This site's intention is to provide hope + suggest alternative recourses
for those who suffer from schizophrenia + other mental illnesses.

 Testimonies of
    Physical Healings
   Mental Illness Healings

Please find a treasure trove of resources within the web pages that follow. 
Take time. Search through them & featured products. 
It is important to NOT isolate,
but to continue our relationship with our spiritual & physical family + medical professionals.
This web site is NOT meant to (nor qualified to) prescribe or act as a physician.

Resources for our Soul
(mind + emotions + will-power)

  1.Biographies - of those with mental illness or challenges 
  2.Binding + Loosing - Spiritual Protocol & Quantum Physics Science to Make Soul Whole              
  3.Defeat FEAR  - Dismiss any unwelcome emotion, including fear. 
                            Speak TO fear, "Go. in Jesus' name".

  4.Do I Have Mental Illness?- Some treatable symptoms.
05.Dreams & Visions - God communicates via dreams & visions, too.
06.Healing DEPRESSION - Before we die
07.Healing EMOTIONs - Inner Heart Healing
08.Healing of Hallucinations - Thoughts come from 3 spirits: human, evil & Holy   
09.Healing Self Image - Seeing through God's eye glasses                               
10.How Do I Get Rid of Voices In My Head - Replace negative thoughts with God's thoughts.
11.My Relative Says He is NOT Ill - Some litmus tests
12.New Mind Declarations -
Daily we align our minds with the mind of Christ.
13.Overcome Victimization - Yes, Father God can reverse physical, mental, emotional & spiritual harm.
14.Relapse Prevention  - Do NOT give house key to our old tenant Mr Disease
.SCHIZOPHRENIA - The spiritual enemy divides or scatters the mind, but Holy Spirit reverses that.
                                - There is a God Who makes the impossible possible, reversing schizophrenia.

Resources for our Human Body

01.Afflictions Allowed by God - according to scripture but perpetrated by satan in cahoots with sin
02.Baptism of SUFFERing
 - Jesus turns our curses into blessings
03.DNA RNA RH Genetics Maternity
Brain food.  Rewire your brain and your DNA.
04.Food For Thought
 - Alternative medicine helps many defeat their mental & physical maladies           
05.Healing Fast - What we have failed to do, & NOT what we abstain from, matters
06.Healing Frequencies - All DNA, all matter has a frequency.  High heals.  Low harms.
07.Healing Infirmities - Many physical &/or mental maladies are inherited.  Confess family/tribal sins.
08.Healing Manifestations - Help the Holy Spirit finish what He began when you were prayed over.
09.Healing Marriages - Holy Spirit allows us to make lemonade out of lemons.

10.Healing Sex - Ignorance does not prevent a curse.
11.MIRACLEs - Physical healings authorized by Scripture

Resources for our Human Spirit

01.Act on the Word of God - Demons can speak, so we need to recognize & obey God's voice.
02.SPEAK GOD's WORDS - Loudly, so everyone knows we mean business
03.Baptism for Ministry - God equips us to help others.
.Baptism for Santification - We acquire spiritual backbone, muscle & maturity
05.Baptism for Tongues - God allows us to speak a heavenly language.
06.Baptism of  Fire - Jesus' baptism of fire, improves the good but burns up the bad.
07.Baptism of  Water - Water to drown our sins
08.Spiritual Glory - God's Supernatural Superpower
09.Spiritual Translation - YES, we can fly like Peter Pan.
10.Healing Anointing - Needed to minister to others
11.Healing Art - can affect our atmosphere
12.Healing Audio Visual - CD/DVD/Radio/Web resources.
13.Healing Blood - The Blood of Jesus terrorizes curses
14.Healing Books - Our enemy prefers we remain ignorant that our cure has been found.
15.Healing Communion - How God's body renews our body
16.Healing Covenants - Trouble will pass over us.
17.Healing Faith - God wants you in His army to be His heart, His hands, His feet.
18.Healing Forgiveness - Jesus says NOT to go to sleep until we have forgiven!
19.Healing Hands - Laying on of hands for healing is scriptural.
20.Healing Handkerchiefs - Tangible anointed healing scriptural items
21.Healing Name of Jesus - The name of Jesus has resurrection power
22.Healing New Testament Scripture - Greek & Christian
23.Healing Old Testament Scripture - Hebrew (Jewish) & Aramaic
24.Septuagint Scripture - Scripture found in both Old & New Testament
25.Healing New Testament APOCRYPHA Scripture
26.Healing OT PSEUDEPIGRAPHA Scripture by Enoch & others 200 BC
27.Healing of Offenses - May be the master key to healing
28.Healing OIL - Anointing with oil for healing is scriptural
29.Healing Ministries - Where mental illness is cured
30.Healing Music - Let's dance with the angels
31.Healing My Family Tree - We can stop inherited curses.

32.Healing Prayer- Spiritual War fare
33.Healing Root Issues - Recognize, Remove, Replace Negative emotions/experiences
34.Healing Salt - Did you know that there is a Covenant of Salt?
35.Healing School - Mentoring the ordinary man to become extraordinary
36.LOCATION - Both individuals & locations can be bound by Satan's chains.
37.MINISTERing to & by CHILDren - Yup, our kids can parent us, at least spiritually.
38.Never Never Land - Is hell real?  N/A
39.Praise Is a Shortcut to Healing - Even our cells in our body respond to praise.
40.Roles of the Holy Spirit - The Holy Spirit is our tutor/mentor/home schooler/comforter
41.Spiritual Doors - God opens the door to our healing

Spiritual & DNA WAR

01.Act on the Word of God - Let's put our money (action/feet/hands/heart) where our mouth is.
02.Bind + Loose - Quantum physics science behind how speech creates all & wins wars                         
03.Deliverance Articles - for those who love to read
04.Deliverance Audio-Video - A great learning tool.
05.Deliverance Books - Deliverance is about the spirit.  Healing is about soul/mind/body.
06.Deliverance by Recognition - ALWAYS (24/7) test each spirit/thought/idea, lest we be led astray.
07.Deliverance Dangers - Ignorance is NOT a legal or moral excuse.
08.Deliverance from Cults - Today's curse may be a result of a present or past cult or OCCULT involvement.
09.Deliverance from Curses - Placed upon us by others or our disobedience of spiritual laws.
10.Deliverance from Iniquity - Iniquity records all the unforgiven sins committed by prior generations.
11.Deliverance from Nightmares - We can terrorize any night visitors who attempt to bully us.
12.Deliverance Ministries - Get to the root of the problem
13.Deliverance Prayers - Jesus descended into hell and set the captives free. 
14.Deliverance Schools - Self-deliverance is Kingergarden or baby step #1
15.Demonic Designs - As God has awesome designs for us, so does Satan have evil designs.
16.DISCERNment + DECEPTION - God reminds us to test 24/7 every spirit/thought as to soure.
17.Healing Dance - Jump - for joy.
18.Healing Dangers - Scripture says to test all spirits - including healing spirits.
19.HOLOCAUSTS - Terrorism to our trinity (spirit, soul, body)
20.I Can Deliver - myself.  I can deliver others. In the Name of Jesus.
21.Satin is not dead - He wants us to think he is dead.  He wants US to be impotent/useless/dead.         
22.So You Want to Be a Missionary Helps for those with young hearts & old feet.
23.Spiritual Audacity - terrorizes demons, bullys & makes heaven cheer.
24.Spiritual Dominion + Authority - comes in increments as we ECHO & obey God's Words. N/A
25.SPIRITUAL LAW - We wield the sword of God's Word with our mouth - aloud & persistently.
26.SPIRITUAL WAR - Each of God's kids has an army host, he needs to commission before daily utilizing
27.Standing in the gap for your children & for those you love.

 Mind, Body & Spirit

01.Gossip/Slander/Leprosy - Danger.  Negative Speech Acn Boomerang.
02.Healing Articles - Editorials
03.Healing Audio + Video - CD, DVD, Radio
04.Healing BOOKs - Holy mentors
05.Healing Humor - good God medicine
06.Healing Quotations - Inspirations
07.Healing Time - There is a time appointed for our healing. 
08.SPIRIT SOUL BODY - Like God, we are a trinity: spirit, body, & soul (mind, emotions & will). 

       Our Relationship with Doctor Jesus ;)                        

01.COMMUNION EUCHARIST - Sacrament of communion (bread &/or blood representing Jesus' sacrifice) 
02.Doctor Jesus 
- He is the master key to our healing. J0Y.
03.ROLES of HOLY SPIRIT - The Giver (healer) is better than His gifts (healing).
04.GLORY is God/Jesus/Holy Spirit presence manifesting on earth.
05.HEALing BLOOD - Scripture says that both man's & Jesus' blood speaks.
06.HEALING COVENANTs - Spiritual contracts.
07.Healing by RECOGNITION - Do you know we have a prepaid inheritance/healing/deliverance, ready to claim?
08.Healing Hugs - Intimacy with God is the most important ingredient
09.Healing PRAYER - Let us NOT ask God to do what Jesus already accomplished 2000 years ago.
10.Healing Revivals - Jesus offers His medical services to each generation
11.Healthy Visions - God wants to give us daily dreams & visions.

12.LOCATION - or degree of our intimacy with Jesus
10.MENTAL ILLness HEALings - Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Clause.
11.MIRACLEs - God's angels bring miracles, when we relentlessly rehearse God's scripture promises.
12.OBEDIENCE - Obey the Trinity QUICKLY, ignoring negative feelings, emotions or thoughts.
13.Spiritual INHERITANCE - Of Father God's kids who like Snow White awaken to His kiss.
14.Spiritual kingdom of God - Only when we have citizenship in His kingdom do we have His passport.
15.TESTIMONIES of physical healings - Get a 2nd opinion, God's.
16.Will God ADOPT me ? - YES. Father God will not force us.  He is waiting for us to ask.
    God always says, "YES",  The 1st of His 1st born Son's Hebrew name: Yes-huah.

Relationships with Others

01.Be a Missionary - Spiritual mantles - It is never too late to receive a blessing & pass it on.
02.Control Eiltism - Entitlement digs our grave.                                           
03.HEALING INTIMACY - 1st between us & Father Who wants a family
04.Healing MINISTRIES - Resources
GRUMBLING NEGATIVITY - Negative speech self-sabotages.
06.Healing MARRIAGEs - Yes, Indwelling Holy Spirit can make lemonade out of lemons.
07.ministry empowerment - Baptism (confirmation rite) downloads Holy Spirit with His super powers.
08.MINISTERing to & by CHILDren - Kids do NOT have a baby Holy Spirit.
09.Spiritual INHERITANCE - God's kids let Holy Spirit do exploits through them, even raise the dead.

 - Spiritual Keys for Finances & Other Provision

12.We are MIRACLEs in the making - The butterfly was first a caterpillar
13.We Can DELIVER in Jesus' Name - Yes, YOU & I can speak TO our problem & command it to leave.
14.We Can HEAL in Jesus' Name - Ripley, believe it or not = Those who BELIEVE, receive.
15.We Can Inherit & Impart BLESSings - Prizes & destinies pertain to families/tribes/nations. 
                                                           Make Father God famous/fabulous & attract His favor/blessings.


01.ANGELS - Good spirits assist God in bringing help, healing & deliverance.
02.ANGELs - Bad spirits assist Satan in bringing lies, deception, disease, premature death.
- Awesome animal tales  
03.DELIVERANCE from EVIL Spirits - In scripture both God & Jesus warn us there is an evil spirit.
                                                   - In scripture both Holy & Evil spirit exist, but God's is SUPERIOR.

Creation Creativity Exuberance Destiny Innovation

01.healing art 
02.Healing DANCE


06.Spiritual DESTINY BOOKS FILES - We can collide/intersect with puroose for which we were created.

Scripture Insights

1.Deliverance Scripture                         - Evil spirits try to terrorize mind, body & spirit, until we recognize them.
2.HEALING OIL                                     - Holy Spirit often operates via oil, whether literally or figuratively.

3.Healing Scripture from New Testament - When we invite Jesus to be Lord/Savior/Holy Spirit baptizer we become heirs.
4.HEALING SCRIPTURE FROM New Testament apocrypha http -
5.Healing Scripture from Old Testament - When we become adpoted by God, He becomes our Father.
6.Healing Scripture from Pseudepigrapha Written by Enoch and others 200 BC - Grand insights.

Alternative Mental Health
Grandma's kisses - There are many adjunct medical helps.  Below in alphabetical order: 

01.ABORTIONS                     01.BED WETting                                      01.DEATH of a CHILD
02.ABUSE+SEX ABUSE+SRA  02.BERIBERI                                           02.DEMENTIA
03.ADD + ADHD                   03.BIPOLAR or MANIC DEPRESSION       03.DEMONS
04.ADDICTIONS                    04.BIRTH DEFECTs                                  04.DEPRESSION + SAD  
06.ADOPTIONS                     06.BRAIN Disorders                                 06.DOWN's + MENTAL RETARDATION
07.AGGRESSION                   07.BRAIN INJURY                                    07.DSI SENSORY INTEGRATION DISORDER
08.ALTERNATIVE TREATMENT 08.BULIMIA                                            08.DYSLEXIA
09.ALZHEIMERS                    09.BULLYING                                          
10.ANGER                                                                                                        01.EPILEPSY  
11.ANOREXIA NERVOSA                       01.CANNABILISM                                    02.EXORCISM
12.ANXIETY                                        02.COGNITION                                                                                      
13.ATTACHMENT DISORDERS               03.CONCEPTION out of WedLock               01.FERAL CHILD
                                                         05.CULT BRAIN WASHING         
                                                         06.CUTTING SELF

01.GANG VIOLENCE                               01.JOUBERT Snydrome                      01.OCCULT
02.GENDER IDENTITY                             01.KURU                                          02.OCD
02.HEAD ACHE                                      02.LEARNING DISABILITY                   01.PANDAS
03.HEALING OF MEMORY                        03.LESBIAN ISSUES                           02.PARANOID
04.HERPES                                            04.LOBOTOMY                                    03.PARKINSON
05.HOMEOPATHIC RX                                                                                     04.PDD
06.HOMOSEXUAL ISSUES                       01.MEMORY LOSS REVERSAL               05.PELLAGRA
07.HYPERACTIVITY                                02.MENTAL ALERTNESS                       06.PERSONALITY DISORDER
08.HYPERGRAPHIA                                 03.MOOD DISORDER                          07.PHARMACIA
09.HYPERKINESIS                                  04.MPD MULTIPLE PERSONALITY        08.PORPYRIA
                                                                                                                    09.PTSD + STRESS + PANIC 
01.INCEST                                             01.NARCISSIM                                  10.PREGNANCY not wanted
02.INFANT MENTAL HEALTH                     02.NARCOLEPSY                                11.PROJECTION
04.INTEGRATION DISORDER                    04.NEURAL DEFECTS                         13.PYROLURIA
                                                             07.NIGHTMARES              01.RAD + 02.RAPE + 03.RARE DISEASE
01.SAVANT SYNDROME                                 01.TARDIVE DYSKINESIA   
02.SCHIZOPHRENIA                                   02.TOURETTE
04.STEROID side effects                               04.TRANS-SEXUAL                 
05.STUTTERING                                           05.TRAUMA
06.SUNDOWNING                                        06.TRICHOTILLOMANIA - hair pulling         

Alternative Psychiatric Resources
scientific, spiritual, medical & conventional tested help - below in alphabetical order:

01.Alternative RESOURCES           01.HEALING PRAYER                               01.INSURANCE HEALTH 4 Low Income
02.AUDIO                                    02.HOSPICE + CONVENTIAL Psych CARE   
                                                  03.HOSPITAL CHRISTIAN Psych CARE       01.LONELY
01.CHAPLAINCY                           04.HOSPITAL CONVENTIONAL Psych CARE 
02.CONVENTIONS                        05.HOSPITAL 4 Mult Issue Psych CHILD    01.MEDICAL LEGAL ACTS
03.COURT & LEGAL                      06.HOSTEL                                              02.MEDICAL GIFTS 4 3rd World
                                                  07.HOUSING 4 Psych Treatment               03.MEDICINE - Inventions + Insights
01.DISCRIMINATION                    08.HOUSING 4 Orthomolecular Psych       04.MED SCIENCE RESEARCH
02.DNA RNA RH Genetics              09.HOUSING 4 Homeless Psych                05.MENTAL HEALTH Conventional
03.DOCTORS 4 Psych                   10.HOUSING 4 ADDICTION Psych Care      
                                                  12.HOUSING 4 PREGNANT                        02.NEWS - MENTAL ILLNESS
01.FREEDOM of INFO + Safety      13.HOUSING 4 Throw Away People            03.NUTRITION 4 Mental Health

01.PARENT HELP                              01.SCHOOL
02.PREVENT RELAPSE                       02.Sheltered WORK Shops
03.PRISON                                      03.SLAVERY + ABDUCTION + GENOCIDE
05.Psych Publications 4 CHILDREN    05.SPIRITUAL HELP
07.PSYCHOLOGY Publications          
08.Publications 4 SCHIZOPHRENIA  01.VOLUNTEER Opporty 4 Mentally Ill                                               

Healing Head 2 Toe Resources
    Remediations for the whole body - DNA reversal of defects - Below listed in alphabetically:

01.AAA                                 01.BACK Problems                 01.CANCER                    01.DAIRY
02.ACID-ALKALINE PH           02.BACTERIAL Infection          02.CANCER Warnings     02.DEAF DUMB
03.ACNE                               03.BALDNESS                        03.CANDIDASIS             03.DEATH
04.ACRYL-AMIDE                   04.BATTLEFIELD Injury          04.CARPAL TUNNEL         04.DEATH of a Child
05.ACUPUNCTURE                  05.BED BUG                          05.CATARACTS               05.DEFORMED or Missing LIMBS
06.ADDICTION                      06.BED SORE                         06.CELIAC Disease         06.DEFORMITIES
07.ADDISON                         07.BED Wetting                      07.CEREBRAL PALSY       07.DENTAL Problems
08.AGING                             08.BELLs PALSY                      08.CERVICAL Dysplasia   08.DERMATITIS
09.AIDS                               09.BENIGN PROSTATE             09.CFS                           09.DIABETES
10.AIR BORNE DISEASE         10.BIOLOGICAL                     10.CHEMICAL Injury        10.DIARRHEA
11.ALCOHOLISM                    11.BIRTH CONTROL                11.CHEMO                      11.DIPHTHERIA
12.ALD                                  12.BIRTH DEFECT                  12.CHOLERA                   12.DISEASE New or Rare
13.ALTERNATIVE Medicine      13.BIRTHING Problems           13.CHOLESTEROL            13.DIVERTICULITIS
14.AMAUROSIS                      14.BLACK FEVER                    14.CIRCUMCISION          14.DOWNS SYNDROME
15.AMOEBA                           15.BLACK MOLD                     15.CLEFT LIP                  15.DROPSY
16.AMPUTATION                    16.BLACK PLAGUE                  16.CLOTS                       16.DUPUYTREN'S
17.                                       17.BLIND                              17.CLUB FOOT                 17.DWARFism
18.ANDROPAUSE                   18.BLOOD PLATLET Stickiness 18.COLIC                        18.DYSLEXIA
19.ANEMIA                           19.BONES                              19.COLON Problem           19.DYSTONIA
20.ANGINA                           20.BRAIN problems                 20.COMA                           
21.ANTHRAX                         21.BRAIN ANEURISM               21.COMMON Cold Virus     01.ELBOA Virus
22.ANTHROPOLOGICAL ECHO 22.BRAIN CANCER                  22.CONSTIPATION            02.ELBOW Problems
24.ANTIBODIES ANTIGENS    24.BREAST CANCER                24.CORONARY Angioplasty 04.EMFs
25.APNEA                             25.BRAIN INJURY                   25.CROHNs Disease           05.EMOTIONAL Problems
26.APPENDICITIS                 26.BREAST FEED                     26.CURVATURE of SPINE    06.EMPHYSEMA
27.APPENDIX                       27.BRUISE                              27.CUSHINGS Syndrome    07.ENCEPHALITIS
28.ARRYTHMIA                     28.BURNs                               28.CYSTIC FIBROSIS          08.ENDOMETRIOSIS
29.ARTERIO-SCLEROSIS                                                    29.CYSTIC Hygroma            09.ENVIRONMENTAL Disease
30.ARTHRITIS                                                                   30.CYSTIC HYGROMAs        10.EPILEPSY
31.ASBESTOSIS                                                                31.CYSTITIS                      11.ERECTILE Dysfunction
32.ASPERGER                                                                                                            12.EUGENICS
33.ASTHMA                                                                                                               13.EXERCISE
34.ATHLETE'S FOOT                                                                                                   14.EYE DISEASE
35.ATRIAL FIBRILLATION                                                                                         
37.AUTO-IMMUNE DISEASE                             
01.FACE LIFT                   01.GALL Sstones        01.HAIR LOSS                01.IMMUNITY decline or deficiency  
02.FATIGUE                     02.GAUCHER Disease 02.HANDS                      02.IMPOTENCY 
03.FEEDING Problems      03.GENDER Problems  03.HAY FEVER                03.INSECTISIDES 
04.FEMALE Problems        04.GENETIC Disease   04.HEAD TRAUMA           04.INCEST 
05.FERMENTED Food        05.GMO Food              05.HEADaches Migraines 05.INCONTINENCE
06.FEVER                        06.GERD                    06.HEARING                   06.INDIGESTION
07.FIBROID TUMORS       07.GI Problems           07.HEART Disease           07.INFERTILITY or Sterility
08.FIBROMYALGIA           08.GIANT                   08.HEARTBURN               08.INFLAMMATION
09.FISTULA                     09.GINGIVITIS           09.HEAT STROKE             09.INSECT BITE
10.FLATULENCE              10.GLAUCOMA            10.HEMOPHILIA               10.INSECTISIDES                      
11.FLU virus                   11.GLUTEN                 11.HEMORRHOIDS           11.IRRADIATION 
12.Food SCIENCE            12.GANGRENE            12.HEPATITIS A B C         12.IRREGULAR HEARTBEAT atrial arrhythmia
13.FOOD DANGERS         13.GOITER                 13.HERPES                      13.IBS
14.Food 4 THOUGHT        14.GOUT                    14.HIGH BLOOD Pressure 
15.FOOT Problem                                             15.HIP                             01.JOINTS
16.FRACTURES                                                 16.HISTAMINE                 02.JOUBERT Snydrome 
17.FRECKLES                                                   17.HIV                               
18.FUNCTIONAL medicine                                 18.HODGKINS                  01.KIDNEY Disease 
19.FUNGUS                                                      19.HOMOCYSTEINE          02.KIDNEY Stones
                                                                       20.HRT                           03.KOSHER
                                                                       22.HUNCH BACK              
                                                                       24.HYPER KINESIS             

01.LEAD.                           01.NAILS                              01.PAIN                            01.SALT Sodium      
03.LEUKEMIA                     03.NAVEL                             03.PARALYSIS                    03.SCLERODERMA         
04.LICE                             04.NDE OBE                          04.PARASITES                   04.SCOLIOSIS 
06.LIPs MOUTH                  06.NEURITIS                         06.PCOS                            06.SCID Immune Deficiency 
07.LIVER                           07.NOSE Problems                 07.PDD                              07.SexTD VD
08.LOCK JAW                        .                                       08.PELLAGRA                     08.SHINGLES 
09.LOW BLOOD Pressure     01.OBESITY                          09.Pelvic Organ PROLAPSE  09.SHORT Stature 
10.LUNGS                          02.OFFENSIVE ODORS           10.PESTICIDE Problems      10.SHOULDER Problems
11.LUPUS                           03.OLFACTORY                     11.PETs too                        11.SICKLE CELL ANEMIA 
12.LYME disease                 04.ORGAN Transplant            12.PHARMACIA                   12.SIDS 
13.LYSOSOMAL                   05.ORGANIC                        13.PICA                              13.SINUS 
                                         06.ORTHOmolecular Med       14.PITUITARY                     14.SIRENOMELIA Mermaid 
01.MAD COW disease          07.OSTEO Arthritis                15.PKU                              15.SKIN Cancer 
02.MALARIA                       08.OSTEO PENIA                   16.PLACENTA Previa            16.SKIN Disease
03. MALNUTRITION             09.OSTEO POROSIS              17.PLAGUE                          17.SKIN Disorder 
04.MARFAN                        10.OSTEO Myelitis                 18.PMS                               18.SMA 
05.MEASLES                       11.OSTEOnecrosis of Jaw       19.PNEUMONIA                   19.SMALL POX
06.MEDical ALERT               12.OVARIAN CANCER             20.POISON                         20.SMOKING Addiction
07.MEDICINAL Mushroom       .                                       21.POLIO                            21.SPEECH Problems 
08.MENINGITIS Bacteria      01.RABIES                            22.POMPE                           22.SPINA BIFIDA        
09.MENINGOCOCCEMIA       02.RADIATION Issues            23.POX                               23.SPINE Problems
10.MERCURY Poison             03.RADIO Active Dyes           24.PRE-ECLAMPSIA              24.SPONDYLOSIS Spondilitis     
11.MESOTHELIOMA              04.RARE DISEASES               25.Premature DEATH            25.STEM CELLS
12.METALLIC Taste              05.RESURRECTion                 26.Premature BIRTH.            26.STEROID Dependency 
13.MICRO CHIP                   06.REYE's Syndrome              27.PRION Diseases              27.STEROID Side Effects 
15. MISCARRIAGE                07.RAYNAUD                        28.PROBIOTICS                   28.STIGMATA 
16.MISCELLANEOUS Info      08.RHEUMATIC FEVER           29.PROSTATE CANCER         29.STOMACH Problems 
17.MISCL Publications          09.RHEUMATISM                   30.PROSTHESIS                  30.STROKES Blood Clots 
18.MORGELLONS Disease     10.RHINITIS                         31.PSEUDO ARTHROSIS       31.SUICIDE
19.MORNING SICKNESS       11.RICKETS                          32.PYROLURIA.                   32.SUNBURN 
20.MOTION Sickness            12.RIVER BLINDNESS              .(R's to LEFT)                   33.SUNlight Vitamin D 
21.MTHFR gene mutation         .                                                 .                              34.SUPER BUGS 
22. MULTIPLE Remedies          .                                                 .                              35.SYNESTHESIA
23.MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS        .                                                 .                                       .
24.MUSCLE Maladies               .                                                 .                                       . 
25.MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY      .                                                 .                                       .
26.MYASTHENIA Gravis           .                                                 .                                       .  
.                                           .                                                  .                                       . 
01.TEETHING Problems   01.ULCERS                      01.WALKING Problems    . 
02.TENDINITIS              02.Unique RECIPIES         02.WARNINGS                . 
03.THERAPEUTICS         03.URIC Acid                    03.WARTS                      . 
04.THROAT Problems     04.URINARY Infection        04.WATER Issues            . 
05.THYROID                  05.UTERUS Problem          05.WEST NILE VIRUS      . 
06.TICKS                         .                                   06.WILSON's Disease      . 
07.TONGUE Problems     07.VACCINE Issues           .                                    . 
08. TOUCH Problems      08.VAGINA Infection         01.YEAST Infection          . 
09.TRICHOTILLO Mania  09.VARICOSE VEINS            .                                  . 
10.TRIGLYCERIDES       10.VEGETABLE Diet Deficit    .                                  . 
11.TROPICAL Disease    11.VEGETATIVE State           .                                  . 
12.TB                           12.VIBRATION Frequency      .                                  . 
13.TUMOR                    13.VIRUS                             .                                  . 
.                                  14.VISION                           .                                  . 
.                                  15.VITAMINS                       .                                  . .


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