam and told him to dominate the world." 
[Repentance (in any area of sin) is the 1st step to kingship under the Lordship of God. 
Program ends in great prayer declaration of kingdom wherewithal.] 2.28.2012
Guillermo Maldonado - 1/30/2012 - Messianic Vision radio broadcast -
Maldonado, Guillermo -
+ 2010/10/07/you-need-grace-to-take-dominion/ -
Heaven was not created for man. Man was created to establish the kingdom of heaven here on Earth. 
With the Kingdom, comes lordship and authority to take a territory.
If the Kingdom of God is on earth, no other Kingdom (such as Satan's) can cohabitate with it.

Myles Munroe, Bahamas Faith Ministries International -
Myles Munroe, Bahamas Faith Ministries International -

theresa-phillips - -
Royal Priesthood - We are to put God on the throne of our own kingdom, then good will follow.
theresa-phillips - Becoming An Embassy -
Wherever we step, that place becomes His property.  We are His embassy.

Zadai, Kevin - - 1/6/2020
Zadai, Kevin -


When one is "born again" (engaged to God) & is "baptized in the Holy Spirit" (consummates the marriage) he then enters into the Kingdom of God (God's family, taking family legal-rights/righteousness/name/DNA/blood-line). 7/25/2013

Order of Melchizedek


exodus/33-22.htm   The Glory of the Lord
21The LORD said, "Behold, there is a place by Me.  You shall stand there on the rock.
22It will come about, while My glory is passing by, that I will put you in the cleft of the rock & cover you with My hand until I have passed by.
23"Then I will take My hand away & you shall see My back (all past history), but My face (future) shall not be seen."]
hebrews/7-2.htm  Melchizedek and Abraham
1For this Melchizedek, king of Salem, priest of the Most High God,
who met Abraham as he was returning from the slaughter of the kings & blessed him,
2to whom also Abraham apportioned a tenth part of all the spoils, was 1st of all, by the translation of his name, king of righteousness, & then also king of Salem, which is king of peace (his earthly assignment at that time)
3Without father, without mother, without genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end of life, but made like the Son of God, he remains a priest perpetually.
[However, it is
God Who revealed to Moses the things he wrote down in the 1st 5 books of the Old Testament.]

hebrews/7-17.htm - Jesus a Priest Like Melchizedek -
16who has become such not on the basis of a law of physical requirement, but according to the power of an indestructible life.
18For, on the one hand, there is a setting aside of a former commandment because of its weakness & uselessness.

Order of Melchizedek


Kerr, Kat - An Evening with Wendy… Guest Kat Kerr (Day 2) from
Now that we are in God's Kingdom Age on His time line, we need to invite our guardian angels & the host of heaven to take our holy words and use them to fulfill God's purposes on earth as it is in heaven.  Yes, holy creatures, we do right now invite you to participate with us in God's endeavors on earth for His glory & purposes.  Thanks. 
May you continue to the end of time in this pursuit with all those in our blood line & His blood line.  Thanks.  Amen.

Kat Kerr Revelations of Heaven on the Allure of the Seas! @
When we have sufficient revelation we will be operating in the order of Melchizedek.
Kat Kerr Day 1 2015 Heaven Touching Earth @
Melchizedek is from the angelic tribe where NO human hands have served at its altars. 
Abraham paid tithes to him.
  Melchizedek is from a spiritual tribe of watcher angels with flesh
Some of the watcher angels rebelled & slept with women before the time of Noah's flood.
Some of the disobedient angels became gods to the Aztecs, Egyptians, Myans (some of the nationalities) who became great due to those fallen angels, who are now chained up.  
Melchizedek, however, did NOT disobey.  The 12 tribes of Israel called such due to the angelic tribes in heaven. 
Most of what is on earth & even in hell is a copy of what is now in heaven. 
The King of Salem, is a position Melchizedek held on earth.  Humans are supposed to operate/reign on the level of authority as kings in the spiritual realm on this earth, NOW, during this current Kingdom Age in which we live, although our position is eternal.  Our earthly citizenship is temporary, like a vacation or 2nd home.
Kerr, Kat - AUDIO - 6/4/2015 - Melchizedek is God's personal high priest, who is NOT a human; remember, there is a tribe of watcher angels who have flesh.
Jesus is made after the order of Melchizedek: flesh, priest, then king.

, Francis -
Francis Myles - chapter 1 of
Francis Myles - Breaking Generational Curses Under The Order Of Melchizedek -
Myles, Francis - 8/19/2013 + 11/4/2013 -
"Francis Myles has been shown by God how to supernaturally change your DNA. He calls it 'genetic salvation.' 
It goes beyond 4 generations of genetic curses, all the way to where the flaw started. Back to Adam & Eve.
When Adam and Eve sinned their DNA was changed
. We are now going to change it back by jumping the bloodline. This means we are leaving the bloodline of the generational curses of our lineage.
4 years ago he had a prophetic dream...During the next 10 years it will be known as the Order of Melchizedek.
Abraham got blessed when he met Melchizedek."
Myles, Francis - with Sid Roth - 2013 Jump the broom - "Francis Myles-Breaking Generational Curses Under The Order Of Melchizedek. Rediscovering God's remedy to genetic & generational anomalies. How Generational Curses work. The Law that governs Generational Curses & Generational Blessings.  How demonically engineered genetic mutation happens.
How to overthrow Generational Curses permanently. How to recapture man's long-lost prophetic DNA that God gave to Adam & Eve before the fall. How God is restoring the ancient pathways to heal." 
Years 2012-2022 will be a maturing of this Order of Melchizedek priesthood on earth.
Myles, Francis - Jumping the Bloodline Part 1 @ ShekinahGloryFire
yles, Francis - - The Altar of Melchizedek - 5/20/2019 post -  Extremely Important - (paraphrased notes) Today God’s spirit of Elijah intends to destroy/remove/silence/split/ neutralize/freeze/decapitate the spirits our altars of: Sickness, Stagnation, Witchcraft/Premature-Death, Pain via God’s most superior altar of Melchizedek & replace with life, health, youth, brain IQ.  Demonic altars MUST be destroyed, not by us, but by the speaking God’s Word.  The devil is a copy cat.  An altar/platform/airport is where spirits land to exchange energies, to sacrifice a blood offering, to repeat a ritual.  Elijah prophesied TO the seemingly inanimate altar, but God’s altar is a holy consecrated place from which power exudes.  Every demonic altar controls a region/city. Each person needs to activate their family altar + a superior altar in our life whereby when we are somewhere, all other altars must bow.  Spiritual altars can speak to each other.  (Regarding abortion, the greater the innocence, the greater the demonic power of the altar.)  When we touch the spiritual altar of Melchizedek we begin to operate from what’s finished.  We discover our destiny (history) in God. 
No more tears. (#59 on dial begins ministry & ends with communion.  Receive a restoration of all things, starting NOW.  Take God's anointing NOW with faith/anticipation & rejoicing.)
Myles, Francis -
The Altar of Melchizedek The Spirit of Elijah Dr Francis Myles or 5/23/2019 - (paraphrased notes) - Illumananti is a spiritual order of selling souls.  We live in a spiritual world where everything is resonating at a spiritual frequency. 
We are to say, "I elist the spirit of Elijah" in this interview or in my business to restore all thingsper Matthew 17:11.  The Spirit of Elijah gives us toe ability to function in our destiny in spite of opossing spirits such as Jezebel living in our land.  The spirit of Elijah helps us have greater intimacy with God, to stand and not faint, to be bold to allow God to work through us.  An Elijah ministry is a baptism of fire.  God operates via the Hebrew calendar rather than the Greek time.  His day begins PM rather than AM.  (#51 on dial is when the Elijah impartation/anointing begins to be released to audience.  We enlist the spirit of Elijah to come. silence, shut down & destroy every demonic order speaking: tatoos, death, lack, stagnation, confusion, sickness & any negative thing that has been happening, in Jesus' name.)
Myles, Francis - Live Stream (Bible Study) -
Myles, Francis - video blog @

Selvaraj, Sadhu Sundar - The Melchizedek Order @
10/25/2020 post on Preexistence +
Predestination to be King + Priest via Jesus' blood/DNA/eucharist. #1 – 7/7/2020
Spiritual discernment increases in proportion to our scripture ingestion. #2 - 7/16/2020 - The Order of Melchizedek's purpose is for us priests to bring God's kingdom down onto the earth.  God wants to inhabit our thanks/praise/worship. 
We with His keys have the responsibility to do what it says in The Lord's Prayer. 
God NOW in our generation is extending His scepter to us to rule with Him (via His indwelling Holy Spirit). 
His indwelling light & incense/fragrence increase in proportion to our worship.
/ #3 - 7/20/2020 -
h/ttps:// #4 #5 #8 #9 @ Angel TV

Kingdom Positions

Kat Kerr- Recent God Movements, heaven revelations 8/10/13
from - King of Kings and Lord of Lords -
(Priests,) Kings & Lords are eternal spiritual positions we are to operate from in the spiritual realm
We are to tread on the enemy, not him on us.
Kat Kerr – The Kings – June 2014 The position/level of Priest (ministering TO the Trinity & His people) precedes that of King in God's spiritual kingdom.

Ana Werner: "A Vision of the Heavenly Governmental Room" ( 4/22/2022 @ - (edited excerpt)

"Once I was taken up into a vision. I walked into a room where...I could see many seats lining the room...
I could discern the importance of the room...a place where decisions were made...a place of meeting with purpose.
Jesus suddenly appeared in the room...dressed with robes that were thick & royal purple.
'The Governmental Room,' He spoke to me. 'Ana, it's time to take your seat.'
He motioned to a chair along the wall & smiled encouragingly at me. 
I struggled & wrestled with approaching the chair...
I battled with my thoughts, 'Surely there are people more deserving to sit in a governmental seat like this, who have far greater accomplishments that I do.'  Knowing my thoughts, He repeated, 'It's time to take your seat.'
I sat down in the chair.  With my eyes closed...I suddenly saw hundreds & thousands of faces of people, one by one, before me & knew these were the faces of the people I would pour into...people God was giving me His heart for. One by one, I kept seeing them.
'It will cost you to sit here, but it's time,' He spoke.  That phrase has forever been imprinted in me.
I've revisited those words several times as I've pondered over them. You & I were destined to reign:
"We have become His poetry, a re-created people that will fulfill the destiny He has given each of us, for we are joined to Jesus, the Anointed One. Even before we were born, God planned in advance our destiny & the good works we would do to fulfill it." (Ephesians 2:10, TPT)
But that word 'reign' actually looks different from Heaven's perspective. Jesus reigns. He poured out everything.
He shed His Blood so that we might reign with Him.
Scripture says that He was unrecognizable for what He endured on the Cross...
emember just what He went through for you & me, for the sake of love.
Loving Him fully means allowing Him to transform our minds. 
To reign with Him, you & I must have a heavenly transformed mind: the mind of Christ.
Be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think.
This will empower you to discern God's will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying & perfect in His eyes.
(Romans 12:2, TPT)...
Sitting on my governmental seat in Heaven...meant...'I was created to reign'...a responsibility...
Heaven's perspective 
is the only way I know how to put it. 
You & I were created to reveal His Kingdom to the world...
The enemy of this world does everything he can to rob & destroy the wonderful plans and purposes of the Lord...
Know God has a purpose for your life..."The Lord's plans stand firm forever; His intentions can never be shaken." (Psalm 33:11, NLT)  God has a plan." 

Being Available to God 24/7

Megan Boudreaux -
read chapter #1 - God Himself taught Megan the local language.
Boudreaux, Megan -

Heavenly Language/Comprehension

Springer, Rebecca Rutter - -
"In several instances, as we drifted across above the villages, we heard song of praise arising...
In many cases, to our surprise, the hymns & words were those with which we had been familiar on earth.
Although sung in a strange tongue, we understood them all. 
That was another of the wonderful surprises of heaven. 
There was no language there that we could not understand."


#233) Kat Kerr - God is Going to 'Cloak' Some of Us - Daystar Revealing Heaven - Alive_Again - Jan 8, 2013 @ (edited)
"There are realms within realms of Heaven where you can step.  As Heaven is invading earth, He's going to open up some of those realms down here for us, so that we can use in the days to come. About 3 weeks ago, He said: 'I'm going to start showing you how to cloak (hide) yourself.' You know in the Bible where it says they were going to take Jesus and they couldn't, because they didn't see Him (anymore), and He walked right through them & among them. He stepped into a realm.  They didn't see Him, but He could see them. He walked safely, right out from them in that realm. He said: 'I'm going to open realms that like for My kids in the days of greater glory, when many will not like what My kids are saying &  may try to take their life. I won't let it happen. I'll just put you in that realm.  You'll just walk (safely) right out from them.' We are literally going to be living a supernatural (slipstream) life. So we need to have that mindset. If our citizenship is in Heaven...that means you were in heaven first before you were here on earth.. We're all Heavenians."
#234) Kat Kerr - Angels and Michael's Headquarters - Daystar Revealing Heaven - Alive_Again - Jan 8, 2013 @ (edited) -
There's something called the celestial realm that is all the atmosphere & the skies of Heaven.
All kinds of activity go on there. Many people are caught up during worship to the celestial realm."

Ascending Into Heaven
to Rule & Reign
as Kings & Priests
Seated at the Right Hand Side of Jesus

Allen, Scott @ Excellelnt 4/13/2022
(Seems to be a different pastor @ )

The Kat Kerr - Elijah List Event: Saturday afternoon session The Kat Kerr 8/27/2016
or -
Operating in God’s manifest power, now in America with President Trump

Souza, Katie - 6/2015 newsletter - "This mother was at a complete loss for what to do
and why it was happening (regarding rebellious daughter)...She decided to ascend into heaven to get the wisdom she needed for breakthrough.  When she went up, she saw a vision of her daughter trapped in a huge cage, trying to get out.  She took her sword out & struck the cage, until it opened. 
That same day, the daughter came to her & asked for forgiveness."

Recognizing & Aligning with Our Godly Destiny

Allen, Scott @ - 4/13/2022 - Very Good 6/19/2020 - excerpts -

Chip phoned me! He often does—and what a thrill it is to this mother’s heart that the son who was probably the most challenging in his youth is now a pastor who loves to discuss the Bible with me…
I advised him to do what Brother Kenneth E. Hagin taught: You can have an answer from God on any question.
Just set aside 3 days & pray only about that 1 thing. Nothing else.
Preferably (especially if it is whether or not you should do something) word your question so that it can be answered “Yes” or “No
He called me back that afternoon. He had his answer.  Go Virtual. 
(Actually I sensed that was what he should do.)

Evil Kingdom

Water Spirits

Daniel, Debo - CHAPTER ONE -
"With 72% of the earth’s surface covered by water, Satan decided in his rebellion to build his power base in the waters.  His 'secretariat' is in the heavenlies where the powers & principalities supervise satanic oppression of territories, cities & nations but his 'operational base' is in the waters...
He (God) expects us to enforce His (Son's) victory by exercising the authority He has given us to defeat Satan in our lives & world, so that the kingdoms of this world might become the kingdoms of our God & His Christ." 

Kingdom Wars

Temple Destruction Foretold from mark/13-8.htm
7"When you hear of wars & rumors of wars, do not be frightened.
Those things must take place; but that is not yet the end.
8"For nation will rise up against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places.  There will also be famines.  These things are merely the beginning of birth pangs.
9"But be on your guard, for they will deliver you to the courts. 
You will be flogged in the synagogues & will stand before governors & kings for My sake, as a testimony to them.

Kerr, Kat - Everything you need to know about Heaven (Kat Kerr Compilation #3) 8 Hours 2014
@ - Scripture (often has many layers, or reapplications in successive generations. 
This scripture can be taken literally for more than one war, but it) can also represent spiritual wars between spiritual kingdoms, which is the real truth and intent of this scripture, according to Kat Kerr.
#234) Kat Kerr - Angels and Michael's Headquarters - Daystar Revealing Heaven - Alive_Again - Jan 8, 2013 @ (edited)
"I saw this beautiful platform. There was a throne; billowing fabrics; strange looking beings that looked like pieces of finely hewn steel...Let me tell you, angels, and the created beings are totally different from us.
Some look like us, but most of them don't...They don't even have a body like you do. 
Some of them are made out of colors, smoke of God,
(unknown) substances, some kind of metal alloy.  
Some of them transform & change shapes.

I actually did see the headquarters of the host. I saw some of the army getting ready to go fight the enemy & these beings were 80-90 feet tall. After they received their assignments, they went & stood on this mountain. Michael said, 'Go'. 
Each changed into a ship...It looked like burnished pewter, really high tech They left. He let me follow where the battle was going on. They came to another spiritual mountain...where they were fighting.
When they landed, they transformed into a weapon. I was looking at them, because I thought they would be what they were when they left, but they weren't. I said, 'Well, where are they? What is this weapon here'?
They said, 'No, we don't need weapons, we are the weapon'. 
They are the weapon, so they do things a little bit differently than we do down here.
That's where that whole idea of transformers came from.
That's absolutely true

Prince, Derek @ - The Structure of Satan's Kingdom - The Enemies We Face - 2/14/2020

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